Sunday Morning Funk: Mark Lettieri Group, “Tidal Tail”

Music • Views: 22,185


See demos for the cymbals in Jason’s setup here:

16” Byzance Vintage Sand Hihats
18” Byzance Traditional Extra Thin Hammered Crash
12” R&D Prototype Trash Splash (stack top)
12” Generation X Jingle Filter China (stack bottom)
22” Byzance Vintage Sand Ride
20” Byzance Traditional Extra Thin Hammered Crash
20” Byzance Dual Trash Crash

“Tidal Tail” written by Mark Lettieri, from the album “Deep: The Baritone Sessions, Vol. 2”

Drums - Jason ‘JT’ Thomas
Guitar - Mark Lettieri
Bass - Wes Stephenson
Keys - Daniel Porter

Jump to bottom

BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 10:54:40am

I didn’t know there was a baritone guitar until Mark Lettieri. Now I like baritone guitar.

Belafon  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:02:31am

I noticed that they recast the actress playing Cassie Lang, the daughter of Scott Lang, in the new Ant-Man movie, from the choice in Endgame to the active from Detrctive Pikachu. I wanted to find out why. If you ever want to write in such a way that you never truly get to the point, here’s a masterclass on it:

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:04:26am

I see a lot of people posting about Mastodon, hoping it will replace Twitter. I think they’re going to be very disappointed when they find out how it actually works.

There are no “quote tweets,” for starters. That’s a big one.

Nyet  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:05:38am

Harry Styles - Music For a Sushi Restaurant (Official Video)

(The music is shit, but the video is funny.)

Nyet  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:09:00am

Yeah, right.

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:12:32am
Nyet  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:14:07am

There you go. *vomit*

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:14:33am
Dr Lizardo  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:19:33am
wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:20:12am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

[…still tons of tweets…]

Hey, reduced staff. Show some sympathy.


FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:22:44am
jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:23:05am
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:26:45am
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:28:56am
PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:30:35am

re: #14 Charles Johnson

The internet is forever. ::: evil grin :::

Nyet  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:31:00am

re: #13 Charles Johnson

Twitter is in safe hands./

Nyet  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:31:48am

Pickman’s model was merely good.

I Would Prefer Not To  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:32:53am

So FT now stands for F Trump AND F Twitter.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:33:36am

re: #18 I Would Prefer Not To

That works for me.

Dr. Matt  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:35:03am

I hope twitter blows up into a Nazi cesspool where every legitimate news company, business, and ad paying company leaves in droves. Fuck Elon. Fuck twitter.

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:36:23am
PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:37:30am

re: #20 Dr. Matt

That is the most likely scenario.

BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:42:19am

I think Tony Snark meant to take over Twitter sooner but the tribulations occurred and he tried to back out. Then said fuck it, let’s just do it.

It’s going to be a mess.

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:42:45am
Nyet  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:45:04am

re: #22 PhillyPretzel

That is the most likely scenario.

That’s the question. I heard that since his deal was financed, his hands are … well, not tied, but not entirely free either.

Dr. Matt  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:50:12am


The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:51:56am
BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:52:02am

Is there any doubt Twitter is going to end with a bang and not a whimper?

wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:53:57am
DodgerFan1988  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:54:14am
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:58:17am
jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 11:58:31am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:04:08pm

re: #8 Charles Johnson

Belafon  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:05:43pm

re: #32 jaunte

I was hoping someone would say this before me and I wasn’t disappointed:

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:05:57pm

This is the hardest BOTHSIDES you will see all day.

Jay C  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:09:19pm

re: #30 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

Yeah: how come Elon never reported Ghislaine Maxwell for trying to steal that cantaloupe???

re: #25 Nyet

That’s the question. I heard that since his deal was financed, his hands are … well, not tied, but not entirely free either.

Probably quite true: OK, it’s been a long time since I got my Business degree, but am I missing something in seeing/thinkling that Musk has screwed himself royally by overpaying so much for Twitter? Even had he gotten the company at less that the insane premium he offered, if (as I understand) they make most of their money off advertising, a mass exodus of users - which still may occur if the site becomes too much of a hate-cesspool - is going to drop their “viewer” base down to the point where ad rates are going to have to come down: which will diminish their cash flow. Which is precisely what Elon can’t maintain forever: eventually those financing payments are going to come due. And (AFAIK, would appreciate any clarification) Twitter doesn’t have a hell of a lot of salable assets to divest to pay those bills.

My guess is that in about three years (tops), Elon “goes public” again, and bails via an “IPO” - taking his multi-billion-dollar red-ink bath tsunami, milking it for whatever tax writeoffs he can, and moves on to some other wasteful inanity….

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:13:38pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:17:40pm

kentucky shenanigans

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:18:01pm

more shenanigans

wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:22:16pm

we drol

Wordle 498 4/6*


One more 4 and they’re tied with the 3s.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:25:47pm

and we got this mailer:

go ahead and scare me with a good time

turns out this guy isn’t even running in my district, so the PAC wasted who knows how much money mailing to folks here.

Fischer is also this guy:

yes, he’s that guy

BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:26:07pm

I feel like this is the final battle in Lord of the Rings. The orc legions are lined up and about to jump the castle walls.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:27:40pm
bratwurst  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:28:11pm

While it is obviously fucking insane the the new owner of Twitter is promoting misinformation days after taking over, the real test for me will be moderation.

I reported an idiot last night who spams every post by Rabbi Ruttenberg with disgusting antisemitic memes. If nothing happens, there will be no choice but to assume that this type of behavior is now permitted there.

BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:30:14pm

As dark as it is, there’s always another LOTR movie. With more orcs.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:32:16pm
BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:32:24pm

What I’m trying to say if it’s not clear: orcs are bad. So are MAGA orcs.

BigPapa  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:34:52pm

I’m going to try a spooky Halloween ratatouille. My Wife Unit’s idea is to make a pumpkin face pattern complete with one tooth on the bottom and the top of the mouth.

If it turns out horrible it will probably still taste really good. Because it’s food.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:35:01pm

In the hills of Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park, hundreds of stones, piled two stories high, have sat, largely unmolested apart from curious passersby, as moss and vines subsumed them into the forest.

What makes the stones remarkable, however, is their origin: They were once a part of the United States Capitol, about seven miles to the south. While the Capitol Stones hold national significance, they have been a treasured local secret—a rare piece of American history that longtime residents can claim as their own.

But soon, the stones’ time at Rock Creek Park will come to an end. Officials from the National Park Service will move them over the next few years to a storage facility in Maryland, where they will no longer be publicly accessible, reports Bloomberg Government’s Jack Fitzpatrick.

“The stones are being moved at the request of the National Park Service for safety, realignment and preservation purposes,” says Kiren Marshall, a spokesperson for the Architect of the Capitol in a press statement.

The stones date back to the early 1800s, when the Capitol underwent extensive reconstruction after British troops set fire to the building during the War of 1812, causing devastating damage. More than a century later, in the 1950s, renovations led to the stones’ replacement. Along with the Capitol’s old Corinthian columns, the stones spent a short stint in storage at the Capitol Power Plant. Per Bloomberg Government, they remained there until as late as 1972.

In the 1980s, the old columns moved to the National Arboretum, where they are still a popular—and officially sanctioned—tourist attraction. The stones, on the other hand, were dumped in Rock Creek Park.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:35:09pm

re: #46 Backwoods_Sleuth

I agree. Musk is not to be trusted with anything especially twitter.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:39:19pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:41:13pm
wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:51:52pm

He feeds his little frens to each other.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:52:14pm
Jay C  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:53:34pm

Interesting bit from TPM about Christopher Monzon: the Rubio canvasser “victimized for being Republican” in FL:

Bro Chris seems to have recovered enough to show up at a GOP rally: with yet another gloss on the attack…

Jay C  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:55:33pm

re: #54 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

[Embedded content]

Thread worth reading from head of Twitter safety & integrity. I hope Yoel is right.

Myself, I wonder if Yoel will still have his job this time next week…..

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 12:57:50pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:01:13pm

re: #54 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Yoel’s thread is simply bullshit. They haven’t stopped the deluge of racial slurs at all, and it’s not a bot attack. There may be some bots in there, who knows, but most of this shit is coming from real right wing loons.

wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:14:15pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:16:00pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:18:26pm

re: #33 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

…And paid $44bn for the privilege

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:20:44pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:22:28pm

That “bot attack” excuse is now being used by the right to claim that those thousands of tweets with racial slurs are all planted by sneaky liberals.

Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:23:47pm

re: #34 Belafon

I was hoping someone would say this before me and I wasn’t disappointed:

[Embedded content]

It’s a “stupid” narrative
Polls are not all that predictive
And certainly not authoritative in any way

Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:26:44pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

That “bot attack” excuse is now being used by the right to claim that those thousands of tweets with racial slurs are all planted by sneaky liberals.

Not just bots, but liberal bots?

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:28:36pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:29:58pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:36:48pm

re: #67 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Unfair doesn’t mean unjustified

In this case it just means how dare you point out the truth

PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:38:07pm

re: #67 Charles Johnson

re: #68 Dangerman

And by using the situation they will try to alter how people vote.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:38:42pm
mmmirele  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:42:55pm

I drove over to Tempe to check if my badge works. It beeps but does nothing. I have to wait until another day (Thursday, which is when my class is) to go in and get it fixed. I posted to our team’s Signal chat, but I will bet money my manager is going to drive over there after arriving later this afternoon and find out he can’t get into the building. He can’t say I didn’t warn him.

That said, I came across these signs on the south side of the intersection of Gilbert Rd and Red Mountain (202) Freeway as I was driving over. Yeah, the pic is bad, I was taking it at a distance and disadvantage from the front seat of my car.

mmmirele  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:45:43pm

re: #15 PhillyPretzel

The internet is forever. ::: evil grin :::

Yeah, that’s what we used to say back in the 1990s about Scientology deleting stuff. “The Internet Is Forever.” I’d add: “And don’t you forget it!”

PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:47:21pm

re: #72 mmmirele

I won’t forget.

mmmirele  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:48:22pm

re: #20 Dr. Matt

I hope twitter blows up into a Nazi cesspool where every legitimate news company, business, and ad paying company leaves in droves. Fuck Elon. Fuck twitter.

Well, I got so frustrated with the NYTimes, I not just unfollowed, I blocked them. I don’t want to see their shitty excuse for reporting in my feed.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:51:15pm
Belafon  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:55:03pm

re: #64 Dangerman

It’s a “stupid” narrative
Polls are not all that predictive
And certainly not authoritative in any way

[Embedded content]

While a valid view, has nothing to do with the narrative Republicans are setting up about the election.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 1:57:42pm
The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:01:25pm
piratedan  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:04:39pm

re: #78 The Pie Overlord!

unlike christian evangelicals…. ////////////////////////////////

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:05:55pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:08:44pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:10:50pm

By “Twitter” they mean Elmo

Twitter is strongly considering making its users pay to remain verified on the service,” Platformer reports.

“If the project makes forward, users would have to subscribe to Twitter Blue at $4.99 a month or lose their badges.”

I can’t cover the payment!! Do something!!!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:12:30pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:15:35pm

re: #82 Dangerman

Remember like as hour ago we were musing
what’s the over and under on how long it takes for him to run it into the ground?

I’d say it’s just moved up significantly

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:16:20pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:16:36pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:17:04pm

re: #84 Dangerman

Rando disqus:

“Because who wouldn’t want to pay $60 a year to stay “verified” by a platform that’s going to be overrun by racists, antisemites, whiny incel jaggoffs and shit for brains conspiracy theorists?”

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:18:54pm
jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:19:17pm

re: #87 Dangerman

Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:19:36pm

re: #87 Dangerman

And another

“That thundering sound, you ask? That’s twitter users stampeding for the exit. Not only will they be forced to listen to Trump, they will have to PAY to listen to him.”

lizardofid  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:23:05pm

re: #90 Dangerman

And another

“That thundering sound, you ask? That’s twitter users stampeding for the exit. Not only will they be forced to listen to Trump, they will have to PAY to listen to him.”

They may as well change the blue dot to a red one and call it a day.

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:23:26pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:26:02pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:27:21pm

The digital town square will have a cover charge.

But no bouncers

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:27:51pm
Dave In Austin  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:29:43pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:29:50pm

The best folks to run a business are those who have no idea how it works

No emotion
No investment
No “it has to be this way” or “we’ve always done it like this”
No heavy hand or influence
No agenda except success

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:33:19pm
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:40:06pm

Put my mail in ballot in the post box today. Yay me.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:40:12pm
Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:41:52pm

re: #98 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Limit the number of badges.
Then let people bid on them.
NFT em even!

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:52:18pm

Can anyone get verified on Twitter or do you actually have to be someone notable to get the checkmark?

Barefoot Grin  Oct 30, 2022 • 2:57:38pm
Barefoot Grin  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:04:35pm

Yes, I stumbled across this David Sacks guy a few week ago over his ‘it’s Ukraine’s fault and it’s also a proxy war’ bullshit.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:05:42pm

For those who are interested “Marion Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years” is on NJTV and they have a live button at the top of their website.

bratwurst  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:09:00pm

The clock is about to chime for the Bolsonaro regime in Brazil. I’d say we’ll see what happens…but if you are watching US domestic media tonight you are unlikely to see anything as democracy faces an existential crisis in our own hemisphere.

wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:13:41pm
Florida Panhandler  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:20:27pm

re: #88 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Anyone waiting for Twitter to devolve into that mythic “hellscape”… it’s already here 2 days later.

Glad I left that hellscape 6 months ago.

The fresh air outside is so much more relaxing. Not the Metaverse fresh air. Real actual fresh air.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:20:46pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:20:50pm

Have to admit I’m a little pissed off that the Biden administration didn’t step in and at least put a hold on this buyout. They could have done it legally, I checked. This is a no-shit national security issue. One of the largest megaphones on the internet is now in the hands of a goddamned right wing troll. It’s a fucking nightmare.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:25:23pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:26:38pm
Rightwingconspirator  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:27:47pm

re: #110 Charles Johnson

Have to admit I’m a little pissed off that the Biden administration didn’t step in and at least put a hold on this buyout. They could have done it legally, I checked. This is a no-shit national security issue. One of the largest megaphones on the internet is now in the hands of a goddamned right wing troll. It’s a fucking nightmare.

Dem Presidents act with too much restraint in political matters. Made me crazy when it was Obama.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:28:04pm

re: #112 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

And Bolsonaro calls it rigged in 3…2…1…

jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:30:30pm
Florida Panhandler  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:31:26pm

re: #110 Charles Johnson

Anyone waiting for Elon’s magical-thinking bot moderation to work in stopping or even reducing violent or “law-breaking” conduct by right wing trolls and bad actors are in for a seriously long wait… like the heat death of the universe. Quit Twitter now. Uninstall the app.

The first really credible moderated social platform that comes online that caters to a social world-wide friendly audience is likely to be a seriously good investment opportunity. “The left” (whatever than means) is generally of more world-friendly and globalized conglomerate as opposed to nationalist and hyper -partisan right wingers who are by definition tribal and sectarian. Their end goal is to eliminate all others, to deport or kill the “other”.

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:33:56pm


wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:39:04pm

re: #109 HRH Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

The versatility and potential for interactivity are tops. My only costume that came close was when I was a refrigerator.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:39:55pm

Playing off a tutorial, trying to make Elon Musk a kingpin in GTA Vice City:

John Hughes  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:41:01pm

re: #98 Charles Johnson

I’m sure it would be really easy to prove that catturd is in fact a cat turd. In fact the real mystery is why he* doesn’t already have a blue checkmark.

(* Apologies to catturd if I have your pronouns wrong).

Grunthos the Flatulent  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:46:43pm

Tomorrow’s Wordle doesn’t have permission.

One of those where you get the birbie when you couldn’t even see the pin.

Wordle 499 3/6


SibData: 3,3,3,4,5 and they arrived in that order too

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:47:02pm

re: #119 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Playing off a tutorial, trying to make Elon Musk a kingpin in GTA Vice City:

[Embedded content]

Grand Theft Elmo?


Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:47:04pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:48:07pm
wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:48:37pm

re: #121 Grunthos the Flatulent

Tomorrow’s Wordle doesn’t have permission.

[Embedded content]

Good news travels faster.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:48:42pm

re: #123 Backwoods_Sleuth

Why so polite?

Most trolls are like “I’m gonna find you and fuck you up, bitch!” but this dude is like “I’m definitely going to locate you.”

jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:48:56pm

Like the U.S., Brazil still has a fascist sympathizer problem.

William Lewis  Oct 30, 2022 • 3:53:14pm

re: #127 jaunte

Like the U.S., Brazil still has a fascist sympathizer problem.

Has Glen been given his talking points by his handlers in Moscow yet?

jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:05:31pm
Florida Panhandler  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:06:26pm

Elon is just making this whole thing up as he goes along.

PG or R versions of Twitter now. He really had no idea going in what he wanted or what it is going to take.

Which goes to prove a point. Some people like Elon are willing to throw away Billions and $$$ Billions more of their own money in a pure revenge effort, all for really nothing as there is no real barrier of entry into the social media space except for startup money and a good idea.

Twitter can and will be replaced quickly as “the left” moves on and the right wing of course, with no one left to punch at, tries again at the new platform. Hopefully whatever or whoever can moderate this new effort places great people in charge of policing the fascists, scoundrels and con-men out of the discussion.

jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:06:30pm

Strongly truthing social.

Belafon  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:09:42pm

re: #130 Florida Panhandler

Elon is just making this whole thing up as he goes along.

PG or R versions of Twitter now. He really had no idea going in what he wanted or what it is going to take.

Which goes to prove a point. Some people like Elon are willing to throw away Billions and $$$ Billions more of their own money in a pure revenge effort, all for really nothing as there is no real barrier of entry into the social media space except for startup money and a good idea.

Twitter can and will be replaced quickly as “the left” moves on and the right wing of course, with no one left to punch at, tries again at the new platform. Hopefully whatever or whoever can moderate this new effort places great people in charge of policing the fascists, scoundrels and con-men out of the discussion.

There’s nowhere else for the left to go, especially since it would have to be a mass move, you and all your contacts. There are some who will get off, but, for the most part, people are going to stay.

I do like someone’s idea of sending images of what Musk is allowing to advertisers.

Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:12:22pm

re: #115 jaunte

+1 for the use of the word ‘refuse’

jaunte  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:12:59pm

re: #133 Dangerman

Huddled masses, right there.

wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:15:58pm
William Lewis  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:18:13pm
bratwurst  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:24:24pm

I am here trying to decide how to spend the $5 per month I will absolutely, positively never send to Twitter for verification.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:26:18pm

re: #137 bratwurst

Hmm. $5 a month. PBS is a good place for your money.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:27:12pm

re: #137 bratwurst

$5 gets you five plays in California SuperLotto. It’s the original millionaire-maker, according to Calotto.

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:36:23pm
Belafon  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:40:13pm

Thor thing:

I wonder what Odin did when he saw Jane.

wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:40:36pm

re: #140 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

‘…reduce…the visibility of…’ does not sound anything like, ‘remove them from the platform’.

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:43:50pm
wrenchwench  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:47:14pm

re: #141 Belafon

Thor thing:

[Embedded content]

I thought you were going to mention your calf muthcle. How ith it?

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:52:22pm


Belafon  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:53:32pm

re: #144 wrenchwench

I thought you were going to mention your calf muthcle. How ith it?

I am hobbling around as little as possible. I can feel that it’s still sore. I need to rest, but resting is hard with an old dog and Halloween tomorrow and just in general.

Thanks for asking.

Teukka  Oct 30, 2022 • 4:58:46pm

re: #145 The Pie Overlord!


Holy freakin’ shit!

Dangerman  Oct 30, 2022 • 5:00:18pm

re: #130 Florida Panhandler

Elon is just making this whole thing up as he goes along.

PG or R versions of Twitter now. He really had no idea going in what he wanted or what it is going to take.

Which goes to prove a point. Some people like Elon are willing to throw away Billions and $$$ Billions more of their own money in a pure revenge effort, all for really nothing as there is no real barrier of entry into the social media space except for startup money and a good idea.

Twitter can and will be replaced quickly as “the left” moves on and the right wing of course, with no one left to punch at, tries again at the new platform. Hopefully whatever or whoever can moderate this new effort places great people in charge of policing the fascists, scoundrels and con-men out of the discussion.

Whose money?

Charles Johnson  Oct 30, 2022 • 5:02:19pm

New season of The White Lotus out tonight on HBO Max. One of the greatest totally off-the-wall shows in recent memory.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 30, 2022 • 5:05:32pm

re: #26 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

Why did anyone expect anything better from the guy who labelled a British caver involved in the rescue of trapped Thai schoolboys the “pedo guy”? Just like Trump, he believes his wealth and/or power insulate him from any consequences from his lies and insults and negligence.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 5:11:03pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 5:12:14pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 30, 2022 • 5:14:42pm

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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