Saddam’s Blood Money

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LGF reader Zulubaby points out this report at Ha’aretz that Saddam Hussein has just given a half million dollars to the Palestinian Authority, to be distributed to the families of murderers. And if your loved one blew himself up in a children’s playground, it’s bonus time.

Israel Radio, quoting a Palestinian Authority report, said Monday that some $500,000 in funds provided by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein would be distributed this week to families of Palestinians killed in the territories, including $25,000 each to families of three suicide bombers.

The radio cited a report in the PA-affiliated Al-Ayyam newspaper, according to which the families of Palestinians killed in the violence - who were not suicide terrorists - would receive $10,000 each.

The funds would be distributed by the Arab Liberation Front organization, the radio said.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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