Right Wing Site IJReview Complains About Attacks on Carson’s Wife, While Commenters Spew Hatred at Michelle Obama

A complete lack of self-awareness
Politics • Views: 61,974

Right wing “news” site Independent Journal is complaining tonight that anonymous people are being mean to Ben Carson’s wife Candy on the Internet: A Cruel ‘Joke’ About Mrs. Carson Is Making the Rounds… and Not Everyone Is Laughing.

The comments about Carson’s wife’s looks are absolutely not cool, and I will not defend them at all. People who make “memes” like this suck.

However… what these right wingers are complaining about is not even in the same galaxy as the horrendous racist garbage that right wing bloggers and commenters have been spewing at First Lady Michelle Obama for six years.

We’ve documented a lot of this stuff at LGF. But all you have to do to see this incredibly ugly mindset at work is read the comments for this very article at Independent Journal, where the racism and sexism are totally out of control and nobody is moderating any of it.

Some samples from more than 600 comments; all of these comments are referring to Michelle Obama and more than a few are openly racist:

I also bet there are never going to be questions about whether or not Candy is actually a woman.


Candace Weeks t would be nice to HAVE a first lady. What we have now is a first tranny.


She still is ugly as the south end of a north bound baboon.


you made a mistake by calling Michelle a lady it is a man name Michael.


Michelle Obama is ugly inside and out


Has anyone forgotten what Moochelle looked like in 2007??? She has had ALOT OF WORK DONE.


She’s still looks like a baboon and dresses like a slut


she looks like a dude in drag.


I find Candy Carson to be a much more beautiful and genuinely kind and caring person than Michelle Obama! Besides, a woman who loves God has an inner beauty that is far more beautiful than an ungodly and evil woman! All the latest designer clothes, perfectly coiffed hair and professional makeup can’t hide evil, it always shows itself eventually!


Even though I am an attractive man, I married a woman who was less physically appealing. She was the best thing to happen in my life, by far. I am sure Mrs. Carson is by far a supierior woman than Michelle. It might be because of whom they both hang with.


Michelle is a classless American hateing cow that was so dishonest she had to give up her law licence before she was disbarred She has done everything in her power to help her illegal husband bring down this country and turn it into another Kenya and liberals have the nerve to talk about Mrs.Carsons looks an cloths good luck with that


I still think Michelle Obama is a man!


Me too! I always have, she is so masculine!


WHEN did Mr.Ed o’vomit become a beautiful woman ? The First Lady looks like the First HORSE Lady !!!!!!!! I can just hear here whinning……Ohhhhhhhh Wilbur ( I mean o’vomit )!!!!


Michelle obozo= FUGLY.


Moochelle looks like a bag of smashed ass holes. Probably smells about the same too.

There are hundreds more comments like these. It’s a hate orgy in there. As I’ve said many times, this is the right wing business model.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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