Fox News Suspends Two Commentators for Crude Anti-Obama Rhetoric On-Air

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The only difference between what Peters and Dash said and Fox News’ normal fare is the crude language. In every other respect, this is absolutely standard Fox News rhetoric: Fox News suspends two commentators for profanity while criticizing Obama.

It’s just one more indicator of how debased and extreme the right wing media have become. They suspend these two, but it’s wink-wink nudge-nudge when Fox commentator Eric Bolling makes blatantly racist comments like, “Obama’s chugging 40s” and “inviting hoods to the hizzouse.”

Ralph Peters, a Fox News “strategic analyst,” called the president a “total pu—-” who “doesn’t want to hurt our enemies.”

A couple of hours later Stacey Dash, a Fox contributor, said the president “didn’t give a sh—” about Sunday night’s terrorism speech.

“Earlier today, Fox contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air,” Fox senior executive vice president Bill Shine said.

“Fox Business Network and Fox News Channel do not condone the use of such language, and have suspended both Peters and Dash for two weeks,” he said.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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