Trump: Mass Killers Are “Geniuses,” We Can’t Do Anything to Stop Them

But a giant wall will stop those Mexicans
Politics • Views: 47,551

Donald Trump constantly promises to build a huge, beautiful wall on America’s southern border that will be infallible at preventing Mexican “rapists and criminals” from entering the US. There’s absolutely no way these illegal aliens will be able to figure out how to get around his gigantic 1500-mile beautiful wall, nope, no sir.

But mass killers? Well, they’re geniuses, you see, and there’s absolutely no way to stop them from getting around any safeguards we put in place, no matter what we do.

“No matter what you do, you’re gonna have problems,” Trump told NBC News in an interview that aired Sunday. “Because you have sick people. They happen to be intelligent. And, you know, they can be sick as hell and they’re geniuses in a certain way. They are going to be able to break the system.”

Determined killers, Trump continued, are still “gonna be able to get into a school or get into something.”

“It’s a horrible thing to say,” he added. “And it’s not even politically correct. But it’s common sense. You’re going to have problems no matter how good, no matter what kind of checks you do, you know, what kind of laws.”

No matter what we do! And especially not laws restricting access to guns. No way that would ever work.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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