Right Wing Blogger Steven Crowder Backs Up Carly Fiorina’s Planned Parenthood Lies by Lying Some More

Politics • Views: 64,123

As we wrote in the previous post, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina blatantly lied in last night’s debate about a gory scene in one of those deceptively edited Planned Parenthood “sting” videos; she described this imaginary scene like this:

“A fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”

This scene does not appear in any of the videos circulated by the right wing hatchet men of the Center for Medical Progress. But now, right wing bloggers and pundits are trying to shore up Fiorina’s lies by circulating this image from one of the videos (I’m hiding this tweet by default because the photo he links to is gory and disturbing):

Crowder says, “Trigger warning: truth exposed.”

But in fact, this is yet another lie. These people are absolutely shameless.

The video posted by the Center for Medical Progress does not show an “aborted fetus” at all. They used a picture of a baby that miscarried and was stillborn at 19 weeks; here’s the article it comes from, at the Daily Mail. (Their edited video also contains a clip showing a fetus on an examining table, taken from the far right “Grantham Collection” with no information about where it comes from or what it actually shows, although it’s clearly unrelated to the woman in the video.)

So now these evil fuckers are exploiting pain and tragedy to spread their lies. Note that when this deceptive ploy was revealed last month, the Center for Medical Progress was forced to update the description of their video at YouTube; it now contains this note at the top:

Image of Walter Fretz, born prematurely at 19 weeks, from dailymail.co.uk

So even though the Center for Medical Progress themselves have come clean about this misleading image, right wing propagandists like Steven Crowder continue to use the disturbing photo to hoodwink gullible people.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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