New From Unique Jazz Fusion Trio House of Waters: “705”

Music • Views: 14,674

A composition dedicated to the renowned 55 Bar in NYC, which has sadly closed its doors. The title signifies the time this song was completed for the 9pm set at the club. Infused with the rhythm of South American music and embracing the expressive freedom of Western classical styles, the song evokes a sense of nostalgia while paying tribute to a bygone era.

House of Waters - “705”
From “On Becoming” - Available 9/8/2023
Stream/Buy “705” here:

Hammered Dulcimer - Max ZT
Electric Bass - Moto Fukushima
Drums - Antonio Sanchez

Produced by Guy Eckstine and House of Waters
Engineered by Chris Cubeta at Studio G Brooklyn
Mixed by Ian Pai at Pai Studios, Brooklyn, NY
Mastered by Scott Hull at Masterdisk, Peekskill, NY

Director of Photography/Editor: Simon C.F. Yu
2nd Camera: Mike Moore
Video editing assistant: Jude Kim

Management: Guy Eckstine/Iconique Music Group
Published by: House of Waters Music (ASCAP)
Copyright House of Waters 2023
All rights reserved

Follow House of Waters
Twitter: @HouseOfWaters

Follow GroundUP Music
Twitter: @groundupmusicny

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Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:20:31am
Thanos  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:20:59am

Very beautifully toned instrument there.

BigPapa  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:22:38am

Bluski invite codage. Remember: blood in, blood out. Don’t embarrass me.


Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:23:01am
No Malarkey!  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:25:53am

re: #3 BigPapa

Bluski invite codage. Remember: blood in, blood out. Don’t embarrass me.

[Embedded content]


BigPapa  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:26:57am

That’s a no from me, dawg.

Vicious Babushka  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:27:53am

Remember: “Judeo-Christian” is really Christian supercessionism.


BigPapa  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:29:23am

‘Judeo Christian’ has always had an Uncle Tom-ish vibe to it.
(stares at Dennis Prager)

William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:30:23am

Kinda cute in a funny way kind of way… :) Many years later, doing the song that made her famous yet it’s a decent version of the song :)


Tiffany - I Think We’re Alone Now (Re-Recorded)

ipsos  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:32:19am

re: #5 No Malarkey!


wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:35:02am

Take it from the top.


William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:35:13am

re: #7 Vicious Babushka

Remember: “Judeo-Christian” is really Christian supercessionism.

[Embedded content]

Whatever good “christian” can have about it, “Judeo-Christian” will always be opposed to it.

I’ll argue that a small bit of what he taught remembered by what is in the Gospel of Mathew (and that is almost all out of Jewish teachings) is decent but so little else is. We lost so much in the pain and hate and fear in those 150 years…

Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:37:26am

re: #5 No Malarkey!


Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:39:00am

re: #3 BigPapa

Damn. Looks like I missed out again.

It’s so annoying to not even be able to see posts there unless you have an account.

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:43:19am

I have a bro-in-law with a PhD in isopods.


Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:45:36am

re: #5 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

If it hasn’t been claimed, I’ll take it with many thanks.

OOPS this was in response to Big Pappa’s #3.

BigPapa  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:45:41am

re: #14 Eclectic Cyborg

Damn. Looks like I missed out again.

It’s so annoying to not even be able to see posts there unless you have an account.

I got you. I now post on Bluski then copy in Masto then copy here. My meme stealing is legendary.

No Malarkey!  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:47:49am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:49:25am

And how many of those tickets to Sound of Freedom were actually used by viewers to watch the movie?

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:49:57am

re: #18 No Malarkey!

conservatives are now sharing their private text messages on Twitter where they call the Barbie movie “disgusting” for…
teaching young girls that they can “be whatever you want to be”

Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:51:15am

re: #19 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And how many of those tickets to Sound of Freedom were actually used by viewers to watch the movie

I think I read somewhere that Sound of Freedom’s box office numbers are being artificially pumped up by RWNJ groups buying bulk tickets. Even if no one goes, it still runs up the score.

William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:52:29am

My lady lives in Memphis. I expect to visit again in the week before Thankgiving :)

John Hiatt - Drive South

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:53:13am

re: #21 Dr Lizardo

Yep. It’s the movie version of a PAC bulk buying books to get a politicians latest release on the bestsellers list.

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:53:50am

re: #20 jaunte

[Embedded content]

There have been a lot of business barbies and other working barbies, but I always saw Barbie as the opposite of feminist.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:54:44am

Drat. Looks like someone beat me to it. O’Well maybe next time.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:56:02am

re: #24 wrenchwench

I don’t know for sure, but I suspect the Barbie movie script has updated the message.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:57:02am

Just came across a forum where someone is selling Bluesky Invite codes.

Gotta love the Internet.

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:57:18am

re: #26 jaunte

I don’t know for sure, but I suspect the Barbie movie script has updated the message.

She’s now a bigger threat to femininity than I am.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:58:07am

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg

I have one for you.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:58:58am

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg


Jay C  Jul 23, 2023 • 10:59:45am

re: #18 No Malarkey!

Weekend Box Office Estimates: #Barbie $155.0M #Oppenheimer $80.5M

So does this mean that “Oppenheimer” bombed….????

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:00:39am

re: #31 Jay C

“I am become Dad…”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:00:48am

re: #31 Jay C

So does this mean that “Oppenheimer” bombed….????

Had it opened any bigger, it might have ignited the atmosphere…

William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:02:04am

Yes, you have seen this before.


It’s still exquisite.

Don’t Stop Believin’ - Journey (ONE TAKE Vintage Postmodern Jukebox Cover)

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:02:13am

re: #31 Jay C

So does this mean that “Oppenheimer” bombed….????

It’s cleared $174 million worldwide on its first weekend. Its budget was $100 million.

Definitely not a bomb (at least of the usual kind).

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:02:22am

Blep on a pedestal.


Charles Johnson  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:03:46am

Here’s a Chrome extension that can find people you follow on Twitter and let you also follow them on Bluesky.

William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:05:06am

re: #31 Jay C

So does this mean that “Oppenheimer” bombed….????

I’m sure the scum at the studios will claim that to avoid paying what they owe but reality? Of course not.

I Would Prefer Not To  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:05:37am

Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:09:49am

re: #31 Jay C

So does this mean that “Oppenheimer” bombed….????

LOL I know you’re telling a dad joke, but ~$80 million for a three-hour long biopic is, quite honestly, extraordinary.

William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:11:46am

re: #35 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s cleared $174 million worldwide on its first weekend. Its budget was $100 million.

Definitely not a bomb (at least of the usual kind).

Given hollywierd accounting though, who knows what those fucks will claim…

Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:12:34am

re: #40 Dr Lizardo

And apparently, that’s ~$80 million domestic box office for Oppenheimer - as Eclectic Cyborg noted, it’s at ~$175 million worldwide.

Considering the genre, that’s got to be some kind of record.

So Cal Greek Hippie  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:13:16am

2023: Honey Lane Near Buckhorn, California

Just bought wildflower and orange honey… Heading back to the coast after.a stop at the Greek place in Fillmore

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:15:07am

re: #29 jaunte

I have one for you.

Thank you! A lovely unexpected surprise,.

Patricia Kayden  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:15:09am
Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:16:09am

As per Variety, Barbie cleared some $337 million worldwide box office on a ~$130 million production budget. Yeah, that’s pretty much blockbuster territory, no matter how much Benny boy and the He-Man Woman Haters Club shit on it.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:17:33am

A classic of self-canceling.

The people in this movement…are the most God-fearing, law-abiding, patriotic people in this country
I just I won’t stand for those kinds of generalization

gwangung  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:19:29am

re: #46 Dr Lizardo

As per Variety, Barbie cleared some $337 million worldwide box office on a ~$130 million production budget. Yeah, that’s pretty much blockbuster territory, no matter how much Benny boy and the He-Man Woman Haters Club shit on it.

Yeow. Break even territory already!

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:23:10am

re: #36 wrenchwench

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:25:19am

re: #45 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

explain who tried to kill you then

Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:25:23am

re: #48 gwangung

Yeow. Break even territory already!

Yep. Barbie is a certified hit. That’s one hell of an opening weekend (and I’d say the same of Oppenheimer as well).

Charles Johnson  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:27:02am
Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:27:53am

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:28:37am

re: #42 Dr Lizardo

That sounds like it did better than the first Downton Abbey movie.

Box Office take is near the bottom.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:29:28am

re: #52 Charles Johnson

Because terrible, unethical things have NEVER been done in the name of Christianity before. 🙄

Dr Lizardo  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:32:46am

OK, I’m up early tomorrow for work, so gotta hit the sack. Have a good one, Lizards and stay healthy.

And if wants to hit me up on Bluesky, I’m there.

Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:34:03am

re: #51 Dr Lizardo

Yep. Barbie is a certified hit. That’s one hell of an opening weekend (and I’d say the same of Oppenheimer as well).

They set a record for the first time a movie opened with over $100M and the second over $50M.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:34:20am

She really highlights the difference between her and him

Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:38:47am

I do love that Barbenheimer is now in our lexicon as an event.

No Malarkey!  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:38:59am

re: #50 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

explain who tried to kill you then

Antifa and FBI agitators.//

danarchy  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:39:07am

re: #37 Charles Johnson

Here’s a Chrome extension that can find people you follow on Twitter and let you also follow them on Bluesky.

I have pretty much sworn off chrome extensions unless they are from a massive well known developer, at least I know if they take my data they are probably just going to use it to sell me stuff and not drain my bank account. The permissions people grant to extensions without even looking at them are scary.

HOW Browser Extensions Steal Your Data

darthstar  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:40:10am
No Malarkey!  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:41:23am

Not sure if this is confirmed

Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:45:22am

re: #63 No Malarkey!

From the previous thread:

re: #144 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

So Elmo is going to rebrand Twitter.

[Embedded content]

The Squire of Logos  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:45:39am

re: #63 No Malarkey!

Not sure if this is confirmed

[Embedded content]

Like the re-branding will make a difference.

“Hey, remember when X was Twitter?”

“Yeah, I remember. It’s a shitty now as it was then.”

GTFOOH with your re-branding.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:49:44am

Barbie was just plain fun to watch!

mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:51:30am

More evidence that Jason Aldean and his people knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

Here’s more about P.D. East.

Charles Johnson  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:52:21am

re: #61 danarchy

This extension lets you control which sites it’s active on, and by default it can only access Twitter and Bluesky.

danarchy  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:53:12am

re: #65 The Squire of Logos

Like the re-branding will make a difference.

“Hey, remember when X was Twitter?”

“Yeah, I remember. It’s a shitty now as it was then.”

GTFOOH with your re-branding.

I think it is all part of his goal to turn twitter into the Wechat of the west. He want’s it to be more than just “the public square”, he wants to integrate payments and gaming etc. He wants to make it the one stop shop that wechat is in China. He wants it to be so convenient that people can’t not use it. Don’t think it is going to work.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:55:50am

re: #63 No Malarkey!

Not sure if this is confirmed

[Embedded content]

Seems like there might be other companies out there using X that might have a problem with this?

Patricia Kayden  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:56:01am

re: #50 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Pence: No one. That’s a lie from the pits of hell.

The Squire of Logos  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:56:31am

re: #69 danarchy

I think it is all part of his goal to turn twitter into the Wechat of the west. He want’s it to be more than just “the public square”, he wants to integrate payments and gaming etc. He wants to make it the one stop shop that wechat is in China. He wants it to be so convenient that people can’t not use it. Don’t think it is going to work.

It’s X! Now with extra nazism and more rude, ignorant assholes! Get yours today!

Nah. The most that will happen is a bunch of idiots selling crap and grifting off each other.

mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:56:45am

re: #21 Dr Lizardo

I think I read somewhere that Sound of Freedom’s box office numbers are being artificially pumped up by RWNJ groups buying bulk tickets. Even if no one goes, it still runs up the score.

The theatres have to be hating that, because they need actual butts in seats to buy overpriced popcorn and drinks.

retired cynic  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:57:28am

re: #70 Eclectic Cyborg

Seems like there might be other companies out there using X that might have a problem with this?

It looks a lot like the Apple X that was used when they first released OS X.

TarHellion  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:57:46am

Beagle! Starting word pretty much took out all other possibilities.

85 and 60 percent humidity. One of those days were no wind is stirring and the dewpoint is 70. Yeah, staying inside.

Wordle 764 2/6*


Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:59:02am

Just waiting for Vivid Video to file a lawsuit against Sleazy E!

Patricia Kayden  Jul 23, 2023 • 11:59:30am

re: #63 No Malarkey!


mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:00:45pm

re: #42 Dr Lizardo

And apparently, that’s ~$80 million domestic box office for Oppenheimer - as Eclectic Cyborg noted, it’s at ~$175 million worldwide.

Considering the genre, that’s got to be some kind of record.

It’s number 11 on Box Office Mojo’s top opening weekend for rated R movies.

I’m kind of hoping it makes enough to pass up number 10, the truly execrable, horrific “Jesus Chainsaw Massacre” (Passion of the Christ).

sizzzzlerz  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:01:49pm

re: #50 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

explain who tried to kill you then


TarHellion  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:04:28pm

re: #63 No Malarkey!

When is comes to X, I’ll stick with this. And the excellent prequel Pearl.

Mia Goth is fantastic in both X and Pearl
mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:07:26pm

re: #79 sizzzzlerz


I’m thinking Pence is not letting himself think about what happened on J6, because if he did, he’d snap and everything out of his mouth would be word salad. This is a guy who is ultimately unserious, and what happened on J6 was (and is) quite serious.

Frankly, every reporter should press him on this until he snaps. I think, however, he’s going to be a has-been and not even make it to the first debate.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:14:57pm

re: #81 mmmirele

If Pence was not unserious and a has-been, Trump would never have picked him for his vice-president.

No Malarkey!  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:22:27pm

re: #82 jaunte

Ir Pence was not unserious and a has-been, Trump would never have picked him for his vice-president.

It would be interesting to see the odds on who Trump will select for Veep this time. I think two “Democrats” have a nonzero chance, RFK JR and Tulsi Gabbard. (I know she officially flounced from the party, but she was a “Democrat” well before then). Kari Lake and Tim Scott are possibilities as well.

nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:23:04pm

re: #79 sizzzzlerz


Antifa in whiteface?

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:23:52pm
ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:24:37pm

From last night -

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:31:22pm

re: #85 ckkatz

You get a war crime and you get a war crime…

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:33:55pm

Thought for today -

Kanizsa Squares


Dave In Austin  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:34:05pm
ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:41:39pm

re: #87 Eclectic Cyborg

I understand that the Brit’s have given the Ukrainians permission to fire Storm Shadows into Crimea in response to the Russians firing missiles from Crimea at Odessa.

Which may be why there are a bunch of things suddenly blowing in Crimea.

And it makes a diplomatic statement that Britain views Crimea as part of Ukraine rather than Russia.

It also means that trains coming off the Kerch Strait Bridge with armaments from Russia are going to have trouble unloading them anywhere.

Before the latest explosion on the bridge, the Russians were using trucks to haul military supplies.Because it was easier to hide the unloading. Now that the bridge is too damaged to permit heavily laden trucks, the Russians have reverted to using trains.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:45:30pm

re: #49 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

That was zen, this is meow

Dave In Austin  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:48:53pm


Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:52:54pm

re: #74 retired cynic

It looks a lot like the Apple X that was used when they first released OS X.

Apple’s X had rainbows…that wouldn’t go over well with that mob

DodgerFan1988  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:53:49pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:56:25pm
Captain Ron  Jul 23, 2023 • 12:57:23pm
steve_davis  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:03:40pm

re: #95 Joe Bacon ✅

[Embedded content]

one of the curses of stupidity is having a massively inflated sense of what one actually knows.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:04:19pm

Blue Sky invite code for whoever gets it first:


wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:09:07pm

Now which one’s Pink?


Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:09:51pm

re: #98 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Blue Sky invite code for whoever gets it first:

[Embedded content]


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:10:59pm

After pushing out a chunk of the west wall a few days ago, the volcano has made itself more circular than in its early days. Also, the outflow is underneath the west wall, and is probably not flowing enough as the lava level inside is getting higher, something that likely won’t last long as the cauldron is boiling over:

iceland volcano 23 July 2023
dharmamark  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:11:13pm

re: #100 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Beat me to it!

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:13:54pm

re: #100 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

No problem.

re: #102 dharmamark

They dribble these things out every two weeks. Which means if everyone sends out their invite codes every two weeks, it ought to double in size very quickly.

Sort of like those fission reactions in the Oppenheimer movie.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:23:03pm

re: #103 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

No problem.

They dribble these things out every two weeks. Which means if everyone sends out their invite codes every two weeks, it ought to double in size very quickly.

Sort of like those fission reactions in the Oppenheimer movie.

And I will pay it forward when I start getting them.

Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:23:10pm

re: #67 mmmirele

A Cranky One  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:25:26pm

A Cranky One  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:26:53pm

nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:27:12pm

re: #106 A Cranky One

NOT decaf.

nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:28:29pm

re: #105 Belafon

Try that in a small town bitch.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:32:47pm

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:40:00pm

re: #110 Eclectic Cyborg

It is a point of faith and doctrine tht God does not create homosexuals as they are an abomination unto him.

Therefore they must be created by other homosexuals, who prey on the young and innocent.

Don’t even try arguing with them about it. Remember, it is an article of faith and cannot be budged from their brains.

Jay C  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:40:39pm

Beagled today:

Wordle 764 2/6


Skill 90, luck 99, according to Wordlebot, and I can’t really argue with it.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:52:24pm
A Cranky One  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:53:41pm

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:57:01pm

re: #113 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

I was never a big fan of octopus and having read more about them, I see no reason to ever eat it again

Captain Magic  Jul 23, 2023 • 1:58:02pm gets redirected to Twitter. So Musk hasn’t pulled the trigger just yet.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:03:00pm
IngisKahn  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:07:19pm

Starship launch pad is alive

Vicious Babushka  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:10:58pm

I just got a “Rate Limit Exceeded!” from Blsky.

DodgerFan1988  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:12:04pm
jeffreyw  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:12:10pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:14:50pm

re: #119 Vicious Babushka

I just got a “Rate Limit Exceeded!” from Blsky.

So did I. All I did was follow 6 other accounts after I got in.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:20:24pm

re: #122 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

So did I. All I did was follow 6 other accounts after I got in.

They may be dealing with heavier than expected traffic with all the recently released invite codes.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:24:54pm

Pence is ‘nakedly lying’ about Trump’s intent on Jan. 6: Former Homeland Security aide

Pence is ‘nakedly lying’ about Trump’s intent on Jan. 6: Former Homeland Security aide

darthstar  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:25:16pm

So Elmo is going with his ‘X’ branding thing again. He really is a juvenile brain.

nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:27:29pm

Hello good people.
What a month and a half…


Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:44:49pm

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:53:42pm

re: #127 Backwoods Sleuth

I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:54:26pm

re: #52 Charles Johnson

I mentioned this a couple days ago when American Atheists broke the story (there’s a reason they watch what Christians do in the government) and posted an excerpt and link to the article. Few people read it then (because atheists). Now that the Washington Post has written it up (without crediting American Atheists for breaking the story), perhaps more people will see it.

re: #105 Belafon

It’s why I think all these tough guy conservatives would actually melt away rather than throw some kind of revolution. They’re cowards. Individual acts of violence, sure, because conservatism is always violent. But they’re not going to organise some sort of “resistance” unless they get their Christian theocracy.

re: #120 DodgerFan1988

The centrist “view from nowhere” pundits keep trying to chastise liberals when we call then Nazis. A couple years ago the Nebraska GOP held a Klavern in North Platte where they invited open Nazis as speakers. The few Republicans who objected were banned from the meeting. When delegates showed up anyway, it turned into a brawl in the parking lot. The county sheriff (a Republican) refused to prosecute the delegates who attacked those who came to call out the Nazis.

re: #61 danarchy

This is why my password manager gets me called a “Luddite.” It is a Rolodex. The only extensions I have on Firefox are UBlock Origin and NoScript. I do not use Microsoft Edge because it is so promiscuous.

darthstar  Jul 23, 2023 • 2:56:36pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:12:36pm

re: #114 A Cranky One

That’s one helluva garden gnome.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:13:49pm

re: #123 Eclectic Cyborg

They may be dealing with heavier than expected traffic with all the recently released invite codes.

Given their rule of an invite per two weeks per account, like a nuclear bomb it will become unwieldy real soon.

Assuming people really want to get into Blue Sky.

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:14:23pm

Chipotle Hummus

Two thumbs up.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:15:24pm

re: #111 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

For a bunch of people constantly freaking out about commies, when it comes to things/people “turning kids gay” they’re fully committed to Lysenkoism.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:15:36pm

Exponential growth is quite the thing.

Because the word “exponential” is used so often colloquially, and wrongly, sometimes it surprises us when it does properly manifest.

Blue Sky is trying to grow by 2^N, where N is the count of fortnights.

nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:17:54pm


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:28:21pm

re: #116 Captain Magic gets redirected to Twitter. So Musk hasn’t pulled the trigger just yet.

Not any more. no longer resolves to any Website. It would appear Musk’s software engineers are reworking the URL.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:28:30pm
Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:31:54pm

re: #111 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is a point of faith and doctrine tht God does not create homosexuals as they are an abomination unto him.

Therefore they must be created by other homosexuals, who prey on the young and innocent.

Don’t even try arguing with them about it. Remember, it is an article of faith and cannot be budged from their brains.

so homosexuals are more powerful than the all-powerful all-knowing god.


darthstar  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:32:29pm
GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:32:53pm


darthstar  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:33:48pm

re: #141 GlutenFreeJesus


I still see the bird site.

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:35:17pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:35:53pm

re: #139 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

so homosexuals are more powerful than the all-powerful all-knowing god.


God created evil—Isaiah 45:7

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:36:05pm

When the app is updated with the new logo I’m not going to download it. Let’s see how long the bird lasts.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:36:41pm

re: #144 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

He* should be fired for that.

Barefoot Grin  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:42:14pm

Just got back from seeing Oppenheimer with wife. We both liked it, but agreed that we went in thinking “3 hours?” and left thinking “there should be one more hour.” I also observed to her that we could leave right away because it was unlikely that there would be a secret bloopers reel.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:43:02pm

re: #140 darthstar

With all their fear mongering about the end of manliness, why didn’t Elon name it “Y”?

“X” is a female chromosome.

nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:46:15pm

Here in where we is, the flies along with earwigs have had a banner hatch.
Been a while since those silver and black diners have been back in numbers.
When I was a younger man we would search out quarries to dive and swim in.
Emerald Pennsylvania just outside of Slatington had the perfect cliffs.
You can see it off the North East extension of the PATP just south of the Lehigh Tunnel.
You could step up and dive straight down because the cut was inward.
One year the horse flies were so bad, they attacked us 50 yards out.
In numbers.
Imagine trying to swim and slapping yourself in the face to try and kill the….
Small favors. Not as big as small birds.
They landed, broke out the silverware and as they carved, filled a take out bag.
We would dive from heights that crushed you like a stomped on Dixie cup.

Grunthos the Flatulent 🇳🇿  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:49:58pm

My favourite. I have simple tastes.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:51:58pm
PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:52:18pm

re: #150 Grunthos the Flatulent 🇳🇿

I like it.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:54:10pm

re: #14 Eclectic Cyborg


Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:57:33pm

re: #153 Yeah Sure WhatEVs


ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:58:14pm
DodgerFan1988  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:59:04pm

re: #127 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 3:59:45pm


Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:05:38pm

re: #159 ckkatz

It would be pretty amusing to see the wingnuts get crashed and burned by an Elon Musk bank.

retired cynic  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:06:14pm

re: #153 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I would love to have one.

TedStriker  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:06:22pm

re: #135 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Exponential growth is quite the thing.

Because the word “exponential” is used so often colloquially, and wrongly, sometimes it surprises us when it does properly manifest.

Blue Sky is trying to grow by 2^N, where N is the count of fortnights.

Yes, but how many rods to the hogshead does it get?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:06:22pm

re: #145 GlutenFreeJesus

When the app is updated with the new logo I’m not going to download it. Let’s see how long the bird lasts.

I’m crappy at creating memes, but I did this one. Feel free to share to Twitter or anyone else.

gocart mozart  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:11:55pm

A song for DeSantis

One Meat Ball

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:13:57pm

re: #161 retired cynic

I would love to have one.


Eventual Carrion  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:14:53pm

re: #31 Jay C

So does this mean that “Oppenheimer” bombed….????

Bigly! A megaton of people can’t be wrong.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:15:59pm


GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:23:03pm
Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:25:45pm
nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:26:37pm

re: #159 ckkatz

“Just give me your banking info. Then we can share the wealth. You can be a gazillionare like me if you just trust me.”

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:27:11pm

re: #169 Backwoods Sleuth

National monument = federal crime if (when) it’s vandalized?

goddamnedfrank  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:27:41pm


nines09  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:33:27pm

nite nite lizards.

Seeing this girl in October.

Sweet dreams.

Youtube Video

retired cynic  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:34:35pm

Thanks, msjoanne! I’m

goddamnedfrank  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:39:30pm
Eventual Carrion  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:39:55pm

re: #60 No Malarkey!

Antifa and FBI agitators.//

The worst!

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:40:01pm

Acosta hammers Republican after downplaying docs scandal by saying it isn’t like Trump gave them to enemies

And guess who he “hammers”!

Acosta hammers Republican for downplaying Trump’s document scandal

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:47:21pm

re: #177 Joe Bacon ✅

Acosta hammers Republican after downplaying docs scandal by saying it isn’t like Trump gave them to enemies

And guess who he “hammers”!

They can’t help their racism. Right out of the gate.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:47:45pm

re: #172 goddamnedfrank


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:48:11pm

re: #174 retired cynic

Thanks, msjoanne! I’m

My pleasure! Enjoy!

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:48:22pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:49:20pm

re: #178 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

They can’t help their racism. Right out of the gate.

And don’t forget the Iron Penis Extender in the background!

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:54:39pm

The Very True Story Of A QAnon Guy Who Redpilled His ‘Girlfriend’ With ‘Sound of Freedom’ (Wonkette, June 22, 2023)

“Her name is George Glass and she’s from Canada, okay?”

Romance! Intrigue! Adventure! Kidnapping! Ludicrous right wing conspiracy theories! This story posted at “Great Awakening” (archive link) has it all. Maybe. It is the definitely not made up story about how a Q weirdo took his “normie” liberal girlfriend to see Sound of Freedom and her burgeoning journey into the heart of nonsense.

Let’s jump right in, shall we?

Before, the only people that knew of Q were my super liberal brother, and my other brother who works in military intelligence. Otherwise no one else in my rather large family knew or even heard of Q.

Oh, you know his brother who works in military intelligence knows all about Q! Probably he is one of the white hats working on behalf of Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump to save the world and free all of the children.

Well this is all changing. The media is blasting “Sound of Freedom” for being “QAnon adjacent,” and it’s everywhere: Fox, CNN, NBC, social media, and I believe even places like Vox and Rolling Stone. I even see it in non-news sources like r/boxoffice.

Why is this important?

Because although we know QAnon is the fed labeling of it, the fact of the matter stands: if Q is real, then when it comes time to reveal to the wider public, they will have at least the seed of “QAnon” planted. And it will become our duty to water and care for those seeds. (more)

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:58:10pm

So I just looked at an article on how to reheat pizza.

Talk about human creativity! It went through _8_ different ways. I usually do some variation of #2 “Hot Tray in Hot Oven”. I may test out some variation of #1.

1. heating in a pan for 2 minutes, then adding a few drops of moisture then closing the lid an cooking for a minute.

8. microwaving with a mug of water. (Got a strong ‘NOPE!’.)

The Best Way to Reheat Pizza (and Some Things You Should Never Do)

goddamnedfrank  Jul 23, 2023 • 4:59:42pm
jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:01:48pm

re: #177 Joe Bacon ✅


ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:02:27pm

Never underestimate an army of babushkas with brooms!

re: #86 ckkatz

Same place, today -

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:03:33pm

re: #177 Joe Bacon ✅

Burchett playing all the Trump two-step hits:

“I didn’t hear him say it.”
“I would have chosen my words a little differently.”
“It’s just Trump being Trump.”
“Every time he does it, his numbers go up.”

Unabogie  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:05:30pm

re: #186 jaunte

[Embedded content]

He’ll just shift the goal post and demand that Trump disseminated “deliberately.”

Then again to prove “that he got paid.”

Then again to prove that he got “paid a lot.”

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:05:41pm

re: #188 jaunte

Burchett playing all the Trump two-step hits:

And he speaks just as one expects a Communist Party Apparatchik would do!

Nerdy Fish  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:06:44pm

re: #187 ckkatz

My church has a sister church in Ukraine; my pastor has a big heart for war victims, and has personally traveled to Ukraine to deliver aid. I learned this morning that the pastor of our sister church was running a leadership seminar out of this cathedral this weekend when it was attacked. As far as I’m aware, none of them were injured, but that was a sobering dose of the reality of war for me.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:07:07pm

re: #184 ckkatz

So I just looked at an article on how to reheat pizza.

Talk about human creativity! It went through _8_ different ways. I usually do some variation of #2 “Hot Tray in Hot Oven”. I may test out some variation of #1.

1. heating in a pan for 2 minutes, then adding a few drops of moisture then closing the lid an cooking for a minute.

8. microwaving with a mug of water. (Got a strong ‘NOPE!’.)

The Best Way to Reheat Pizza (and Some Things You Should Never Do)

I figured #2 was probably going to be the way to go since that is essentially what a pizza shop does when you order a slice or two.

Ace Rothstein  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:08:14pm

re: #19 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And how many of those tickets to Sound of Freedom were actually used by viewers to watch the movie?


Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:08:21pm

re: #163 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m crappy at creating memes, but I did this one. Feel free to share to Twitter or anyone else.

[Embedded content]

Rotate the left part 45 degrees and you got it.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:09:01pm

re: #189 Unabogie

He’ll just shift the goal post and demand that Trump disseminated “deliberately.”

Then again to prove “that he got paid.”

Then again to prove that he got “paid a lot.”

Those nuclear war plans weren’t really all that secret.

jaunte  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:11:32pm

Snarky Puppy - Trinity (Extended Version)

Youtube Video

Oppenheimer music.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:12:26pm

re: #192 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I figured #2 was probably going to be the way to go since that is essentially what a pizza shop does when you order a slice or two.

That’s also what I had always assumed.

But I guess that the cheese and crust change a lot overnight once it has cooled down.

With so many very knowledgeable foodies and folks with very strong views here, I was kind of curious what the various lizards thought.

mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:15:05pm

re: #115 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I was never a big fan of octopus and having read more about them, I see no reason to ever eat it again

I can’t eat octopus after finding out how intelligent they are. When I was in Japan on a tour in 2019, I simply couldn’t bring myself to eat the octopus served for dinner, and said, “I can’t eat our cephalopod friends.”

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:19:24pm

re: #192 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I figured #2 was probably going to be the way to go since that is essentially what a pizza shop does when you order a slice or two.

That is my preferred method to do it.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:19:47pm

re: #191 Nerdy Fish

My church has a sister church in Ukraine; my pastor has a big heart for war victims, and has personally traveled to Ukraine to deliver aid. I learned this morning that the pastor of our sister church was running a leadership seminar out of this cathedral this weekend when it was attacked. As far as I’m aware, none of them were injured, but that was a sobering dose of the reality of war for me.

I am so sorry that the sister church was attacked. Like you, I do hope that no one was hurt.

One thing that researchers found about the various WW2 bombing campaigns is that generally terror bombings do not work well, They often end up really angering the bombed population.

In general, military targets are likely to have more effect on the war. But even then, it often turned out that those bombing campaigns were also oversold in term of their effectiveness.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:21:50pm

re: #200 ckkatz

terror bombings do not work well, They often end up really angering the bombed population.

I never would have guessed that.


ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:22:53pm


🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:23:15pm

re: #159 ckkatz

retired cynic  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:23:40pm

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:27:40pm

re: #201 Eclectic Cyborg

I never would have guessed that.


your point taken, your case made :)

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:31:42pm

I wouldn’t let Sleazy E get a hand on any of my financial info.

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:35:04pm
Eventual Carrion  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:35:43pm

re: #82 jaunte

If Pence was not unserious and a has-been, Trump would never have picked him for his vice-president.

Only the best!

mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:36:27pm

re: #160 Eclectic Cyborg

It would be pretty amusing to see the wingnuts get crashed and burned by an Elon Musk bank.

I don’t think Musk could get a national charter. He might be able to get a state charter, but that’s going to limit what he does. I’m not even sure a state chartered bank can actually get a Fed account, which means he’d have to be some national bank’s correspondent bank. A state chartered bank can get a Fed account, but national banks are required to get a Fed account. If he does not have a Fed account, he’d have to get a correspondent account at another bank, which might terribly offend him.


For eligible institutions, applicants must be in compliance with relevant laws and regulatory requirements related to payments, anti-money-laundering, sanctions, and risk management, among others; be financially healthy; and not pose risk to the Fed or financial stability.

(Master Accounts and the Federal Reserve System)

He’s a walking financial time bomb, no way the governors of the Fed are likely to let him in.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:37:00pm
gocart mozart  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:37:25pm
mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:39:10pm

re: #181 Backwoods Sleuth

That bull reminds me of Ferdinand. You know, of Ferdinand the Bull fame. He loved to just sniff the flowers.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:41:24pm



ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:46:25pm
ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:48:22pm

re: #210 ckkatz

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:52:18pm
Charles Johnson  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:52:38pm

I’d just like to say it’s extremely cool to see LGF members getting Bluesky accounts. We can only be a good influence on the community.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:55:17pm

re: #213 ckkatz

They’re all budding Adolf Hitler’s. Failed (but pretty good) artist who just couldn’t get recognized.

I’m starting to wonder if The Boys From Brazil was right… Just used the wrong criteria.

Charles Johnson  Jul 23, 2023 • 5:56:01pm

I’ve been pushing the Blueys to start taking moderating much more seriously than usual, because this may be a good chance to create a real livable social media site where you don’t have Nazis suddenly showing up. But they do need to be pushed, unfortunately, because they’re coming from a hyper-privileged culture where none of them have been targets.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:05:33pm

re: #219 Charles Johnson

The appearance of wingnut trolls on BlueSky is a given. The only question is when and how.

I am glad that the admins, pushed by experienced folks like you, are waking up to this fact.

Understanding how resource strapped they likely are, I wish them all success. Although these things tend to be long term infestation and continually evolving type things rather than a one and done. Particularly when there are hostile foreign state supported trolls in the mix as well.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:06:22pm

re: #194 Belafon

Rotate the left part 45 degrees and you got it.

I just copied the logo from 4chan’s site, plugged it into Paint, copied the Twitter logo from Twitter’s site, then pasted the Twitter birds over the clover leaves in the same positions. Blacked out 4chan’s name and replaced it with BirdChan.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:16:39pm

This is a problem. It took years to get twitter to the point that it had so many useful sources and communities publishing useful content. Replicating that on another site is going to take a while.

Alexander S. Vindman ❎ @AVindman 8h
I am actively trying to switch over from @Twitter to other social media, but there a few things holding me back.

First, I use Twitter as a news tool and not so much for entertainment. Consequently, my feed consists of carefully curated news sources on geopolitics, world affairs, news cites, and Russia-Ukraine war content both breaking news and analysis.

I’ve found some of my sources on other apps, but many are only active on Twitter. So what’s the solution?

I would like to see social media content teams actively recruit the best content on to their apps. One easy way to incentivize content providers is to verify their accounts.

I would very much like to see a viable alternative to Twitter emerge, but that won’t happen passively. Social media companies need to be actively recruiting content providers. Absent concrete actions, new apps will just be another flash in the pan novelty.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:16:40pm

re: #217 Charles Johnson

I’d just like to say it’s extremely cool to see LGF members getting Bluesky accounts. We can only be a good influence on the community.

If you keep this up, Mr. Johnson, you might even entice me to sign up over there. (gasp)

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:19:14pm

For no particular reason:
From my collection, 1939 New York World’s Fair memorabilia, “The World of Tomorrow

General Motors Futurama brochure (front and back)
Official post card (Unused)

One of the great things about the ‘39 World’s Fair is that many tons of every conceivable type of souvenur, keepsake, and knicknack were made and sold for it. These objects are still quite common and, therefore, commendably cheap.
It was the last world’s fair to have a traditional canival style midway, with rides and side shows.
It is also where my grandparents first encountered television. The fair’s opening coincided with the start of regular commercial television broadcasting in the US and the opening ceremonies were the official beginning. RCA set up a huge pavilion with several dozen TV sets, “see yourself” closed circuit displays, and a complete production studio. My grandmother didn’t think much of it. The set had a tiny, round black and white CRT screen that one observed in a mirror, it cost over $400 (an immense sum at the time) and you had to be within a mile or so of the transmitter to get a decent image. This was the year of Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz on film. With its grainy black and white images, the electronic gizmo seemed like an over-priced novelty by comparison.
Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:19:17pm

Dust in your eye/someone’s chopping onions story:

Nerdy Fish  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:19:19pm

re: #223 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

If you keep this up, Mr. Johnson, you might even entice me to sign up over there. (gasp)

Join us on the dark side. We have cookies.

Belafon  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:21:11pm

re: #224 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

Also, new episode of Futurama on Hulu tomorrow.

Date updated.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:27:02pm

‘He knows better’: Republican ‘friend’ knocks Tim Scott absolving Trump for Jan. 6 out of fear

‘He knows better’: Republican ‘friend’ knocks Tim Scott absolving Trump for Jan. 6

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:29:45pm

re: #224 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie


The set had a tiny, round black and white CRT screen that one observed in a mirror, it cost over $400 (an immense sum at the time) and you had to be within a mile or so of the transmitter to get a decent image. This was the year of Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz on film. With its grainy black and white images, the electronic gizmo seemed like an over-priced novelty by comparison.

I remember the first television my parents had in the late 1950s. (I suspect that it dated from the early 1950s though.)

It fits the general description that you gave. A large wooden cabinet with a smallish circular screen that displayed black and white video. I was too young to know much about the stations and technical broadcasting data.

Later they purchased the standard 19” b&w tv of the type that inhabited our living room until my parents finally broke down and got a color set in the early 1970’s.

ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:31:06pm


ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:38:31pm

I think that we can all guess who he is talking about

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:39:00pm

Election Day:

Conservative Party Poised To Narrowly Win Spain’s Election But Without Majority To Topple Sánchez (Huffington Post)

“Spain’s conservative Popular Party is set to narrowly win, but without the majority needed to topple the coalition government of Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.”

MADRID (AP) — Spain’s conservative Popular Party was set to narrowly win the country’s national election Sunday, but without the majority needed to topple the coalition government of Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

With 90% of votes counted, the Popular Party was on course to secure 136 of the 350 seats in the Congress of Deputies, the lower house of the Spanish parliament. Sánchez’s Spanish Socialist Workers Party was poised to take 122 seats, two more than it had in the outgoing legislature.

Although the Socialists can likely call on the predicted 31 seats of the left-wing Sumar, or Joining Forces alliance, and several smaller parties, there was a real possibility that neither side would be able to secure a majority.

The close election was likely to produce weeks of political jockeying. The next prime minister only would be voted on once lawmakers are installed in the new Congress of Deputies. The absolute majority needed to form a government is 176 seats.


The article goes on to say that polling indicated that the Popular Party would take more seats than they did. Polls also indicated they should form a coalition government with the far-right Vox Party. If that happened, it would be the first time the far-right in Spain gained power in the government since the ending of Franco’s fascist government in the Seventies.

mmmirele  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:43:55pm

This story saddened me.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:51:55pm

re: #233 mmmirele

This story saddened me.

It does me too, but that’s the sort of article I’d rather read than a retrospective of a murder. The story of the good life a person who died defending others had.

silverdolphin  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:55:18pm

re: #233 mmmirele

[Embedded content]

This story saddened me.

Shit. Why do good men, the kind we all would like to be, get killed protecting those unable to protect themselves when so many bad men appear on TV talk shows, keep getting richer and relish in destroying the lives of those unable to protect themselves?

I am so pissed. I stay sanguine about most stuff but events like this really infuriate me. And the coward used suicide by cop to keep from really facing the consequences of his actions.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 23, 2023 • 6:59:39pm

re: #222 ckkatz

This is a problem. It took years to get twitter to the point that it had so many useful sources and communities publishing useful content. Replicating that on another site is going to take a while.

The other issue is how many companies (e.g., PBS and the like) are going to invest in any social media presence after what happened with Twitter? It’s going to have to grow organically but I fear there’s going to be the whole once bitten twice shy thing going on.

BeenHereAwhile  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:04:23pm

re: #184 ckkatz

So I just looked at an article on how to reheat pizza.

Talk about human creativity! It went through _8_ different ways. I usually do some variation of #2 “Hot Tray in Hot Oven”. I may test out some variation of #1.

1. heating in a pan for 2 minutes, then adding a few drops of moisture then closing the lid an cooking for a minute.

8. microwaving with a mug of water. (Got a strong ‘NOPE!’.)

The Best Way to Reheat Pizza (and Some Things You Should Never Do)

My goto:

1) Set the cold pizza on a paper plate, or larger cooking sheet depending on number of slices to be reheated, and place in the cold oven.

2) Turn on the oven & set to 325 - 350 depending on number of toppings on pizza.

3) Set timer & reheat for 10 - 15 minutes.

silverdolphin  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:07:58pm

RFK Jr. Says His Media Coverage Is Worse Than Trump’s

“I mean, listen, if I believed the stuff that’s written about me in the papers and reported about me on the mainstream news sites, I would definitely not vote for me. I would think I was a very despicable person.”

He says no one has been as harhly treated by the press as he has. Boy, he has Trump’s persecution complex. I wonder how big his hands are?.

retired cynic  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:15:37pm

silverdolphin  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:19:31pm
ckkatz  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:21:56pm


William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:23:07pm

re: #184 ckkatz

So I just looked at an article on how to reheat pizza.

Talk about human creativity! It went through _8_ different ways. I usually do some variation of #2 “Hot Tray in Hot Oven”. I may test out some variation of #1.

1. heating in a pan for 2 minutes, then adding a few drops of moisture then closing the lid an cooking for a minute.

8. microwaving with a mug of water. (Got a strong ‘NOPE!’.)

The Best Way to Reheat Pizza (and Some Things You Should Never Do)

People reheat pizza? Why ruin a good slice of cold pizza?

Nerdy Fish  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:23:44pm

re: #242 William Lewis

People reheat pizza? Why ruin a good slice of cold pizza?

Cold pizza, hangover breakfast of champions.

BeenHereAwhile  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:26:48pm

re: #222 ckkatz

This is a problem. It took years to get twitter to the point that it had so many useful sources and communities publishing useful content. Replicating that on another site is going to take a while.

I’ll second this on a personal level.

FWIW, I joined Twitter in 2009 - maybe I was too particular with a locked down account - but it took ~ 4 years to curate my account to where it was suitable as a creditable information & news source.

I still have my locked down Twitter account, but now in the process of choosing sources and aggregating my Mastodon & Bluesky accounts.

Captain Ron  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:26:54pm

I do either the hot tray in an oven or I use my Ninja Foodi in air fryer mode for about 4-5 minutes at 390F, or I eat it cold.

William Lewis  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:27:00pm

re: #243 Nerdy Fish

Cold pizza, hangover breakfast of champions.

Nothing like rummaging through the remains of a party for a slice the next morning ;)

wrenchwench  Jul 23, 2023 • 7:29:16pm

re: #239 retired cynic

[Embedded content]

North Carolina A&T students at the lunch counter Photograph by John G. Moebes, reprinted with permission of the News & Record, Greensboro, NC

It was in my image library, so I pulled it out.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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