Watch Live: Trump Rants Again in Cleveland

Politics • Views: 41,273


This is supposed to be Donald Trump’s speech about “education,” but as I write this he’s once again feverishly lying about his record of supporting the Iraq War, and attacking Hillary Clinton. Since I started watching I haven’t heard him say a single word about education.

UPDATE at 9/8/16 11:47:02 am by Charles Johnson

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MsJ  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:43:26am

Nope. Can’t make me! (I had to change the channel…I can only take so many lies in such a short period.)

Gotta say, though, he is super low energy today. Sad!

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:44:59am
wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:45:02am
jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:45:31am

The Trump University fraudtrepreneur wants to privatize the education system.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:46:49am

He’s salivating at the prospect of getting access to all those education dollars.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:48:00am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:48:43am

re: #2 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

In a sane world, that one graphic would decide the election.

lockjawcanbefun  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:49:01am

Speaking against public schools in front of a charter school audience? How courageous!

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:50:23am

My feed went down. Maybe there is a deity!

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:51:24am

Wake me up if he mentions vouchers.

Interesting Times  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:52:52am

re: #9 lockjawcanbefun

Speaking against public schools in front of a charter school audience? How courageous!

Oh right. Charter schools, which any mention thereof mandates this as rebuttal:

Charter Schools: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:53:39am

re: #4 wrenchwench

Rep King (R-IA) to @HallieJackson: Putin has been a stronger leader for Russia than Pres Obama has been for USA

— Frank Thorp V

This is now a perfectly OK thing for an elected official to say in today’s America.


Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:54:02am

re: #13 Sir John Barron

This is now a perfectly OK thing for an elected official to say in today’s America.


I guess King thinks this because Obama failed to invade and occupy another country?


reidr  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:54:42am

re: #13 Sir John Barron

…if you have an (R) after your name.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:54:47am

re: #11 Eclectic Cyborg

Wake me up if he mentions vouchers.

‘20 billion dollars for school choice.’

Close enough?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:54:49am

re: #13 Sir John Barron

This is now a perfectly OK thing for an elected official to say in today’s America.


Now we need the other King to tout Gerry Adams….

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:55:04am

re: #15 reidr

…if you have an (R) after your name.

Yes, meant to qualify that….


Big Steve  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:55:35am

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:55:49am

If only Obama had invaded Mexico and taken some more land from that country.


blueraven  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:56:26am

Just to comment on the ridiculous story about the Hillary earpiece. Who the fuck do these people think could be feeding her lines? And why? I guess it must be simple projection…Trump knows nothing, so nobody does.

So stupid. Even most (fair minded) people who don’t like Clinton one bit, will admit that she is well informed on the issues.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:56:34am

re: #19 Big Steve

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

Trump could say that too, but he prefers to lie about what he did say.

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:56:54am

re: #19 Big Steve

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

there is but when he is out there saying “I was against the war from the beginning” and there’s record of that statement being a lie then he should be called on it.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:57:17am

re: #19 Big Steve

Not when that private citizen is a habitual liar, fascist, bigot, racist, misogynist, pig.

blueraven  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:58:15am

re: #19 Big Steve

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

So? Your point? Nobody said it was the same. Why does Trump lie all the time? That is the question.

And he is not a private citizen now. He is running for POTUS.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:59:02am

Also, that private citizen wants to occupy a country and take their oil.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:59:06am

That is one of Trump’s weaknesses, though. He wants to be seen as having always been an important public figure, so he allows himself very little early “private citizen” cover.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:59:17am

Feed came back up. Here comes lunch, back up. Shutting down the feed.

The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:01:05pm

re: #19 Big Steve

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

Well here’s the thing. He has to always be right, all the time, and he will never admit he was ever wrong about anything or apologize for anything he said. He just lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and when he gets caught he just lies some more.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:01:16pm

re: #26 Jenner7

Also, that private citizen wants to occupy a country and take their oil.

I didn’t hear the word “occupy”. I heard that we should have taken the oil away in our pockets when we left, and that’s what I’m holding him to.

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:02:00pm

re: #30 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I say occupy, because you can’t just swoop in and take oil.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:02:32pm

re: #31 Jenner7

I say occupy, because you can’t just swoop in and take oil.

Sure, you know that….

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:02:39pm

Aaaand, I need to finish reading before responding. Doh.

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:02:49pm

re: #31 Jenner7

I say occupy, because you can’t just swoop in and take oil.

Sure you can. Very easy. Only I can fix.

The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:02:57pm

Dim Jim is all worked up about UNFAIRNESS

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:04:12pm

re: #35 The Vicious Babushka

Dim Jim is all worked up about UNFAIRNESS

[Embedded content]

Because Hillary and Ann Coulter are the same? Dim Jim is dim.

Belafon  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:04:17pm

re: #35 The Vicious Babushka

I don’t think any of the comedians said she was four stars. And I think all of them called her out on her statements and actions.

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:04:35pm

re: #16 wrenchwench

‘20 billion dollars for school choice.’

Close enough?

For people who bitch all the time about “PC,” Republicans sure love them some Orwellian terms. “School choice” is such an innocuous term for what they really want, which is to make it legal again to impose segregation while also allowing federal dollars to flow to religious schools. But only Christian schools, because the moment they find out that a Muslim school is getting federal dollars, they’ll suffer a collective screaming fit.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:04:42pm

re: #19 Big Steve

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

But if you’re using your opposition to the war as a selling point over your opponent, that opposition should actually have been true.

Also, he’s not currently running to be a private citizen, is he?

The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:05:43pm
Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:07:03pm

re: #40 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

“Today, President Trump announced the capture of Osama Bin Laden, leading millions of Americans to respond ‘Who?’”

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:08:12pm

re: #19 Big Steve

Hate to say this here but there is a difference between a private citizen either being for or against the Iraq war versus an elected official, with the statutory authority to fund said war, being for it.

Whether you or I can agree or disagree about the war, pre/post/during the conflict is one thing. If one of us is running for political office, what we said during that time becomes insight into the person’s thinking about the conflict, the issues involved, and what they thought - it’s insight into the policy, thinking, and analysis of the issues as they were being reported at the time.

Trump is running for POTUS. What he said and has done is very much at issue. Even going back to the Gulf War in 2003. Or the housing discrimination consent decree against his family’s real estate empire. Or all the lawsuits. Everything. It’s all fair game because it is all shaping his thinking and how he does business.

It all goes to character and judgment - his ability to reason through problems, address issues, respond, and he has failed miserably at every single action point.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:12:24pm

re: #30 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I didn’t hear the word “occupy”. I heard that we should have taken the oil away in our pockets when we left, and that’s what I’m holding him to.

He said you’d leave “a certain group behind” that would be “where they keep their oil” to take it.

Here’s where the oil is:

Basically the whole Eastern half of Iraq.

Here’s where the people live:

Basically the whole Eastern half of Iraq.

So, we’d leave a ‘certain group’ behind, ‘where they keep their oil’, which is also where all the Iraqis live.

You say ‘Potato’ and I say ‘Occupation’.

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:13:26pm

re: #38 Targetpractice

For people who bitch all the time about “PC,” Republicans sure love them some Orwellian terms. “School choice” is such an innocuous term for what they really want, which is to make it legal again to impose segregation while also allowing federal dollars to flow to religious schools. But only Christian schools, because the moment they find out that a Muslim school is getting federal dollars, they’ll suffer a collective screaming fit.

You can be my anti-Orwellian speller-outer of what they mean. Doesn’t pay well, but the work is non-stop.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:14:52pm

re: #43 Blind Frog Belly White

And the Kurds might have a different take on that as well.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:15:17pm

re: #35 The Vicious Babushka

Dim Jim is all worked up about UNFAIRNESS

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Mischaracterization. Dems aren’t AT ALL furious with Priebus for saying HRC should smile. We may be shaking our heads, we may be retweeting it frantically around the internet to all the womens everywhere, but furious? Nah. It just too perfectly plays into our hands for us to be furious.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:16:53pm

re: #45 lawhawk

And the Kurds might have a different take on that as well.

The only Kurds Trump knows about are the ones they made him eat when he was in Wisconsin.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:17:26pm
Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:17:47pm

I rather doubt any guy on the street in 2000 would have been able to tell you who OBL was without a hint. Hell, by 2000 the World Trade Center Bombing might as well have been ancient history to most folks. And the public didn’t learn about his part in the Cole bombing until June 2001, just two months before 9/11. Outside of foreign policy wonks, I doubt you would have found many people who would have understood the significance of OBL being caught before 9/11.

jaunte  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:19:03pm
Thanos  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:19:49pm

Totally off topic, found on Facebook :

For those fond of quoting Leviticus:

Loving the Alien

and the only logical accompaniment would be the ever ahead of his times David Bowie:

David Bowie - Loving The Alien

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:20:14pm

re: #49 Targetpractice

And even if he was caught, the plans were afoot before then - you’d have to have gotten Atta, the other terrorists, and Zawahiri for good measure.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:21:02pm

re: #49 Targetpractice

I rather doubt any guy on the street in 2000 would have been able to tell you who OBL was without a hint. Hell, by 2000 the World Trade Center Bombing might as well have been ancient history to most folks. And the public didn’t learn about his part in the Cole bombing until June 2001, just two months before 9/11. Outside of foreign policy wonks, I doubt you would have found many people who would have understood the significance of OBL being caught before 9/11.

Remember, the Bush FP team were stuck on the idea of State-Sponsored Terrorism, because they had a blind spot about non-State actors left over from being Cold Warriors. I think that was Clarke’s biggest hurdle to try and clear, trying to get them to think in terms other than State-Sponsored Terrorism.

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:21:28pm

re: #50 jaunte

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Well, now we know how President Trump will handle a budget crisis: He’ll stiff federal employees and federal contractors and expect them to keep working.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:22:30pm
makeitstop  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:23:02pm

re: #35 The Vicious Babushka

Dim Jim is all worked up about UNFAIRNESS

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Of course, the Clinton campaign is every bit as responsible for a bunch of comics on a TV roast as the RNC is for Preibus.


I wonder if it’s physically painful to be that stupid.

MsJ  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:23:20pm

re: #37 Belafon

I don’t think any of the comedians said she was four stars. And I think all of them called her out on her statements and actions.

And comedians are somehow Democratic party elites? Uh huh. You betcha.

Belafon  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:23:38pm

If Trump had been the Democratic president from 92-2000, and Republicans hadn’t been investigating him for cheating on his wife, they would have stopped him from doing any kind of operation to capture or kill bin Laden.

Single-handed sailor  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:25:21pm

re: #58 Belafon

I think Republican’s term for attempting to kill or capture Bin Laden back then was, “Wag the dog.”

Jayleia  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:25:47pm

re: #56 makeitstop


Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:25:59pm

re: #50 jaunte

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Policy Staffer: “We’ve worked overtime for the last couple weeks, and it’s been tough, but we feel like we’ve come up with a solid set of policy responses for Mr. Trump for the debates. We think these will go a long way to making him appear serious.”

Campaign Official: “Well, we appreciate all that effort, but we’ve decided to go in a different direction. We think America can be governed with a combination of showmanship and utter bullshit, so we won’t be needing what you’ve produced. Thanks, though! The covers on the briefing books are especially nice.”

TedStriker  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:26:24pm

re: #38 Targetpractice

For people who bitch all the time about “PC,” Republicans sure love them some Orwellian terms. “School choice” is such an innocuous term for what they really want, which is to make it legal again to impose segregation while also allowing federal dollars to flow to religious schools. But only Christian schools, because the moment they find out that a Muslim school is getting federal dollars, they’ll suffer a collective screaming fit.

I seem to remember that this has, indeed, already happened at least once or twice within the past few years.

TedStriker  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:29:56pm

re: #54 Targetpractice

Well, now we know how President Trump will handle a budget crisis: He’ll stiff federal employees and federal contractors and expect them to keep working.

IOW, just like Congressional Republicans when it’s been time to pass a budget under Obama.

Eventual Carrion  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:30:39pm

re: #14 Sir John Barron

I guess King thinks this because Obama failed to invade and occupy another country?


If Obama were more like Putin, King would be dead.

Stanley Sea  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:31:24pm

Hoo boy

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:31:42pm

re: #64 Eventual Carrion

If Obama were more like Putin, King would be dead.

Now THAT would be LEADERSHIP!!!

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:32:22pm

Damn. We’re going to have to build a subway in this town so we can invite this guy.

makeitstop  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:33:31pm

re: #65 Stanley Sea

Hoo boy

[Embedded content]

What did he say? Crappy laptop speakers here…

Jebediah, RBG  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:34:59pm

re: #50 jaunte

When I’m looking for a new President, “ignorant and lazy” definitely top the list of qualifications.

Stanley Sea  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:35:08pm

re: #68 makeitstop

What did he say? Crappy laptop speakers here…

“you know what I meant”

threatening with the finger point.

Comment below said thank god his fingers are short.

Stanley Sea  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:39:29pm
Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:40:31pm

re: #71 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

No big deal.

Let’s talk about the Clinton Foundation.


MsJ  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:41:16pm

re: #65 Stanley Sea

Hoo boy

[Embedded content]

What was it? My computer decided to stop playing videos. Again.

Stanley Sea  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:43:33pm

re: #73 MsJ

What was it? My computer decided to stop playing videos. Again.


I asked @realDonaldTrump about his praise for invasion of Iraq in March 03. His response: “You know what that meant”

wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:45:01pm

At least Trump got Mexico’s ex-president to change his mind about the wall:

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:47:14pm

re: #71 Stanley Sea

Dr. Matt  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:49:20pm

Actual current headlines at Drudge. Real “hard hitting” journalism:

Storm of Criticism…
Voting Begins!
Clinton email compromised in hostile cyberattacks…
Trump gets nearly twice the questions as Hillary at veterans ‘forum’…

[siren] HILLARY AND THE EAR PEARL [/siren]

Targetpractice  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:51:56pm

re: #77 Dr. Matt

Actual current headlines at Drudge. Real “hard hitting” journalism:

Hillary’s health records are the new birther conspiracy. She could release her records tomorrow and they’d insist that they were doctored and would demand the “long” versions.

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:54:05pm

re: #78 Targetpractice

Hillary’s health records are the new birther conspiracy. She could release her records tomorrow and they’d insist that they were doctored and would demand the “long” versions.

Meanwhile where are Trump’s taxes? And his health records?

EPR-radar  Sep 8, 2016 • 12:54:46pm

re: #77 Dr. Matt

That’s to be expected of a propaganda mill like Drudge. The ongoing malfeasance of the New York Time is much more significant. For example

Here we have the NYT going out of its way to remove Trump’s proposal to steal Iraqi oil from its coverage of yesterday’s farce.

bratwurst  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:01:15pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:04:20pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:11:32pm
klys (maker of Silmarils)  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:12:06pm

re: #84 Backwoods_Sleuth

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd there’s the vouchers bit.

Dr. Matt  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:13:19pm

re: #84 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump calls for “reprioritizing” $20 billion towards school choice, unclear exactly where that money comes from.
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) September 8, 2016

From Mexico?

EPR-radar  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:13:27pm

re: #79 Sir John Barron

Meanwhile where are Trump’s taxes? And his health records?

Where is the proper media coverage of Trump? Trump’s taxes and medical records are second-order issues. The primary issue, and 800 gorilla in the room that the MSM absolutely won’t talk about, is that Trump is absolutely unqualified to be president because of his repellant and dangerous personality.

Trump is a blatant and habitual liar. Trump will say anything to any audience that he thinks will help him with that crowd, up to and including whipping up a mob by scapegoating others. Trump’s view of foreign relations and US alliances is that of a Mafioso accountant reviewing receipts of protection payments. Trump proposes to engage in war crimes, such as torture and aggressive war to seize another nation’s assets.

These are all simple objective facts that anyone (Democrat or Republican) should be able to acknowledge, much like how there is no partisan way to dispute that 2 + 2 = 4.

Any one of them should suffice as a show stopper for Trump’s candidacy, and would in a more rational society.

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:15:09pm

re: #84 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

“You just take $20 billion, or $90 billion, whatever, from over there, and put it over here.”


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:15:25pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth

So that’s totally not pandering but hot sauce is, right?


wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:16:56pm

re: #86 Dr. Matt

From Mexico?

We’ll have to leave a slot in the wall.

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:19:45pm

i’m thinking of a new clinton strategy:

maybe she should stop contrasting herself with him. he’s unfit, unstable, no temperament, and all that.

instead of saying where’s his taxes, she says- i put out 25 years of complete tax returns. tear em apart.

instead of saying pam bondi, etc. say the clinton foundations filed this this this and this. all public record.

she should speak, put out her policies, answer questions and let him yammer when he’s asked questions like last night

the differences will be stark and will demonstrate themselves

it seems like the qualitative differences are starting to be reported a bit. yeah, im probably fooling myself.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:22:18pm

re: #91 dangerman

They need a horse race. That sort of reporting won’t get them what they want

EPR-radar  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:24:36pm

re: #91 dangerman

i’m thinking of a new clinton strategy:

maybe she should stop contrasting herself with him. he’s unfit, unstable, no temperament, and all that.

instead of saying where’s his taxes, she says- i put out 25 years of complete tax returns. tear em apart.

instead of saying pam bondi, etc. say the clinton foundations filed this this this and this. all public record.

she should speak, put out her policies, answer questions and let him yammer when he’s asked questions like last night

the differences will be stark and will demonstrate themselves

it seems like the qualitative differences are starting to be reported a bit. yeah, im probably fooling myself.

It’s hard to see how best to penetrate the media’s both siderism on this issue. Trump is shit and Clinton is a human being. This issue simply does not have two sides, and the media’s insistence that it does reminds me of flood geologists, Velikovsky cranks and obsessive circle-squarers.

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:25:41pm


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:25:52pm

re: #93 EPR-radar

It’s hard to see how best to penetrate the media’s both siderism on this issue. Trump is shit and Clinton is a human being. This issue simply does not have two sides, and the media’s insistence that it does reminds me of flood geologists, Velikovsky cranks and obsessive circle-squarers.

because if they were objective, HRC’s lead would balloon to double digits and people would lose interest.

can’t let that happen

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:26:22pm

re: #87 EPR-radar

These are all simple objective facts that anyone (Democrat or Republican) should be able to acknowledge, much like how there is no partisan way to dispute that 2 + 2 = 4.

Any one of them should suffice as a show stopper for Trump’s candidacy, and would in a more rational society.

unfortunately theres 30-40 odd percent of the public that says they will vote for him either in spite of all that or because of it - because hes the ‘r’ in this campaign

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:28:30pm

re: #92 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They need a horse race. That sort of reporting won’t get them what they want

i agree - i’m not saying the press, i’m saying the campaign
simply be the adult. demonstrate proper behavior and grasp of knowledge
differentiate by setting the example, that sort of thing

i’m not sure i even agree with it - just musing

i am of course politically naive and have no support for any of this

EPR-radar  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:28:55pm

re: #92 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They need a horse race. That sort of reporting won’t get them what they want

Journalism is supposed to be a profession, dedicated to the ideal that informed citizens will make better decisions.

If it has degenerated completely to become whatever commands the highest rates from advertisers, lets just get that right out into the open. It will be a relief to stop pretending there is any meaningful difference between the New York Times and the National Enquirer or Weekly World News.

EPR-radar  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:30:00pm

re: #95 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

because if they were objective, HRC’s lead would balloon to double digits and people would lose interest.

can’t let that happen

If Trump gets elected and goes full-fascist, I’d really like to see his enablers in the media be first up against the wall.

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:31:00pm

re: #93 EPR-radar

It’s hard to see how best to penetrate the media’s both siderism on this issue. Trump is shit and Clinton is a human being. This issue simply does not have two sides, and the media’s insistence that it does reminds me of flood geologists, Velikovsky cranks and obsessive circle-squarers.

velikovsky - good times

im sort of wondering if the clinton campaign itself stops doing it and sticks to adultism, then the press will look as foolish as trump would

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:31:00pm

re: #99 EPR-radar

If Trump gets elected and goes full-fascist, I’d really like to see his enablers in the media be first up against the wall.

They will become directors of the Ministry of Fairness and Balance in Media

Dr. Matt  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:33:56pm
EPR-radar  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:34:09pm

re: #100 dangerman

velikovsky - good times

im sort of wondering if the clinton campaign itself stops doing it and sticks to adultism, then the press will look as foolish as trump would

I think it necessary for the Clinton campaign to point out that Trump is unqualified to be POTUS independently of any consideration of specific issues, especially because the media won’t do that.

makeitstop  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:34:10pm

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They will become directors of the Ministry of Fairness and Balance in Media

Participation trophies CEO badges for everybody!

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:35:58pm

re: #102 Dr. Matt

Another day in in America: Biker Repeatedly Pulls Gun in Traffic!

ya bastid

Jenner7  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:41:29pm
wrenchwench  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:41:42pm

re: #94 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

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I saw a reaction that said Johnson compared it to ‘forgetting the name of a town in NM.’ Nope. He didn’t know what ‘colonias’ are.


More than 1,500 colonias are identified within the U.S., and almost all of them are found in Texas, though they also exist in Arizona, California and New Mexico.[1] Evidence suggests that there are more than 1,800 designated colonias in the state of Texas, somewhere around 138 in New Mexico, about 77 in Arizona, and 32 in California.[6] These settlements are part of an informal sector or informal economy that is not bound by the structures of government regulations within labor, tax, health and safety, land use and environmental, civil rights, and immigration laws.

Section 916 of the National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) defines colonias as any “identifiable community” determined by objective criteria that include the lack of potable water and adequate sewage systems, the lack of decent, safe, and sanitary housing, and an existence before the passage of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act.[2] According to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development the term colonias has a specific meaning within the U.S., referring to a community within the rural U.S.-Mexico border region with marginal conditions related to housing and infrastructure.


Full of poor people. Libertarians don’t care about them. Nor do Republicans, which Johnson was back then.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:42:11pm
Bubblehead II  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:42:38pm

re: #103 EPR-radar

I think it necessary for the Clinton campaign to point out that Trump is unqualified to be POTUS independently of any consideration of specific issues, especially because the media won’t do that.

Which she is now doing in every one of her speeches and ads.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:43:19pm

Putin rides bareback and bare-chested, hunts and kills bears with his bare hands.

Obama wears mom jeans and rides a bicycle with a helmet.

Clear choice of who is the better leader


Kragar  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:43:40pm
makeitstop  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:43:53pm

re: #106 Jenner7

“It’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama.”

My urge to slap people to the point of skeletal damage has not abated from this morning.

Fascist scum.

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:43:53pm

re: #103 EPR-radar

I think it necessary for the Clinton campaign to point out that Trump is unqualified to be POTUS independently of any consideration of specific issues, especially because the media won’t do that.

yeah -0 im just wondering if demonstrating it would carry more weight than just saying it over and over

Khal Wimpo (no longer entitled to his own facts)  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:43:55pm

Not to plug my own page, but …

I just posted a round-up on the Gary Johnson/Aleppo meltdown

Included in it is a video from the Washington Post that is as crushing, and disturbing, as anything I have seen. It shows the devastation in Aleppo. It shows, unflinching, the images of the real cost of the war that Donald Trump loves so very fucking much.

Elections have consequences.

dangerman  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:45:01pm

re: #106 Jenner7

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PENCE to CNN: “It’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama.”

does it need to be said that obama isnt the leader in putins country

lawhawk  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:46:26pm

re: #115 dangerman

Khal Wimpo (no longer entitled to his own facts)  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:46:29pm

re: #94 lawhawk

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I see that I had not scrolled down far enough.

I second your Meh. But it seems that the bar has been set so low for Those Who Would Be President, that just acknowledging that facts exist, and that they have importance, is enough to get you a gold star and clapping the erasers during recess.

How did we collectively wander into the classroom where not audibly shitting your pants calls for a trophy and applause?

Bubblehead II  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:49:35pm

BTW. There is a new space mission launching tonight. OSIRIS-REx

Given its mission is to return a sample from an asteroid
, perhaps a modern remake of the Andromeda Strain should be made. :-)

Backwoods_Sleuth  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:53:07pm
Stanley Sea  Sep 8, 2016 • 1:55:47pm

re: #119 Backwoods_Sleuth

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Must see photos of the room.

Flying Squirrel Girl  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:10:02pm

re: #84 Backwoods_Sleuth

This just shows once again that Trump has no idea what the lives of poor people are like. I attended an inner city high school in the 80s. There was no PTA because many of the parents worked evenings and/or nights. Kids rode the school bus because there was no family vehicle to take them to and from school. There were no private schools in the ‘hood. Many of my friends were responsible for getting their younger siblings ready and off to school in the mornings because their parents either were working or sleeping because they worked the night shift. My own mom would not have been able to get me to a private school across town because of the gas it would have cost to get there twice a day. People who push vouchers and “school choice” are clueless about what life is really like for poor people.

gocart mozart  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:14:04pm
MsJ  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:15:03pm

Is this true?

Decatur Deb  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:15:31pm

re: #121 Flying Squirrel Girl

This just shows once again that Trump has no idea what the lives of poor people are like. I attended an inner city high school in the 80s. There was no PTA because many of the parents worked evenings and/or nights. Kids rode the school bus because there was no family vehicle to take them to and from school. There were no private schools in the ‘hood. Many of my friends were responsible for getting their younger siblings ready and off to school in the mornings because their parents either were working or sleeping because they worked the night shift. My own mom would not have been able to get me to a private school across town because of the gas it would have cost to get there twice a day. People who push vouchers and “school choice” are clueless about what life is really like for poor people.

Note the quiet line in Trump’s speech about giving the parents the chance to walk their kids to school. That’s code for “neighborhood schools”, schools that can re-segregate along economic/racial boundaries. Charter schools are the trifecta for racism, religious support, and union busting.

Shiplord Kirel  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:43:23pm

re: #78 Targetpractice

Hillary’s health records are the new birther conspiracy. She could release her records tomorrow and they’d insist that they were doctored and would demand the “long” versions.

I wonder if this emphasis on Hillary’s allegedly poor health is counter-productive for the right? This might be especially so since many of the targeted health issues are age-related. The over 60 demographic is a key component of Republican support. At Free Republic, for example, I see a fair amount of resentment over Hillary’s alleged infirmities being targeted, since many of the freepers either share these infirmities or know someone who does. Younger RWNJs, of course, are as insensitive about age as they are everything else, so they probably have no clue they are offending the largest and most reliable part of the GOP base.

The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 2:53:59pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth

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“To turn America upside down the great return”

Tigger2  Sep 8, 2016 • 3:10:05pm

re: #4 wrenchwench

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Tigger2  Sep 8, 2016 • 3:22:12pm

re: #123 MsJ

Is this true?

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The Vicious Babushka  Sep 8, 2016 • 3:32:48pm

re: #121 Flying Squirrel Girl

This just shows once again that Trump has no idea what the lives of poor people are like. I attended an inner city high school in the 80s. There was no PTA because many of the parents worked evenings and/or nights. Kids rode the school bus because there was no family vehicle to take them to and from school. There were no private schools in the ‘hood. Many of my friends were responsible for getting their younger siblings ready and off to school in the mornings because their parents either were working or sleeping because they worked the night shift. My own mom would not have been able to get me to a private school across town because of the gas it would have cost to get there twice a day. People who push vouchers and “school choice” are clueless about what life is really like for poor people.

“They’ll walk their child to a school where they wanna be at”

Such educate very intellect!!!

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 8, 2016 • 3:35:30pm

re: #128 Tigger2

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There’s nothing newer than July, and mostly in March in Googling ‘Webb endorses Trump’, and the ‘Nev News’ article doesn’t even say Webb endorsed him. A self-important ass like Webb would not be so reticent as to NOT say something.

Lancelot Link  Sep 8, 2016 • 3:41:26pm

re: #106 Jenner7

Sounds better in the original German;
“Es ist unbestreitbar, dass Wladimir Putin eine stärkere Führer in seinem Land als Barack Obama gewesen ist.”

Eric The Fruit Bat  Sep 8, 2016 • 6:22:53pm

re: #2 The Vicious Babushka

Trump’s a piker compared to The Major:

Youtube Video

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