Nancy Pelosi Calls for Investigation of the Groups Targeting Planned Parenthood

Fighting back against the lies
Politics • Views: 59,516

Finally, Democrats are pushing back against the evil lies about Planned Parenthood being spread by right wing groups like Operation Rescue and the Orwellian “Center for Medical Progress:” Pelosi Urges DOJ Probe Into Group Targeting Planned Parenthood.

“Let’s have an investigation of those people who were trying to ensnare Planned Parenthood in a controversy that doesn’t exist,” Pelosi said Thursday in her first public remarks about Planned Parenthood since the first undercover video surfaced last week.


“Planned Parenthood has said that they have done nothing illegal,” she said. “They do not ever charge, which would be illegal, for fetal tissue. They have only defrayed the cost of mailing that to someone, which is not breaking the law.”

She also criticized the selectively edited videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, pointing to the “disparities” between actual film and edited versions.


She said government investigators should, instead, focus on the legality of the Center for Medical Progress’s political activity, backing an effort by several House Democrats who have called for a Department of Justice probe.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday that she would review “all information” available before deciding to launch a full investigation.

UPDATE at 7/23/15 10:52:41 am by Charles Johnson

Meanwhile, the Republican Party’s top politicians are gladly helping promote this vile dishonest smear campaign.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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