The Bob Cesca Podcast: Can’t Touch Face

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Today’s program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show, powered by Adams & Bischoff:

Can’t Touch Face — NSFW! Buzz Burbank from Buzz Burbank News and Comment is here today; The financial collapse; After the worst day since the Great Recession, stocks rebound; Patreon subscribers fleeing; Recession imminent; The fundamentals of the economy are strong; Trump’s bungled response to the coronavirus; Germany and drive thru testing; Hospitals getting creamed; Gaetz, Meadows, Collins and Cruz self quarantined; Trump is melting down; Trump can’t BS his way through this one; Cocaine and bleach; Mini Super Tuesday; Biden’s chances; Bernie’s chances; Vice presidential possibilities; With music by Lizanne Knott and Jam ‘N’ Slate; and more!

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Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:48:15pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:48:29pm

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

BigPapa  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:48:39pm

Remember the good old days when we could touch ourselves?

Divinyls - I Touch Myself

danarchy  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:49:57pm

re: #3 BigPapa

Remember the good old days when we could touch ourselves?

[Embedded content]

You still can, just wash your hands first…and preferably after

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:50:39pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

And as of this minute by daughter is headed to the UK tomorrow. (She did buy health insurance, hope she doesn’t need it).

Skip Intro  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:51:05pm

re: #2 Eclectic Cyborg

It just never shuts up.

goddamnedfrank  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:51:39pm

Not the fucking Waffle House!

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:51:40pm

re: #2 Eclectic Cyborg

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

[Embedded content]

I am never, ever going to stop hating donald trump. Never.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:52:51pm
goddamnedfrank  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:53:07pm

You know shit’s real when it starts messing with the Waffle House

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:53:38pm

Saw an interesting observation on Twitter just now: George W’s Iraq war cost the lives of 4500 Americans (at least). Trump could be set to oversee a crisis that obliterates that number, as he would say, bigly.

Skip Intro  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:54:43pm

re: #8 I Would Prefer Not To

I am never, ever going to stop hating donald trump. Never.

A million updings to you.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:55:58pm

re: #2 Eclectic Cyborg

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

[Embedded content]

the. man. is. clueless.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:56:22pm

re: #10 goddamnedfrank

You know shit’s real when it starts messing with the Waffle House

Since most of their employees don’t have paid leave, I think it’s a given some restaurants will start become centers of infection.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 3:59:15pm

Evening Lizardim.

unproven innocence  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:01:23pm

re: #14 Eclectic Cyborg

Since most of their employees don’t have paid leave, I think it’s a given some restaurants will start become centers of infection.

I think restaurant patrons everywhere should be asking
1) Do you get paid sick leave?
2) Menu please?
And in that order.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:01:30pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:02:05pm

re: #17 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

*head explodes*

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:05:17pm

Got CL’d…

Dread Pirate  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:06:32pm
Skip Intro  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:09:32pm

re: #20 Dread Pirate

That might make him look bad so of course he won’t do it.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:10:32pm
A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:11:19pm

re: #3 BigPapa

Remember the good old days when we could touch ourselves?

[Embedded content]

Hey, I touched my face while I was out today (itch). So I washed it right after my hands when I got home. I’ll let you know if I survive. Not if I don’t.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:11:36pm

re: #2 Eclectic Cyborg

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

Fuck him.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:15:42pm

From the previous thread:

re: #277 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Those numbers sound like they came from that slide at an AHA briefing a few days ago, that got circulated widely.

It should be noted that those claims are just someone’s slide… not really a study.

That has been a wingnut talking point.

The “someone’s slide” is the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and the presenter a person from UNMC.

University of Nebraska Medical Center is where the National Quarantine Center is located, and also has world-class research facilities into novel diseases (which is why the quarantine center is there).

I doubt the UNMC or the University of Nebraska would allow a person from the university to testify before a hearing in the Unicameral if they didn’t stand behind the information.

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:17:30pm

re: #2 Eclectic Cyborg

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

[Embedded content]

This is typical Drumpf. He is so ahead of the power curve! The election is 5 1/2 months away, and he has no idea what the result of this pandemic will be. He really is that insecure and that clueless. Also, those numbers are from February, duh.

stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:17:45pm

re: #22 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Caroline Orr
Yikes. UK Health Minister Nadine Dorries has tested positive for #coronavirus. She reportedly fell ill on Friday and has been in contact with hundreds of people since, including the Prime Minister.

Well, as Boris said, that’s just the way that it’s going to go. Not much anyone can do.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:19:25pm
Disloyal Archangel  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:20:25pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:22:03pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:22:25pm
retired cynic  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:23:30pm

Especially for VB, but anyone who rolls out pastry: this is an etsy site with laser engraved rolling pins. Flowers, Christmas patters, spirals, labyrinth, on and on. And my favorite: honeycomb.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:24:16pm
Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:27:26pm

re: #30 Backwoods_Sleuth

Lol. When he said that yesterday, I said to myself “Bullshit. No “plan” will be released tomorrow.” Trump makes it too easy for me to be right all the time.

BigPapa  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:30:54pm

Tryna finna best primary results page, all seem sorta OK but not super good.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:31:56pm

Well shit.
John Hopkins COVID-19 tracker has the US at 959 cases. This morning it was 808.
And, it’s map isn’t showing the 5 in South Dakota.
Russia finally is showing active cases. While Turkey and the assorted ‘Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stans’ are not yet reporting cases. As well most of Africa.

Something the big brains at the White House haven’t caught on to yet. While Flu type viruses tend to die off in more humid weather, and spread in drier environments (winter)
It’s not winter south of the equator. And, the virus is still spreading down there

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:32:14pm

re: #34 Ace Rothstein

Lol. When he said that yesterday, I said to myself “Bullshit. No “plan” will be released tomorrow.” Trump makes it too easy for me to be right all the time.

b.d. (We're on our own, Vote!)  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:32:28pm

re: #31 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Can’t wait to see Bernie screaming in an empty room.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:34:28pm

I hate Jacobin.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:35:46pm

re: #30 Backwoods_Sleuth

When the orange shit-goblin speaks of a payroll tax “holiday” does that translates to the plebs not having FICA/medicare/unemployment taxes taken out but we’d still owe? So, in effect fucking people even more by owing those taxes come April 15. Our am I missing something?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:37:07pm

re: #37 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

They’ll float a massive corporate bail-out plan as a distraction and then blame Pelosi and the Democrats when The House says “no”. And McConnell is already distancing himself and The Senate from taking any responsibility for anything.

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:38:00pm

re: #40 Colère Tueur de Lapin

When the orange shit-goblin speaks of a payroll tax “holiday” does that translates to the plebs not having FICA/medicare/unemployment taxes taken out but we’d still owe? So, in effect fucking people even more by owing those taxes come April 15. Our am I missing something?

I think you got it in one.

b.d. (We're on our own, Vote!)  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:38:30pm

re: #41 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

They’ll float a massive corporate bail-out plan as a distraction and then blame Pelosi and the Democrats when The House says “no”. And McConnell is already distancing himself and The Senate from taking any responsibility for anything.

Sounds like it is time for Pelosi and Dems to come out with their own plan, vote on it and send it to Mitch.

BigPapa  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:40:29pm

re: #39 Sherlock Hound

Jacobin = National Review of the left.

That piece by Megan Day is cringe: she’s the daughter of the family that owns Aaron’s. Weird.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:41:21pm

re: #28 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

This is absolutely outrageous. Every single red state with a diverse population is complicit. Our only hope is to take back the government in November and pass voting right legislation — and I’m not sure if that’s feasible if the filibuster still exists.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:41:55pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:42:18pm

re: #40 Colère Tueur de Lapin

When the orange shit-goblin speaks of a payroll tax “holiday” does that translates to the plebs not having FICA/medicare/unemployment taxes taken out but we’d still owe? So, in effect fucking people even more by owing those taxes come April 15. Our am I missing something?

Dread Pirate  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:43:51pm

re: #30 Backwoods_Sleuth

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:44:02pm
Skip Intro  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:44:58pm

re: #40 Colère Tueur de Lapin

He wants it through November so it will help him in the election. What happens after that is anyone’s guess, but who would be surprised to see that tax come due once a Dem administration takes over?

If only we had a media to ask these questions.

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:46:14pm

re: #39 Sherlock Hound

I hate Jacobin.

[Embedded content]

Hmmm. Glance at the trash and sent this to the editor:

Your attempt at an abilist hit piece on Biden reminded me of why this old Democratic Socialist despises your hate rag. There is nothing positive here just ra-ra shit that reminds me of why the The Left remains a pissant part of American Politics.

Go read some Mike Harrington and then buy a clue if you aren’t too in debt to Moscow.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:46:24pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:48:19pm

re: #25 Anymouse 🌹🎃

The slide is real, the person is real.

But projections are just that - projections based on extrapolations.

The long run is clear by now - since we’ve not done what it takes to isolate the infected, the virus will spread through the population.

So I have no doubt that the latest coronavirus will be ubiquitous. And with that a huge, choking demand upon our health care providers.

I simply am stating that the publication of a slide presented to an AHA meeting is not a published assessment, not an epidemiological study. It was a worst case scenario to give hospital administrators a shock to prepare them for what is to come.

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:48:27pm
Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:49:51pm

re: #39 Sherlock Hound

Like that time Sen. Bill Frist diagnosed Terry Schiavo from a video tape. That was one of the first of many reasons why I fled the Republican party back in the day.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:51:03pm

Not fooling me.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:52:01pm

From the previous thread:

Only if the filibuster is reformed or abolished.

I wouldn’t want it entirely abolished (some really horrible laws from conservatives have been blocked with it).

I’d prefer that we go back to a real filibuster: You want to oppose a bill, you have to get up on the Senate floor and keep talking, for as many days as it takes.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:52:49pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:52:58pm

re: #57 Anymouse 🌹🎃

From the previous thread:

I wouldn’t want it entirely abolished (some really horrible laws from conservatives have been blocked with it).

I’d prefer that we go back to a real filibuster: You want to oppose a bill, you have to get up on the Senate floor and keep talking, for as many days as it takes.

That means we need to elect more women to the Senate.

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:53:02pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:53:30pm
Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:53:41pm

re: #54 Charles Johnson

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:54:57pm

re: #60 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

That’s cold, man.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:55:11pm

re: #9 Backwoods_Sleuth

I can’t understand the question at the beginning.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:55:20pm

re: #51 William Lewis

Hmmm. Glance at the trash and sent this to the editor:

Jacobin doesn’t care. None of these people care. They’re all right with Trump. They’ll pass.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:56:29pm

re: #64 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I can’t understand the question at the beginning.

it was cut off at the beginning

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:56:48pm

re: #39 Sherlock Hound

I hate Jacobin.

It’s been infuriating me so much. Dickheads.

retired cynic  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:57:06pm

re: #33 Backwoods_Sleuth

grace ⁷₁₂₇
i am sobbing

I am sobbing, too, with laughter and tears, because we had a dog just like the little crawler, except Browner. And she used to crawl around like that!

In very old age (she lived to be 20):

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:57:22pm

re: #55 Ace Rothstein

Like that time Sen. Bill Frist diagnosed Terry Schiavo from a video tape. That was one of the first of many reasons why I fled the Republican party back in the day.

Then there are the people who actually mock his stutter.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:57:30pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 4:59:35pm

re: #57 Anymouse 🌹🎃

From the previous thread:

I wouldn’t want it entirely abolished (some really horrible laws from conservatives have been blocked with it).

I’d prefer that we go back to a real filibuster: You want to oppose a bill, you have to get up on the Senate floor and keep talking, for as many days as it takes.

And not read Green Eggs and Ham.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:00:54pm

re: #61 Backwoods_Sleuth

OMGOMGOMG! Me want!!

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:01:07pm

Not surprising

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:01:11pm


Today the Governor put Kentucky’s nursing homes on lock down. I can’t visit my mother until further notice.

I’m sorry you cannot visit your mother, but I hope this will help keep her safe.

retired cynic  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:01:12pm

re: #51 William Lewis

Hmmm. Glance at the trash and sent this to the editor:

Michael Harriot!

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:01:25pm

re: #57 Anymouse 🌹🎃

From the previous thread:

I wouldn’t want it entirely abolished (some really horrible laws from conservatives have been blocked with it).

I’d prefer that we go back to a real filibuster: You want to oppose a bill, you have to get up on the Senate floor and keep talking, for as many days as it takes.

So, how would your filibuster prevent what you’re talking about and yet not prevent passing what we believe needs to be passed?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:02:30pm
Jebediah, RBG  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:02:36pm

re: #72 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

OMGOMGOMG! Me want!!

A minute ago I was wondering how many dogs I have fallen in love with from pix here. My best estimate is eleventy-twelve.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:03:35pm

re: #78 Jebediah, RBG

Ditto. He who has the most dogs, wins!

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:04:29pm

re: #65 Sherlock Hound

Jacobin doesn’t care. None of these people care. They’re all right with Trump. They’ll pass.

Of course. So? I’ll still give the shit heads a rhetorical middle finger.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:05:30pm

re: #73 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Not surprising

[Embedded content]

After 0% of the votes have been counted? I hate that. It’s just the race to be first, even if you’re wrong. It’s one thing if you have a count from key districts and you extrapolate based on historical experience — but this? no way.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:05:34pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:06:39pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:06:49pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:07:12pm

re: #84 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Bodes well for the rest of the night.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:07:21pm
Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:08:09pm

re: #86 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

“It was a DUI, a DYI, totally different thing.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:10:12pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:11:01pm

1 down…5 to go…Hoping Joe scores the six pack…

Jay C  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:12:04pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

It’s really weird how few degrees of separation one gets in some of these situations: I just heard from a friend whose cousin (whom we also know) lives in New Rochelle, and is (apparently) right in the middle of the “containment zone”. And that her husband is a suspected COVID-19 contact. Fun times: the cousin is a chemo patient (pancreatic cancer); so her immune system is likely to be sketchy, at best. Hopefully they will be able to get tested, and soon.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:13:00pm

Goddamned left accelerationists.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:13:12pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:13:21pm

I guess the “Mississippi Bernin’” Facebook group is having the sads right now!

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:13:48pm

re: #91 Sherlock Hound

Goddamned left accelerationists.

Must be nice to see this as a game when you’re privileged like Matt.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:13:50pm

re: #93 Joe Bacon 🌹

I guess the “Mississippi Bernin’” Facebook group is having the sads right now!

Womp womp.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:14:09pm

re: #83 Charles Johnson

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:14:43pm


Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:15:17pm

re: #97 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Good. Let Him Do It!

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:15:45pm

re: #97 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

I would pay someone to go in there and cough if it wouldn’t get them killed.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:16:50pm

re: #99 Belafon

I would pay someone to go in there and cough if it wouldn’t get them killed.

Save your cash! There will be plenty of MAGATs coughing, sneezing and blowin their noses at the Nuremberg Rally!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:17:22pm

re: #97 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Good for him. Do it! Shake hands! Lots of hands!

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:18:14pm

re: #100 Joe Bacon 🌹

Save your cash! There will be plenty of MAGATs coughing, sneezing and blowin their noses at the Nuremberg Rally!

People who refuse to believe in infectious disease theory deserve to die from infectious diseases. Just sayin’.

Jay C  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:18:24pm

re: #81 Hecuba’s daughter

After 0% of the votes have been counted? I hate that. It’s just the race to be first, even if you’re wrong. It’s one thing if you have a count from key districts and you extrapolate based on historical experience — but this? no way.

SRSLY. dKos has a header bar with the primary races listed, and they are awarding MO to Biden on the basis of “0.03%” of precincts reporting, : 1624 votes scattered among 23 candidates (!) plus 48 “uncommitted”. I’m sure Joe is likely to win, but really….?

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:18:39pm

I’m in basically good health but I am 70 years old, I have some cardiac history, and I smoked for 45 years. With coronavirus, Trump could succeed where LBJ, Nixon, and both Bushes failed: The son of a bitch could kill me.

If it happens, accept the torch from me and burn the bastards right off the planet with it.

uriel  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:18:56pm
gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:20:23pm
Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:20:30pm

Dallas and Fort Worth both have presumptive positive cases, both people who traveled out of state. The Fort Worth case came back from a conference in Kentucky in late February:

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:20:41pm

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:20:44pm

California still counting.

Latest…Biden closing to 6.7% behind.

Bernie Sanders
(Party Preference: DEM)

Joseph R. Biden
(Party Preference: DEM)

lawhawk  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:21:10pm

re: #30 Backwoods_Sleuth

The GOP/Trump tax cut proposals are half baked DOA efforts to deflect from the failure to act aggressively to contain the virus by having tests available and public health measures in place to expedite testing of those that need the testing (and to deliver tests and aid to communities already struggling to stay ahead of the spread of the disease).

I was just reading that while young folks appear to have a mortality rate below that of the flu, for the elderly, the mortality rate is something like 20% or higher.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:22:14pm

Some of y’all are paid to know what voters want. Another Bernie fail.

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:22:24pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:23:06pm

Joe wins Missouri. Now 2 down 4 to go!

goddamnedfrank  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:24:57pm

re: #103 Jay C

SRSLY. dKos has a header bar with the primary races listed, and they are awarding MO to Biden on the basis of “0.03%” of precincts reporting, : 1624 votes scattered among 23 candidates (!) plus 48 “uncommitted”. I’m sure Joe is likely to win, but really….?

Yes, really. They have exit polls to back it up.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:25:12pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Gonna say it again but he benefited from two of the first three states being caucuses and the lone primary state being his neighbor. He also completely fails with African American voters that vote.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:26:12pm

re: #114 goddamnedfrank

Yes, really. They have exit polls to back it up.

Exit polls, yes. But real votes? NO!

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:26:26pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

That pesky Democratic Establishment!

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:27:34pm

re: #111 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Some of y’all are paid to know what voters want. Another Bernie fail.

[Embedded content]

There are so many people in the replies to Neera tweet saying that Bernie didn’t say that. I’m just pointing them to this thread:

We’ll see if anyone acknowledges what was said.

Dread Pirate  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:27:47pm
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:28:16pm

re: #110 lawhawk

The GOP/Trump tax cut proposals are half baked DOA efforts to deflect from the failure to act aggressively to contain the virus by having tests available and public health measures in place to expedite testing of those that need the testing (and to deliver tests and aid to communities already struggling to stay ahead of the spread of the disease).

I was just reading that while young folks appear to have a mortality rate below that of the flu, for the elderly, the mortality rate is something like 20% or higher.

Taiwan started testing DECEMBER 31 for coronavirus. As a result, despite its close ties to China, it’s had only 2 deaths.

goddamnedfrank  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:29:15pm

re: #116 Hecuba’s daughter

Exit polls, yes. But real votes? NO!

It’s absolutely certain and the polls are closed. There’s no public benefit to sustaining an air of suspense in these cases.

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:30:12pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:30:33pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:30:51pm

More on Vegas - the mayor (see downstairs) is going to be ever more unhappy:

Seven Las Vegas buffets shut down in the face of coronavirus fears

Seven Las Vegas buffets, a staple of the Sin City dining experience, will shut down because of fears about the coronavirus.

MGM Resorts announced Tuesday that it would temporarily close buffets at Aria, Bellagio, Excalibur, Luxor, MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay and the Mirage, effective Sunday


LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:31:25pm

re: #123 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Wow those are Republican poor numbers.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:31:41pm

re: #107 Belafon

Dallas and Fort Worth both have presumptive positive cases, both people who traveled out of state. The Fort Worth case came back from a conference in Kentucky in late February:

Kentucky? Marvelous.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:33:42pm
lawhawk  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:34:55pm

re: #114 goddamnedfrank

The early calls are due to how they see polling break. They called MS as soon as the polls closed, because the only question was the margin of victory.

And in MS, there’s a slight chance that Bernie gets 0 delegates because he doesn’t cross the 15% threshold.

That’s the thing - Biden’s on his way to winning the Southern states handily. It would require Bernie to win by a similarly huge margin in MI and WA to avoid falling behind, and there’s good chance he loses one of those states too. So, what was already clear on Super Tuesday will be doubly so after tonight - Bernie’s done.

lawhawk  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:35:24pm

re: #123 Charles Johnson

It’s that establishment vote.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:35:26pm
Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:36:22pm


Kentucky? Marvelous.

My son’s there. I’m curious which conference the guy came from.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:36:51pm
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:37:03pm

re: #128 lawhawk

The early calls are due to how they see polling break. They called MS as soon as the polls closed, because the only question was the margin of victory.

And in MS, there’s a slight chance that Bernie gets 0 delegates because he doesn’t cross the 15% threshold.

That’s the thing - Biden’s on his way to winning the Southern states handily. It would require Bernie to win by a similarly huge margin in MI and WA to avoid falling behind, and there’s good chance he loses one of those states too. So, what was already clear on Super Tuesday will be doubly so after tonight - Bernie’s done.

If Bernie loses Mi, he ought to concede and endorse Biden. He won’t though.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:37:31pm

Well, that doesn’t look good for Bernie, does it?

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:38:16pm

re: #130 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I’ll give Bernie props for one thing: He’s giving Democrats someone to run against in the primary.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:38:31pm

Unlike a Bernie or Joe rally where most of the attendees would be relatively local, Trump’s rallies are like Widespread Panic concerts for the addled—they travel all over the country to attend. So they would likely spread the virus far and wide.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:39:00pm

re: #134 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Yet the Berners will use those numbers to declare that Biden is going to off the youth vote, and thus lose to Trump.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:39:13pm

re: #135 Belafon

I’ll give Bernie props for one thing: He’s giving Democrats someone to run against in the primary.

Biden’s joked about how he’s the one getting the voters out for him.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:39:38pm

With 24% of the vote in, Biden is up big in MI.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:39:39pm

re: #134 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Well, that doesn’t look good for Bernie, does it?

[Embedded content]

I am annoyed at those under 65 not showing up.

lawhawk  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:40:08pm


Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:40:19pm

re: #137 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Yet the Berners will use those numbers to declare that Biden is going to off the youth vote, and thus lose to Trump.

Anyone who votes for Trump in the upcoming election is going to vote for Trump no matter who the fucking Democratic nominee is. The only difference is in how many voters the Democratic candidate can bring out to vote, and so far, it looks like Biden is kicking Bernie’s ass.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:40:56pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:42:31pm

Damn. Bernie’s gonna lose Michigan. I wasn’t expecting that.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:42:40pm

I can’t say I’m shocked honestly guys.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:43:15pm

I think youngsters are more likely to turn out for the general than the primary. And they will vote against Trump.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:43:17pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:43:50pm

WOW! Washington Post showing Bloomberg leading in one Missouri county…

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:44:13pm


I think youngsters are more likely to turn out for the general than the primary. And they will vote against Trump.

I think so too. And honestly despite what the media says about them, they’re more ideologically diverse than given credit for.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:44:25pm

re: #138 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Biden’s joked about how he’s the one getting the voters out for him.

“Holy shit! That goddamn pinko fossil from Vermont could be nominated! I better get out and vote.”

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:44:40pm

re: #147 Backwoods_Sleuth

Well, he’s got a point. No one expects politicians to be sane, rational, and intelligent.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:45:05pm

re: #147 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Is it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:45:40pm
I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:46:41pm


It’s it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?

It’s natural and well deserved on their part.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:47:04pm
b.d. (We're on our own, Vote!)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:47:18pm


It’s it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?

If the die around the same time then we get a President Pelosi

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:47:50pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:48:05pm


I think youngsters are more likely to turn out for the general than the primary. And they will vote against Trump.

Perhaps. They voted for him before… Cult of personality and all.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:49:21pm


It’s it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?

Only if you hope and pray really, really hard.


Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:49:27pm

re: #143 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

This is part of the reason I think it’s time for the filibuster to go. No blaming the Democrats if they don’t pass infrastructure plans. And it’s time for the voters to have to actually choose who they want in office based on how they vote.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:49:35pm

re: #158 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Perhaps. They voted for him before… Cult of personality and all.

Confused to what you’re talking about. Trump didn’t win any under 30 demo that I know of.

stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:49:38pm


I think youngsters are more likely to turn out for the general than the primary. And they will vote against Trump.

Hopefully not too many of them will write-in Bernie.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:50:03pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:50:18pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:50:23pm

re: #162 stpaulbear

Hopefully not too many of them will write-in Bernie.

I really think Biden could benefit from a youngrt running mate who isn’t that well known to younger voters.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:50:48pm

I think the take-home lesson is we underestimated how much people didn’t like Hillary Clinton in 2016, leading us to OVERestimate how much people liked Bernie. Now, given an alternative to Trump who isn’t Bernie, people are flocking to the polls.

Trump’s probably shitting his pants about now. The people voting Biden were the people he was depending on voting for him.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:50:54pm

re: #162 stpaulbear

Hopefully not too many of them will write-in Bernie.

Or vote for whoever the 2020 edition of Gary Johnson is. You have no idea how badly that pissed me off, hearing all my co-workers talking about how proud of themselves they were voting for that cretin.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:51:13pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:51:14pm

I’m relieved that I won’t have to talk myself into supporting Bernie Sanders. I do still have to talk myself into supporting Joe Biden, but that’s substantially easier.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:51:21pm

re: #32 retired cynic

Especially for VB, but anyone who rolls out pastry: this is an etsy site with laser engraved rolling pins. Flowers, Christmas patters, spirals, labyrinth, on and on. And my favorite: honeycomb.

[Embedded content]

I already own 3 rolling pins: one wooden with handles, one marble, and one French style. All I need are another 3 or 4 with fancy designs on them, LOL. (added to Wish List)

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:51:29pm

re: #164 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

We have a lot of great freshmen Congresswomen.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:52:21pm

re: #165 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I really think Biden could benefit from a youngrt running mate who isn’t that well known to younger voters.

Stacey Abrams!

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:52:23pm

I’m doing a poll right now from Rammussen Reports on the phone.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:52:47pm

re: #167 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Or vote for whoever the 2020 edition of Gary Johnson is. You have no idea how badly that pissed me off, hearing all my co-workers talking about how proud of themselves they were voting for that cretin.

Yes I had a LOT of coworkers voting for either Jill Stein or Gary Johnson because “they couldn’t stand either one”…

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:52:50pm

re: #167 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Or vote for whoever the 2020 edition of Gary Johnson is. You have no idea how badly that pissed me off, hearing all my co-workers talking about how proud of themselves they were voting for that cretin.

I’ll say it as someone who was under 30 four years ago but a lot of us are idiots. A lot of the same people who embraced Bernie were former Ron Paul fans.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:53:03pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:53:32pm

re: #161 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Confused to what you’re talking about. Trump didn’t win any under 30 demo that I know of.

Enough did. Full Demo data.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:53:37pm

re: #175 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I’ll say it as someone who was under 30 four years ago but a lot of us are idiots. A lot of the same people who embraced Bernie were Ron Paul fans.

And we were all young and stupid once. After all, once upon a time, I cast a Presidential vote for George W. Bush…

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:53:43pm


Stacey Abrams!

She’s my pick even though I’d prefer she have more experience. However, she’s got a lot of the qualities you look for in a running mate.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:53:49pm

re: #167 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Or vote for whoever the 2020 edition of Gary Johnson is. You have no idea how badly that pissed me off, hearing all my co-workers talking about how proud of themselves they were voting for that cretin.

My brother did, though in a state in which it didn’t matter.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:53:58pm

re: #169 Charles Johnson

I’m relieved that I won’t have to talk myself into supporting Bernie Sanders. I do still have to talk myself into supporting Joe Biden, but that’s substantially easier.

Biden will sign legislation Democrats pass, even if it’s not the taco trucks on every corner bill he asked for.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:54:36pm

re: #177 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Enough did. Full Demo data.

[Embedded content]

Uh your data suggests they voted for him the least. The problem is that we didn’t turnout. Not that enough of us went to Trump. Maybe I’m missing something here.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:55:16pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:55:41pm

re: #181 Belafon

Biden will sign legislation Democrats pass, even if it’s not the taco trucks on every corner bill he asked for.

The executive’s ideology matters less than the legislature IMO.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:55:52pm

re: #169 Charles Johnson

I’m relieved that I won’t have to talk myself into supporting Bernie Sanders. I do still have to talk myself into supporting Joe Biden, but that’s substantially easier.

Biden v. Trump v. Stein v. some libertarian whackadoodle is a no-brainer.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:55:54pm

re: #173 Anymouse 🌹🎃

I’m doing a poll right now from Rammussen Reports on the phone.

“President Trump: Great President, or THE Greatest President?”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:56:05pm

re: #167 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Or vote for whoever the 2020 edition of Gary Johnson is. You have no idea how badly that pissed me off, hearing all my co-workers talking about how proud of themselves they were voting for that cretin.

Or that Russian asset Jill Stein.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:57:03pm

re: #187 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Or that Russian asset Jill Stein.

Thank God I didn’t hear her name thrown around in that office, or I would’ve been fired even quicker than I was. After being arrested for murder.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:57:26pm

re: #179 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

She’s my pick even though I’d prefer she have more experience. However, she’s got a lot of the qualities you look for in a running mate.

Given Biden’s age and possible health issues, we need someone who can take over on day one, and Stacey isn’t it. OTOH Biden floated her name last year as a running mate — so it’s certainly possible. There are women Senators, governors, and congresspeople who are qualified.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:57:37pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:57:43pm

re: #165 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I really think Biden could benefit from a youngrt running mate who isn’t that well known to younger voters.

Biden/Stacy Abrams
Biden/Val Demmings
Biden/Catherine Cortez Masto
Biden/Kamala Harris

b.d. (We're on our own, Vote!)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:58:03pm

re: #176 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

If Tulsi ran on a 3rd party ticket she would probably peel off more Rep voters than Dems since the only place she is getting press is on FoxNews.

stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:58:41pm

re: #147 Backwoods_Sleuth

Today on the elevator at work we started joking around about social distancing and I wound up in a conversation with a guy on my floor that I’d never really talked to before. We were both in agreement that the odds of getting the virus are really high (a surprising number of my coworkers aren’t worried about it at all). When we were done talking he introduced himself by name and made a move to shake my hand. I just held my hands up and shook my head, and he kind of laughed at how instinctive it was for him to go for the handshake even after talking about how risky touching has become.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:58:55pm

re: #173 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Polling on immigration.

Wow, what a bunch of racist questions in the way they were framed.

lawhawk  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:59:25pm

re: #192 b.d. (We’re gonna win)

You need to canvass and get signatures to get on the ballot as a 3d party. Doubt she’ll bother with that. Tulsi is the kind of potted plant that doesn’t move.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:59:34pm

re: #194 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Polling on immigration.

Wow, what a bunch of racist questions in the way they were framed.

Clearly angling to support some Donald Trump policy or another.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:59:44pm

re: #191 Joe Bacon 🌹

Biden/Stacy Abrams
Biden/Val Demmings
Biden/Catherine Cortez Masto
Biden/Kamala Harris

Biden-Lujan Graham is another one imo.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:59:57pm

re: #167 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Or vote for whoever the 2020 edition of Gary Johnson is. You have no idea how badly that pissed me off, hearing all my co-workers talking about how proud of themselves they were voting for that cretin.

Like I said above, I think we underestimated how many people dislike Hillary Clinton enough to have voted 3rd Party rather than vote for her. A lot of NeverTrumpers found other alternatives.

Worth noting, though, that most people thought she was going to win, so entirely too many thought they could throw their vote away without ending up with President Trump.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 5:59:58pm

re: #189 Hecuba’s daughter

Given Biden’s age and possible health issues, we need someone who can take over on day one, and Stacey isn’t it. OTOH Biden floated her name last year as a running mate — so it’s certainly possible. There are women Senators, governors, and congresspeople who are qualified.

Need a person of color though. We cannot run two white people.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:00:02pm

re: #194 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Polling on immigration.

Wow, what a bunch of racist questions in the way they were framed.

You did say Rasmussen.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:00:22pm

re: #182 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Uh your data suggests they voted for him the least. The problem is that we didn’t turnout. Not that enough of us went to Trump. Maybe I’m missing something here.

But they voted for him. I’m not saying in full, but enough.

Trump won by fractions of a percent in key states.

35% of under 24. That’s not insignificant.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:00:33pm

In case you weren’t aware, one of the biggest factors in poll results is how the questions are phrased. Double-blind polls are valuable, but they can’t insulate from the wording of the questions and any innate bias that conveys. Of course, partisan pollsters like Rasmussen take advantage of this.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:01:02pm

re: #191 Joe Bacon 🌹

Biden/Stacy Abrams
Biden/Val Demmings
Biden/Catherine Cortez Masto
Biden/Kamala Harris

All good tickets.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:01:29pm

re: #196 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Clearly angling to support some Donald Trump policy or another.

The policy appears to be shutting off all immigration.

People were referred to as “illegals,” questions about the Census were framed as “immigrants are the majority of population growth, taking American high-paying jobs,” &c.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:01:52pm

re: #183 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

And we can’t telework, the Commissioner of Social Security terminated teleworking and our equipment was redistributed to a newly opened office. So we can’t telework!

stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:02:03pm

re: #148 Joe Bacon 🌹

WOW! Washington Post showing Bloomberg leading in one Missouri county…

LOL. WaPo’s maps showed Amy Klobuchar leading in a Vermont county on super Tuesday. It’ll change when more votes come in.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:02:21pm


moron is gonna do this again:

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:02:21pm

Well we went and voted today. The Dem ballot had EVERYONE who ran listed. I voted Biden as I have stated I would. Fuck you Bernie!

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:02:38pm

re: #201 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

But they voted for him. I’m not saying in full, but enough.

Trump won by fractions of a percent in key states.

35% of under 24. That’s not insignificant.

I don’t disagree. I just think the issue was turnout rather than Trump support.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:02:54pm

Biden wins Michigan. It is ovah!

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:03:33pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:03:58pm

Michigan TOO EARLY TO CALL but Biden leading and will get more delegates.

3 of 6…3 to go…

And Right when I posted, it’s called for Joe!

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:04:28pm
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:04:48pm

re: #210 TarHellion

Biden wins Michigan. It is ovah!

Time for Sanders to concede.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:05:12pm

re: #189 Hecuba’s daughter

Given Biden’s age and possible health issues, we need someone who can take over on day one, and Stacey isn’t it. OTOH Biden floated her name last year as a running mate — so it’s certainly possible. There are women Senators, governors, and congresspeople who are qualified.

She’s my personal pick. That’s all. A lot of the names mentioned have positive imo.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:05:19pm

re: #209 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I don’t disagree. I just think the issue was turnout rather than Trump support.

I concur. I think turnout was depressed by complacency, a bit of BernieBro-ism (yes, fuck that ancient white asshole), and a dislike for the Clinton “legacy” that was fabricated by the right-wing hate machine but has clung to Bill and Hillary for 25 years.

Deep State SuperElite Satinist  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:05:21pm

re: #202 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

In case you weren’t aware, one of the biggest factors in poll results is how the questions are phrased. Double-blind polls are valuable, but they can’t insulate from the wording of the questions and any innate bias that conveys. Of course, partisan pollsters like Rasmussen take advantage of this.

Leading Questions - Yes Prime Minister

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:05:32pm
Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:05:33pm

I didn’t know today was her day:

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:09pm

re: #216 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I concur. I think turnout was depressed by complacency, a bit of BernieBro-ism (yes, fuck that ancient white asshole), and a dislike for the Clinton “legacy” that was fabricated by the right-wing hate machine but has clung to Bill and Hillary for 25 years.

Both my brothers fell for the Clinton hate.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:12pm

With no rally, we need Biden to come out to speak and act presidential. People are craving for someone who seems “normal.” He should view tonight as if it were November 3.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:23pm

oops, nevermind

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:33pm

CNN saying that the Warreners went to Joe.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:51pm


It’s it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?

Only if we are lucky.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:51pm

re: #204 Anymouse 🌹🎃

The policy appears to be shutting off all immigration.

People were referred to as “illegals,” questions about the Census were framed as “immigrants are the majority of population growth, taking American high-paying jobs,” &c.

Skew their poll! Tell em you’re a GOPer.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:06:59pm

re: #220 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Both my brothers fell for the Clinton hate.

You know who I am and where I came from. Up until Donald Trump became the Republican nominee, I was on record as saying I might vote against Hillary. Some old habits die hard.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:07:00pm

re: #221 TarHellion

With no rally, we need Biden to come out to speak and act presidential. People are craving for someone who seems “normal.” He should view tonight as if it were November 3.

He’s in Philly per CNN.

retired cynic  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:07:09pm

I see on 538 that “IRE, organizers of the largest data journalism conference in the U.S., has just announced that someone at its conference this past weekend has tested positive for coronavirus. No one from FiveThirtyEight was in attendance, but sending thoughts to our many, many colleagues at other publications who were.” Bad.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:07:54pm

re: #226 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

You know who I am and where I came from. Up until Donald Trump became the Republican nominee, I was on record as saying I might vote against Hillary. Some old habits die hard.

My brothers just aren’t that informed I’m sad to say or that well versed in understanding how shit gets done.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:08:05pm

re: #209 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I don’t disagree. I just think the issue was turnout rather than Trump support.

That’s not what we were discussing. It was repeat youth votes.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:08:47pm

re: #230 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

That’s not what we were discussing. It was repeat youth votes.

Sorry I guess I misunderstood.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:09:08pm
Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:11:14pm

re: #232 Barefoot Grin

[Embedded content]

Someone on DK said the rural vote flipped on Bernie: 65/35 in favor in 2016, 35/65 today.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:11:27pm

Sanders only carrying 4 counties in Michigan right now…this is a slaughter compared to this time in 2016.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:11:33pm

re: #229 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

One great thing about being divorced from my first wife is not having to deal with her far-right, fundamentalist Xtian relatives. She wasn’t, but it made for so many maddening Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers in which Democrats were described as “evil.” Nevermind that half that group could not exist without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:12:13pm

re: #234 Joe Bacon 🌹

That’s 4 too many! LOL.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:12:13pm

re: #235 TarHellion

One great thing about being divorced from my first wife is not having to deal with her far-right, fundamentalist Xtian relatives. She wasn’t, but it made for so many maddening Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers in which Democrats were described as “evil.” Nevermind that half that group could not exist without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Just like my Pod People Family!

Ace-o-aces  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:12:39pm
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:12:44pm

Biden winning MI in a landslide. Time for Sanders to concede. Much of his vote in 2016 was just anti-Hillary.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:13:01pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:13:23pm

re: #231 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Sorry I guess I misunderstood.

It’s ok. Lots of discussions going on. 🙂

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:14:48pm

re: #163 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Golly! How did a 1st and 1/2 world country like Korea ever manage to do that?

It’s almost like they were (gasp!) prepared, or something.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:14:57pm

re: #235 TarHellion

Nevermind that half that group could not exist without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

That seems to be the way that cookie crumbles.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:15:39pm

It would be a real fucking scream if Biden scored big with the WWC against Trump in the General, because the WWC is pretty much the only demo Trump wins.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:15:58pm

re: #235 TarHellion

One great thing about being divorced from my first wife is not having to deal with her far-right, fundamentalist Xtian relatives. She wasn’t, but it made for so many maddening Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers in which Democrats were described as “evil.” Nevermind that half that group could not exist without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

I don’t know how much you know about me, but that family you’re describing is my family. This past Christmas is the first holiday on record, since I left home in 2006, that my dad has not unloaded a completely deranged right-wing rant about some current Rush Limbaugh talking point or another, a conversation that usually leads to an extended period of awkward silence while my mom cowers quietly and my wife vibrates with a desire to commit patricide.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:16:49pm

re: #242 austin_blue

Golly! How did a 1st and 1/2 world country like Korea ever manage to do that?

It’s almost like they were (gasp!) prepared, or something.

Reminds me of something my first boss in Biotech said - “You saved yourself a lot of time by not fucking up.”

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:17:20pm

Harris, Abrams, Duckworth, Klobuchar, Booker, Warren … Who else is on your VP list? Right now I would rate Harris as the front-runner for this spot.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:18:15pm
austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:18:48pm

re: #166 Blind Frog Belly White

I think the take-home lesson is we underestimated how much people didn’t like Hillary Clinton in 2016, leading us to OVERestimate how much people liked Bernie. Now, given an alternative to Trump who isn’t Bernie, people are flocking to the polls.

Trump’s probably shitting his pants about now. The people voting Biden were the people he was depending on voting for him.

The Bern was always going to to cap out at between 35-40% nationwide. Wide support, not deep.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:19:10pm

OT After several years of a WIFi connection for my MacBook Air I am now back on with a wired/thunderbolt connection. Yippee!

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:20:13pm

Someone made the comment on twitter that Chris Hayes thinks part of Biden’s MI was due to a sense of “we just need to get on with the business of defeating Trump, so lets end this primary stuff now.” I think there’s something to that.

Ace-o-aces  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:21:13pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:21:34pm

re: #252 Ace-o-aces

All aboard the Trans Am, next stop: Washington, DC… again…

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:22:18pm

re: #245 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I’ll never forget being forced to watch some Cajun preacher on DVD for an hour and just wanting to get out of the house and scream. And the whole “Love the sinner but hate the sin” when it came to gay individuals. Would it come as a shock that they were also Amway devotees?

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:22:43pm

re: #249 austin_blue

The Bern was always going to to cap out at between 35-40% nationwide. Wide support, not deep.

Two weeks ago, we were all trying to wrap our heads around Bernie winning the nomination and worrying about winning the General, and whether the young voters would do what they generally don’t, and turn out.

Here we are, with Bernie being mathematically eliminated, and youth turnout DOWN from 2016.

I think we dodged a fucking bullet.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:23:59pm

re: #253 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

All aboard the Trans Am, next stop: Washington, DC… again…

(That’s a Corvette. There are no Pontiacs since 2009)

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:24:03pm

re: #254 TarHellion

I’ll never forget being forced to watch some Cajun preacher on DVD for an hour and just wanting to get out of the house and scream. And the whole “Love the sinner but hate the sin” when it came to gay individuals. Would it come as a shock that they were also Amway devotees?

My in-laws are actually worse than my family. My dad is a civil engineer and an intelligent, upper-middle-class man. My father-in-law is a self-made businessman, 20 years older than my dad, and has been deeper in religious indoctrination and conspiracy theories for decades. I get ALEX FUCKING JONES sent to my email or text messages on occasion.

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:24:15pm

re: #171 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

We have a lot of great freshmen Congresswomen.

Yes, and they better get their butts out there (along with every other D member of Congress) and fully, unreservedly support the nominees, up- and down-ballot. If they don’t (along with rest of the D’s in Congress), they aren’t that great are they?

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:24:29pm

re: #256 Blind Frog Belly White

(That’s a Corvette. There are no Pontiacs since 2009)

The Trans Am is a Fark meme. I do know a bit about cars.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:24:29pm

Some are going to hold on until the end, and I’m not talking about the voters here:

PhillyPretzel  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:24:57pm

re: #256 Blind Frog Belly White

I doesn’t matter. Joe Cool is at the wheel. Go Joe Go.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:25:14pm

re: #255 Blind Frog Belly White

A MAJOR fucking bullet

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:25:25pm

re: #259 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

The Trans Am is a Fark meme. I do know a bit about cars.

Ah. I don’t know from Fark.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:26:23pm

I expect nothing less. This fuck. I’m hoping and praying really, REALLY hard.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:28:31pm

re: #255 Blind Frog Belly White

Two weeks ago, we were all trying to wrap our heads around Bernie winning the nomination and worrying about winning the General, and whether the young voters would do what they generally don’t, and turn out.

Here we are, with Bernie being mathematically eliminated, and youth turnout DOWN from 2016.

I think we dodged a fucking bullet.

Like fuckin Neo in The Matrix.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:28:56pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:29:19pm

re: #247 TarHellion

Harris, Abrams, Duckworth, Klobuchar, Booker, Warren … Who else is on your VP list? Right now I would rate Harris as the front-runner for this spot.

re: #255 Blind Frog Belly White

Two weeks ago, we were all trying to wrap our heads around Bernie winning the nomination and worrying about winning the General, and whether the young voters would do what they generally don’t, and turn out.

Here we are, with Bernie being mathematically eliminated, and youth turnout DOWN from 2016.

I think we dodged a fucking bullet.

We dodged a nuclear warhead…

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:29:34pm

re: #257 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

You wonder how otherwise normal people could act and think this way. It’s as if rationality goes completely out the window. Then again, John Quincy Adams was convinced there were Mole People living in the center of the Earth.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:29:41pm

re: #264 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I expect nothing less. This fuck. I’m hoping and praying really, REALLY hard.

[Embedded content]

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:29:54pm

re: #245 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I don’t know how much you know about me, but that family you’re describing is my family. This past Christmas is the first holiday on record, since I left home in 2006, that my dad has not unloaded a completely deranged right-wing rant about some current Rush Limbaugh talking point or another, a conversation that usually leads to an extended period of awkward silence while my mom cowers quietly and my wife vibrates with a desire to commit patricide.

Is he developing some sense, or did he just lose his voice?

Ace-o-aces  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:30:24pm
William Lewis  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:30:47pm

re: #256 Blind Frog Belly White

(That’s a Corvette. There are no Pontiacs since 2009)

So someone find him a 76 Firebird. We don’t need anything but Joe the Bandit now!

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:31:49pm


Is he developing some sense, or did he just lose his voice?

I think my mom finally got through to him and made him realize that 1) Mrs. Fish and I are not as conservative as he thinks, and 2) his holiday shitposts make everybody at the table uncomfortable, not just us.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:33:50pm

re: #268 TarHellion

You wonder how otherwise normal people could act and think this way. It’s as if rationality goes completely out the window. Then again, John Quincy Adams was convinced there were Mole People living in the center of the Earth.

I wonder that constantly. Then I think about how long both my sets of parents spent being indoctrinated in White American Jesus, and how their faith is the center of their personality. When Christianity pivoted to be racist sexist assholes in the 1960’s, my family followed without question.

BeachDem  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:33:59pm

Haven’t read the whole thread, but Joe only lost by 15 votes to Bernie in Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor; U Michigan). All precincts counted.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:34:31pm
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:37:05pm

re: #39 Sherlock Hound

I hate Jacobin.

While Jacobin shouldn’t be doing this, they are not alone, nor with just Joe Biden.

Lots of everyday people engage in ableist gatekeeping, especially when it’s an invisible disability like stuttering or epilepsy.

My wife gets accused of faking disability using a cane when we park in a handicap space, because apparently a Smart car is supposed to have a wheelchair lift or something.

A good number of conservatives think disabled people are really “faking” to get government benefits. I have been accused of that over epilepsy and migraines, both of which are invisible disabilities.

Jessica Kellgren-Fozard is a disability advocate and YouTuber in the United Kingdom. She is deaf and suffers from debilitating migraine headaches, as well as a chronic genetic disorder called EDS which affects her connective tissues.

She speaks in this video of faking disability in general, and in particular an actress who has been harassed on Instagram over faking disability (she is not faking disability, she has the same genetic disorder). She was harassed so badly she left Instagram (which would not enforce its rules against harassment).


Can you tell if a disabled person is ‘faking’? (yes, Jameela Jamil) [CC]

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:37:33pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:38:34pm

re: #278 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Legit read an article, related to COVID-19, about teleworking that said that remote workers with pets need to show them on camera. It gives a bit of personal connection to the man or woman on the other side of the screen.

Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Kodos  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:39:34pm

Andrew Yang just endorsed Joe Biden on CNN.

Hey, Bernie still might get that Tulsi Gabbard demographic.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:42:23pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:45:18pm
Semper Fi  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:45:47pm

re: #191 Joe Bacon 🌹

Biden/Stacy Abrams
Biden/Val Demmings
Biden/Catherine Cortez Masto
Biden/Kamala Harris

Biden/Kamala Harris

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:45:54pm

re: #281 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Clyburn shouldn’t even put that out there. It just fuels the claims that Bernie is losing because of Democratic interference.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:46:35pm

Lre: #284 Patricia Kayden

Clyburn shouldn’t even put that out there. It just fuels the claims that Bernie is losing because of Democratic interference.

Yep fuels the conspiracy theory bs.

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:46:44pm

re: #255 Blind Frog Belly White

Two weeks ago, we were all trying to wrap our heads around Bernie winning the nomination and worrying about winning the General, and whether the young voters would do what they generally don’t, and turn out.

Here we are, with Bernie being mathematically eliminated, and youth turnout DOWN from 2016.

I think we dodged a fucking bullet.

Bernie’s whole plan was to go into the Convo with a Plurality. When Bloomberg spent +$500 million and dropped out after picking a whole one delgate, the rest of the middle did too, supported Biden, and Bernie was screwed, blued, and tattooed.

Too bad, boo hoo. It was a shitty strategy and it blew up in his face. Now he’s toast. He’s just an irascible son-of-a-bitch and unelectable. Also, he has not produced viable unicorns, or how to pay for them.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:46:54pm

re: #283 Semper Fi

I know I am going to get it from everyone here. How about Biden/Pelosi?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:47:14pm

re: #284 Patricia Kayden

Clyburn shouldn’t even put that out there. It just fuels the claims that Bernie is losing because of Democratic interference.

Same with James Carville on TV.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:47:32pm

re: #282 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Weren’t Bernie Bros just recently calling Senator Warren a snake? A as bd now they’re demanding that she endorse Senator Sanders? Talk about nerve.

calochortus  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:47:54pm

re: #287 PhillyPretzel

I know I am going to get it from everyone here. How about Biden/Pelosi?

She’s nearly 80, so no.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:48:43pm

re: #287 PhillyPretzel

I know I am going to get it from everyone here. How about Biden/Pelosi?

She’s better off in the House. Why mess with a good thing? There’s a lot of great choices for VP.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:48:49pm

re: #287 PhillyPretzel

I know I am going to get it from everyone here. How about Biden/Pelosi?

No. We need her where she is. Please!! She’s highly effective there.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:48:58pm

re: #290 calochortus

She’s nearly 80, so no.


PhillyPretzel  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:50:34pm

re: #290 calochortus

re: #291 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

re: #292 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Okay. As I said I had a hunch it would not be a good thing.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:51:26pm

re: #294 PhillyPretzel

Okay. As I said I had a hunch it would not be a good thing.

All good.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:52:58pm

Harris would make the most sense. And we would also get a Sen. Lieu or a Sen. Schiff after November.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:53:16pm

re: #281 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

BTW, this is Clyburn really not helping:

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:54:34pm

re: #297 Belafon

BTW, this is Clyburn really not helping:

[Embedded content]

I get what he’s saying. But Bernie needs to drop out on his own.

stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:54:45pm

re: #170 The Pie Overlord!

I already own 3 rolling pins: one wooden with handles, one marble, and one French style. All I need are another 3 or 4 with fancy designs on them, LOL. (added to Wish List)

VB, do you have one like this? My grandma used to live with us and she used this. It’s probably older than I am and it has 12 hand carved designs of birds and fruit. I’ve had it since my parents passed away and I’ve never used it.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:55:30pm

re: #297 Belafon

BTW, this is Clyburn really not helping:

[Embedded content]

I do think he means stop with the debates but it can be easy to misinterpret that.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:57:05pm

re: #296 TarHellion

Harris would make the most sense. And we would also get a Sen. Lieu or a Sen. Schiff after November.

That’s my logic too. I think Schiff is a future Senator and Jeffries is likely Pelosi’s successor as House leader imo.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:57:05pm

re: #284 Patricia Kayden

Clyburn shouldn’t even put that out there. It just fuels the claims that Bernie is losing because of Democratic interference.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 6:59:20pm

re: #76 Belafon

So, how would your filibuster prevent what you’re talking about and yet not prevent passing what we believe needs to be passed?

Currently Senators simply threaten a filibuster and a bill dies.

If a bill is being filibustered on the Senate floor for real, that mean’s it’s already up for debate. Unless the real filibuster convinces people to change their positions, it can only delay passage.

makeitstop  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:00:59pm
Citizen K  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:02:53pm

re: #304 makeitstop

[Embedded content]

The replies to Ezra’s tweet are sadly indicative of the folk who act like the only thing that went wrong in 2016 is HIllary herself, and still persist in believing that she single handedly lost the entirety of the 2016 election for everyone because she’s the great Satan.

Kilroy was here  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:03:06pm
The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:04:12pm

re: #299 stpaulbear

VB, do you have one like this? My grandma used to live with us and she used this. It’s probably older than I am and it has 12 hand carved designs of birds and fruit. I’ve had it since my parents passed away and I’ve never used it.

[Embedded content]

I have never used an embossed rolling pin, all of mine are plain. The embossed rollers are made for a special type of shortbread cookie dough called springerle

Now that I think about it, I would first have to use a regular rolling pin to flatten the dough and then use the embossed roller, in one pass, to press in the design. Rolling back and forth with an embossed roller would just obliterate the design.

Disloyal Archangel  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:05:17pm
BeachDem  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:06:18pm

re: #275 BeachDem

Haven’t read the whole thread, but Joe only lost by 15 votes to Bernie in Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor; U Michigan). All precincts counted.

woops—I swear, when I posted that, it said all precincts counted, now it says 38%, oh and Joe is leading by about 250 votes.

Semper Fi  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:06:22pm

re: #287 PhillyPretzel

I know I am going to get it from everyone here. How about Biden/Pelosi?

I have no problem with Pelosi. I think she would go after Trumps nominees with a vengeance.

Renaissance_Man  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:06:35pm

Putting this here for plansbandc:


stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:07:25pm

re: #251 Barefoot Grin

Someone made the comment on twitter that Chris Hayes thinks part of Biden’s MI was due to a sense of “we just need to get on with the business of defeating Trump, so lets end this primary stuff now.” I think there’s something to that.

It pretty much describes how I voted on super Tuesday. Perfectly, in fact.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:07:50pm

re: #298 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I get what he’s saying. But Bernie needs to drop out on his own.

I agree. Biden has to win the majority. It would help if Bernie dropped out, but Biden will need to win the majority.

calochortus  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:09:22pm

re: #307 The Pie Overlord!

I have never used an embossed rolling pin, all of mine are plain. The embossed rollers are made for a special type of shortbread cookie dough called springerle

Now that I think about it, I would first have to use a regular rolling pin to flatten the dough and then use the embossed roller, in one pass, to press in the design. Rolling back and forth with an embossed roller would just obliterate the design.

It’s also easier to apply even pressure using a springerle board rather than a round rolling pin.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:10:21pm

re: #282 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

re: #289 Patricia Kayden

Weren’t Bernie Bros just recently calling Senator Warren snake? A as bd now they’re demanding that she endorse Senator Sanders? Talk about nerve.

Yep — lots of snake emojis. And Bernie supporters cannot understand why, after being vilified for months by BernieBros, the progressive woman hasn’t supported the progressive man. Somehow they feel that moderates are so different from progressives that it makes no sense to them that someone could support Warren and not immediately switch to Bernie when she dropped out.

goddamnedfrank  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:14:09pm

Bernie’s on the bubble in Mississippi, if he drops any more he won’t get any delegates at all out of the State.

bratwurst  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:15:01pm

Yes, there needs to be significant thought and sensitivity put into outreach to Bernie and his fans. Canceling debates, etc. is not the way to do that.

At the same time, it’s not easy to contemplate thoughtful and sensitive outreach to people who engage in so much tantruming and magical thinking.

BigPapa  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:16:41pm

In some personal news, I got a new car. Runs well and has a particular set of skills.

Liam Nissan
Disloyal Archangel  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:19:34pm
TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:20:57pm

re: #318 BigPapa

That is SO freakin’ cool! And quite certain you have a particular set of skills.

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:22:08pm

re: #313 Belafon

I agree. Biden has to win the majority. It would help if Bernie dropped out, but Biden will need to win the majority.

He will.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:22:15pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:22:42pm

re: #319 Disloyal Archangel

[Embedded content]

They just don’t get it.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:23:12pm

re: #141 lawhawk

New Bernie firewall: Kentucky and Nebraska.

jaunte  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:24:15pm
Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:24:56pm

re: #277 Anymouse 🌹🎃

While Jacobin shouldn’t be doing this, they are not alone, nor with just Joe Biden.

Lots of everyday people engage in ableist gatekeeping, especially when it’s an invisible disability like stuttering or epilepsy.

My wife gets accused of faking disability using a cane when we park in a handicap space, because apparently a Smart car is supposed to have a wheelchair lift or something.

A good number of conservatives think disabled people are really “faking” to get government benefits. I have been accused of that over epilepsy and migraines, both of which are invisible disabilities.

Jessica Kellgren-Fozard is a disability advocate and YouTuber in the United Kingdom. She is deaf and suffers from debilitating migraine headaches, as well as a chronic genetic disorder called EDS which affects her connective tissues.

She speaks in this video of faking disability in general, and in particular an actress who has been harassed on Instagram over faking disability (she is not faking disability, she has the same genetic disorder). She was harassed so badly she left Instagram (which would not enforce its rules against harassment).


[Embedded content]

What galls a lot of us is that now, ordinary non-disabled people are getting accommodations like online classwork, which academia has NEVER wanted to provide to disabled folks. For two years, disabled people have been called turtle-killers because plastic straws. Now, Coronavirus, and people are like “never mind”.

I’m betting that when this crisis passes, people will go back to being ableist. Especially the Left.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:25:14pm
Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:26:34pm

re: #324 Anymouse 🌹🎃

New Bernie firewall: Kentucky and Nebraska.

Now they’re back to Wisconsin being the firewall again!

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:27:05pm

re: #325 jaunte

But, but, but we aren’t going to have to payroll taxes … and gas is cheaper .. AND her emails!

// s

Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:27:08pm

re: #324 Anymouse 🌹🎃

This is going to be a Daffy Duck cartoon, innit?
“YOICKS! AND AWAY! [thump] [repeat]

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:28:41pm
makeitstop  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:29:18pm


jaunte  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:29:52pm
stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:29:54pm

re: #327 Yeah Sure WhatEVs


LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:31:01pm

Lre: #333 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I hope this means he’s considering conceding the race. There’s no path for him.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:35:17pm

re: #335 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)


I hope this means he’s considering conceding the race. There’s no path for him.

His surrogates will not allow that.

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:35:22pm


Is it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?


stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:35:22pm

re: #335 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I hope this means he’s considering conceding the race. There’s no path for him.

He’s so mad he’s considering renouncing his party.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:35:54pm

re: #336 Sherlock Hound

His surrogates will not allow that.

Then his surrogates are idiots.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:36:02pm

Sanders flying home to Vermont. Will he concede in the next few days?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:36:09pm

re: #338 stpaulbear

He’s so mad he’s considering renouncing his party.


The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:37:09pm


Is it bad that I hope Pence and Trump both catch covid-19?


retired cynic  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:42:34pm

re: #299 stpaulbear

VB, do you have one like this? My grandma used to live with us and she used this. It’s probably older than I am and it has 12 hand carved designs of birds and fruit. I’ve had it since my parents passed away and I’ve never used it.

[Embedded content]

Oh, shortbread! Yum!

Dread Pirate  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:43:02pm

waves of infections..

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:43:09pm

As more and more local reports come in of infections, and more media outlets run stories, I’m seeing more and more misinformation.

Troubling, really, that writers/editors can’t get their facts straight.

Always this is a problem, always. It’s part of the whole business of reporting. Ignoring the obvious propaganda outlets (like Fox, RT, EpochTimes, etc.), there are still all sorts of articles written with outdated information and just wrong ideas.

Example from Crains:

Report: Michigan has first 2 positive tests for coronavirus

The World Health Organization said Monday that coronavirus, a novel flu-like strain from a large family of viruses not previously identified in humans, is very close to being called a pandemic.

That’s just wrong. Not influenza. And the reason the actual virus is called SARS-Cov-2 and was identified quickly is exactly because this family of viruses is known and studied, because of their human impact such as the previous SARS epidemic.

Interesting Times  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:43:29pm

Sarah Kendzior (dedicated Warren supporter and almost as far from a Biden fan as Bernie Bros) highlights the same clip I posted here about a week ago - it’s what made me worry less about Biden being too conciliatory or naive:

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:44:09pm

Biden is not a perfect candidate, but he won’t embarrass me and he won’t be demanding my attention every five seconds. Biden gets my vote in November.

stpaulbear  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:45:12pm

re: #342 The Pie Overlord!

I wonder if it’s possible for Trump to fuck up the pandemic response so badly that Amendment 25 will come up for discussion. There might be enough infected officials in DC who want his hide.

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:45:51pm

re: #344 Dread Pirate

Yeah, this isn’t good.

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:47:15pm

I said this earlier, but if Biden tells Trump to his face that he’s full of shit, Biden will win 45 states.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:48:02pm

Biden will help us recover what we’ve lost the past four years and I think restore trust in the presidency again. And then we get a battle in 2024 with candidates who will have come to prominence in the past 20 years. Biden said it the other day himself that he’s a bridge to a new generation of Democratic leaders. I trust him not to put his ego above the country.

goddamnedfrank  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:48:39pm

Twitter down for anyone else?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:49:01pm

re: #334 stpaulbear


Capitalism, bitches!

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:50:14pm

Also, holy shit, can you imagine what Biden would do if that orange piece of shit insults his wife?

makeitstop  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:50:32pm

Huge if true.

austin_blue  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:50:54pm

re: #333 jaunte

[Embedded content]

What’s he gonna say?

“We came here, we spent a lot of money because we weren’t going to do well in the south, we put together a large, motivated group of volunteers, and we lost by 14 points. For me, that’s a pretty good night! Let’s move on!”

jaunte  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:51:06pm
Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:51:29pm

re: #354 Ace Rothstein

Also, holy shit, can you imagine what Biden would do if that orange piece of shit insults his wife?

Cue Buzz Aldrin clocking that flat-earther!

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:52:20pm


My brother did, though in a state in which it didn’t matter.

My eldest first cousin cast a ballot for Dr. Jill Stein in Michigan, claiming she hated Hillary Clinton. She could not explain what she hated about her. Republican propaganda over decades definitely worked.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:54:06pm

re: #344 Dread Pirate

Part of the problem is that the Chinese government is going to want to blame outsiders. No containment of humans in a large province is going to be 100%, and cases were found outside of Hubei, so there could be community spreading in small locales all over China.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:55:24pm

re: #354 Ace Rothstein

Also, holy shit, can you imagine what Biden would do if that orange piece of shit insults his wife?

Forget Joe, I’m sure Jill will have something to say too. Jill’s an excellent asset for Joe. The Bros I’ve seen want to make this out to be HRC 2.0 but the Bidens despite being in DC a long time have a relatability with the middle class. She actually taught at a satellite campus of where I attended community college. The Clintons had that too when Bill was running. Retail politics is so underrated and it’s why I’m not shocked Bernie has egg on his face.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:55:52pm

Well shit. I live in one of these counties (but it is a big county)

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:57:58pm

Biden sounds great right now.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:58:01pm

Bitter Berners Bemoaning Biden.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:58:16pm
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:59:26pm

re: #362 The Pie Overlord!

Well shit. I live in one of these counties (but it is a big county)

I guess you can go to Toronto now.

Dread Pirate  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:59:30pm

re: #362 The Pie Overlord!

Well shit. I live in one of these counties (but it is a big county)

[Embedded content]

We have 10 cases in our county, it’s about 800 square miles.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 7:59:34pm

re: #365 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

He’s been a great winner.

cat-tikvah  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:00:01pm

First case diagnosed in my township today…..
re: #362 The Pie Overlord!

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:00:08pm

BTW in Michigan “international travel” includes day trips to Canada.

BigPapa  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:00:30pm

re: #363 Ace Rothstein

Biden sounds great right now.

He speaks like a President. Almost forgot what that sounds like.

jaunte  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:00:37pm

re: #364 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Bitter Berners Bemoaning Biden.

I don’t think this guy is reading the percentages on the chart he posted.

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:01:41pm

A true, heart-felt hug to Jill by Biden. Even looked like he almost cried. I admire that in a REAL PRESIDENT.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:01:44pm
jaunte  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:01:51pm
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:02:26pm

re: #365 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Wholly crap a bunch of hate is pouring out on that thread.

Lie. If the Democrats put such a plan before him, he would sign it. What benefit would Joe Biden have in vetoing such a bill?

TarHellion  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:02:44pm

re: #332 makeitstop

When I was working at a grocery store in the 1980s, this guy scammed so many “Christian” co-workers out of their money. NOTHING could convince them that he was a charlatan. Hmm … kind of reminds me of someone.

Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:02:51pm

re: #372 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I don’t think this guy is reading the percentages on the chart he posted.

Sure, there’s an army of young people. But they already made a choice by not voting.

bratwurst  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:03:07pm

Listening to Biden now makes one thing clear: anyone of any political stripe claiming this man is “senile” or otherwise impaired is a nasty liar.

I’d say Cenk and Greenwald (among many others!) should be ashamed of themselves…but that assumes they have capacity for shame.

They and you are free to dislike Biden, but to lie about his mental fitness disgusts me.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:03:26pm

re: #372 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I don’t think this guy is reading the percentages on the chart he posted.

Then vote. I’m sick of Bernie people complaining about this. Maybe actually vote instead of complaining and maybe actually realize that stability is something a lot of voters want right now.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:03:34pm

Joe is on fire. If we see this from now on it will be a blowout for Joe.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:04:03pm

What a wonderful speech! Biden is better than much of this country — but he can unite us. He wasn’t among my top 10 choices but I will vote for him without any hesitation or second thoughts.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:04:15pm

re: #378 Blind Frog Belly White

Sure, there’s an army of young people. But they already made a choice by not voting.

And as a young voter, a frequent one at that. I have no sympathy for them.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:05:01pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:05:16pm

re: #372 jaunte

I don’t think this guy is reading the percentages on the chart he posted.

The percentages appear to be the share of people exiting the polling station, by age group, for whom they voted.

However, as the age groups differ greatly by who actually shows up at the polls, for Bernie doing so well with young’uns doesn’t mean much if only a few bothered to go to the polls.

Put simply, not many people under 30 bother to vote, especially in primaries.

Skip Intro  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:05:18pm

re: #371 BigPapa

He speaks like a President. Almost forgot what that sounds like.

I think we all have.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:06:23pm

Exit poll showing Biden double digits over Sanders in Washington State.

makeitstop  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:06:35pm
Ace-o-aces  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:08:16pm

re: #332 makeitstop

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:08:24pm

re: #379 bratwurst

Listening to Biden now makes one thing clear: anyone of any political stripe claiming this man is “senile” or otherwise impaired is a nasty liar.

I’d say Cenk and Greenwald (among many others!) should be ashamed of themselves…but that assumes they have capacity for shame.

They and you are free to dislike Biden…but to lie about his mental fitness disgusts me.

He’s recited that Heaney poem a few times now. My Nana had senility so I’ve witnessed it a little . I’m no doc but Biden isn’t senile. People confuse the stutter which is as much a mental disorder as it is physical with him losing his memory. Combine that with edited clips, it’s no wonder imo why younger voters who rely more on viral media seem more likely to believe the conspiracy bs.

retired cynic  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:08:30pm

re: #388 makeitstop

And Sean is using DT’s shade of bronzer. Fake Orange.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:09:17pm

re: #386 Skip Intro

I think we all have.

It’s been a long three years and two months, that’s for sure.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:09:31pm
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:09:49pm

re: #372 jaunte

I don’t think this guy is reading the percentages on the chart he posted.

His chart shows 15% of the voters were young people, and not all of them voted for Sanders.

Turns out young people are generally uninterested in elections, just as in every election.

Ace Rothstein  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:10:35pm

re: #388 makeitstop

JFC, that really happened?

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:10:42pm

re: #388 makeitstop

[Embedded content]

Nothing will give me more joy than seeing President Biden will name Richard Painter as Special Counsel. And Painter indicts every crooked Republican he gets his hands on including Hannity!

makeitstop  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:10:48pm

re: #391 retired cynic

And Sean is using DT’s shade of bronzer. Fake Orange.

I noticed that the other day. He looks every bit as ridiculous as his man crush.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:11:40pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:11:42pm

re: #391 retired cynic

And Sean is using DT’s shade of bronzer. Fake Orange.

And his little boy school yard name calling.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:11:53pm

I’ve seen this lying rodent copulation show up on a bunch of Twitter threads.

Propaganda has to be addressed, or it plants seeds in the minds of people.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:12:42pm

re: #389 Ace-o-aces

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:13:43pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:14:31pm
bratwurst  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:14:51pm

re: #397 makeitstop

I noticed that the other day. He looks every bit as ridiculous as his man crush.

Dammit…I didn’t want to post this again, but you give me no choice!

Joe Bacon 🌹  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:16:54pm

re: #404 bratwurst

Dammit…I didn’t want to post this again, but you give me no choice!

[Embedded content]

What? No Ben Garrison cartoon with Trump as Mr. Olympia?

jaunte  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:17:06pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:17:46pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:19:59pm

re: #406 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I no joke felt like I was listening to KAC when I heard Briahna when she lied about Bloomberg’s health and Bernie’s.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:21:35pm

re: #407 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Churchill funnily enough had a stutter. And those famous Churchill speeches we hear. They’re from after he left office iirc.

Mattand  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:21:52pm

re: #271 Ace-o-aces

What I’ve learned from reading the comments on this tweet is that Trump supporters have never read “The Most Dangerous Game”.

LOL, you could have ended that sentence at “read” and have had the same impact.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:23:12pm

re: #403 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

To put things in perspective, the Summer Olympics have been canceled thrice- 1916, 1940, & 1944.

Mattand  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:28:58pm

re: #359 Anymouse 🌹🎃

My eldest first cousin cast a ballot for Dr. Jill Stein in Michigan, claiming she hated Hillary Clinton. She could not explain what she hated about her. Republican propaganda over decades definitely worked.

Same thing with my neighbor up the street.

I’ve mentioned this before. Literally said he didn’t like Trump, but since he hated HRC more, he had no choice other than to vote for him. When pressed, he was honest-to-God all “I don’t know why I hate her, but I just have a feeling she’s worse than him.”

A little more prodding revealed a not-that-surprsing dose of misogyny, under the guise of “I don’t think male leaders in the Middle East will respect a woman President.”

Despite the fact she was a former… dammit, my memory; what’s the job again?


My partner had a chat with recently in which he was wracked with Trump-grets. I avoid his house now when I’m walking the dog. If I run into him and the subject comes up, he’s gonna wind up punching me. He’s got a temper and I can’t even with these dipshits anymore.

sagehen  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:29:58pm

re: #377 TarHellion

When I was working at a grocery store in the 1980s, this guy scammed so many “Christian” co-workers out of their money. NOTHING could convince them that he was a charlatan.

Was that before or after he went to prison for scamming them out of their money?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:32:48pm

re: #282 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

This is rich. Blaming Warren for when Bernie loses. BUT, Sanders had no effect in Clinton losing to Trump when Sanders did little to nothing to help the Democrats and Clinton once he conceded the nomination to her in 2016.

I half-expect the next claim will be that the loss was due to the GOP doing something to suppress/affect the vote in Biden’s favor.

sagehen  Mar 10, 2020 • 8:35:50pm

re: #411 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

To put things in perspective, the Summer Olympics have been canceled thrice- 1916, 1940, & 1944.

There was also the time the US boycotted (1980) and the time the Soviets boycotted (1984).

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2020 • 9:03:56pm
CleverToad  Mar 10, 2020 • 10:46:47pm

re: #299 stpaulbear

VB, do you have one like this? My grandma used to live with us and she used this. It’s probably older than I am and it has 12 hand carved designs of birds and fruit. I’ve had it since my parents passed away and I’ve never used it.

[Embedded content]

re: #307 The Pie Overlord!

I have never used an embossed rolling pin, all of mine are plain. The embossed rollers are made for a special type of shortbread cookie dough called springerle

Now that I think about it, I would first have to use a regular rolling pin to flatten the dough and then use the embossed roller, in one pass, to press in the design. Rolling back and forth with an embossed roller would just obliterate the design.

I have a rolling pin like that, StPaulBear! Also my grandmother’s, no idea how old. Thank you for the info about the springerle, Mme Overlord, I’m going to check her old cookbooks for recipes. (Would love one of the modern laser-cut varieties too, Retired Cynic. They have ‘em with dinosaurs. And moose!)

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