Texas Gun Lovers to Stage Mock “Mass Shooting” at UT

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Gun loving groups in Austin, Texas, have hit on a fabulous idea to promote their cause (said cause being the idea that everyone should be heavily armed at all times): they’re going to stage a fake mass shooting at the University of Texas.

They’ll be using actors with cardboard weapons, because that’s the only way to simulate a mass shooting that doesn’t end up with a lot of people dead. This way, nobody dies except the bad guy, and the good guys with guns save the day! Total fantasy-land.

Gun rights groups say they will conduct a mock mass shooting this weekend at the University of Texas campus as they try to end gun-free zones.

The Open Carry Walk and Crisis Performance Event will involve actors “shot” by perpetrators armed with cardboard weapons, said Matthew Short, a spokesman for the gun rights groups Come and Take It Texas and dontcomply.com.

“It’s a fake mass shooting, and we’ll use fake blood,” he said. He said gun noises will be blared from bullhorns. Other people will then play the role of rescuers, also armed with cardboard weapons.


Asked if he was worried the demonstration, which will be preceded by a walk through Austin with loaded weapons might appear in bad taste following the mass shootings in San Bernardino and Paris, Short said: “Not at all. People were able to be murdered people because no one was armed.”

Of course they aren’t worried this will make them look like insensitive whack jobs, because they’re insensitive whack jobs.

UPDATE at 12/9/15 10:58:15 am by Charles Johnson

By the way, here’s what really happened when ABC News conducted a controlled study of a mass shooting situation in a classroom full of people with concealed carry permits.


(h/t: lawhawk.)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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