Trump Now Openly Pandering to Antisemites, Tweets Star of David in Attack on Clinton

Attack on Hillary Clinton uses overtly antisemitic imagery
Politics • Views: 52,788

By now everyone should be aware that the Donald Trump campaign is pandering to white supremacists, neo-Nazis, racists and antisemites; if you look at the replies to every tweet from Trump, they’re overflowing with ugly comments from these vile creatures. His message is clearly connecting with the most hate-filled elements of American society.

This morning Trump tweeted an attack on Hillary Clinton with blatant antisemitic imagery; a picture of Clinton superimposed on a pile of money with the words “most corrupt candidate ever” written inside a six-pointed star — obviously intended to evoke the Jewish Star of David.

Here’s a screenshot of the original tweet from The Verge:

Two hours later, after an outcry on Twitter, Trump deleted the tweet and replaced it with a modified graphic (if you look closely, you can still see the upper right and bottom points of the star poking out of the red circle):

But not before his original Star of David image reached its intended audience, as documented by journalist Max Fisher:

Journalist Dana Schwartz also heard from Trump’s followers after his tweet:

You might think this was just an accident, a six-pointed star chosen by coincidence, except there have been way too many of these “coincidences” in the Trump campaign. A few examples:


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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