Once Again, Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Link to Alex Jones Conspiracy Theory

The whole family is deranged
Politics • Views: 44,832

He was last seen at LGF when he retweeted notorious antisemitic white supremacist Kevin MacDonald, and before that when he gave an interview to a white supremacist radio show and subsequently invited the host of that show to the Republican Convention.

And today the son of the Republican Party’s nominee for president, Donald Trump Jr., tweeted a link to the website of Alex Jones, the 9/11 Truther and conspiracy-monger who believes the Sandy Hook shootings were a “false flag” hoax. This time Jones is pushing a ridiculous conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was wearing an “inductive earpiece” during last night’s forum.

This isn’t the first time Trump Jr. has tweeted a link to Alex Jones; in July he helped Jones spread a conspiracy theory that the Democratic Party paid “seat fillers” at the Democratic Convention to avoid “the optics of a half-empty convention.”

Donald Trump himself has appeared on the Alex Jones show, of course, and his adviser Roger Stone is a very frequent guest. I still find it appalling and hard to believe that people who are connected to this kind of bizarre and dangerous nonsense are even close to being in charge of the country.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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