Jon Stewart’s Interview With Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm: The Subject, Gun Violence

Politics • Views: 9,712


I go back and forth with Jon Stewart; a lot of the time he gets way into the both-sides BS, but he still can deliver the goods in the right situation. And this is one of those situations, as a Republican State Senator from Oklahoma is twisted into knots by Stewart’s relentless questioning.

Sure would be great if this kind of interview was the norm instead of a rarity.

State Sen. Nathan Dahm (R-OK) has penned several bills loosening gun restrictions, including the nation’s first anti-red flag law against restricting gun access to those deemed dangerous. Not only does he want to protect the Second Amendment, but he also believes guns make us safer. We think it’s probably one or the other. Watch the full interview in our new episode, “Chaos, Law, and Order.”

The latest episode is available only on Apple TV+.

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Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 3, 2023 • 3:54:51pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 3, 2023 • 3:58:35pm

power still on here in TheBackwoods (fingers crossed)

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 3, 2023 • 3:59:10pm

He traveled the country calling out the Woke Industrial Complex. Wow. Just Wow.

We have a serious delusion problem in this country.

And I have no idea who this choad is and I refuse to Google him.

Charles Johnson  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:00:35pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

I love how he pretends he had no idea what “ableist” is. He knows what it is, he’s just an asshole.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:02:26pm

re: #4 Charles Johnson

I love how he pretends he had no idea what “ableist” is. He knows what it is, he’s just an a coke-addled asshole.

EPR-radar  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:05:16pm

re: #5 Colère Tueur de Lapin

And a liar, but all Republicans are liars so lying isn’t much of a distinguishing trait.

The Ghost of a Flea  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:05:37pm

re: #3 Colère Tueur de Lapin

The deeper we move into stuff like “woke capital” the more the concept of “woke”takes on the kind of conspiracist takes that use antisemitic tropes as their basis:

there’s a malevolent Other that bends both the path of culture and capital; the market itself, culture itself, would never otherwise travel this path.

If prior it was the new “political correctness” the way it’s being used now—and the laws that are being passed to “stop woke” through curtailing intellectual liberty and fucking with your choices in all aspects of life—it’s the new Cultural Bolshevism.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:07:28pm

Townes was one of the great Texas songwriters. If you haven’t seen this, you should stream it:

Grunthos the Flatulent  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:14:17pm

Tomorrow’s Wordle is called Zsa Zsa and says, “Tveet tveet.”

Wordle 623 3/6


SibData: 2,3,3,3,4

Eagle from younger sister achieved through the ancient art of the Wild Ass Guess.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:16:14pm

re: #9 Grunthos the Flatulent

Also know as a shot in the dark. :)

Barefoot Grin  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:22:25pm

The ropa vieja* I made for dinner tonight turned out great! But I made the usual amount of rice and this recipe demands more than I made—only one serving for all four of us. I haz a sad. OTOH, leftovers galore and I can make more rice tomorrow.

*It’s usually made with flank steak. Last time I made it a few years ago flank steak was pretty cheap; not now. I think I’ll do chicken next time.

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:22:50pm

Now I’m sad.


I saw him with Ry Cooder.

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:25:32pm

re: #12 wrenchwench

Now I’m sad.

[Embedded content]

I saw him with Ry Cooder.


One of my favorite shows had Heart opening for Jackson Browne & yeah, he was in the band. God that was one hella night.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:25:40pm

re: #12 wrenchwench

Now I’m sad.

[Embedded content]

I saw him with Ry Cooder.

I saw him with Jackson Browne. I have said before that the concert I attended didn’t appeal too much to the 14yo who loved my sister’s “Running on Empty” album, but David Lindley cut through the mix (I knew who he was because I would sit with big headphones on listening to my older siblings’ albums for hours studying the liner notes).

teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:27:52pm

re: #12 wrenchwench


I saw David Lindley open for Widespread Panic when I was 19.

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:30:39pm
teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:30:53pm
DodgerFan1988  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:30:56pm
nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:38:35pm

Presidential Photos.
Donald Trump 45th President of the USA in true light.

teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:42:19pm

re: #20 nines09

Not fair to the insect pictured, it serves an actual purpose on Earth.

nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:48:31pm

re: #16 wrenchwench

re: #17 teleskiguy

In life your hero’s and yourself reach a point.
You will never read your obit.

nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:49:19pm

re: #21 teleskiguy

Not fair to the insect pictured, it serves an actual purpose on Earth.

Point taken.
But they wish to eat you, and yours.

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:49:32pm
teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:51:22pm

Shucks. Men’s FIS World Cup Downhill in Aspen has been cancelled. No reason given but… weather, it’s the weather. It can’t be snowing in speed events, and it’s been nuketown for a while now.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:52:25pm

More pics of the new grand-pup:


teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:52:28pm

re: #23 nines09

Point taken.
But they wish to eat you, and yours.

If I provide nourishment for the insect I’ve done another part in the Circle of Life.

nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:54:12pm

re: #27 teleskiguy

Never been in a roach infested place…? They come for you

teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:55:39pm

re: #28 nines09

Oh I’ve had my fill with roaches. And mice. And that one time a skunk died in the cellar…

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:58:00pm

re: #24 wrenchwench

More strings for everyone!

[Embedded content]

That Ry’s son, Joachim, behind him to the right, percussing.

Teukka  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:58:45pm

This is making the rounds in Swedish rightoid circles. Aftonbladet was owned by Torsten Kreuger until 1956, when it was bought by LO, a union with connections to the social democratic party. The collage is from the period before 1956 (can translate on request).

nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 4:59:20pm

re: #26 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie


Barefoot Grin  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:00:13pm

re: #29 teleskiguy

Oh I’ve had my fill with roaches. And mice. And that one time a skunk died in the cellar…

My dog rolled in a carcass once before I could see what it was. Could have been a possum, but I think it was a skunk. I’ve had her for 5 years and have only bathed her three times because it’s such a pain in the ass. But that was ‘carry you upstairs to the tube and not caring about all the water splashing on the floor outside the tub due to your struggling’ level bad. And then burn the clothes I was wearing.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:01:56pm

re: #11 Barefoot Grin

Yeah, flank and skirt used to be the undesirable cuts, the ones that the poors ate because they couldn’t afford the ‘good’ cuts, but someone opened their mouth and told what awesome cuts they are and now they are desired and are now expensive. Grrrrrrrr

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:08:20pm

re: #34 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Yeah, flank and skirt used to be the undesirable cuts, the ones that the poors ate because they couldn’t afford the ‘good’ cuts, but someone opened their mouth and told what awesome cuts they are and now they are desired and are now expensive. Grrrrrrrr

Round steak too.

Belafon  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:14:38pm

My uncle’s house in Stillwater, MN:

nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:25:10pm
nines09  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:25:44pm

nite nite lizards

Charles Johnson  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:25:46pm

Starting to put together a Mastodon connection app for LGF, like we have with Twitter. It’s a bit more complex because there isn’t one centralized server.

For starters, it will probably only support one Mastodon domain account per user. It’s probably a good idea not to have too many Mastodon accounts anyway, but eventually I’ll support multiple accounts.

With Twitter, you create one app, then people grant that app permission to use their account.

With Mastodon, you need an app for each instance, so the design of the business logic and database gets more interesting.

Current mood: worshipping at the altar of oAuth.

Charles Johnson  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:27:44pm

To make it even harder there are no decent full-featured PHP libraries for Mastodon. I’ve been using Codebird for years to deal with the Twitter API; there’s nothing even close to this with Mastodon. So I’ve developed a system that uses PHP’s cURL functions to do all that funky low level shit.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:43:19pm

re: #40 Charles Johnson

OAuth2 is my day job. Modern authentication and authorization flows are so nice compared to the olden days.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:45:40pm

Anyone else remember about 25 years ago when swing was mysteriously popular for about 15 minutes?

Put a Lid on It (Remastered 2016)

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:49:30pm

re: #43 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone else remember about 25 years ago when swing was mysteriously popular for about 15 minutes?

[Embedded content]

Love swing & big band but prefer instrumentals.

Sing Sing Sing - Carnegie Hall 1938

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:51:18pm

re: #43 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I may have been absent that day.

When I was in kindergarten, my friends were saying that I had been absent one day last week, and I said no I wasn’t, figuring that if I had been ‘absent’, I would know what that was.

I know what absent means now, but I’m still a stubborn cuss.

Dizzy  Mar 3, 2023 • 5:53:06pm

re: #44 William Lewis

Gene Krupa!!

Wile E. Wonka  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:01:36pm

re: #8 austin_blue

Townes was one of the great Texas songwriters. If you haven’t seen this, you should stream it:


I remember when Steve Earle threatened to stand on Bob Dylan’s coffee table in his cowboy boots and repeat that Townes was the greatest American songwriter. He was only half joking.

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:02:45pm

Jess Stacy’s piano solo is why I love that rendition the most.

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:04:33pm

Local music: There’s a guy who travels around town on a skateboard with a keyboard hanging from his neck. He writes his own stuff, and does covers. One line of his that I remember is, ‘I’m glad it does not say “homeless” on my birth certificate’. Another, from a different performance, is ‘My middle name is not ‘Homeless’. The theme seems close to his heart.

mmmirele  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:05:56pm

Yes, I am in a cranky mood this evening and am not in the mood to suffer fools gladly.

I mom-sat for my brother this morning so he could go see a specialist. So I logged in 2.5 hours late (this was known) and found we were in the middle of a truly crazy situation.


Moe Avattar  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:21:12pm

re: #43 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone else remember about 25 years ago when swing was mysteriously popular for about 15 minutes?

I was involved in the mysteriously popular lounge music revival at that point, so yeah.

piratedan  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:25:51pm

re: #43 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

those guys and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones brought in those influences…. although with the SNZ, I was first introduced to them via this tune…

Squirrel Nut Zippers “Hell” - Music Video directed by Norwood Cheek and Grady Cooper

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:30:59pm
First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:39:15pm

re: #53 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

I still need someone to explain to me why these jackwagons aren’t in prison. Same with Steve Bannon.

Charles Johnson  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:42:23pm
First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:44:00pm

re: #55 Charles Johnson

Strongly recommend Katie Mack’s “The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)” if you haven’t already read it.

I’m on Team False Vacuum Decay myself.

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:45:43pm

re: #55 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

They’re good but I really love EONS even more…

One example :)

The Humans That Lived Before Us

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:45:50pm

re: #43 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone else remember about 25 years ago when swing was mysteriously popular for about 15 minutes?

[Embedded content]


I prefer the term Americana. The SNZs played a combination of delta blues, gypsy, and klezmer/jazz.

Good stuff.

Charles Johnson  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:46:10pm

Nuno Bettencourt tells the origin story of Extreme, and explains how he developed that super fast picking style.

Nuno Bettencourt

piratedan  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:49:12pm

re: #54 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

there is imbalance everywhere and as soon as good people close down one area, the bad guys open up a new front. It feels endless.. I totally get where you are coming from, a lady in Texas gets misleading information and some asshat of a Texas judge tosses her in jail because she used to be a criminal and had her rights restored. Then you have these turds who have consistently done wrong and been bad faith actors for decades (see O’Keefe, James) and some judge lets them off because they’re white, and have powerful rich friends.

Thing is, we keep fighting and we’ll continue to do so because to do otherwise is to allow the other side to keep running roughshod over those whose voices they’ve diminished, if not silenced.

Belafon  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:50:26pm

I mentioned the Rockwall-Heath football coach that caused a few players to end up in the hospital because he pushed them too hard on exercising. He resigned.

Belafon  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:58:57pm
austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 6:59:20pm

re: #61 Belafon

I mentioned the Rockwall-Heath football coach that caused a few players to end up in the hospital because he pushed them too hard on exercising. He resigned.

I note with interest he wasn’t immediately fired for nearly killing those kids to make them “tough”, like Bear Bryant when he took his new A&M boys out to West Texas for Training Camp (see Junction Boys).

He’s an asshole.

DodgerFan1988  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:01:44pm

Trump bad for your marriage.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:05:56pm

re: #64 DodgerFan1988

Trump bad for your marriage.

I’ll tell you what’s bad for a marriage:

Alternative facts.

Belafon  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:08:00pm
Belafon  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:12:37pm

re: #63 austin_blue

I note with interest he wasn’t immediately fired for nearly killing those kids to make them “tough”, like Bear Bryant when he took his new A&M boys out to West Texas for Training Camp (see Junction Boys).

He’s an asshole.

+100. Cynically, I understand why they didn’t fire him. As a parent, even though my kid isn’t in football, he should have been fired for failing to do his real job as a teacher. And I want a few heads of the administration that covered it up as well.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:25:25pm

We’re back from the library. We didn’t play dominoes. We played some weird local version of rummy.

re: #52 The Ghost of a Flea

Meanwhile the Intellectual Dark Web continues to disappear farther up its own asshole.

It’s almost like when people merge their egos with a concept—any concept, including skepticism itself—the end result is all egotism, no concept.

But congrats to Nu Atheism pundits for maintaining their high seeding on organizations that immediately descended into the kind of quackery they imagined themselves incapable of. Who could have ever thought the “we’re better than you, also let’s bomb Muslims and do torture” people could turn out to be insufferable, self-fellating cranks?

I thought Sam Harris’s books “Letter to a Christian Nation” and “The Moral Landscape” were interesting. About the time Sam Harris started suggesting we should nuke Mecca because Islam is somehow intrinsically dangerous (as opposed to repressive) told me he’d pitched away any sense of morals he might have.

Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:25:49pm

When the sirens at Nate & Al in Beverly Hills summon me I must appear.

BigPapa  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:30:52pm

Toasty pastrami on rye is super diggity diggity.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:32:27pm

So, CNN Headline tonight:

“Why Kim Jong Un wants you to meet his daughter”

Isn’t it obvious?

“She’s wonewy, oh so wonewy…”

I’ll just leave now. Tip your server generously and try the veal special. It’s delicious.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:32:48pm

re: #71 austin_blue

Just don’t have the fish.

A Cranky One  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:34:15pm

Dopamine Fish  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:34:36pm

re: #73 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

“Hello, this is IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?”

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:37:30pm

re: #70 BigPapa

Toasty pastrami on rye is super diggity diggity.

Wait, is that pastrami or corned beast?

I mean it’s kinda rhetorical. It’s still super diggity diggety looking, although I’d go for the potato salad or the fried okra (Texas Deli style) rather than the Mac Salad.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:37:38pm

Mastodon little three-dot thingy to copy-and-paste here has never worked on either of my computers (this one is Windows 11 Home version, Firefox browser).

That and Mastadon is user-antagonistic anyway as far as searching for subjects or finding a person. A Balkanised version of Twitter doesn’t seem to me will ever become as popular as Twitter, especially when it’s harder to use. (On top of that, each server on Mastadon has to be individually cleared to pass my paranoiaware on my computers.)

Nevertheless, this is funny.


Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:37:39pm

Record Exec Irving Azoff and his wife rescued both Nate & Al’s and The Apple Pan from being closed.

The Apple Pan is the Temple of Hamburgers in West LA and their pies…

Their famous Steakburger

Their famous apple pie

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:42:05pm

re: #75 austin_blue

Wait, is that pastrami or corned beast?

I mean it’s kinda rhetorical. It’s still super diggity diggety looking, although I’d go for the potato salad or the fried okra (Texas Deli style) rather than the Mac Salad.

I vote guess pastrami. I’ve sliced a few pounds of each in my day.

A Cranky One  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:43:59pm

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:47:47pm

re: #60 Mike Lamb

Does the GOP think running around yelling “woke”, “CRT”, etc. will play nationally? I understand they no longer focus on the general, but try to back door victories through the EC, but still.

If DeSantis wins the nom, does he really believe his book banning, indoctrination, censorship platform is a winner? Again, there will be states will that will play well—but swing states? No fucking way.

They do. The vast majority of the country which thinks “politics doesn’t affect me” or only pays attention to an election a few weeks before an election may not get the danger of DeSantis before it’s too late. Also the firehose of bulkshyte from conservatives will ramp up in the last weeks of the election to create the idea “you can’t really know who’s telling the truth.”

Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:50:24pm

re: #75 austin_blue

Wait, is that pastrami or corned beast?

I mean it’s kinda rhetorical. It’s still super diggity diggety looking, although I’d go for the potato salad or the fried okra (Texas Deli style) rather than the Mac Salad.

Austin it’s Corned Beef in the Nate & Al Reuben. They do offer turkey and pastrami Reubens as well but tonight after an insane week at work I needed the corned beef.

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:52:06pm

re: #81 Joe Bacon

Austin it’s Corned Beef in the Nate & Al Reuben. They do offer turkey and pastrami Reubens as well but tonight after an insane week at work I needed the corned beef.

I need to go someplace and have corned beef hash for breakfast…

wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:53:39pm

re: #81 Joe Bacon

Austin it’s Corned Beef in the Nate & Al Reuben. They do offer turkey and pastrami Reubens as well but tonight after an insane week at work I needed the corned beef.

Two years away and it’s all gone. Of course, I only saw the Boar’s Head at the last deli job. And the deli job before that was in a different millennium.

EstebanTornado1963  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:55:36pm

Why do all those old school places use Russian dressing in most of their sandwiches?
I went to a sandwich place in Pasadena which served similar menu as Nate and Al’s and they had Russian dressing on most things.

Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:56:16pm

re: #82 William Lewis

I need to go someplace and have corned beef hash for breakfast…

Langer’s Deli chops fresh corned beef hash on the grill when you order.

And it ain’t the Mary Kitchen canned stuff…

darthstar  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:56:58pm

We got a new rug.

It’s amazing how the colors change as you look at it from different angles.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:57:19pm

re: #78 wrenchwench

I vote guess pastrami. I’ve sliced a few pounds of each in my day.

Well, dang it, I’m a purist on names.

A Martini is gin, dry vermouth, and garnished with an olive. If you replace the olive with a pickled onion, you have a Gibson, not a Martini.

There is no such thing as a Vodka Martini. It’s a vodka drink. There’s no such thing as Vodka Gibson, either. It is also a vodka drink.

So, a Reuben’s made with corned beef, etc. If you replace the corned beef with pastrami, you are not eating a Reuben, you are eating a pastrami sammich with specified additions.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 7:58:15pm

re: #81 Joe Bacon

Austin it’s Corned Beef in the Nate & Al Reuben. They do offer turkey and pastrami Reubens as well but tonight after an insane week at work I needed the corned beef.


Moe Avattar  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:00:50pm

re: #87 austin_blue

Well, dang it, I’m a purist on names.

So, a Reuben’s made with corned beef, etc. If you replace the corned beef with pastrami, you are not eating a Reuben, you are eating a pastrami sammich with specified additions.

Isn’t that a Rachel?

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:02:14pm

re: #84 EstebanTornado1963

Why do all those old school places use Russian dressing in most of their sandwiches?
I went to a sandwich place in Pasadena which served similar menu as Nate and Al’s and they had Russian dressing on most things.

McCarthyism. Forced the replacement of Russian w/ Thousand Island.

;-) ;-) ;-)

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:03:21pm

re: #85 Joe Bacon

Langer’s Deli chops fresh corned beef hash on the grill when you order.

[Embedded content]

And it ain’t the Mary Kitchen canned stuff…

Looks marvelous!

Charles Johnson  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:04:21pm
wrenchwench  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:06:07pm

re: #87 austin_blue

Well, dang it, I’m a purist on names.

A Martini is gin, dry vermouth, and garnished with an olive. If you replace the olive with a pickled onion, you have a Gibson, not a Martini.

There is no such thing as a Vodka Martini. It’s a vodka drink. There’s no such thing as Vodka Gibson, either. It is also a vodka drink.

So, a Reuben’s made with corned beef, etc. If you replace the corned beef with pastrami, you are not eating a Reuben, you are eating a pastrami sammich with specified additions.

I’ve seen so many places spell it wrong…

piratedan  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:08:35pm

re: #92 Charles Johnson

makes me go…. okay we’re “woke”, does that imply that they’re asleep? blissfully unaware and ignorant. Asleep to the reality of the day, unaware of everything that goes on around them, just lost in their own dreamland, where they feel safe and secure.

Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:12:36pm

re: #84 EstebanTornado1963

Why do all those old school places use Russian dressing in most of their sandwiches?
I went to a sandwich place in Pasadena which served similar menu as Nate and Al’s and they had Russian dressing on most things.

Mom asked a famous chef in Pittsburgh what was the difference between Russian and Thousand Island dressing and the chef told her that there’s horseradish in Russian dressing. Dad’s ears perked up when he heard “horseradish”.

There used to be a wonderful restaurant chain in Western PA called The Red Bull Inn which served two signature dishes—Their Lobster Pot which was a mini crock loaded with lobster pieces that were simmered in butter and sherry and their Prime Rib which was served with whipped horseradish cream.

Dad would order the Prime Rib and just smother it with the horseradish cream.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:13:39pm

re: #89 Moe Avattar

Isn’t that a Rachel?

Joe Bacon says Nate & Al’s make corned beef, pastrami, and turkey Reubens.

I find this heretical, of course, based on my admittedly anal insistence on calling things by what they are and not getting lazy and calling a Vodka drink a Vodka Martini if you replace the Gin with Vodka.

That’s my kink, this is my hill, and I’ll fight you on it.

Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:15:22pm

Damn…rest in peace Tom Sizemore…

Moe Avattar  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:17:07pm

re: #96 austin_blue

Hey, you don’t have to fight ME on that; I’m agreeing with you!
Just try getting a proper Mai Tai.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:19:11pm

re: #94 piratedan

makes me go…. okay we’re “woke”, does that imply that they’re asleep? blissfully unaware and ignorant. Asleep to the reality of the day, unaware of everything that goes on around them, just lost in their own dreamland, where they feel safe and secure.

And secure in the knowledge that the world is 6,000 years old. The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it.

Learn, turn, or burn, Libtards!

Joe Bacon  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:20:02pm

re: #98 Moe Avattar

Hey, you don’t have to fight ME on that; I’m agreeing with you!
Just try getting a proper Mai Tai.

Coming to your rescue

Just 4 oz. of Trader Vic’s Mai Tai Mix and 2 oz. of Trader Vic’s Aged Rum with the juice from one fresh lime, shake with cracked ice and you have yourself Trader Vic’s famous Mai Tai. For the most authentic Trader Vic’s Mai Tai, combine all ingredients in a Trader Vic’s Tapa Mai Tai Glass with crushed ice and garnish with a pineapple spear, a cherry and a mint sprig.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:21:20pm

re: #98 Moe Avattar

Hey, you don’t have to fight ME on that; I’m agreeing with you!
Just try getting a proper Mai Tai.

Well, there is also the fact that Reuben was the child of Jacob and Leah, not Jacob and Rachel.

austin_blue  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:22:21pm

re: #98 Moe Avattar

Hey, you don’t have to fight ME on that; I’m agreeing with you!
Just try getting a proper Mai Tai.

Also, no worries, I was using The Royal You.

teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:24:21pm

re: #97 Joe Bacon

He was kind of a scumbag IRL. He was a woman-beating shithead, and no, his drug addiction is no excuse for the violence he perpetrated. He acted in some great movies, acted well, even. I still don’t have nice things to say about him. Oh, another dead rich asshole…

William Lewis  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:25:23pm

re: #98 Moe Avattar

Hey, you don’t have to fight ME on that; I’m agreeing with you!
Just try getting a proper Mai Tai.

And you have to specify rye these days to get a real Manhattan.

teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:27:33pm

I have three sisters. I’m like Bud White in “L.A. Confidential.” If I could easily dispense violent justice to woman beaters with a tire iron, I would.

teleskiguy  Mar 3, 2023 • 8:32:00pm


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 3, 2023 • 9:17:03pm

[moved by me]

retired cynic  Mar 3, 2023 • 9:24:03pm

re: #86 darthstar

We got a new rug.

[Embedded content]

It’s amazing how the colors change as you look at it from different angles.

I like!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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