And Now, the Chuck C. Johnson Fire Sale! Anybody Want to Buy Chuck’s “Fake Rape” Domain Names?

And he’s stalking Twitter headquarters again
Weird • Views: 55,649

Last May we exposed Chuck C. “Rage Furby” Johnson’s apparent plan to @ChuckCJohnson_Planning_to_Monetize_His_Obsession_With_Rape">monetize his obsession with rape, pointing out that the Rage Furby had registered the domain names and while he was in the midst of using Twitter to attack several women who reported being sexually assaulted. Chuck speculated openly on Twitter about starting a website to extort money from people by threatening to share personal information about them; here are the now-deleted tweets:

Now that Chuck is involved in a couple of extremely ill-advised legal actions and needs some quick cash, he’s finally openly admitting he owns these sick misogynist domain names and asking his Facebook followers if anyone wants to buy them from him.

One of the Twitter accounts Chuck created after being permanently banned from Twitter was @fakerape, and these domain names were apparently intended to be linked to that account. This, folks, is how he earned the title of one of the most despised people on the Internet.

In other Rage Furby news, last June we posted about Chuck stalking the headquarters of Twitter in San Francisco after being permanently banned: And Now, Chuck Johnson Is Stalking the Offices of Twitter in San Francisco.

Well, Chuck’s back in San Francisco and he’s hanging around Twitter HQ again like a jilted boyfriend stalking the girl who dumped him. He posted this photo to his Facebook page today:

I hope Twitter’s security people are aware that he’s doing this.


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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