Jim Hoft, Stupidest Man on the Internet, Beclowns Himself Yet Again; Thinks C-SPAN Has Gone Birther

Hoft really should read his own links
Wingnuts • Views: 67,418

Yes, folks, the flat-out stupidest man to ever use the Internet to spread right wing idiocy, Jim Hoft, has posted yet another Birther rant about President Obama, and once again he has thoroughly beclowned himself by getting the facts completely wrong and jumping to an amazingly stupid false conclusion even though the reality is right there in front of him.

Hoft thinks C-SPAN is going Birther just like him! C-SPAN Goes There - Asks Question: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim? (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit.

CSPAN goes there, asks question: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?

Pay attention to when he uses the word “we”…


Earlier this week Barack Obama spoke to G20 members in Antalya, Turkey about the Muslim issue.

Obama said this:

“I think on the one hand, non-Muslims cannot stereotype. But I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being infected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people and that is justified…”

C-Span wants to know if Obama admitted he was Muslim. It sure sounds like it.

The really hilarious part of this foot-shot is that Hoft, in his screenshot, actually included the paragraph that demonstrates his own stupidity. Quote:

Video Library clips and descriptions are created by MyC-SPAN users, and are not the editorial selections of C-SPAN.

That’s right. This page and video clip were created by a C-SPAN user who’s obviously a Birther, and C-SPAN explicitly says, right there on the page big as life, that it doesn’t represent their editorial views. So … no, C-SPAN didn’t “go there,” and they don’t “want to know if Obama admitted he was Muslim.”

Keep up the excellent inadvertent comedy work, Jim!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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