Chuck C. Johnson Fails Again - Attacks “Washington Post Writer” Who Hasn’t Worked There for 7 Years

He hasn’t been around much lately, but he hasn’t gotten any better at this
Weird • Views: 75,826
Cyberstalker Chuck Johnson poses outside an apartment where I used to live

We haven’t written about cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson in quite a while, because after being permanently banned from Twitter he’s dropped off the radar and is slowly circling the drain, aside from occasional angry rants at the horrible white nationalist site Takimag.

But since Johnson has long been obsessed with other people’s sexual habits (in a very creepy way), he’s apparently been searching through the hacked Ashley Madison databases looking for dirt on the people he really hates — and he has a serious vendetta going against the Washington Post these days.

So in the usual Chuck C. Johnson style, he’s just posted something at his awful blog; he thinks he got the goods on a real Washington Post journalist! And it’s BREAKING! Boy, is it ever breaking. In fact, it’s broken: BREAKING: Pulitzer-Prize Winning Washington Post Critic IDed in #AshleyMadison Hack.

GotNews has IDed yet another Washington Post employee in the Ashley Madison hack: Stephen Hunter, a Pulitzer-prize winning film columnist.

Unlike Dan Steinberg, Hunter used the service for six months in 2011, according to data released by the hacker group.

Stephen Hunter is the film critic for the Washington Post. He previously wrote for the Baltimore Sun. He’s got a new book out, too.

He’s also written over eighteen novels and is a best-selling novelist. One of his novels was even made into a movie starring Mark Walhberg, Shooter. In 2003 Hunter won the Pulitzer Prize for film criticism.

OK, first — Hunter is a novelist. He may very well have registered with Ashley Madison as part of his research for something he was writing. Who knows, and really — who cares?

But the real face-plant in Johnson’s idiotic post: Stephen Hunter took a buyout and retired from the Washington Post more than seven years ago in May, 2008.

Good work, Chuck. You’ve failed massively, once again, trying to smear someone.

Chuck ends his fail post with this:

We reached out to Hunter at his Washington Post email address-the same address he used to register for Ashley Madison.

Yes, well… since he hasn’t worked there for 7 years, you may be waiting a little while for a reply, Chuck. Like, forever.

UPDATE at 8/23/15 7:08:34 am by Charles Johnson

Johnson has now edited his post without indicating it, and without adding a retraction or correction. It now reads:

Unlike Dan Steinberg, Hunter used the service for six months in 2011, according to data released by the hacker group. He reportedly took a buy out in 2008 but the email address was still in service.

Stephen Hunter was the film critic for the Washington Post. He previously wrote for the Baltimore Sun. He’s got a new book out, too.

Instead of acknowledging his fail, Johnson added this to the end of the post:

Welcome, lesser Charles Johnson readers!

Just some more of that award winning right wing journalism!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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