Ted Cruz Gets the Birther Treatment From His Own Party

Sheer poetry
Politics • Views: 48,984


After more than 8 years of right wing Birther insanity, it’s difficult to express my sense of absolute poetic justice to see conservatives beginning to rip one of their own leading presidential candidates to shreds over the very same stupid issue. And now John McCain is joining the chorus, saying he “doesn’t know” if Ted Cruz is eligible to be president.

Rand Paul is also climbing on this absurd bandwagon, saying Cruz is eligible to be “prime minister of Canada.” Sick burn! Rand had previously said he had no doubt Cruz was eligible to be POTUS and wouldn’t do what he’s now doing, which is pretty much par for the Republican course.

And Ann Coulter, whose star has seriously faded on the far right lately, chimes in as well:

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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