Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Inadvertently Admits Texas Law Intended to Limit Abortion

They weren’t fooling anybody anyway
US News • Views: 56,089

Texas Governor Greg Abbott frequently tweets links to the Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim “Gateway Pundit” Hoft, so that should give you a clue about his depth of intellect. And today, reacting to the SCOTUS Whole Women’s Health decision striking down Texas’ anti-choice TRAP law, Abbott inadvertently let slip the true agenda.

After the Supreme Court on Monday struck down his state’s law that would have shuttered dozens of abortion clinics, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) condemned the decision by arguing that it jeopardizes the state’s objective “to protect innocent life.”

“The decision erodes States’ lawmaking authority to safeguard the health and safety of women and subjects more innocent life to being lost,” he said in a press release. “Texas’ goal is to protect innocent life, while ensuring the highest health and safety standards for women.”

The Supreme Court made it clear in their ruling that they weren’t buying the transparent excuse that this law was intended to “protect women’s health.” The cat’s out of the bag, conservatives. Dozens of other states with similar laws are about to find out that Republican lies have consequences.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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