A Creepy and Original Award Winning Short Horror Film: THE CHAIR

Arts • Views: 23,816


I start a lot of short films on YouTube and don’t finish them, but this one grabbed me from the start, and just got weirder and weirder.

After Reese (Anthony Pavone) brings home an antique chair, a series of horrific events follow, leading him to question if it’s a malevolent spirit the chair possesses or the darkness inside his own mind.

The Chair - directed by Curry Barker - was nominated for BEST FILM at Los Angeles Short Film Fest and a SEMI-FINALIST at Burbank International Film Festival.

Writer/Director: Curry Barker
Producer: Adlih Torres, Anthony Pavone, Curry Barker
Cinematography: Justin Phillip
Composer: Curry Barker
Production Design: Adlih Torres
Makeup Dept: Adlih Torres
Sound: Garrett Easterly
Editor: Curry Barker
Grip: Tristan Welsh, Austin Rodgers
First AC: Antonio Reinaldo
Special Thanks to Kelly Curtin

#shortfilm #indiefilm #filmmaker #filmmaking #movies #shortmovie #horror #horrormovie

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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