Video: Legal Scholar Laurence Tribe: If Trump Doesn’t Qualify for Insurrection Clause, Nobody Would

Law • Views: 14,721

American legal scholar Laurence Tribe joins Ali Velshi to discuss the unique strength of a new lawsuit in Colorado seeking to ban Trump from the ballot based on the 14th Amendment, why the case is destined to end up at the Supreme Court, and how the self-executing component of the article works. “This is more controversial because it isn’t as mechanical,” Tribe explains about the lawsuit. “Clearly we’re going to have to explore in this trial the meaning of insurrection, what it means to be engaged in it… and I think it’s clear to most people that if Trump doesn’t qualify [for that], nobody would.” On what’s at stake in the 14th Amendment clause, Tribe says, “This was a major protective provision put in there because [the founders] realized that those who take an oath to uphold the constitution and then turncoat against it might not end up being prosecuted for anything,” he explains. “It’s important for the survival of the republic that someone who has shown him or herself to be an insurrectionist against the Constitution not get another chance to try.”

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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