Long Beach City College Professor Applauds Terror Attack on Planned Parenthood

Right wing blogger/professor openly praises anti-choice terrorism
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Dr. Donald Douglas is a professor, employed by California’s Long Beach City College in their Department of Political Science:

Donald Kent Douglas joined the Department of Political Science at Long Beach City College in Fall 2000. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his B.A. from the California State University, Fresno. He teaches Introduction to American Government, Comparative Government, and World Politics at LBCC and is active in a number of college service committees on campus. In addition to his teaching and research in political science, Dr. Douglas enjoys hiking, walks on the beach, and reading works of historical fiction and international intrigue. He is married with two sons.

And tonight at his “American Power” blog, Professor Douglas is openly applauding a terror attack on a Planned Parenthood office in Washington.

American Power: Planned Parenthood in Pullman, Washington, Hit by Arson Attack (VIDEO)

This is not good, especially if anyone was hurt, but if it prevents Planned Parenthood from killing more babies, then I’m not going to sweat it.

Some people are going to meet leftist terrorism with more terror. Yep, I said it: Planned Parenthood deserves to be scared.

A screenshot, in case Prof. Douglas deletes it:

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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