Colbert: McDonald’s Exits Russia as World Pummels Putin Economically; Also, Stop Trying to Make ‘Z’ Happen

Politics • Views: 22,812


Vladimir Putin’s propaganda machine is trying to turn the letter ‘Z’ into a symbol of domestic support for his war in Ukraine, but his government can’t hide the fact that the world’s economic war against Russia is succeeding, as evidenced by major brands like McDonalds and Coca-Cola pulling out of the country at lightning speed. #Colbert #Comedy #Monologue

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lawhawk  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:02:50am
Dangerman  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:03:10am
. It also shouldn’t come as a surprise that professed climate supporter, Senator Joe Manchin-the runaway leader in Congress of Big Oil contributions (four times more than the number two recipient)-has been an eager industry champion, rejecting key climate policies, including a ban on new drilling


Florida Panhandler  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:10:05am

Finally mainstream recognizing a big and growing problem

Why are Latinos supporting White Supremacy?

I’ve got some bad news for those Latinos who think they will be in charge or even included once the real white supremacists get what they want.

Instead, get ready to be next.

lizardofid  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:10:30am

re: #2 Dangerman


[Embedded content]

Murkowski needs a better agent.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:14:25am

Maybe because “I have 2 MIT degrees” Massie always insists that he is the smartest person in the room, no matter the topic?

gwangung  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:15:23am

re: #3 Florida Panhandler

Finally mainstream recognizing a big and growing problem

Why are Latinos supporting White Supremacy?

I’ve got some bad news for those Latinos who think they will be in charge or even included once the real white supremacists get what they want.

Instead, get ready to be next.

Just remember there are gradations in the Latino population. A good chunk are descended from European colonizers, and, hence, are actually “white”.

Jay C  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:15:51am

re: #4 lizardofid

Murkowski needs a better agent.

Alaska relies (or has relied) on oil taxes for its main source of income for decades: I’d be shocked if Murkowski wasn’t on the list for Big Oil contributions….

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:18:48am

re: #5 Backwoods_Sleuth

Maybe because “I have 2 MIT degrees” Massie always insists that he is the smartest person in the room, no matter the topic?

Or that the GOP as a whole is not concerned with the “national interest” but instead a solid belief that running down Biden and the Democrats at all costs on any and all issues is to the benefit of the GOP and their patrons.

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:19:22am

Russia has been buying republicans for the past 30 years.

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:19:48am

re: #5 Backwoods_Sleuth

Maybe because “I have 2 MIT degrees” Massie always insists that he is the smartest person in the room, no matter the topic?

I’m sure he knows the real story. He actually is smart. Either misreading the strong support for Ukraine even among the GOP, or compromised.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:22:27am

re: #10 JC1

I’m sure he knows the real story. He actually is smart. Either misreading the strong support for Ukraine even among the GOP, or compromised.

No he is not, I know Massie personally.
He is no smarter than any other random person in this county.
He’s a blowhard Libertarian.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:23:49am

Sure, Jan…

Renaissance_Man  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:24:04am

re: #3 Florida Panhandler

Finally mainstream recognizing a big and growing problem

Why are Latinos supporting White Supremacy?

I’ve got some bad news for those Latinos who think they will be in charge or even included once the real white supremacists get what they want.

Instead, get ready to be next.

Feels like I’ve been hammering this point for years.

Demographic change will not doom the GOP. The natural human response to seeing white people kick down on coloured people is not to feel solidarity with the oppressed, even if they look somewhat like you. The natural response is to identify with the oppressors as best you can and kick down some yourself. White supremacists come in all colours, and FOX, Facebook and Youtube can turn anyone into a white supremacist.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:24:33am

re: #6 gwangung

Just remember there are gradations in the Latino population. A good chunk are descended from European colonizers, and, hence, are actually “white”.

Not according to the racists I grew up with.

They are not. That’s the thing about racism.

It Ever Ends.

danarchy  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:29:09am

re: #11 Backwoods_Sleuth

No he is not, I know Massie personally.
He is no smarter than any other random person in this county.
He’s a blowhard Libertarian.

He got into MIT, got a bachelors and a masters in different disciplines, won some design awards and started a business. I am willing to bet he is smarter than the average person in this country. However, much like Ben Carson, he could be an absolutely brilliant Engineer and a complete moron about other things. As a matter of fact I’d say there is ample evidence that that is the case.

lizardofid  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:29:55am

re: #7 Jay C

Alaska relies (or has relied) on oil taxes for its main source of income for decades: I’d be shocked if Murkowski wasn’t on the list for Big Oil contributions….

Agreed, that’s why I was just shocked she wasn’t higher on the list.

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:32:18am
Grunthos the Flatulent  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:33:08am

Of all the gin joints in the Wordle she had to walk into mine. Tomorrow. Or something.

Wordle 265 4/6


Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:35:20am

re: #13 Renaissance_Man

Feels like I’ve been hammering this point for years.

Demographic change will not doom the GOP. The natural human response to seeing white people kick down on coloured people is not to feel solidarity with the oppressed, even if they look somewhat like you. The natural response is to identify with the oppressors as best you can and kick down some yourself. White supremacists come in all colours, and FOX, Facebook and Youtube can turn anyone into a white supremacist.

Yep, and apparently (I have only heard after the big gains for the GOP in 2020) there are increasing avenues via radio and print to get WS-Trumpist talking points out in Spanish that are not being countered much at all by progressive groups.

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:36:37am

re: #11 Backwoods_Sleuth

No he is not, I know Massie personally.
He is no smarter than any other random person in this county.
He’s a blowhard Libertarian.

Okay, I’ll take your word for it. MIT doesn’t do legacy admissions and is very competitive. Maybe one of the genius yet idiot crowd.

John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:37:44am

re: #351 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

What does this thermobaric weapon do?

It launches missiles with fuel/air explosive warheads.

When they leave they release a cloud of fuel vapor, let it mix with the atmosphere then explodes it.

The explosion is massive (because the warhead can contain more fuel than a conventionnel explosive as it doesn’t need to include an oxidizer) and it has the secondary effect of sucking all the oxygen out of the air.

The giant shockwave rips the lungs out of your chest, collapses buildings, everything is on fire and there is no oxygen to breathe.

It’s a sort of compact Dresden firestorm.

Edit: fix numerous swipeos.

Damn I miss my N900.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:41:56am

re: #20 JC1

Okay, I’ll take your word for it. MIT doesn’t do legacy admissions and is very competitive. Maybe one of the genius yet idiot crowd.

One of the dumbest Free Stater types here in New Hampshire is a retired MIT chemistry professor. But I assume he had to publish a lot, direct grad work, etc. to become full professor, and that takes real intelligence in his field.

(One of the guys behind “Guns Save Lives”—a highway billboard campaign in the midwest in the 1990s and early 2000s—was a physics prof. at the University of Illinois. An interesting guy—I knew him through my parents’ church—but in my opinion another political extremist.)

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:42:18am
JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:43:36am

re: #21 John Hughes

It launches missiles with fuel/air explosive warheads.

When they leave they release a cloud of fuel vapor, let it mix with the sitter then explode it.

The explosion is massive (because the warhead can contain more fuel than a conventionnel explosive as it doesn’t need to include an oxidizer) and it has the secondary effect of sucking all the oxygen out of the air.

The giant shockwave tips the lungs out of your chest, collapses buildings, everything is on fire and there is no oxygen to breathe.

It’s a sort of compact Dresden firestorm.

Would be a shame if a few of those launchers were captured and used against the Russians.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:44:04am

re: #23 Charles Johnson

What a cynical fuck.

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:45:03am

re: #22 Barefoot Grin

One of the dumbest Free Stater types here in New Hampshire is a retired MIT chemistry professor. But I assume he had to publish a lot, direct grad work, etc. to become full professor, and that takes real intelligence in his field.

(One of the guys behind “Guns Save Lives”—a highway billboard campaign in the midwest in the 1990s and early 2000s—was a physics prof. at the University of Illinois. An interesting guy—I knew him through my parents’ church—but in my opinion another political extremist.)

Didn’t realize you were from NH. I worked at a tech start-up in Nashua back in the tech bubble days. Nice area. Actually considering moving back there.

Teddy's Person  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:47:01am

re: #25 Barefoot Grin

What a cynical fuck.

On the plus side, one of the convoyers is upset because DC drivers are flipping them the bird.

‘Birds flying everywhere!’ Convoy trucker bitterly complains about Beltway drivers giving him the middle finger

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:47:04am
Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:48:41am
gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:49:45am

and here is stepdaddy

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:50:12am
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:51:49am

re: #20 JC1

Okay, I’ll take your word for it. MIT doesn’t do legacy admissions and is very competitive. Maybe one of the genius yet idiot crowd.

There are many people who are brilliant in their field but their compassion or knowledge outside is extremely limited. They can solve technical problems but they can be raging lunatics for any other question. There has always been an error of assuming high grades or high IQ correlate with understanding or caring outside the area of expertise.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:52:32am
nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:53:18am

re: #29 Dread Pirate Ron

Oh go ahead and piss off the traffic on DC beltway. Hoo boy are you going to get it.
These guys are truckers like I am a French Chef.

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:54:34am
Dopamine Fish  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:55:02am

re: #35 Teukka

It’s like he’s going for a high score in war criming.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:55:44am

My new profile pic

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:56:50am

re: #12 Backwoods_Sleuth

Sure, Jan…

And if you believe that, I gots a bridge to nowhere to sell ya.

lizardofid  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:58:00am

re: #32 Hecuba’s daughter

There are many people who are brilliant in their field but their compassion or knowledge outside is extremely limited. They can solve technical problems but they can be raging lunatics for any other question. There has always been an error of assuming high grades or high IQ correlate with understanding or caring outside the area of expertise.

“Paging Dr. Carson”

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:59:05am
Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:59:24am

re: #35 Teukka

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 11:59:50am
Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:02:53pm
John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:04:37pm

re: #361 Shropshire Slasher

How long will it take to dismantle a few B-52’s and ship over?
Operation Rolling Ukraine Thunder!

Without the destruction of the s400 batteries in Belarus and Russia the lifetime of a B-52 over Ukraine would be measured in seconds.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:05:12pm

re: #40 Charles Johnson

He’s on one of those toilet equipped new models dropping a hard deuce.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:10:52pm

re: #40 Charles Johnson

Unlike Biden who actually enjoys driving high performance vehicles, Trump just enjoys posing in the cab of a truck; there is no evidence that he’s a particularly good driver. He likes others to chauffeur him around.

A Cranky One  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:12:05pm

John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:12:10pm

re: #6 gwangung

Just remember there are gradations in the Latino population. A good chunk are descended from European colonizers, and, hence, are actually “white”.

Nobody is “actually” white.

You are “white” if the racists accept you as “white”.

Irish, Italians and Poles have been considered non-white in the US.

Racist Latinos might consider themselves “white”, but they don’t get to decide.

Hell, I bet there are white supremacists that don’t believe that Raphael Cruz is “white”.

steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:12:54pm

re: #36 Dopamine Fish

It’s like he’s going for a high score in war criming.

He wants to do that thing in Fallout where his Karma gets so bad that there literally are no merchants willing to trade with him. And now that Mickey D’s is shutting their doors, he may have succeeded.

Romantic Heretic  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:16:50pm

re: #12 Backwoods_Sleuth

What they do not say is, “We’re zeroing our artillery onto those corridors. Because we want to make the humanitarian crisis much worse.

“Then the weakling in The West will give up this silly opposition to Russia’s imperial goals.”

A Cranky One  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:17:02pm

Is it wrong to hope Ted Cruz is so toxic that the truck driver pushes him out the door at speed, followed by Cruz getting run over by the convoy?

Yah, it’s an evil thought.

But I’d still laugh my ass off.

Citizen K  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:17:14pm

re: #48 John Hughes

Nobody is “actually” white.

You are “white” if the racists accept you as “white”.

Irish, Italians and Poles have been considered non-white in the US.

Racist Latinos might consider themselves “white”, but they don’t get to decide.

Hell, I bet there are white supremacists that don’t believe that Raphael Cruz is “white”.

For much of the world, and especially the Anglosphere, whiteness has been about the absence of ‘color’. It’s been less about what you are than it is what you aren’t. It’s all about being assured that you aren’t one of the ‘other’ that is meant to be excluded from the exclusive club that is mean to be considered the baseline, the default, the rule to the exception.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:18:07pm
John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:19:12pm

re: #24 JC1

Would be a shame if a few of those launchers were captured and used against the Russians.

Yes it would be shame. Because it would be stooping to their level. Should we use cluster bombs in built up areas just because the Russians have? Bring back napalm?

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:19:21pm

Looks like Russia is planning Chem warfare.

Shropshire Slasher  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:25:28pm

re: #53 gocart mozart

I want my two minutes and eleven seconds back…
The salespeople at the BMW dealer must get tired of her coming in to record her rants…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:25:41pm

re: #32 Hecuba’s daughter

There are many people who are brilliant in their field but their compassion or knowledge outside is extremely limited. They can solve technical problems but they can be raging lunatics for any other question. There has always been an error of assuming high grades or high IQ correlate with understanding or caring outside the area of expertise.

And that is exactly the problem with Massie and why I said he thinks he’s the smartest person in the room no matter what the topic is. And he is not that smart.

Romantic Heretic  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:26:59pm

re: #53 gocart mozart

First thirty seconds of that cost me more brain cells than I can afford. Stopped watching while I still remembered how.

Citizen K  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:28:20pm

The most concerning and depressing parts about these rash of regressive laws is both where they are and the sheer convergence of them. They’re happening in places where the GOP owns such a deep lock on power that it can’t even charitably be chalked up to them trying to create wedge issues to drum up electorate turn out. This isn’t the last gasp of folks clinging to power by their fingertips. This is them believing they can’t be stopped and thus deciding to go full bore with what they’ve always wanted. And the sheer convergence of them is no doubt to try and push all these issues to the Supreme Court while they believe that the court is fully and inescapably in their pocket, an assumption that is pretty well grounded at this point.

This isn’t them being afraid of losing power. This is them exercising it because they think or know they can’t be stopped. This is their victory lap, and they’re marching it all on the backs of the undesirables they believe they have free reign to stomp on forever.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:28:55pm

re: #58 Romantic Heretic

First thirty seconds of that cost me more brain cells than I can afford. Stopped watching while I still remembered how.

I saw the still image and based on that did not click.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:29:48pm

re: #58 Romantic Heretic

I clicked and got to 10 seconds.

Dangerman  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:30:36pm

win10 is back up and running
apps installed
data recovered
30 hours from start to finish
because i believed MS and let their ‘recovery’ run overnight which wasnt actually doing anything

ended up using Dell’s online recovery service that worked the first time through, just took a long long time.

for some reason i didnt have a system repair disk for win10.
Win 7, sure. Maybe i just forgot when we put this in.

Now I’ve got one for the hopefully never, and yet inevitable next time.

if i had a disk, this would have just been a 3 hour nightmare.

now i’ll start on my yesterday’s work and wait for the other inevitable “xxxx isn’t working” or “doesnt look like it did before”…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:32:04pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:32:23pm
Dangerman  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:32:41pm

re: #32 Hecuba’s daughter

There are many people who are brilliant in their field but their compassion or knowledge outside is extremely limited. They can solve technical problems but they can be raging lunatics for any other question. There has always been an error of assuming high grades or high IQ correlate with understanding or caring outside the area of expertise.

Their collective problem is ego.

They think if they’re brilliant at one thing they’ll be brilliant at anything/everything.

And they think they don’t have to go through the process to learn something new

Ive seen this dozens of times trying to teach highly successful doctors and lawyers to scuba dive.

They all do it, once they put away the ego.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:33:10pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:34:45pm

re: #66 Backwoods_Sleuth



Citizen K  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:36:22pm

re: #64 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

re: #67 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

The full on regression at the state level continues. GOP hate winning without any possible check on it, and the media fully focused on ‘But everyone hates the Dems because gas prices and Biden not using his magic wand to fix everything!’

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:36:30pm

Kentucky Republicans are complete morons

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:37:26pm

I think I need a drink…

EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:37:36pm

re: #69 Backwoods_Sleuth

Kentucky Republicans are complete morons

All Republicans are complete morons.

Citizen K  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:37:44pm

re: #69 Backwoods_Sleuth

Kentucky Republicans are complete morons

How much of it is being morons and how much is it them simply not caring, because they so wholly dominate the state, even with a Dem gov?

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:38:47pm

re: #65 Dangerman

Their collective problem is ego.

They think if they’re brilliant at one thing they’ll be brilliant at anything/everything.

And they think they don’t have to go through the process to learn something new

Ive seen this dozens of times trying to teach highly successful doctors and lawyers to scuba dive.

They all do it, once they put away the ego.

But that’s because they actually want to learn to scuba dive. They will not put this ego aside if they want their beliefs to be true and if they want to be able to exhibit their “superiority” to others. Too many like Massie will learn new things to help themselves not to help others.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:39:32pm

re: #69 Backwoods_Sleuth

Kentucky Republicans are complete morons


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:40:50pm

Just keep the drinks coming, please…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:41:26pm
BigPapa  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:41:39pm

The ones that aren’t complete morons are utter sociopaths.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:42:11pm

re: #77 BigPapa

The ones that aren’t complete morons are utter sociopaths.

sometimes, both

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:43:13pm
EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:44:54pm

re: #79 Teukka

It’s a pity that staking war criminals out over fire ant nests in the desert isn’t really an option. Lavrov and his boss would both be perfect examples.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:45:13pm

Mindy loves her box.

Special Delivery
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:47:41pm


Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:47:51pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:48:39pm


A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:49:14pm

re: #77 BigPapa

The ones that aren’t complete morons are utter sociopaths.

As someone who spent 18 years doing administrative work in university engineering (and engineering-adjacent) departments, I can assure you that they are as various as any other group. They do tend to be narrowly focused on their area of expertise — but learning all you need to know to do engineering and then keeping up with the field takes a whole lot of time and effort.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:49:28pm

for your afternoon amusement

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:50:39pm
nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:51:43pm

Back to work later

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:53:04pm
William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:54:17pm

One good thing about this war and GOP support of Putin? It’s showing some people, most of whom are conservative and have voted GOP in the past, just what tools Massie, Cawthorne & the rest of the Treason Caucus are.

Reading a long Ukraine thread at a very carefully apolitical aviation website that I read - the first big thing was that they allowed the thread to begin with, and the people in it are not raving fascists but there probably isn’t any others as far left as me ;) but they are just astonished by the GOP response and pro-Putinism. Here’s hoping it’s remembered this November.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:56:56pm

one more
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting….
Man those cats was fast as lightning..

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:57:53pm

re: #54 John Hughes

Yes it would be shame. Because it would be stooping to their level. Should we use cluster bombs in built up areas just because the Russians have? Bring back napalm?

There aren’t many Russian civilians in Ukraine. I’m talking about attacking their armed positions and convoys with these. Sure, hit them with cluster bombs too, everything they have. The invasion force should be a fair target. This is a fight for Ukraine’s survival.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:58:57pm

re: #90 William Lewis

Here’s hoping it’s remembered this November.

If it was September right now instead of March, probably. Republicans have a selective amnesia problem, and the average apolitical person a short attention span, but usually shit in September and October isn’t forgotten at the ballot box.

That’s also why some Republicans thinking they are going to run on COVID mandates and Afghanistan in November is laughable. Please proceed.

steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 12:59:41pm

re: #54 John Hughes

Yes it would be shame. Because it would be stooping to their level. Should we use cluster bombs in built up areas just because the Russians have? Bring back napalm?

yes, and yes. not on civilians, but i bet one of those vietnam-era napalm bombs that bounces along in a straight line for several hundred yards before torching everything treeline and below would lead those fellas in the stalled convoy to throw up the white flag damned quick.

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:01:39pm

re: #65 Dangerman

Their collective problem is ego.

They think if they’re brilliant at one thing they’ll be brilliant at anything/everything.

And they think they don’t have to go through the process to learn something new

Ive seen this dozens of times trying to teach highly successful doctors and lawyers to scuba dive.

They all do it, once they put away the ego.

Another explanation is that they’re pandering to the rubes who are mostly uneducated baffoons. The intellectual equivalent of eating corn dogs in Iowa, or Trump (failing laughingly) trying to look like the everyman by eating pizza with utensils on his private jet.

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:02:25pm
Renaissance_Man  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:04:32pm

re: #93 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

If it was September right now instead of March, probably. Republicans have a selective amnesia problem, and the average apolitical person a short attention span, but usually shit in September and October isn’t forgotten at the ballot box.

That’s also why some Republicans thinking they are going to run on COVID mandates and Afghanistan in November is laughable. Please proceed.

If FOX shouts about Afghanistan or Covid mandates enough times in September and October, it is exactly the issue that will be remembered.

Followed by the predictable hand-wringing of the chattering classes about how Democrats just didn’t address these concerns enough.

EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:04:57pm

re: #96 Dread Pirate Ron

Of course the US mainstream media is not allowed to refer to fascists as such. That would interfere with decades of work they have done on behalf of GOP fascists.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:05:30pm

re: #58 Romantic Heretic

You missed the punchline/cherry on top in the last 5 seconds.

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:05:55pm
John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:06:10pm

re: #92 JC1

There aren’t many Russian civilians in Ukraine.

Actually there are quite a few.

I’m talking about attacking their armed positions and convoys with these.

how many of their “armed positions” will turn out to be in Ukrainian towns and villages?

Sure, hit them with cluster bombs too, everything they have. The invasion force should be a fair target. This is a fight for Ukraine’s survival.

ok, if you volunteer for the 20 year long demining operation.

Let’s leave the discussions of Ukrainian tactics and strategy up to the Ukrainians. Among the many things they don’t need is a bunch of internet blowhards.

John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:07:48pm

re: #94 steve_davis

yes, and yes. not on civilians, but i bet one of those vietnam-era napalm bombs that bounces along in a straight line for several hundred yards before torching everything treeline and below would lead those fellas in the stalled convoy to throw up the white flag damned quick.

And then you meet the little burned girl running out of the smoke…

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:08:26pm

re: #101 John Hughes

Actually there are quite a few.

how many of their “armed positions” will turn out to be in Ukrainian towns and villages?

ok, if you volunteer for the 20 year long demining operation.

Let’s leave the discussions of Ukrainian tactics and strategy up to the Ukrainians. Among the many things they don’t need is a bunch of internet blowhards.

Hey dude, you’re the one that started dictating their rules of engagement.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:09:59pm

re: #26 JC1

Didn’t realize you were from NH. I worked at a tech start-up in Nashua back in the tech bubble days. Nice area. Actually considering moving back there.

Sorry, I had to step out to go get yelled at by my dentist. I like the Nashua area. But right now housing is insane. Well, I guess it is everywhere. I’m originally from the midwest, but have been here for the last 8 or 9 years. It’s beautiful here. I’m not sure we’ll stay after retirement, but that’s a few years off.

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:10:16pm

re: #102 John Hughes

And then you meet the little burned girl running out of the smoke…

FFS, do you think that there are many little girls playing hide and seek in that long convoy?
Do you think that Ukrainian artillery has sniper level accuracy and discretion? Maybe Ukraine should stop using artillery as well. Your position is absurd.

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:10:17pm

Bastards stole our rain.

Belafon  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:10:26pm

re: #101 John Hughes

Actually there are quite a few.

how many of their “armed positions” will turn out to be in Ukrainian towns and villages?

ok, if you volunteer for the 20 year long demining operation.

Let’s leave the discussions of Ukrainian tactics and strategy up to the Ukrainians. Among the many things they don’t need is a bunch of internet blowhards.

But what if they’re on LGF looking for advice on how to run their war? Did you think of that?

I mean, since you’re assuming we’re talking about bombing indiscriminately.

danarchy  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:11:09pm

re: #84 Backwoods_Sleuth


Um Trump is an idiot and I feel stupider for having listened, but he doesn’t say anything about running out of wind, he says when the windmills breakdown they don’t bother replacing them or tearing them down they just build new ones somewhere else. Pretty sure that is BS since a lot goes into picking appropriate locations for windfarms and when you have a good site with consistent wind and all the leases settled and all the legal fights done why would you want to go somewhere else.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:11:30pm

re: #3 Florida Panhandler

Interesting article about the growing percentage of Latinos who identify as multiracial and the drop in the percentage of Latinos identifying as solely White.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:17:01pm


John Hughes  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:17:33pm

re: #103 JC1

Hey dude, you’re the one that started dictating their rules of engagement.

No, I tried to calm down the military porn addicts before they soiled their underwear.

Back in the 70s I was at school with a vietnamese boy. In a wheelchair, with one hand with no fingers, the other with three, one eye, his whole face a mass of burn scars. He didn’t do sport so I have no idea what it looked like under his school blazer, shirt and nice striped tie.

I’m sure that the pilot who dropped the bomb on him thought it was a valid military target.


See you all tomorrow.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:18:41pm

re: #110 Backwoods_Sleuth

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:20:20pm
steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:20:28pm

re: #102 John Hughes

And then you meet the little burned girl running out of the smoke…

okay, definitely a fair point. if nothing else, this whole discussion shows how remarkably quickly otherwise “civilized” folks can become quite thirsty for blood and vengeance, in the right circumstances. If this doesn’t prove it, that first “Taken” movie definitely does.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:21:04pm

re: #108 danarchy

Um Trump is an idiot and I feel stupider for having listened, but he doesn’t say anything about running out of wind, he says when the windmills breakdown they don’t bother replacing them or tearing them down they just build new ones somewhere else. Pretty sure that is BS since a lot goes into picking appropriate locations for windfarms and when you have a good site with consistent wind and all the leases settled and all the legal fights done why would you want to go somewhere else.

Because Trump is a locust.*

His method would be to move in exploit to the utmost without spending any money on maintenance. And to build it with investors’ money while he skims a good profit off the top. Try to stick someone else with the property and leases, etc. as he skips out to repeat elsewhere.

* - No insult intended to real locusts. You have your own reasons for doing what you do.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:21:53pm
EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:24:46pm

re: #116 Backwoods_Sleuth

Cortez Masto: Can you explain at a time like this why your company would be prioritizing payouts to shareholders rather than working to increase our oil supply?
Shell Vp: …

The honest answer, which this executive is unlikely to give, is that of course maximizing shareholder profit in time of crisis is the company highest priority, because that’s the whole fucking point of US-style feral capitalism.

Captain Ron  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:27:42pm
Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:29:04pm

re: #109 Patricia Kayden

Interesting article about the growing percentage of Latinos who identify as multiracial and the drop in the percentage of Latinos identifying as solely White.

That is interesting. And now that you mention it, I seem to remember that voting for the GOP increased most significantly among men. Maybe it’s partially a machismo thing.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:29:38pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:29:39pm

re: #21 John Hughes

Thank you. That’s absolutely horrifying. Absolutely horrifying.

Edit: fix numerous swipeos.

I am so stealing that. That’s my life.

EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:29:55pm

re: #119 Barefoot Grin

That is interesting. And now that you mention it, I seem to remember that voting for the GOP increased most significantly among men. Maybe it’s partially a machismo thing.

Fascism is deeply sexist, so that’s to be expected.

danarchy  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:30:10pm

re: #115 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Because Trump is a locust.*

His method would be to move in exploit to the utmost without spending any money on maintenance. And to build it with investors’ money while he skims a good profit off the top. Try to stick someone else with the property and leases, etc. as he skips out to repeat elsewhere.

* - No insult intended to real locusts. You have your own reasons for doing what you do.

Problem is I don’t think it is generally that easy to just move on. There is a substantial NIMBY element to wind farms. Cape Wind got leases to build a wind farm off the coast of Nantucket, proceeded to spend the next 10 years and millions of dollars in legal costs before the developer finally just scrapped the whole plan. I don’t think that is all that uncommon.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:32:01pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:33:03pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:33:57pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:34:24pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:34:57pm

re: #123 danarchy

Problem is I don’t think it is generally that easy to just move on. There is a substantial NIMBY element to wind farms. Cape Wind got leases to build a wind farm off the coast of Nantucket, proceeded to spend the next 10 years and millions of dollars in legal costs before the developer finally just scrapped the whole plan. I don’t think that is all that uncommon.

I also thinks that Trumps hates windmills. Didn’t he have a rant or two about some near one of his golf courses in Scotland.

I also expect that a lot of this is Trump projecting what Trump would do without having any meaningful knowledge of the what the issues are with actually carrying out said business. In fact, I have my doubts Trump had or maintains much knowledge about doing much of anything beyond being Trump.

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:34:59pm
EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:36:05pm

re: #129 Teukka

Of course the Russians are killing more opposing civilian than opposing soldiers — the civilians shoot back less.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:38:21pm

Some good news.

Eventual Carrion  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:38:34pm

Just got some great news. Youngest son is flying out to Denver tomorrow to visit his sister for a week. He was driving up from college and I was going to use his car to take him to the airport and then being it home so he didn’t have to pay for parking. Wife was talking to her sister who lives just outside of Cleveland. Her sister is coming to hang with her mother tomorrow for the day. She said she will take him to the airport when she heads back home. So I got out of having to drive to Cleveland airport right after work tomorrow. I is happy. Plus I can get an alignment on that car of his, last time I drove it it seemed out of whack (was my dads car that we transferred to him since dad is no longer allowed to drive).

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:41:05pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:42:07pm

re: #130 EPR-radar

Of course the Russians are killing more opposing civilian than opposing soldiers — the civilians shoot back less.

they do have Molotov cocktails however, plus the firearms that the government has been distributing to the civilians

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:42:34pm
EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:43:36pm

re: #133 Patricia Kayden

The reason a Federal anti-lynching law was so difficult to pass is that for decades lynching a convenient target as part of a town festival was the holiest rite of US Conservatism.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:44:43pm

re: #135 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

I think I saw that on Ed Sullivan all them years ago.
“And nowwwwwww here is Slava Spartak and his incredible trained pigeons!”

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:45:35pm

😂 We all hate Ted.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:46:28pm

re: #27 Teddy’s Person

On the plus side, one of the convoyers is upset because DC drivers are flipping them the bird.

‘Birds flying everywhere!’ Convoy trucker bitterly complains about Beltway drivers giving him the middle finger

Were they honestly expecting a warm welcome? Sure, come on up and fuck up our already fucked up traffic. Thank God you’re here!


Belafon  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:47:37pm

re: #139 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Were they honestly expecting a warm welcome? Sure, come on up and fuck up our already fucked up traffic. Thank God you’re here!


I wonder if they’ve realized how lucky they are DC bans guns.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:47:50pm

re: #138 Patricia Kayden

Ted hates Ted but Ted has been Ted for far too long for Ted to not be Ted and if Ted wasn’t Ted, Ted would hate Ted too.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:49:11pm

re: #137 nines09

I think I saw that on Ed Sullivan all them years ago.
“And nowwwwwww here is Slava Spartak and his incredible trained pigeons!”

Youtube Video

Dangerman  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:51:30pm

remember when TFG said:

“If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment,” …
“The mob takes the Fifth,”

Flynn took the fifth in front of the 1/6 committee today

someone should ask TFG straight away - why are all these people who worked directly for you taking the fifth?

oh wait, right, he doesnt really sit for legitimate news.
not that one of them has to nerve to ask

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:51:50pm

re: #32 Hecuba’s daughter

There are many people who are brilliant in their field but their compassion or knowledge outside is extremely limited. They can solve technical problems but they can be raging lunatics for any other question. There has always been an error of assuming high grades or high IQ correlate with understanding or caring outside the area of expertise.

Ben Carson comes to mind. The Germans have the perfect word: fachidiot.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:51:57pm

re: #139 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

“Where’s all the big manly men with tears in their eyes thanking us? This is nothing like the brochure said it would be.”

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:55:12pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 1:57:12pm

One of the all-time great wacky kung fu scenes.

Youtube Video

Ming5000  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:00:13pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:02:25pm

re: #148 Ming5000

Ming5000  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:05:55pm

I listened to CNN for a few minutes in the car today and the top of the hour lead was “Diplomatic Negotiations Deadlocked”. CNN used both-sides commentary for the first minutes.

They also did call it Putin’s war, so there was that.

Dangerman  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:07:05pm

Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:08:36pm

Kung Fu Hustle is one of the greatest movies ever made, and I’m not being sarcastic.

Ming5000  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:08:55pm

re: #150 Ming5000

Speak of the devil, I also just saw this:

What is Ukraine supposed to be giving Russia?

Belafon  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:11:03pm

re: #152 Charles Johnson

Kung Fu Hustle is one of the greatest movies ever made, and I’m not being sarcastic.

We watched that movie the night my new sister-in-law and her children came to our house. They were so confused by the ending. “How could he accept the guy who tried to kill him as his student?”

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:11:16pm

“On Tuesday, several aircraft reported GPS disturbances around almost the entire eastern border of Finland. Around the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad, Finnair’s pilots have encountered similar problems. Today, Thursday, disturbances were discovered at the Finnish-Norwegian border.”

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:12:33pm

re: #153 Ming5000

Just a little more land?

Belafon  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:12:39pm

re: #153 Ming5000

Speak of the devil, I also just saw this:

[Embedded content]

What is Ukraine supposed to be giving Russia?

Ukraine. / 1/2

Crimea and the two eastern provinces, a PM post appointed by Putin, demilitarization, and not joining NATO written into their constitution.

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:14:32pm

re: #140 Belafon

I wonder if they’ve realized how lucky they are DC bans guns.

There’s a reason they’ve avoided the Dan Ryan in Chicago.

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:16:00pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:18:08pm
Eventual Carrion  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:20:22pm

re: #134 Backwoods_Sleuth

they do have Molotov cocktails however, plus the firearms that the government has been distributing to the civilians

And pickled tomatoes!

jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:21:59pm

re: #146 Charles Johnson

I haven’t seen him produce any evidence that the virus “escaped” from a lab in China.

jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:22:49pm

If the evidence is “overwhelming” he should bring some of it out.

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:24:44pm
No Malarkey!  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:29:49pm

This war may end sooner rather than later, with a complete collapse of the Russian army in Ukraine, dog willing.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:38:05pm
Citizen K  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:39:33pm

re: #166 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The Supreme Court is literally going to turn us into Gilead, aren’t they?

jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:42:17pm
Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:42:50pm

Gotta watch til the dramatic Michael Bay end.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:43:02pm

re: #162 jaunte

I haven’t seen him produce any evidence that the virus “escaped” from a lab in China.

Almost all Trumpers believe that COVID was manufactured in a lab and most believe it was deliberately released.

EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:44:08pm

re: #167 Citizen K

The Supreme Court is literally going to turn us into Gilead, aren’t they?

My bet is that Roberts is trying to talk the other 5 conservatives out of ruling that the 14th amendment give the fetus the right to life, and using that line of reasoning to ban abortion nationwide, from conception, with no exceptions.

Such a ruling would be a complete disaster, of course, but the swivel-eyed loons on SCOTUS may see it as their Godly duty to do this.

jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:44:43pm

re: #170 Hecuba’s daughter

And they believe it because they keep hearing it stated without any evidence at all.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:45:59pm

Passenger kicked off Delta flight for wearing ‘F—K Biden’ sweatshirt

In the video, the passenger eventually moves to what appears to be the front of the aircraft, where he begrudgingly takes off his sweatshirt.

“I’m going to take it off okay,” the passenger can be heard saying as takes off his sweatshirt. “You guys force me to wear my mask, I don’t want to wear it, I can’t wear my hoodie,” he continued as he headed back to his seat.

However, after finding his way back to his seat, the passenger was approached again by the same flight attendant who told him he was no longer allowed on the plane.

“So I’m still getting kicked off the plane?” the passenger asked in the video. “Yeah, you’re not putting - you’re not wearing the mask,” the attendant responded. “I’m relaying the message to you what the captain says, said he doesn’t want you off the aircraft anymore.”

The end of the video cuts to the passenger speaking to a gate agent who tells him he was removed from the flight “because you refuse to wear the mask and you have on a hoodie that Delta does not permit you wearing,” and would be getting a refund for his airfare.


Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:46:03pm

re: #167 Citizen K

The Supreme Court is literally going to turn us into Gilead, aren’t they?

That depends. It may turn only red states into Gilead; blue states may still be able to protect women’s rights. the worst would be if it pushed a ban everywhere. But I do not believe that they will be that extreme.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:46:24pm

re: #170 Hecuba’s daughter

Almost all Trumpers believe that COVID was manufactured in a lab and most believe it was deliberately released.

Even though it’s been proven to be natural. Fascists don’t care what’s real. They just want an excuse to hurt and even kill people.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:47:40pm

re: #120 Backwoods_Sleuth

OMG OMG OMG OMG 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Come here cutie! You face needs more kisses!

EPR-radar  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:48:31pm

re: #174 Hecuba’s daughter

That depends. It may turn only red states into Gilead; blue states may still be able to protect women’s rights. the worst would be if it pushed a ban everywhere. But I do not believe that they will be that extreme.

If SCOTUS tries to ban abortion nationwide, that would be the end of judicial review. But Roberts is probably the only conservative on the court that gets this.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:50:58pm

re: #27 Teddy’s Person


Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:51:03pm

re: #176 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

OMG OMG OMG OMG 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Come here cutie! You face needs more kisses!

Horten looks like he’s getting ready to file a complaint.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:51:56pm

re: #165 No Malarkey!

This war may end sooner rather than later, with a complete collapse of the Russian army in Ukraine, dog willing.

Another couple of real problems exposed:

1. Russians believe their own propaganda, or at least, a significant amount do. So does their leader, Putin.

2. Putin is not smart. He is dumb. Very dumb. He, like Trump, are what mediocre tribal thinking people think smart people actually are. Putin is possibly the worst military commander since Antonio López de Santa Anna. The comparisons between the two are actually pretty scary close if you read up on the bio.

The Russian Military has been exposed and this should be extremely concerning to their Eastern flank if China starts getting greedy. Their history hasn’t exactly been peaches and cream through the years, and all those natural resources should be pretty tempting for China. Nukes help deterrence but if China ascertains most or all of them are now duds the gloves come off.


Sherlock Hound  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:52:50pm

4th letter from that FSB analyst.

No Malarkey!  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:54:53pm

re: #167 Citizen K

The Supreme Court is literally going to turn us into Gilead, aren’t they?

If Missouri passes the ban on pregnant women leaving the state to get an abortion, it will be interesting to see if SCOTUS lets that go into effect.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:54:55pm

This is Trumpier than I’d like.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:54:57pm

re: #175 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Even though it’s been proven to be natural. Fascists don’t care what’s real. They just want an excuse to hurt and even kill people.

People get their info from their preferred news outlets and generally don’t believe/don’t expose themselves to other perspectives. Most people don’t have the scientific background to read studies and rely on what they hear from the so-call experts on their favorite broadcasts. I certainly won’t waste time listening to the lies spewed by Fox; the Trumpers are just as passionate about ignoring what is promoted by media organizations that make an effort to determine the truth; they see it as “our truth” not the real truth which is only available through their media. So how do you break through to people who are thoroughly brainwashed? They will make the same claims about us.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:55:41pm

The Trashmen - Surfin Bird - Bird is the Word 1963 (RE-MASTERED) (ALT End Video) (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:57:21pm

re: #184 Hecuba’s daughter

People get their info from their preferred news outlets and generally don’t believe/don’t expose themselves to other perspectives. Most people don’t have the scientific background to read studies and rely on what they hear from the so-call experts on their favorite broadcasts. I certainly won’t waste time listening to the lies spewed by Fox; the Trumpers are just as passionate about ignoring what is promoted by media organizations that make an effort to determine the truth; they see it as “our truth” not the real truth which is only available through their media. So how do you break through to people who are thoroughly brainwashed? They will make the same claims about us.

They will, but their claims are nonsense, and their “news” isn’t news at all. Most of it is hateful pundits raging about things that are not real, or if real are not harmful.

It’ll take cult deprogrammers to fix them. Most of us don’t have the skillset to reach them.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:58:22pm

re: #185 gocart mozart

No Malarkey!  Mar 10, 2022 • 2:58:33pm

re: #171 EPR-radar

My bet is that Roberts is trying to talk the other 5 conservatives out of ruling that the 14th amendment give the fetus the right to life, and using that line of reasoning to ban abortion nationwide, from conception, with no exceptions.

Such a ruling would be a complete disaster, of course, but the swivel-eyed loons on SCOTUS may see it as their Godly duty to do this.

They won’t go that far; they will “only” reverse Roe, which, unfortunately, may be our only hope of getting young voters energized enough to retain control of Congress.

darthstar  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:00:07pm

From downthread as I had to drive up to the city to have lunch with a vendor today.

re: #394 Punish Domestic Terrorists

If they think Vlad’s attack will lose them Crimea, that’s a very big deal.

Yes, I agree…cutting their losses - those are some lovely coastal properties on the market. I see a post-war surge in Europeans buying retirement homes a few years from now.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:00:21pm

re: #188 No Malarkey!

They won’t go that far; they will “only” reverse Roe, which, unfortunately, may be our only hope of getting young voters energized enough to retain control of Congress.

I think so, because the alternative is trying to drag us back to the bad old days and people in states that educate their people just saying no to destructive Supreme Court decisions, which would be the end of our system of government.

jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:01:37pm

re: #181 Sherlock Hound

“… The key clause would be about demilitarization, which would essentially ban Ukrainian intelligence services, and most importantly dismantle their counter-intelligence.
And here our people (FSB) already see the prognosis: Over a number of years, it would be possible for us (FSB) with some minimal help from the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence), to carry out a total cleansing of the socio-political field in Ukraine.
And after all this, we could install any government in Kiev. With high probability this plan will become dominant for the Kremlin with strategic correction, although the scenario is insane and aggression on other fronts is not being cancelled.
In theory, the plan does have potential, but how it will be in practice is unknown. There will be no military victory, only something like this.
Lots of nuances, but most important - our side will be able to breach such agreements after they’re signed anytime, when there’s strength to turn the tide.

So, it sounds like you’d have to be a fool to rely on an agreement with Russia.

jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:05:06pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:05:53pm

re: #182 No Malarkey!

If Missouri passes the ban on pregnant women leaving the state to get an abortion, it will be interesting to see if SCOTUS lets that go into effect.

I believe that the proposed Missouri law is the same as the Texas law: it allows anyone to sue someone who assisted a woman in getting an abortion. SCOTUS is a vile institution for not stopping this trick immediately; it has proved that the current GOP appointees are lawyers with no ethics or concern about precedent, the Constitution, or human rights.

Eventual Carrion  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:06:30pm

re: #191 jaunte

So, it sounds like you’d have to be a fool to rely on an agreement with Russia.

They’ve shown it time and time again.

KGxvi  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:10:45pm

re: #14 Florida Panhandler

Not according to the racists I grew up with.

They are not. That’s the thing about racism.

It Ever Ends.

The Irish, the Spanish (what we’d now consider white Latinos), the Italians… none of them were considered white when the US first experienced heavy migration of those populations. Mostly because “white” used to mean WASP. And the Irish, Spanish, and Italians were Catholic and thus insufficiently white. Hell, the same happened with Greek immigrants as well.

Then those groups were given probationary white status because WASPs were on the verge of becoming just a plurality rather than a majority. But if you notice, those probationary white subgroups still hold onto their ethnic heritage (to varying degrees).

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:10:56pm

re: #191 jaunte

So, it sounds like you’d have to be a fool to rely on an agreement with Russia.

The United States doesn’t have a clean record here. Just ask native Americans about treaties they signed with the government. And let’s not forget the Iran nuclear deal which Trump blithely abandoned as soon as possible.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:11:07pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:15:10pm


darthstar  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:19:50pm

re: #189 darthstar

From downthread as I had to drive up to the city to have lunch with a vendor today.

Yes, I agree…cutting their losses - those are some lovely coastal properties on the market. I see a post-war surge in Europeans buying retirement homes a few years from now.

I just looked at Crimea real estate - 4.2 million rubles starting price ($31,470) for sea view next to the botanical gardens.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:20:56pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:23:42pm

re: #192 jaunte

I can’t reply to that the way I’d like to because I’d be banned, so let me just say I really there’s a special place in hell for these people.

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:24:39pm

re: #169 Barefoot Grin

Gotta watch til the dramatic Michael Bay end.

[Embedded content]

Need to Zapruder that shit

Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:25:18pm

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:26:14pm


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:26:54pm

re: #179 Barefoot Grin

Horten looks like he’s getting ready to file a complaint.

Nah. He’s not mad, it’s just his face.

Teukka  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:26:58pm
jaunte  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:27:02pm

re: #201 Eclectic Cyborg

Back when my wife and I were adopting two of our daughters from the state, the placement was delayed for months later than we were told, and after we complained we were called to a meeting of the regional bureaucrats in Dallas, where they threatened to put the girls back in the system if we said anything else. The foster- and child care systems here in Texas have been screwed up for a long, long time.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:28:28pm

re: #205 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Nah. He’s not mad, it’s just his face.

I have used that defense myself.

steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:29:42pm

re: #167 Citizen K

The Supreme Court is literally going to turn us into Gilead, aren’t they?

for awhile, maybe, but then Republicans are going to get to experience the age-old adage, be careful what you wish for.” Democrats will get a few more senate seats and retain a grip on the House, and they will simply increase the number of supreme court justices to account for the expanded judiciary since the last expansion of the court. They may even find a way to bring forward statehood for the District and Puerto Rico. Guam, perhaps?

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:30:39pm

re: #196 Hecuba’s daughter

The United States doesn’t have a clean record here. Just ask native Americans about treaties they signed with the government. And let’s not forget the Iran nuclear deal which Trump blithely abandoned as soon as possible.

And the Kurds that we got murdered by allowing a madman to rise to the Presidency.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:32:08pm
Crush White Nationalism  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:32:47pm

re: #201 Eclectic Cyborg

I can’t reply to that the way I’d like to because I’d be banned, so let me just say I really there’s a special place in hell for these people.

What could you possibly say that would be worse than wishing they suffer the ultimate, fortunately imaginary, evil abuse possible.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:34:35pm
steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:37:00pm

re: #180 Florida Panhandler

Another couple of real problems exposed:

1. Russians believe their own propaganda, or at least, a significant amount do. So does their leader, Putin.

2. Putin is not smart. He is dumb. Very dumb. He, like Trump, are what mediocre tribal thinking people think smart people actually are. Putin is possibly the worst military commander since Antonio López de Santa Anna. The comparisons between the two are actually pretty scary close if you read up on the bio.

The Russian Military has been exposed and this should be extremely concerning to their Eastern flank if China starts getting greedy. Their history hasn’t exactly been peaches and cream through the years, and all those natural resources should be pretty tempting for China. Nukes help deterrence but if China ascertains most or all of them are now duds the gloves come off.


I recall from Fitzroy Maclean’s Eastern Approaches that many of the places he went had very tenuous borders between China and Russia. They’d drifted between the two for some time. China might well be tempted to bite off some regions and then say, “hey, feel free to conscript all your young men. You have no modern weapons to give them.”

nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:37:40pm

re: #185 gocart mozart

“Now I see blue Hyundai’s everywhere. Man. They after me. AND NOW A BIG WOMAN JUST GAVE ME TWO RELAXED MIDDLE FINGERS WITH CHEETO DUST ON THEM. Oh. God. They meant it. I’m a dead man.”

Profiles in Courage episode 2 season 3……Terry sees fingers…..

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:38:55pm
Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:39:01pm

re: #6 gwangung

I’m puzzled as to why “White” Latinos don’t drop the Latino and just go with being White. Isn’t that how other disfavored groups (Italians, Irish, etc,) became White? 🤷🏽‍♀️

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:39:23pm
nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:41:03pm

re: #217 Patricia Kayden


HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:45:01pm

re: #197 The Pie Overlord!


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:45:40pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:45:55pm

re: #211 Backwoods_Sleuth

I see all the usual fucking suspects made the list.

gwangung  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:46:42pm

re: #217 Patricia Kayden

I’m puzzled as to why “White” Latinos don’t drop the Latino and just go with being White. Isn’t that how other disfavored groups (Italians, Irish, etc,) became White? 🤷🏽‍♀️

My understanding is that they actually DO this…it’s that everyone insists on shoving them into the Latino group just because they come from Colombia or some other Latin American country. All of insist of thinking of race and ethnicity as a strict, definitional state and not the complex thing it is.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:49:12pm
darthstar  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:51:01pm

So I threw half a rack of baby back ribs in the smoker this morning and gave them about 2 hours of heavy smoke then turned the external smoke attachment on so it wouldn’t keep burning while I was gone.

Didn’t have any apple juice but I did have some apple sauce, so I mixed a bit of that with brown sugar and butter and wrapped the whole thing up in a foil envelope and left it at 200 or so for four hours while I went up to the city.

Came home to a lovely smelling packet. Drained the liquid, added a little BBQ sauce to the top, then hit it with the Searzall to caramelize the sauce a bit. Fuckin’ a this is tasty - and tender.

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:53:49pm

re: #23 Charles Johnson

I think they meant to say “Cruz rides a shotgun around DC”….

darthstar  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:54:07pm

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:54:24pm

fucking snowflake mobster traitor

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:54:57pm

re: #181 Sherlock Hound

4th letter from that FSB analyst.

Jesus Christ. From here down. Wow.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:55:36pm
steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 3:58:55pm

re: #230 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

and then there’s trump, an out-and-out liar.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:01:17pm

re: #185 gocart mozart

That’s the snowiest snowflakiest thing I’ve ever heard. Some girl have him a week middle finger Abba he freaked out. GTFOOH.

A Cranky One  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:02:07pm


William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:02:09pm

re: #229 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Jesus Christ. From here down. Wow.

[Embedded content]

No different than the Holodomor really when Stalin starved 3.9 million to death intentionally.

JC1  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:02:30pm

This is some grade A trolling:
Ukraine’s anti corruption minister thanking Russia’s corrupt military leaders for misappropriating funds and crippling the Russian army.

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:06:48pm

Holy Crap!

Russian state television has broadcast calls for Vladimir Putin, the country’s president, to stop his war in Ukraine during a programme in which pundits openly likened the invasion to “Afghanistan, but even worse”.

Vladimir Soloviyev, usually one of the Kremlin’s most reliable chief propagandists, had to interrupt guests on his prime time television talk show to stop their criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking during a broadcast on Russia 1, Karen Shakhnazarov, a filmmaker and state pundit, said the conflict in Ukraine risked isolating Russia.

He told Mr Soloviyev: “I have a hard time imagining taking cities such as Kyiv. I can’t imagine how that would look.”

He went on to call for the conflict to be brought to an end, saying: “If this picture starts to transform into an absolute humanitarian disaster, even our close allies like China and India will be forced to distance themselves from us.

“This public opinion, with which they’re saturating the entire world, can play out badly for us … Ending this operation will stabilise things within the country.”

Later during the broadcast of An Evening with Vladimir Soloviyev, one of Russian television’s most-watched programmes, guest Semyon Bagdasarov, an academic, said: “Do we need to get into another Afghanistan, but even worse?”

He said that in Ukraine “there are more people and they’re more advanced in their weapon handling”, adding: “We don’t need that. Enough already.”

The reference to Afghanistan, a conflict that scarred the Soviet Union and still scars Russia, was particularly poignant. The Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, 10 years after it invaded, humiliated.

Russian state television goes off message by denouncing Ukraine war

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:07:07pm

re: #53 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

If someone is talking from a car I know 1) they are a complete idiot 2) this is satire. Lord, please give me the wisdom to tell the difference.

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:14:47pm

re: #230 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:17:28pm

re: #232 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

That’s the snowiest snowflakiest thing I’ve ever heard. Some girl have him a week middle finger Abba he freaked out. GTFOOH.

Seriously. I’m like: “Bro, you’re in a BIG RIG. What have you got to fear from three random girls??”

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:19:46pm

re: #234 William Lewis

No different than the Holodomor really when Stalin starved 3.9 million to death intentionally.

Last year I read a novel that took place during the Holodomor. I looked for everything I could read & found this. I watched it - excellent.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:20:09pm

Today marks the 146th anniversary of the day when Alexander Graham Bell picked up is device and said to his assistant: “‘s’up?”

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:21:26pm

re: #241 Barefoot Grin

Today marks the 146th anniversary of the day when Alexander Graham Bell picked up is device and said to his assistant: “‘s’up?”

And tomorrow will be the 146th anniversary of the first “we’ve been trying to reach you about your warranty…” call.


nines09  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:22:31pm

Was reminded of this song today. Dug it up and went to vocal isolation. This masterpiece is buried in the record. Under rated by volumes. No tricks but reverb. Great stuff.
Nite nite.

Youtube Video

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:25:14pm

re: #243 nines09

Was reminded of this song today. Dug it up and went to vocal isolation. This masterpiece is buried in the record. Under rated by volumes. No tricks but reverb. Great stuff.
Nite nite.

[Embedded content]


Best Vampire song ever written.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:27:48pm

Marcy at emptywheel is pissing off all the right people because she’s calling out all of those who made excuses for Russia’s actions in 2016 (and before and after) as having blood on their hands for Russia’s actions in Ukraine now. I’m all on board. Those naive assholes who thought there would be no price to pay for Putin’s foundational work to retake Ukraine and possibly other Baltic states can go to hell.

Sorry, forgot to post:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:29:20pm
Patricia Kayden  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:31:25pm

re: #223 gwangung

Okay. Just saying you’re White and leaving out the Latino makes sense to me especially considering the fact that the term Latino can include Spanish and Portuguese people.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:32:27pm

re: #245 Barefoot Grin

Not to sound like I’m ‘both-sidesing’ this, but in addition to calling out the #treasoncaucus and reminding people how far up Putin’s ass most of the GOP and especially the Clownshow was, we really need to use this as an opportunity to destroy these dirtbag psuedoleftists and authoritanian leftist tankies that were just as bad.

Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore, Hasan Piker, etc… etc…

Anyone who still thinks Snowden wasn’t a bad actor in all this needs to be shamed into the ground.

gocart mozart  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:34:59pm

When Luke Skywalker flips you the bird.

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:35:12pm

re: #248 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Not to sound like I’m ‘both-sidesing’ this, but in addition to calling out the #treasoncaucus and reminding people how far up Putin’s ass most of the GOP and especially the Clownshow was, we really need to use this as an opportunity to destroy these dirtbag psuedoleftists and authoritanian leftist tankies that were just as bad.

Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore, Hasan Piker, etc… etc…

Anyone who still thinks Snowden wasn’t a bad actor in all this needs to be shamed into the ground.

Snowflake was turned when he was in Geneva I believe. After that, he was either a FSB or GRU asset (my guess is GRU).

steve_davis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:36:11pm

re: #225 darthstar

So I threw half a rack of baby back ribs in the smoker this morning and gave them about 2 hours of heavy smoke then turned the external smoke attachment on so it wouldn’t keep burning while I was gone.

Didn’t have any apple juice but I did have some apple sauce, so I mixed a bit of that with brown sugar and butter and wrapped the whole thing up in a foil envelope and left it at 200 or so for four hours while I went up to the city.

Came home to a lovely smelling packet. Drained the liquid, added a little BBQ sauce to the top, then hit it with the Searzall to caramelize the sauce a bit. Fuckin’ a this is tasty - and tender.

That’s sorta kinda what I was doing with the Boston butt. Worchestire sauce, then packed with brown sugar with apple juice around the bottom in a clay pot. I got impatient and pulled it out of the oven too soon, but it’s still very edible.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:36:20pm

re: #248 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Not to sound like I’m ‘both-sidesing’ this, but in addition to calling out the #treasoncaucus and reminding people how far up Putin’s ass most of the GOP and especially the Clownshow was, we really need to use this as an opportunity to destroy these dirtbag psuedoleftists and authoritanian leftist tankies that were just as bad.

Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore, Hasan Piker, etc… etc…

Anyone who still thinks Snowden wasn’t a bad actor in all this needs to be shamed into the ground.

100%. The Greens and the DSA are on board with Putin…well, maybe they wouldn’t say that now, but they’d still spout the Kremlin points about how corrupt Ukraine is. Every once in awhile they even repeat the lie about VP Biden pushing Ukraine to fire a State Prosecutor because he was allegedly looking into Hunter’s activities. Of course, it was because he was corrupt as fuck and the US couldn’t work with Ukraine as long as people like that were in power. This is state-level lobbying and goes on all the time.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:39:44pm

re: #239 Eclectic Cyborg

Seriously. I’m like: “Bro, you’re in a BIG RIG. What have you got to fear from three random girls??”

In a Hyundai, no less. Terrifying. 😏

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:41:55pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:43:37pm
HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:44:51pm

re: #240 HRH Stanley Sea

Last year I read a novel that took place during the Holodomor. I looked for everything I could read & found this. I watched it - excellent.

[Embedded content]

Reading the replies. I just signed up & donated. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Semper Fi  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:47:02pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth


It’s just insanity. His specialty is windmills.

William Lewis  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:48:41pm

I am a photographer. I do other things for my living but what I _am_ is a photographer. This is from one I know via the internet and should emulate.


An Exodus From Ukraine Visual Diary-day 3

I am now inside Ukraine!

Today, I boarded a train in the Polish border town Pzemyśl, the border crossing town where now many of the more than 600,000 Ukrainians have crossed through fleeing the brutal Russian invasion of the Ukrainian homeland.

In my 66 years I have never made a train quite like this. The train was full of Ukrainian men going back to join the fight against the Russian military, women that had decided they could no longer stay away from their homes, and a handful of foreign journalists.

As the train passed through the Polish border into Ukraine, it came to a stop, and many soldiers of the Ukrainian army boarded the train, along with several Ukrainian border customs agents.
Every passport was checked throughly, and one passenger was mysteriously removed from the train, not to board again.

As the customs check took place, a train arrived in the station coming from Kyiv and pulled up right next to our train heading east into Ukraine. […] Most of the people in the window of this train were mothers and children-and many very young babies pressed their heads against the window-a sight they will likely not remember in time, but a moment in their life they will never forget.


A young man stood holding his wife as she cried, and they looked each other in the eyes, and whispered to each other. […] This couple was crying a good bye that no person on this earth could ever be prepared for. I didn’t make a photograph of this moment, and touched the shoulder of the young husband and told him I would think of him, and them. He spoke to me and said, “at this moment, we don’t have the right words”.

As I finish tonight, I realize I too don’t have the right words. I have images that will stay with me forever-some sharp, and some very out of focus-and all with pain with no anesthesia to make lighter or more bearable.

With love.

© All photographs by Peter Turnley, Ukraine, March 9, 2022.

#peterturnley #ukraine #russia #war #warinukraine #documentaryphotography #photojournalism

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:48:43pm
Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:49:26pm

re: #253 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

In a Hyundai, no less. Terrifying. 😏

OH NOEZ! lol

On another note Hyundai and Kia have really turned around and are a couple of car manufacturers to watch. They are run by the same parent company and have great product lines and are looking to be 100% EV by 2026. Well ahead of the California 2035 mandate, and farther ahead than Honda’s embarrassing claim to be 100% EV by 2040.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 10, 2022 • 4:54:43pm

re: #240 HRH Stanley Sea

Last year I read a novel that took place during the Holodomor. I looked for everything I could read & found this. I watched it - excellent.

Conquest — The Harvest of Sorrow

Grossman — Everything Flows

(I liked the movie too.)

Belafon  Mar 10, 2022 • 5:13:22pm

re: #200 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

My dad said “Now we know what we have to do.”

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 10, 2022 • 5:15:56pm

re: #260 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

I’m hoping to score my mom an Ioniq 5 eventually. Her Infiniti is lucky to get 18 mpg with the limited driving she does.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2022 • 5:18:33pm

re: #260 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

OH NOEZ! lol

On another note Hyundai and Kia have really turned around and are a couple of car manufacturers to watch. They are run by the same parent company and have great product lines and are looking to be 100% EV by 2026. Well ahead of the California 2035 mandate, and farther ahead than Honda’s embarrassing claim to be 100% EV by 2040.

I want knocking Hyundai, it was the trucker I was mocking.

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 10, 2022 • 5:20:45pm

re: #261 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

My online library via Libby is pitiful. Those titles not available.

I’ll go the old fashioned route & request in paper version.

Worth it & thank you.

darthstar  Mar 10, 2022 • 5:28:24pm

re: #236 William Lewis

Holy Crap!

Russian state television goes off message by denouncing Ukraine war

My favorite part:
A clearly irritated Mr Soloviyev, who owns a villa in Italy that has been seized and sanctioned by the European Union, interrupted Mr Bagdasarov.


dell*nix  Mar 10, 2022 • 8:15:46pm

re: #185 gocart mozart

That takes me back. Had just returned from a couple of years in England when that came out.

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