WATCH LIVE: US Senate Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump

Politics • Views: 21,328


The Senate Impeachment Trial of former President Trump continues with the start of opening arguments from House Republican Impeachment Managers, and Donald Trump’s Defense team.

UPDATE at 2/9/21 11:06:56 am by Charles Johnson

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ipsos  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:29:09am

T should be F’d, if not for his QOP protectors in Congress.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:29:40am

The only thing that will make QAP senators change their minds is if guns are turned on them.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:30:04am
Dave In Austin  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:30:23am

My Congressman’s Sock Puppet Acct.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:30:46am

Trump mob chanting “Fight For Trump!”

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:31:42am

re: #4 Dave In Austin

My Congressman’s Sock Puppet Acct.

[Embedded content]

This is why I refer to Republicans as the Q-Anon Party.

The GOP is dead. It’s now the QAP.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:31:45am
Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:38:02am

re: #7 jaunte

t’s frankly unbelievable to remember that 147 Republicans voted to overturn 2020 election after this violent mob took over the Capitol

It’s equally unbelievable that one of them voted to impeach Trump. Tom Rice certainly had a change of heart.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:38:56am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:39:30am

re: #7 jaunte

[Embedded content]

No it’s not, Ari.

The QAP openly desires to impose a theocratic dictatorship on America.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:47:56am

PBS has got a couple of live feeds going. One is the raw feed, and the other has commentary.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:49:04am

A little snack while watching:

Barefoot Grin  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:51:05am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:52:21am

re: #13 Barefoot Grin

[Embedded content]


Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:00:10am

re: #13 Barefoot Grin

Democrat: L—-
Republicans: We refuse to accept such blatant disregard for our constitution!

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:01:35am

Here’s the opening video shown by House Democrats today:

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:02:24am

Despite clear precedent to the contrary, 45 GOP Senators will stand on the debunked theory that a former President can’t be convicted on an impeachment charge, because that is their excuse for not voting to convict Trump for his despicable crime.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:06:07am

re: #16 Charles Johnson

Here’s the opening video shown by House Democrats today:

I wish they would have run one of those clips a little longer to the point where the insurrectionist said that they were doing whatTed Cruz wanted them to do. Fuck him for voting nay with 10 others to accepting the conditions of the trial.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:06:30am

re: #17 No Malarkey!

Despite clear precedent to the contrary, 45 GOP Senators will stand on the debunked theory that a former President can’t be convicted on an impeachment charge, because that is their excuse for not voting to convict Trump for his despicable crime.

It is for a crime committed and an impeachment which initiated while he was still President.

And if Congress votes to pun on it, then let them bring civil charges against him…

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:10:26am

Is anybody seeing any tweeting or reporting on seditious activity taking place around DC and the capitol?

I’m going to have to quit watching this when Trump’s team comes up. I don’t need to do that to my blood pressure.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:13:21am

re: #19 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is for a crime committed and an impeachment which initiated while he was still President.

And if Congress votes to pun on it, then let them bring civil charges against him…

All that is needed is for the crime to be committed while he was in office (also before he was in office?); British practice when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution permitted impeachment after the official left office and that was also American policy in the 19th Century in the Belknap impeachment.

Acemarilllion  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:13:45am

I was shocked to see national Fox television feed televising the above-mentioned video live and more importantly a non-edited version with no talking heads and even more importantly non-bleeped. There was even a persistent tag on the upper right hand of the screen displaying “Explicit content”.

For the fence-sitters, seeing a version like this, swearing and all, really shows how angry and violent these seditionists were/are.

I can’t in my lifetime recall “mutherfuckas” and “fucks” flying on daytime network TV. And I’m 50 years old.

Acemarilllion  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:16:03am

I can just picture my mom saying “These people have filthy mouths” in her “ashamed-for-them” voice.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:17:29am

It is clearly demonstrating the general level of culture and civility among these “patriots”

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:21:42am
IngisKahn  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:22:04am

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:26:33am
ericblair  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:27:03am

re: #21 Hecuba’s daughter

All that is needed is for the crime to be committed while he was in office (also before he was in office?); British practice when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution permitted impeachment after the official left office and that was also American policy in the 19th Century in the Belknap impeachment.

“Yer honor, the prosecution accuses my client of robbing a bank. Yet there he sits quietly in a nice suit: is he robbing a bank? No? Case closed.”

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:27:27am
Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:27:41am

To the guitar players out there.

Have any of you tried the Rosewood (actual wood) flat picks? I was just cruising through amazon looking to order some more picks and have seen them a few times. Wonder if they are worth checking out.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:28:09am

re: #28 ericblair

“Yer honor, the prosecution accuses my client of robbing a bank. Yet there he sits quietly in a nice suit: is he robbing a bank? No? Case closed.”

“Robbing a bank is nothing in comparison to opening one.”

-Berthold Brecht

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:28:54am

re: #30 Eventual Carrion

To the guitar players out there.

Have any of you tried the Rosewood (actual wood) flat picks? I was just cruising through amazon looking to order some more picks and have seen them a few times. Wonder if they are worth checking out.

I lose picks so quickly that I will stick with cheap plastic ones, otherwise I would have to attach my pick to the bridge with a chain…

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:35:23am

re: #30 Eventual Carrion

To the guitar players out there.

Have any of you tried the Rosewood (actual wood) flat picks? I was just cruising through amazon looking to order some more picks and have seen them a few times. Wonder if they are worth checking out.

It would be interesting to know if they sound different. Rosewood is what they use to make marimba keys. There’s also a shortage looming.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:35:49am

re: #19 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is for a crime committed and an impeachment which initiated while he was still President.

And if Congress votes to pun on it, then let them bring civil charges against him…

If I was a member of Brian Sicknick’s family, or one of the cops seriously injured during the coup, you can bet I would be talking to an attorney about suing Trump.

makeitstop  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:36:22am

re: #30 Eventual Carrion

To the guitar players out there.

Have any of you tried the Rosewood (actual wood) flat picks? I was just cruising through amazon looking to order some more picks and have seen them a few times. Wonder if they are worth checking out.

I haven’t tried rosewood, but I’ve had wooden picks in the past.

Might be my playing style, but I tend to chew them right up. I just stay with those green Tortex jobbies, I can’t kill ‘em.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:42:52am

Holy shit. This story from the senator house member who’s daughter and son-in-law were visiting the day of the insurrection was horrifying.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:43:45am

re: #35 makeitstop

I haven’t tried rosewood, but I’ve had wooden picks in the past.

Might be my playing style, but I tend to chew them right up. I just stay with those green Tortex jobbies, I can’t kill ‘em.

That was my worry with the price of them. I tear up picks pretty quickly and $15 for a 6-pack of them is kinda steep when I can get a 12-pack of Dunlop for $3.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:46:04am

re: #30 Eventual Carrion

To the guitar players out there.

Have any of you tried the Rosewood (actual wood) flat picks? I was just cruising through amazon looking to order some more picks and have seen them a few times. Wonder if they are worth checking out.

I’ve tried wooden picks but I don’t think I’ve used rosewood. I like just a little bit of flexibility in a pick, though, so I didn’t really like them. Also, they’re comparatively expensive and still wear out.

I’m a fanatic about having nice smooth edges in a pick. Any kind of roughness or irregularity and I can feel it.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:47:12am

“As video of Capitol riot played, some GOP senators turned away”

“While the screen showed demonstrators marching on the Capitol, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) looked down at the pad of lined paper in his lap, where he had already begun doodling with a pencil. Behind him, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) studied papers in his lap, taking only the tiniest glimpses at the screen to his right. A few seats over, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also focused most of his attention on papers in front of him instead of on the images depicting the insurrection at the Capitol, and a few seats from him, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) did the same.”

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:48:51am

re: #29 jaunte

Jill Wine-Banks
@davidcicilline cleverly uses Trump’s calling himself “the 45th President of the United States” to show that 1. Trump still refuses to concede he lost and is sticking with the big lie and 2. he is a former official subject to impeachment trial now.

He’s referring to his position on the list of your favorite presidents.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:49:23am

re: #39 jaunte

None so blind as those who refuse to see.

They’re craven cowards covering up crimes by the most corrupt and incompetent person to ever hold office.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:49:28am

Man, that statement by Jamie Raskin was heart-wrenching.

DesertDenizen  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:49:41am

re: #39 jaunte

“As video of Capitol riot played, some GOP senators turned away”

Cowards. Too afraid to own their creation?

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:50:27am

re: #39 jaunte

“As video of Capitol riot played, some GOP senators turned away”

That should be an ad next year.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:51:14am

How is the defense going to fill their time trying to defend insurrection?

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:52:15am

re: #43 DesertDenizen

Cowards. Too afraid to own their creation?

Hoping we won’t notice they intend laws only to apply to the little people.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:53:30am

re: #45 jaunte

How is the defense going to fill their time trying to defend insurrection?

What insurrection?

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:54:35am

re: #39 jaunte

“As video of Capitol riot played, some GOP senators turned away”


ericblair  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:55:48am

re: #39 jaunte

“As video of Capitol riot played, some GOP senators turned away”


No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:56:19am

re: #45 jaunte

How is the defense going to fill their time trying to defend insurrection?

They plan to show video of Democrats making fiery statements, none of which resulted in the audience immediately becoming a murderous mob.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:56:42am

re: #44 Belafon

That should be an ad next year.

That is so they can say that they saw nothing that changed their minds without fear of bursting into flames.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:59:14am

re: #49 ericblair

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your glazzies.”

Teddy's Person  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:59:36am

re: #45 jaunte

How is the defense going to fill their time trying to defend insurrection?

They will both sides this bitch. As I type, one of Moscow Mitch’s minions is putting together a video of BLM protests designed to imply that they were just as violent as the Capitol rioters. There will probably be some video of Trump (filmed in the tackiest room at Mar-a-Grifto and produced by Mark Burnett) where he will reiterate the Big Lie and incite his supporters to even more violence.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:02:01pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:03:24pm

re: #54 jaunte

Kind of like when an attacker doesn’t want to make eye contact with his victim in court.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:05:23pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:06:54pm

Surprised that Trump’s lawyer called him “former President”. He won’t like that.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:07:35pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:07:45pm

Trump’s lawyer calls for him to be prosecuted!

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:13:36pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:14:17pm

Is this guy trying to bore us to death?

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:14:38pm

Castor is not taking this seriously.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:14:51pm

re: #59 No Malarkey!

Trump’s lawyer calls for him to be prosecuted!

He’s calling on Trump to be prosecuted, where Trump’s lawyers will claim the only avenue for action is impeachment since he was in office and protected by Executive Privilege.

The sum total of Trump defense is to claim that he’s above the law and can never be held responsible for his actions or the actions of those he incited to violence.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:15:18pm

Trump’s lawyer is talking about anything except the case. Just giving Senators a tongue bath.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:15:25pm

re: #60 lawhawk

He’ll be knocking over gumball machines in a week.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:15:44pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:16:36pm

re: #63 lawhawk

He’s calling on Trump to be prosecuted, where Trump’s lawyers will claim the only avenue for action is impeachment since he was in office and protected by Executive Privilege.

The sum total of Trump defense is to claim that he’s above the law and can never be held responsible for his actions or the actions of those he incited to violence.

No way the founders intended the President to be an absolute monarch.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:17:26pm

re: #67 No Malarkey!

No way the founders intended the President to be an absolute monarch.

You know that and I know that, but they’re going to do their best to try and persuade us that’s not true. Alternative facts!

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:17:30pm
darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:17:38pm

Did this asshole really say that Senators have an obligation to be partisan?

Trump’s defense is basically PARTY LOYALTY.

DodgerFan1988  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:18:29pm
Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:19:54pm

re: #71 DodgerFan1988

Has Joe apologized for being one of the liars who radicalized the rubes?

Teddy's Person  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:20:38pm

Castor sounds like he’s reading the Early American History Mad Lib he filled out in the car on the way to the Capitol.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:20:55pm
A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:20:57pm

From downstairs:

re: #224 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It was a close-run thing. He might not have won the popular vote, but had the EC vote only come down to one state, god knows what would have happened.

Don’t forget that for all his mismanagement of Covid, he still got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.


This would be valid if the same total number of people voted in both elections, But turnout was much higher this time, and far more of the “new” voters came out for Biden than for DT. By percentages, DT got 46% of the vote and Clinton got 48% in 2016. In 2020, DT got a whole 1% more (47%), but Biden got 51.3%.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:21:07pm
TedStriker  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:21:07pm

And, now, for something completely not serious:

I wasn’t the one lucky enough to actually discover this VIN; somehow, a Twitter user named Neokai spotted it, though I’m not sure exactly how. VINs, while visible from the outside of a car, aren’t exactly eye-catching, but maybe the sheer glory of it caused it to cast some sort of unearthly light.

Anyway, here’s the VIN:


Wow. They should have sent a poet.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:23:04pm
Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:23:20pm

re: #77 TedStriker

You want “blockquote” in the brackets.

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:23:41pm

I was unaware this trial was related to the fabulousness of senators, which seems to be all Castor is arguing.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:23:58pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:24:05pm

He just made a stupid argument that British law has zero precedental value, which is completely false.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:24:55pm

re: #60 lawhawk

And it gets better:
OAN parent company ordered to pay MSNBC, Rachel Maddow $250,000 after losing defamation lawsuit

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:25:28pm

re: #82 No Malarkey!

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:26:18pm

Freedums!!!! I think I’ll go shout “fire” in a crowded theater and see how that goes.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:26:20pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:26:51pm
Grunthos the Flatulent  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:28:13pm

re: #12 jeffreyw

A little snack while watching:

[Embedded content]

Where’s the pineapple?

I’m a dead man, aren’t I?

Teddy's Person  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:28:21pm

Castor is Billy Flynn without the razzle dazzle.

TedStriker  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:28:28pm

re: #79 Belafon

You want “blockquote” in the brackets.

Fixed… I’m mobile right now (waiting while the windows on my new 2020 Sentra are getting tinted) and the create post pop-up wasn’t showing the “easy” buttons in the upper right corner in Chrome on my phone for some reason, so I was trying to remember the proper syntax.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:28:50pm

I was going to say something witty but someone else already said it, so FLOODGATES!

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:29:18pm

re: #86 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Freepers are unimpressed with Castor.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:29:54pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:30:29pm

Give the the slippery slope principle an inch and it takes a light year.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:30:38pm

re: #84 jaunte

Property law is one area where English common law has its marks. Same with tort law.

We diverge after becoming our own nation and our own laws, but that’s entirely predictable. There’s drift in how law changes as you move away from a common point.

The other reason we don’t normally mention English common law much in US cases is that we have such a voluminous amount of caselaw of our own that there’s no need to refer to English law.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:31:19pm

re: #93 jaunte

His logic is actually sound. If this was a partisan impeachment, I would agree that we should not go forward. The problem is that his premise is absolutely and unequivocally false, which means that his conclusion is the biggest flaming dumpster of hot garbage.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:31:21pm

re: #88 Grunthos the Flatulent

Where’s the pineapple?

I’m a dead man, aren’t I?

Reminds me, I need to bake an upside down cake.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:31:42pm
darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:31:55pm

Fast & Furious! Drink!

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:32:22pm

re: #95 lawhawk

Property law is one area where English common law has its marks. Same with tort law.

We diverge after becoming our own nation and our own laws, but that’s entirely predictable. There’s drift in how law changes as you move away from a common point.

The other reason we don’t normally mention English common law much in US cases is that we have such a voluminous amount of caselaw of our own that there’s no need to refer to English law.

But in this case there have been few impeachments.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:32:33pm

re: #96 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

I think he knows, which explains the multiple wrappers of folksiness, badly told stories, and bullshit.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:33:34pm
A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:34:04pm

re: #26 IngisKahn

[Embedded content]

Add: Avery Brooks missed his timing and broke Marc Alaimo’s nose on the set. Alaimo was rushed to the hospital in full Dukat rig.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:34:06pm


lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:34:58pm

re: #96 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

His logic is actually sound. If this was a partisan impeachment, I would agree that we should not go forward. The problem is that his premise is absolutely and unequivocally false, which means that his conclusion is the biggest flaming dumpster of hot garbage.

It was a bipartisan impeachment. Both Democrats and Republicans in the house voted to impeach.

It’s the Senate GOP that is convinced that this is not constitutional (it is), and they’ve done so by baffling with bulkshit and smoke and mirrors.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:35:54pm

The notion that attempting a violent coup that got people killed is just another partisan “outrage” that the lofty Senate should consider beneath it’s dignity is obscene.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:36:00pm
Teddy's Person  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:36:01pm

I just had a lovely thought. Trump has to endure all of this without being able to send out a whiny tweetstorm.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:36:11pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:36:23pm

A ten second argument stretched to the boring point.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:36:26pm
O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:36:57pm

re: #105 lawhawk

It was a bipartisan impeachment. Both Democrats and Republicans in the house voted to impeach.

It’s the Senate GOP that is convinced that this is not constitutional (it is), and they’ve done so by baffling with bulkshit and smoke and mirrors.

Their definition of “partisan” is, “The Democrats are doing this to get revenge on Trump purely because they hate him.” They are trying to sell the alternate reality that has been built up since November 2016 that Trump was a wildly successful and wildly popular President and that his opposition is irrationally fixated on undoing him for no valid reason, and everything to the contrary is Fake News.

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:37:15pm

re: #104 jaunte


He doesn’t need to worry about that unless they’re just as bad.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:37:25pm

re: #108 Teddy’s Person

I just had a lovely thought. Trump has to endure all of this without being able to send out a whiny tweetstorm.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:37:42pm
Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:38:06pm

re: #38 Charles Johnson

I’ve tried wooden picks but I don’t think I’ve used rosewood. I like just a little bit of flexibility in a pick, though, so I didn’t really like them. Also, they’re comparatively expensive and still wear out.

I’m a fanatic about having nice smooth edges in a pick. Any kind of roughness or irregularity and I can feel it.

When I was still having neuropathy/gripping issues in my fingers after chemo, I grabbed some dimpled textured picks from Sam Ash. That made a huge difference in being able to hold the damn things until my fingers cleared up.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:39:05pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:40:23pm
Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:41:34pm

re: #117 jaunte

Honestly, Trump’s lawyers could get up there and shit all over the podium if they wanted. They know that the fix is in on this. They literally could just get up, say “Trump’s innocent”, and walk off. There is no way any more Republicans are going to suddenly develop morals at this point and vote to convict.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:42:20pm
lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:42:45pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:43:08pm
darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:43:13pm

The reason I sound like I don’t have an argument is because I have nothing to say.

This guy finished high school?

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:43:17pm

re: #119 Mattand

Honestly, Trump’s lawyers could get up there and shit all over the podium if they wanted. They know that the fix is in on this. They literally could just get up, say “Trump’s innocent”, and walk off. There is no way any more Republicans are going to suddenly develop morals at this point and vote to convict.

I realize this is our expected outcome, but Republicans in the Senate aren’t the only audience.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:43:21pm
Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:44:19pm

re: #120 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bruce Castor warns Eric Holder might be impeached next.


That’s the Republican warning shot of “We are going to impeach Biden as a tit-for-tat as soon as we can. Not if, but when.”

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:44:53pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:46:33pm
Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:46:48pm

re: #123 darthstar

The reason I sound like I don’t have an argument is because I have nothing to say.

This guy finished high school?

He may have gone to a Conservative 2+2 = Jesus school.

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:46:54pm

What if, and bear with me-I’m just hypothesizing here, Biden doesn’t incite a mob to insurrection? Will he still be subject to impeachment?

HRH Stanley Sea  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:47:19pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:47:25pm

The fear, Mr. Castor, is that if Trump is the nominee again, he’ll attempt another violent coup, like he did on January 6th. And arguing it’s wrong to impose a penalty the Constitution expressly provides for is just stupid.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:47:37pm

re: #130 calochortus

What if, and bear with me-I’m just hypothesizing here, Biden doesn’t incite a mob to insurrection? Will he still be subject to impeachment?

yes, because Hunter…

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:48:15pm

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

Oh, FUCK. That’s not too far from here.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:48:43pm
calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:49:41pm

re: #133 Backwoods_Sleuth

yes, because Hunter…

Oh yeah. Right.

retired cynic  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:49:47pm

What the frickin’ hell does this have to do with anything?

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:50:41pm

re: #130 calochortus

What if, and bear with me-I’m just hypothesizing here, Biden doesn’t incite a mob to insurrection? Will he still be subject to impeachment?


TedStriker  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:50:42pm

re: #103 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Add: Avery Brooks missed his timing and broke Marc Alaimo’s nose on the set. Alaimo was rushed to the hospital in full Dukat rig.

That’s awesome. Awful for the actors, but awesome.

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:50:50pm

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

One more reason why I left religion behind, and one more reason I will never vote Republican again.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:50:55pm

Except if the coup succeeds, then Trump isn’t subject to criminal prosecution either.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:51:00pm

re: #54 jaunte

[Embedded content]

they are afraid
they have no courage
and most of all they are derelict in their duty as jurors

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:52:29pm

So the next guy is also presenting the “Senators Rock!” defense?

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:54:00pm

re: #86 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

hot dog suit….
…boiled in pasta water

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:54:06pm

re: #143 calochortus

So the next guy is also presenting the “Senators Rock!” defense?

Impeaching Trump is required to protect the Constitution.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:54:55pm

re: #144 Dangerman

hot dog suit….
…boiled in pasta water

That’s fine, but I’m not using it for coffee.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:55:03pm

Sounds like open mic night at the Burning Of The Constitution Bar and Grill

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:55:36pm

-Saltyarmyanon 7 points 21 minutes ago +7 / -0
My guess is Team Trump wants to loose part 1 of this Sham impeachment so they can get more time to present evidence in part 2. Only logical explanation for this sad display of “defense”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:55:56pm
Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:56:29pm

re: #148 Nyet

-Dirtbuggy 1 point 14 minutes ago +1 / -0
I pray you’re right because this opening defence is like watching paint dry, he’s saying literally nothing.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:56:50pm


🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:56:56pm

re: #74 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]


1) Bruce Castor is the crooked DA who gave Cosby pass after pass


2) That ass is running to be PA Governor in 2022.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:57:18pm

This guy is making a red meat argument for Trump and MAGA nation.

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:57:28pm

So now we’re being told that the minority (74 million voters) need to be given more power.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:57:31pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:57:43pm

somebody should tell Schoen that it’s all just a reality show…

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:58:01pm

re: #156 Backwoods_Sleuth

somebody should tell Schoen that it’s all just a reality show…

More scripted than WWE.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:58:05pm

re: #148 Nyet

-Saltyarmyanon 7 points 21 minutes ago +7 / -0
My guess is Team Trump wants to loose part 1 of this Sham impeachment so they can get more time to present evidence in part 2. Only logical explanation for this sad display of “defense”

maybe they’re just not very good at this

Teddy's Person  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:58:33pm

re: #155 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

You’ll always have Four Season Total Landscaping.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:58:36pm

re: #155 Charles Johnson

That would be the candle on the shit cake this is.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:59:21pm

re: #72 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Has Joe apologized for being one of the liars who radicalized the rubes?

Repeatedly and full throatedly. He admitted to his complicity.

Walsh is still am ahole (in my opinion) but he’s a self aware one.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:59:34pm

re: #120 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Was I asleep for a large portion of the last 10 years or so? When was Eric Holder president?

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:59:37pm

This whiny little shit is the “Shomer Shabbos” lawyer? Walter Sobchak would kick his ass.

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:59:46pm

-IFoughtWithWallace 9 points 42 minutes ago +9 / -0
Okay so Caster isn’t doing his job. Is this on purpose? I don’t know. What I do know, is this is not an effective opening for his client, our beloved President.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:00:21pm

re: #162 Eventual Carrion

Was I asleep for a large portion of the last 10 years or so? When was Eric Holder president?

Other federal officials can be impeached.

retired cynic  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:00:30pm

Good grief! Schoen is worse than Caster!

retired cynic  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:00:42pm


A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:00:54pm

Interesting. The defense second lawyer person just said they’ll stipulate that the riot happened, so the House Managers don’t have to show any pictures. Could it be that they fear that repug senators might be swayed by it? Or maybe just the rest of us?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:01:14pm
calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:01:25pm

re: #168 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Interesting. The defense second lawyer person just said they’ll stipulate that the riot happened, so the House Managers don’t have to show any pictures. Could it be that they fear that repug senators might be swayed by it? Or maybe just the rest of us?


No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:01:39pm

Trump was President just 20 days ago. And the coup was just 34 days ago.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:01:39pm
calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:02:18pm

re: #171 No Malarkey!

Trump was President just 20 days ago. And the coup was just 34 days ago.

Practically a lifetime.

b.d. (America is Great Again)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:02:25pm

I wonder who tomorrow’s lawyers will be?

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:02:45pm

re: #168 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Interesting. The defense second lawyer person just said they’ll stipulate that the riot happened, so the House Managers don’t have to show any pictures. Could it be that they fear that repug senators might be swayed by it? Or maybe just the rest of us?

Defense attorneys never want the visceral evidence of their violent crimes in evidence.

bratwurst  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:03:14pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:03:15pm
b.d. (America is Great Again)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:03:44pm

Expect an angry tweet from the Mar-A-Lago Dinner Menu Twitter account shortly.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:04:35pm

re: #97 jeffreyw

Reminds me, I need to bake an upside down cake.

Imma gonna make an Elvis Presley cake.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:04:42pm
nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:04:43pm


Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:04:55pm

re: #168 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Interesting. The defense second lawyer person just said they’ll stipulate that the riot happened, so the House Managers don’t have to show any pictures. Could it be that they fear that repug senators might be swayed by it? Or maybe just the rest of us?

Now: You don’t have to show pictures.
Later: Democrats never presented any evidence of any capitol riots.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:05:15pm

You don’t have a due process right to two trials.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:06:33pm

I like these greatest hits videos - Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:07:07pm

They maay have messed up their script.
Isn’t it usual to have the “bad cop” go before the “good cop?”

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:07:45pm

re: #168 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Interesting. The defense second lawyer person just said they’ll stipulate that the riot happened, so the House Managers don’t have to show any pictures. Could it be that they fear that repug senators might be swayed by it? Or maybe just the rest of us?

He just showed pics of Democrats calling for impeachment, so fuck him.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:08:07pm

re: #185 calochortus

They maay have messed up their script.
Isn’t it usual to have the “bad cop” go before the “good cop?”

It depends on who’s defining “good cop.”

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:08:47pm

Believe it or not, this is his official picture. *blecchh*

Teddy's Person  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:08:52pm

re: #178 b.d. (America is Great Again)

Expect an angry tweet from the Mar-A-Lago Dinner Menu Twitter account shortly.

You made me look it up. Trump Mar-A-Lago has a twitter account created in 2016. To date, the account has not tweeted a thing. I’m actually surprise Trump hasn’t hijacked the account.

Sherlock Hound  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:09:22pm

re: #180 Backwoods_Sleuth

If I hear this on FB, my only reply:

“You’re on.”

Patton said you had to make the other guy die for his Confederacy, um, country.
“You’re on.”

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:10:21pm

re: #188 Nyet

[Embedded content]

Believe it or not, this is his official picture. *blecchh*

He looks like Dim Jim Hoft’s dimmer brother.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:10:28pm
Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:11:05pm

re: #191 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

He looks like Dim Jim Hoft’s dimmer brother.

I mean, in “real life” (on video) he looks much better than the creature on the photo.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:11:41pm

re: #193 Nyet

I mean, in “real life” (on video) he looks much better than the creature on the photo.

That’s fair. I’m not watching so I don’t have that vantage point.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:12:05pm

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

Ilhan Omar
I am devastated by the news of a mass shooting and bombing in Wright County, Minnesota. My thoughts are with all the victims and their families right now.

That’s in Tom Emmer’s district.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:12:46pm

Someone tell Schoen about the difference between an indictment (impeachment) and a trial (of impeachment). No rush to judgement has happened, this is the beginning of the “judgement” phase. By the way, I seem to remember that they made this exact argument last time.

Also, I can feel brain cells dying as this “argument” goes on. I may not be listening much longer…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:12:47pm
Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:13:11pm

re: #194 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Here he looks just normal, reminding me of Dersh.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:14:47pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:17:57pm
nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:18:07pm

re: #197 Backwoods_Sleuth

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:18:14pm

re: #189 Teddy’s Person

You made me look it up. Trump Mar-A-Lago has a twitter account created in 2016. To date, the account has not tweeted a thing. I’m actually surprise Trump hasn’t hijacked the account.

Either no one knows the password or are refusing to give it to him.

calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:18:39pm

OK, so due process means you need an opportunity to defend yourself, says the accused’s lawyer, while defending his client.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:19:01pm
calochortus  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:19:31pm

I think it’s time for a mental health break. Catch you later.

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:20:02pm

re: #200 Backwoods_Sleuth

Reminds me of Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste.

He also finds that his brain is leaking out the back of his head, so he stuffs it back in and uses a hat to hold it in place.

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:20:22pm

re: #200 Backwoods_Sleuth

It is customary to say a blessing before eating or drinking, and in order to make a blessing the head has to be covered, so he is using his hand for an emergency kippah.

I am embarrassed, being an Orthodox Jew, that this guy is defending Trump in this grotesque performance, but not by his making a blessing on a drink of water.

Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:20:26pm

re: #119 Mattand

Honestly, Trump’s lawyers could get up there and shit all over the podium if they wanted. They know that the fix is in on this. They literally could just get up, say “Trump’s innocent”, and walk off. There is no way any more Republicans are going to suddenly develop morals at this point and vote to convict.

They could really go off - golden opportunity. I mean, why not?

“Senators, let’s cut the shit. We all know the score. Trump did it. You know he did it. He knows you know. But that doesn’t matter, does it?

“Because if you dare to even THINK about voting to convict, Trump will be outside your house with a mob of freaks with assault rifles, and you’ll end your pathetic life nailed to a cross screaming as you watch your family doused with gasoline. So fuck you. Fuck you all. (*farts into microphone, flips the bird*)”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:20:55pm

re: #142 Dangerman

they are afraid
they have no courage
and most of all they are derelict in their duty as jurors

They’re not derelict, they’re complicit.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:21:23pm

re: #200 Backwoods_Sleuth

Forgot he didn’t have his hairpiece on?

Romantic Heretic  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:21:43pm

re: #43 DesertDenizen

Cowards. Too afraid to own their creation?

Like Heinrich Himmler.

Once, once, he watched his thugs at work. He turned a nasty shade of green and practically fled back to his car and then his office.

Never did that again.

The resemblances between our fscists and the last group grow by the minute.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:22:23pm

re: #209 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

They’re not derelict, they’re complicit.

And they will pretty much be a textbook definition of the difference between bias and prejudice.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:22:50pm

This is a remarkably stupid argument.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:23:27pm
A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:23:34pm

Now he’s just talking to run out the clock.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:24:16pm

David Schoen’s argument takes the cake…


nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:24:36pm

re: #213 No Malarkey!

They have a remarkably stupid base.
Now if they could just drag a black man in and ask “Do you want this dating your daughter” it would be complete.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:24:50pm
jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:24:54pm

re: #179 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Imma gonna make an Elvis Presley cake.

That looks yummy!

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:25:30pm

Just saying the words “due process” and “fair trial” every five minutes isn’t an argument. And 50/50 is as fair a jury as you can get.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:27:27pm

It’s the ‘baffle them with bullshit defence.”

Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:27:27pm

re: #217 nines09

They have a remarkably stupid base.
Now if they could just drag a black man in and ask “Do you want this dating your daughter” it would be complete.

Anyone want to wander over to FreeRepublic and see what’s going on over there?

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:28:25pm

Schoen is a committed insurrectionist.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:28:46pm

re: #220 darthstar

Just saying the words “due process” and “fair trial” every five minutes isn’t an argument. And 50/50 is as fair a jury as you can get.

hell enough of the jury already stated the verdict before the trial began

Dave In Austin  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:29:26pm

re: #222 Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)

Anyone want to wander over to FreeRepublic and see what’s going on over there?

My Congressman’s FB page (personal) Roger Williams, is a hot mess.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:29:32pm

The irony of Trump’s lawyer complaining about “snap judgment” at the beginning of a week long trial.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:30:04pm

[ deleted ]

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:30:44pm

re: #227 Charles Johnson

Plug the blowhole to contain overspray.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:30:52pm
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:31:32pm
President Joe Biden will eventually invite Donald Trump to the White House for a presidential portrait unveiling, Politico reports.

Trump refused to extend this traditional courtesy to Barack Obama, but Biden will restart it.

Said press secretary Jen Psaki: “I have not been given any indication that we would break with tradition in that regard.”

NOT on AF1
and as a reminder that he’s not the president any more lost and who he lost to

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:31:48pm

This isn’t a bill of attainder. The Constitution explicitly provides for impeachment trials by the legislature, so it can’t be unconstitutional.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:31:53pm

Is this really a thing?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:32:10pm
The Pie Overlord!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:32:42pm

re: #227 Charles Johnson

He is saying a blessing before drinking. The head has to be covered while praying so he is using his hand as an emergency kippah.

I am embarrassed enough that this guy is defending Trump in such a grotesque performance but let’s not make fun of him for the way he prays.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:33:00pm

re: #232 Charles Johnson

Is this really a thing?

Yes. VB describes it upthread.

ETA: 18 seconds!

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:33:46pm

re: #219 jeffreyw

That looks yummy!

Mom ‘s family ALWAYS had an obsession with Duncan Hines cake mixes.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:33:59pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:34:27pm

re: #234 The Pie Overlord!

He is saying a blessing before drinking. The head has to be covered while praying so he is using his hand as an emergency kippah.

I am embarrassed enough that this guy is defending Trump in such a grotesque performance but let’s not make fun of him for the way he prays.

Not making fun of him, I’ve just never seen that before.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:34:41pm
Interesting Times  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:36:02pm

re: #226 No Malarkey!

The irony of Trump’s lawyer complaining about “snap judgment” at the beginning of a week long trial.

So that’s what this refers to:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:36:27pm

today’s mass shooting in Minnestoa

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:36:53pm

Let’s not play “The Chief Justice the is not presiding” drinking game because we’ll have alcohol poisoning by happy hour eastern time.

Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:37:48pm


OK, I did it. Here’s a sampling:

To: conservative98
Neil Cavuto just stated as a fact that Trump was impeached “after inciting an insurrection” and that he was impeached by an “overwhelming majority” of the Congress.

Also said the democrats have “new evidence”.

9 posted on 2/9/2021, 12:04:19 PM by Williams (Stop Tolerating The Intolerant)

I have watched these DC SCUM on both sides decimate a POTUS I LOVE for 4 years I will not watch one more minute of their BS!!!

20 posted on 2/9/2021, 12:10:35 PM by Trump Girl Kit Cat (Yosemite Sam raising hell)

And here’s the thread that’s rising fast:

“The only cause of death I heard for officer Sicknick was his skull was beaten with a fire extinguisher.”
Apparently not: No blunt force trauma according to this:

256 posted on 2/9/2021, 3:24:10 PM by Ozymandias Ghost

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:38:00pm

re: #232 Charles Johnson

Is this really a thing?

[Embedded content]

Dad was Reformed Jewish. We don’t do it.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:38:01pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:38:08pm

re: #241 Backwoods_Sleuth

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:38:52pm
“I didn’t fear for my life, but yeah, there was a moment where I’m in my office, I’m armed, and I kind of think maybe I’m going to have to use my gun.”

— Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), in an interview on The Circus, recounting the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

unless he means i didnt fear for my life just then but i might soon, this makes no sense at all

and why do all these congressmen feel the need to be armed (before 1/6)

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:39:38pm

re: #236 🌹UOJB!

Mom ‘s family ALWAYS had an obsession with Duncan Hines cake mixes.

I’m making homemade “box cake” mix because I no gots boxed cake mix.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:40:05pm

re: #236 🌹UOJB!

Mom ‘s family ALWAYS had an obsession with Duncan Hines cake mixes.

Mrs J made brownies with a DH mix today. She will frost it with coconut pecan icing.

Interesting Times  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:40:09pm

re: #245 Charles Johnson

Why do I suspect this is exactly why he did it? A sleazy, bad-faith attempt to paint anyone who questions it as “anti-Semitic” (same as how he demanded the impeachment trial be put on hold during the Sabbath, figuring it wouldn’t be, and then when Schumer called his bluff, he was all “uh, never mind.”)

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:40:20pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:40:43pm

We are having an originalism v. a textualism argument!

austin_blue  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:40:46pm

Just jumping in here with a question in the last thread:

re: #35 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus


I get the difference in faults and earthquakes.

But my confusion was whether the point events, in this case in relation to petroleum bearing formations and pumping, being reported on the Richter scale, follow the same energy scale as other earthquakes. Or if for the point earthquakes the Richter scale means something different.

Point events, whether it’s a collapsing coal mine, a rupture in an overpressured aquifer, a nuclear detonation, or a small shift in a crustal fault all release energy. The magnitude of the event is really an expression of the energy released by the event, which is what the Richter scale is. So energy released is the total energy, whether from a point event or a long rupture on a dip/slip or strike slip continental fault. The logarithmic nature of the scale means that small increases in apparent energy release are actually huge.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:41:21pm

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

Great, so it’s someone who should have been receiving mental health care, most likely.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:41:23pm

re: #245 Charles Johnson

He’s playing the crowd? I mean, every religion has their, how do you say…..

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:43:02pm

re: #140 Mattand

Apparently the shooting at the med clinic in Buffalo, MN was not at a clinic that performs abortions. I jumped to conclusions when I saw “older white male gunman” and “clinic”. Apologies.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:43:21pm

re: #256 Mattand

Apparently the shooting at the med clinic in Buffalo, MN was not at a clinic that performs abortions. I jumped to conclusions when I saw “older white male gunman” and “clinic”. Apologies.

My initial thought was that it was vaccine-related.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:43:48pm


“Last year, Philadelphia lawyer Michael van der Veen filed a lawsuit against then-President Donald Trump accusing him of making ‘repeated claims’ that mail voting is ripe with fraud ‘despite having no evidence in support of these claims,’” the Washington Post reports.

This week, van der Veen is adopting a different posture as part of the team of attorneys defending Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election result in his Senate impeachment trial.”

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:43:54pm

re: #257 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

My initial thought was that it was vaccine-related.

Just a matter of time, unfortunately.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:44:32pm

Lies by omission seems to be the defense strategy.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:44:34pm

re: #259 Mattand

Just a matter of time, unfortunately.

And we have plenty of wingnut anti-vaxxer idiots on this side of the Twin Cities. Buffalo is kinda out in the boonies. It really wouldn’t surprise me.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:44:56pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:45:12pm

Slippery slope now to include exhumations.

Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:45:20pm

I must confess, I haven’t really understood why the Feds are letting so many rioters out on bail, or leaving them to walk around.

But then I remembered what the strategy is against an organized mafia: nail someone, bring them in, then put them back out on the street. Surveil. See who they reach out to. See if anybody tries to silence them. Figure out the connections.

Bring them in. Load on the heavy charges. See what happens next. They’ve gotten a taste of freedom. Now things are looking darker. When they were out, did they get into it with any of their compadres? Did we hear them conspire further?

Now the flipping begins.

The indictments against both the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys members make repeated references to “persons known and unknown,” suggesting that prosecutors are likely to bring more charges as they advance their investigations in the coming weeks and months — with department officials saying that much more serious charges of “seditious conspiracy” are likely to be leveled against certain rioters “very soon.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:46:07pm

re: #257 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

My initial thought was that it was vaccine-related.

apparently he was upset with his medical treatment

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:46:12pm
Interesting Times  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:46:43pm

If (or sadly, when) the senate fails to convict, can a vote still be held to bar t**** from running again?

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:47:40pm
O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:48:16pm

re: #267 Interesting Times

If (or sadly, when) the senate fails to convict, can a vote still be held to bar t**** from running again?

Sadly, no. Securing a conviction is the prerequisite, as barring someone from running for office is part of the sentencing analogue.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:48:43pm

re: #249 jeffreyw

Mrs J made brownies with a DH mix today. She will frost it with coconut pecan icing.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:49:40pm

re: #267 Interesting Times

If (or sadly, when) the senate fails to convict, can a vote still be held to bar t**** from running again?


Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:49:47pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:49:49pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:50:09pm

Okay, there’s a Buffalo IN Minnesota.

I was getting really confused there for a second.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:50:32pm
O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:50:59pm

re: #274 Eclectic Cyborg

Okay, there’s a Buffalo IN Minnesota.

I was getting really confused there for a second.

Yep! There’s also a Rochester. That one throws ME for a loop a lot.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:51:30pm

re: #257 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

My initial thought was that it was vaccine-related.

Because they recommended he get one?

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:51:32pm

I use Duncan Hines cake mix when I don’t feel like standing on my feet for a long time, and they make very good baked goods!

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:52:06pm
Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:52:31pm

Donnie’s defense is basically about the placement of a comma.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:52:32pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:52:35pm
Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:52:42pm

re: #272 Backwoods_Sleuth

LOL, President Biden telling someone there is such a thing as a stupid question, by being as polite as possible.

DodgerFan1988  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:53:06pm
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:53:28pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:53:35pm

Since Trump is going to be acquitted anyway, I’m glad that he is having to listen to his lawyers describe him as a former President and a private citizen, when he wanted to argue he really won the election.

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:53:43pm

re: #274 Eclectic Cyborg

Okay, there’s a Buffalo IN Minnesota.

I was getting really confused there for a second.

I had to force myself to not type “NY” after “Buffalo” in my post above.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:55:31pm
Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:55:34pm

re: #286 No Malarkey!

Since Trump is going to be acquitted anyway, I’m glad that he is having to listen to his lawyers describe him as a former President and a private citizen, when he wanted to argue he really won the election.

This is a good point. Which means there a strong possibility this will piss off Trump so much, we’ll get to see him trash his own lawyers as they are trying to keeping him from being banned from holding office forever.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:56:04pm
The Pie Overlord!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:56:40pm
Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:56:51pm

re: #284 DodgerFan1988

There’s a part of me that will never trust Jennifer Rubin ever, but I gotta admit, Never Trump Rubin can actually be pretty funny.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:57:21pm

I finally had to mute this ass swipe. There is only so much derp I can handle.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:57:26pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:57:27pm
retired cynic  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:58:08pm

re: #293 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

I finally had to mute this ass swipe. There is only so much derp I can handle.

I think I am just about there. Am sorry for the Dems in there, esp. Leahy, who has to look official.

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:58:17pm

re: #290 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Has SMOTI confirmed yet he’s a Soros/Obama-loving librul?

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:58:17pm

re: #276 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Yep! There’s also a Rochester. That one throws ME for a loop a lot.

My trigger city is Duluth, GA.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:59:35pm

I said before that Schoen’s argument took the Elvis Presley Cake.

I was wrong.

It’s now gone to the level of a Ho Ho Cake!

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:00:06pm

Longfellow won’t cover that up.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:00:17pm

Right wing lies for 40 years.
Amp up the lies.
Repeat the lies over every platform you can.
Scream if the platform stops you it’s Anti Free Speech.
Gather your weapons.
Go kill.
And who did this?
Planed Parenthood!

No it was you.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:01:11pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:01:51pm
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:02:03pm

re: #268 jaunte

[Embedded content]

they all know this
they dont care because it doenst help their argument

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:02:04pm

The only thing missing from Schoen’s argument is Lawrence Welk’s Bubble Machine.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:02:48pm

re: #285 jaunte

I would prefer if we talked about this by saying that “We will do everything we can to hold any Republican who votes to acquit Trump accountable and remove them from office.”

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:02:52pm
Barefoot Grin  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:02:59pm

re: #288 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:03:05pm

Raskin: We heard nothing worth rebutting.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:04:02pm

re: #289 Mattand

This is a good point. Which means there a strong possibility this will piss off Trump so much, we’ll get to see him trash his own lawyers as they are trying to keeping him from being banned from holding office forever.

He would have already tweeted that he won, if he could still Tweet.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:04:09pm

re: #275 jaunte

[Embedded content]

and, in fact, abuse of power may not (necessarily) be criminal at all

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:04:15pm

re: #309 jaunte

Raskin: We heard nothing worth rebutting.

“Though I would like to correct his use of disjunctive.”

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:05:43pm

re: #285 jaunte

[Embedded content]

they really could have put rudy up there
(except he wanted to actually be paid)

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:06:20pm

Did I just hear that right? Did Susan “I’m concerned” Collins just voted aye on the vote if the proceedings are Constitutional?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:06:48pm

Murkowski is an aye

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:07:05pm

Romney aye

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:07:19pm

Sasse aye

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:07:43pm

The QAP has made it clear that they see nothing wrong with whipping up mobs to kill Democrats.

That’s the bottom line.

They will regret that once the mobs are turned on them because it’s only a matter of time before that happens.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:08:07pm

Crapo and Risch are unsurprisingly a no vote.

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:08:21pm

re: #316 Backwoods_Sleuth

Romney aye

Is this vote for a simple majority?

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:08:34pm

re: #302 jaunte

[Embedded content]

If he goes Wildfire, I’m out

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:09:06pm


O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:09:08pm

re: #298 stpaulbear

My trigger city is Duluth, GA.

Ah, yeah, that would get me too.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:09:24pm

re: #320 Dr. Matt

Is this vote for a simple majority?

Yes. It’s just a repeat of the 55-45 vote to accept the impeachment.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:10:01pm

So 44 republicans do not understand the Constitution

jimmyvluv4u  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:10:17pm

re: #324 No Malarkey!

It’s 56-44. Cassidy (Louisiana) switched.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:10:26pm

trial will proceed at 12noon tomorrow

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:10:31pm

56-44. The Ayes have it. I do believe the trial is on.

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:10:50pm

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

So 44 republicans do not understand the Constitution

Oh, they do. Which makes it worse.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:10:57pm

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

So 44 republicans do not understand the Constitution

44 QAPs believe in inciting mobs to install a dictator.

Decatur Deb  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:11:53pm

re: #285 jaunte

The purpose of the exercise is to make them do that in broad daylight.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:13:12pm

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

So 44 republicans do not understand the Constitution

i know what you mean, but the truth is they understand it just fine

they’ve become so pretzel knotted that politically, they can’t / won’t / refuse to acknowledge what they all know the constitution says

they also know these arguments aren’t fooling/convincing anybody

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:13:19pm

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

So 44 republicans do not understand the Constitution

I think they just don’t want to be shown what happened and have to make a choice.

Imagine if Stacy Abrams didn’t exist.

Charles Johnson  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:13:26pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:13:41pm
O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:15:42pm

re: #333 Belafon

I think they just don’t want to be shown what happened and have to make a choice.

Imagine if Stacy Abrams didn’t exist.

Actually, Donald Trump is in the process of pulling off the most brazen case of jury tampering ever.

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:15:51pm

re: #299 🌹UOJB!

I said before that Schoen’s argument took the Elvis Presley Cake.

I was wrong.

It’s now gone to the level of a Ho Ho Cake!

[Embedded content]

I wanna make that!

steve_davis  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:16:35pm

re: #82 No Malarkey!

He just made a stupid argument that British law has zero precedental value, which is completely false.

not a lawyer, and even I know we still look to twelfth century common law for some property law precedents.

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:17:05pm

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

So 44 republicans do not understand the Constitution

44 QOPers are cucks for MAGAland.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:18:15pm
Trump lawyer Bruce Castor bizarrely seemed to suggest Donald Trump should be arrested if the allegations at the heart of the impeachment trial are true.

Said Castor: “A high crime is a felony, and a misdemeanor is a misdemeanor. After he’s out of office, you go and arrest him… The department of justice does know what to do with such people. And so far, I haven’t seen any activity in that direction.”

as i recall from the last impeachment, the above italics is not at all accurate

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:18:57pm

re: #326 jimmyvluv4u

It’s 56-44. Cassidy (Louisiana) switched.

Interesting, I wonder why.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:20:25pm
HRH Stanley Sea  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:21:04pm

re: #335 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

Best thing I’ve seen on this here internet in forever.

The atty’s Texas accent made it even better.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:21:20pm

re: #342 Backwoods_Sleuth

That was the entire point. They didn’t want to have to vote on this.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:22:08pm

this by itself is asinine

Trump lawyers Bruce Castor, David Schoen and Michael van der Veen argue that because some rioters planned their attack in advance, Trump’s exhortations to “fight like hell” on Jan. 6 couldn’t have inspired the attack on the Capitol.

even focusing on 1/6 alone
- he encouraged it with his speech (ok, incited)
- the polar opposite of dissuading or talking them down - not one word towards diffusing
- and when he was back at the white house watching he did….nothing at all

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:23:34pm

re: #345 Dangerman

this by itself is asinine

even focusing on 1/6 alone
- he encouraged it with his speech (ok, incited)
- the polar opposite of dissuading or talking them down - not one word towards diffusing
- and when he was back at the white house watching he did….nothing at all

People noticed that there wasn’t much coordination on 1/6 until he started tweeting about the date.

retired cynic  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:31:46pm

re: #345 Dangerman

this by itself is asinine

even focusing on 1/6 alone
- he encouraged it with his speech (ok, incited)
- the polar opposite of dissuading or talking them down - not one word towards diffusing
- and when he was back at the white house watching he did….nothing at all

He told them to come on 1/6; “it will be wild.” He incited for weeks.

steve_davis  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:31:52pm

re: #144 Dangerman

hot dog suit….
…boiled in pasta water

[Embedded content]

and then used to make coffee

steve_davis  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:41:50pm

re: #200 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

lol! what the utter fuck was that? (“I’m making no sense up here. I’d better put my other hand on the top of my head to make certain it doesn’t fall off when it tilt it back.”)

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