Trump Joins Forces With the Eurofascists

Bad craziness indeed
Politics • Views: 57,518

I’ve been writing about the convergence of US and European far right parties for years. Now here it is, out in the open, at the highest level of US government.

The far right party Kyle Griffin is referring to is France’s Front National, which started as an openly Nazi-sympathizing, Holocaust-denying hate group. Marine Le Pen has cleaned up the image somewhat, but the hatred and xenophobia remain the same.

It’s deeply disturbing that the Trump campaign is making alliances with these Eurofascist groups. Who’s next? Jobbik? (That’s a Jobbik supporter pictured above.) Golden Dawn? Vlaams Belang? Sweden Democrats? The British National Party?

Trump also met today with another far right leader, the former head of the UKIP, Nigel Farage. And Dutch Muslim-hater Geert Wilders has been invited to several Trump events recently. This is no fluke. Stephen Bannon is very deliberately bringing some of the worst political forces in the world into alignment with the upcoming Trump administration.

It appears we’re in for some very dark times, folks.

UPDATE at 11/12/16 2:26:00 pm by Charles Johnson

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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