Video: Dana Loesch’s Unhinged, Totally Wrong Rant About the SB Terrorists and Social Media

Wingnuts • Views: 49,620


As the news comes out that the San Bernardino terrorists never posted any public messages about jihad on social media, here’s another embarrassing right wing fail — as Dana Loesch emotes crazily on Glenn Beck’s The Blaze, saying Tashfeen Malik was “ranting on social media for years about her jihadi fetish.”

Uh, nope, she wasn’t: Dana Loesch Melts Down: The ‘Tragedy Dry-Humping Whores’ On ‘The Godless Left’ Have Blood On Their Hands.

“Here’s an idea,” she said, “how about you guys stop letting terrorists in … because you all have blood on your hands right now.”

“It wasn’t the NRA that made the rule that said we’re not allowed to look at the social media activity of people who are unvetted and coming from hotbed areas of terrorism like Tashfeen Malik,” Loesch continued. “I don’t know if people missed Government 101 and how all of this works, but that was actually Jeh Johnson and the Department of Homeland Security.”

“It was that rule, that very rule, that allowed inside these United States, fiancée Pakistani Visa applicant Tashfeen Malilk, who, by the way, was ranting on social media for years about her jihadi fetish,” Loesch fumed. “She was fetishizing jihadism online but because Jeh Johnson was so obsessed with political correctness and so obsessed with optics — which I’m sure is going to be of great comfort to the 14 families who lost people in San Bernardino that day — I’m sure they’ll find great comfort in the fact that Jeh Johnson did all he could to make sure that DHS was beyond reproach in terms of politically correct optics.”

“I also have a major problem with all these tragedy dry-humping whores,” she ranted, “and I’m not watching my language because it’s about time somebody call you out for what you are. You sicken me.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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