Greg Sargent: GOP Gerrymandering Efforts Give Biden a Good Reason to Go Big on His Stimulus Plan

Politics • Views: 21,580

Here’s Greg Sargent, making a great deal of sense: Republicans just handed Biden a good reason to go big — without them.

Ten Senate Republicans are unveiling their own scaled-down economic rescue plan — with the transparent aim of getting President Biden to negotiate away his own ambitions. The game they’re playing runs as follows: If Biden doesn’t make all kinds of concessions in their direction, they suggest, he’ll be reneging on his promise to pursue “unity.”

But this argument has now been badly undercut by none other than Republicans themselves.

In an important new piece, the New York Times reports that Republican operatives are openly boasting of their intention to ramp up efforts to gerrymander House districts during this year’s decennial redistricting.

The upshot of that report: It’s plausible that Democrats could lose the House in 2022 largely on the strength of GOP partisan gerrymandering.

And that means, of course, that Biden needs to get things done as soon as possible, because the Republican Party is not only redoubling their efforts to gerrymander vulnerable districts, state GOPs have already introduced dozens of bills restricting voting access in 2021.

They’re trying to make sure they never lose another election by legal means, now that the outright insurrection failed.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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