Fox’s Dr. Keith Ablow’s Grotesque Victim-Blaming: Jews “Surrendered” to the Holocaust

There’s a real sickness in the right wing
Politics • Views: 47,402

Ben Carson has really been on a roll this week, coming out with one stupid or offensive statement after another. He seems to trying his best to out-dumb Donald Trump.

But perhaps the most offensive craziness he spouted was his suggestion that Nazi Germany was able to perpetrate the Holocaust because they took away the Jews’ guns. Carson was repeating a common right wing talking point; one of the bogus arguments they use to oppose any sort of gun control.

First, let’s get one thing out of the way: this isn’t even close to being historically accurate. This talking point isn’t just offensive, it’s completely false.

But the usual right wing reaction when one of their current heroes like Ben Carson emits insanity is to defend them by doubling down and refusing to acknowledge reality or facts, and today we find a post at Fox News by their absurdly counter-factual “psychologist,” Dr. Keith Ablow, doing just that. In fact, Ablow takes it a step further into outright victim-blaming, saying German Jews brought the Holocaust on themselves by “surrendering their guns” to the Nazis.

This grotesque screed is titled: Why Ben Carson Is Right About Jews, the Holocaust and Guns.

The mindset that Jews surrendered with their guns is far more important than the hardware they turned over: They surrendered the demonstrated intention, at all costs, to resist being deprived of liberty. If Jews in Germany had more actively resisted the Nazi party or the Nazi regime and had diagnosed it as a malignant and deadly cancer from the start, there would, indeed, have been a chance for the people of that country and the world to be moved to action by their bold refusal to be enslaved.

I thought I’d seen the worst examples of right wing victim-blaming before, but this is definitely a new low, for Fox News and for Ablow.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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