Once Again, Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Link to Alex Jones Conspiracy Theory

The whole family is deranged
Politics • Views: 44,811

He was last seen at LGF when he retweeted notorious antisemitic white supremacist Kevin MacDonald, and before that when he gave an interview to a white supremacist radio show and subsequently invited the host of that show to the Republican Convention.

And today the son of the Republican Party’s nominee for president, Donald Trump Jr., tweeted a link to the website of Alex Jones, the 9/11 Truther and conspiracy-monger who believes the Sandy Hook shootings were a “false flag” hoax. This time Jones is pushing a ridiculous conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was wearing an “inductive earpiece” during last night’s forum.

This isn’t the first time Trump Jr. has tweeted a link to Alex Jones; in July he helped Jones spread a conspiracy theory that the Democratic Party paid “seat fillers” at the Democratic Convention to avoid “the optics of a half-empty convention.”

Donald Trump himself has appeared on the Alex Jones show, of course, and his adviser Roger Stone is a very frequent guest. I still find it appalling and hard to believe that people who are connected to this kind of bizarre and dangerous nonsense are even close to being in charge of the country.

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Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:08:57am

You totally screw the pooch on your first big head-to-head with a vastly more prepared opponent, so what do you do? Right, you spread a rumor generated by a conspiracy theorist whackjob to claim your opponent needs to be coached on what to say and thus it wasn’t a “fair” debate.

Anymouse  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:09:56am

West Point coach alleged to have asked the football team post-game to lead a team prayer.


The Military Religious Freedom Foundation says it received complaints from several West Point staffers, players, and alumni of the military college after it posted the prayer on its Website and social media.

The video appeared to show the team coach telling someone to lead the team in prayer after its win in its latest game.

West Point removed the video, noting that “a third party” made a complaint.

KGxvi  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:10:11am

re: #1 Targetpractice

You totally screw the pooch on your first big head-to-head with a vastly more prepared opponent, so what do you do? Right, you spread a rumor generated by a conspiracy theorist whackjob to claim your opponent needs to be coached on what to say and thus it wasn’t a “fair” debate.

Given Trump’s answers (or at least what I’ve seen floating around this morning), of the three people on stage last night, two of them needed coaching.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:13:54am

re: #1 Targetpractice

You totally screw the pooch on your first big head-to-head with a vastly more prepared opponent, so what do you do? Right, you spread a rumor generated by a conspiracy theorist whackjob to claim your opponent needs to be coached on what to say and thus it wasn’t a “fair” debate.

Trump does often seem to accuse his opponent of the very thing he plans or wants to do.

b.d.  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:14:01am


KGxvi  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:14:02am

re: #2 Anymouse

West Point coach alleged to have asked the football team post-game to lead a team prayer.


The Military Religious Freedom Foundation says it received complaints from several West Point staffers, players, and alumni of the military college after it posted the prayer on its Website and social media.

The video appeared to show the team coach telling someone to lead the team in prayer after its win in its latest game.

West Point removed the video, noting that “a third party” made a complaint.

Football seems prone to this sort of “unofficial, unorganized” (but you know, not really) prayer situation. I saw the same thing on almost every episode of Last Chance U (Netflix docu-series about a JC football program in Mississippi, really worth watching).

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:15:27am

Pointing out that Jones is a conspiratorial nut job on Twitter of course brings out the Jones/Trump convergence nuts who think that they’re the ones who know the truth, and everyone else is buying the govt line.

This, as Charles notes, is the same Jones who pushes 9/11 conspiracies (any and all manner of nonsense, from inside job to 7wtc to worse) and an assortment of other nonsensical ravings like Sandy Hook didn’t happen but was a bunch of “crisis” actors.

These are the people who used to yell on street corners that the world was coming to an end, or wrote screeds in their basements and only their parents or kids knew just how mentally ill they truly were. Now, they get an audience on Twitter and online generally, and now with Trump and Drudge mainstreaming this nonsense, millions get to “buy in” to the bullshit.

Trump dishonors the memories of those killed on 9/11 by associating with Jones. Jones isn’t just asking questions. He’s peddling easily disprovable bunk.

Single-handed sailor  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:18:25am

Earpiece you say. You mean like this one?

I got your earpiece right here!
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:19:13am
Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:20:30am


Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:21:54am

Didn’t he just brag that he got this guy fired and used it as a successful trip?!?

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:22:12am

re: #10 Jenner7

Charles Johnson  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:23:53am
Kilroy01  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:24:30am

Hillary’s left ear last night, naked.

At 20.50 of this video.

Hillary Clinton Participates In Commander-In-Chief Forum (Full) | NBC News

This is the stupidest nontravery I’ve seen.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:25:09am

re: #13 Charles Johnson

Trump seems to be the candidate most like Joker. He wants to watch the world burn.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:25:13am

In Trump’s world, it’s only going well if somebody gets fired.

Charles Johnson  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:25:35am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:26:25am

re: #14 Kilroy01

Hillary’s left ear last night, naked.

[Embedded content]

At 20.50 of this video.

[Embedded content]

This is the stupidest nontravery I’ve seen.

I disagree—it’s very carefully planned. When Trump wears an earpiece during the debates, nobody will blink now.

Dr Lizardo  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:27:03am

re: #8 Single-handed sailor

Is it an actual earpiece for receiving info, or is it a hearing aid?

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:27:47am

15 years ago this would never have worked.

But now with the power of social media, the relentlessness and vicousness of the 24 hour news cycle and the erosion of the credibility and efficiency of the American media a totally bogus conspiracy theory can become totally mainstream to the point of shifting polls and impacting the race for President of the United States.

Brave new fucking world, isn’t it?

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:28:12am

So, in less than 24 hours, Trump went from “Our Mexico trip went so well that a guy got fired over it!” to “A guy got fired over our trip, showing you how fucked up Mexico is!”

Following Trump’s train of thought leaves one in very serious danger of regularly suffering from whiplash.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:28:13am
wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:28:57am

re: #19 Dr Lizardo

Is it an actual earpiece for receiving info, or is it a hearing aid?

It’s Alex Jones’s speaker.

Single-handed sailor  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:29:20am

re: #19 Dr Lizardo

Is it an actual earpiece for receiving info, or is it a hearing aid?

No idea, I saw a tweet with that picture earlier in the week asking if somebody was feeding him answers. I did a GIS for ‘Trump earpiece’ and found it.

Bubblehead II  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:29:25am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:29:45am

re: #23 wrenchwench

It’s Alex Jones’s speaker.

It’s to communicate with the Lizardoid Mother Ship.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:30:03am

re: #25 Bubblehead II

The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:30:07am

re: #22 Jenner7

Trump’s lying for today

[Embedded content]

He’s speaking at a charter school, promising them all teh GUBMIT MONEYS after he abolishes the Department of Education and shuts down all the public schools.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:30:40am

re: #26 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

It’s to communicate with the Lizardoid Mother Ship.

One-way, of course. They don’t want to hear from him.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:30:49am

re: #17 Charles Johnson



Point taken Charles, but, in my defense, I would like to say the most of my LGF browsing is via my iPhone on which I purposely do NOT use an adblocker. The only reason I use it on this desktop machine is because the site grinds to a halt if I don’t (I know, I’m in need of a new machine. My goal is to take care of that next year).

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:30:54am

re: #18 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I disagree—it’s very carefully planned. When Trump wears an earpiece during the debates, nobody will blink now.

It allows for the MBF, like responding to her speech on his White Nationalist campaigning by nonsensically calling HER a bigot, even though he couldn’t even come close to explaining how that made any sense - “Her policies don’t work!” Next thing you know, lazy Journos are saying “Trump and Clinton trade charges of bigotry.”

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:30:57am
Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night’s Presidential Forum? infowars.com via @realalexjones
— Donald Trump Jr

“Hey I’m just asking questions….”


Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:31:11am

re: #25 Bubblehead II

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Well, I guess we now have our answer on how long it would take before Trump started blabbing about the contents of his intel briefings to the press.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:32:15am

re: #19 Dr Lizardo

Is it an actual earpiece for receiving info, or is it a hearing aid?

Wait, if it’s an actual hearing aid, then Bornstein lied about the state of his health. It isn’t perfect. Best. Whatever.

He’s got hearing issues, and as someone who knows people who are audiologists and family with hearing aids, I know that listening is a key skill that can’t be taken for granted. If you can’t hear, you might not hear key information, let alone understand context. This is extremely problematic.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:33:39am

I don’t think someone whispering facts in his ear would help Trump during the debate. He’s not used to working with facts. His talent is as a bullshitter.

The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:34:05am

re: #34 lawhawk

Wait, if it’s an actual hearing aid, then Bornstein lied about the state of his health. It isn’t perfect. Best. Whatever.

He’s got hearing issues, and as someone who knows people who are audiologists and family with hearing aids, I know that listening is a key skill that can’t be taken for granted. If you can’t hear, you might not hear key information, let alone understand context. This is extremely problematic.

I think he is also too vain to wear glasses, that would explain why he squints all the time and has issues with the teleprompter because the font is set so large he can only see a few words at a time.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:34:32am
Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:35:03am

re: #35 jaunte

I don’t think someone whispering facts in his ear would help Trump during the debate. He’s not used to working with facts. His talent is as a bullshitter.

If Trump wears an earpiece, we’ll be treated to an image during the debates of him arguing with himself.

“Look, I don’t care what you think, I’m telling them what I think! *beat* DON’T MAKE ME COME BACK THERE!”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:35:04am

Inside the collapse of Trump’s D.C. policy shop

The Trump campaign built a large policy shop in Washington that has now largely melted away because of neglect, mismanagement and promises of pay that were never honored. Many of the team’s former members say the campaign leadership never took the Washington office seriously and let it wither away after squeezing it dry.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:35:52am

re: #36 The Vicious Babushka

I think he is also too vain to wear glasses, that would explain why he squints all the time and has issues with the teleprompter because the font is set to large he can only see a few words at a time.

And he doesn’t read his speeches through before they appear on the Teleprompter either, or he wouldn’t keep agreeing with them as if someone else had said it - “And that’s so true!”

Dave In Austin  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:36:03am


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:36:06am

re: #34 lawhawk

Wait, if it’s an actual hearing aid, then Bornstein lied about the state of his health. It isn’t perfect. Best. Whatever.

He’s got hearing issues, and as someone who knows people who are audiologists and family with hearing aids, I know that listening is a key skill that can’t be taken for granted. If you can’t hear, you might not hear key information, let alone understand context. This is extremely problematic.

He’s not hard-of-hearing, he’s just hard-of-listening.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:36:52am
Charles Johnson  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:37:08am
Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:37:37am

He’s a moron.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:38:58am
Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:39:21am

re: #44 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Only reason Johnson’s doing as well as he is in the polls is because a lot of anti-Trump voters are telling pollsters that they just don’t like Hillary. But to believe he’s going to get better than 2-3% of the votes, you have to believe that 100% of those who say they won’t vote for Hillary even if Trump is the alternative will go into that polling booth and vote for Johnson. I just don’t see that happening. I think at least half are going to have a crisis of faith, realize they’d rather vote for her and lie about it than risk a Trump presidency.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:39:51am

re: #43 jaunte

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

“The long shadow of the Iraq War continues to color presidential politics.”

Fuck, the long shadow of the Vietnam war continues to color presidential politics.

I’m sick of it, and I’m of the age it was relevant to.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:40:24am

“Clinton is always complaining about what’s wrong.”


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:41:57am

re: #49 Jenner7

“Clinton is always complaining about what’s wrong.”


While the right wing complains about what’s right. I know which side I’m on.

bratwurst  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:42:47am

Among the obnoxious elements of this election season, the whole “Hillary is too trigger happy” GOP talking point is right up there.

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:43:15am

re: #48 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Fuck, the long shadow of the Vietnam war continues to color presidential politics.

I’m sick of it, and I’m of the age it was relevant to.

Iraq has basically become the new Vietnam in our political lexicon. A generation from now, veterans of this war will be running like Vietnam vets today do about how their opponent was at college while they were over there “defending democracy.” The WMDs will replace the Gulf of Tokin lies, while Bush will fill the LBJ role of the guy whose legacy was getting us involved in a needless war. And Republicans will push forward with the “Stabbed in the Back” bit about how Obama “surrendered” when the war was “won.”

Bubblehead II  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:43:26am

re: #33 Targetpractice

Well, I guess we now have our answer on how long it would take before Trump started blabbing about the contents of his intel briefings to the press.

21 days. I’m surprised he even lasted that long.

Stanley Sea  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:43:40am
Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:01:09pm

re: #54 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

My surprise, etc.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:03:40pm

moved it upstairs…

ObserverArt  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:05:37pm

re: #17 Charles Johnson



Charles…I feel for you.

I do not use ad blockers because I know what those ads mean to you.

it really doesn’t take that long to just let them load and then go on reading and enjoying the site.

Things are picking up for me. I think I am finally getting out of the dark days of being out of a job unexpectedly and coming to grips of not having the luck finding decent work as a 60+ year old in graphic arts due to the stiff competition in a city that has a major art school cranking out good artists every semester.

I had to go freelance or just quit my career. I chose freelance. But it has taken a lot of time to get some clientele built and get back in the swing of things after having a steady job since ‘88 only to face a company shutting down in ‘12.

Anyway, I sure hope to be able to swing the bucks to buy a subscription in November! There isn’t a day that goes by without me wanting to subscribe.

I just wanted to let you know this LGF member appreciates the site and all your hard work you do to make it what it is.

It saddens me that others can’t appreciate this is your income, and they would try to cut into it so that they can save a few minutes to get around the ads.

Thank you very much!

Eric The Fruit Bat  Sep 8, 2016 • 6:18:45pm

re: #57 ObserverArt

I use an ad-blocker but I also pay for a membership…(gotta check my renewal date!)

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