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A Cranky One  Dec 23, 2023 • 10:46:51am

A Cranky One  Dec 23, 2023 • 10:55:05am


Mrs Cranky’s mom was admitted to the hospital; it appears she had a heart attack (she’ll be 89 next week). They did an emergency stint implantation, but it was questionable if she’d survive.

She’s now in ICU but is non-responsive and the ICU has agreed to let her great grandson visit although he’s less than 12 years old (the normal cutoff for ICU visitors). This is basically a DNR scenario.

Scary times. Mrs Cranky is on her way to see her mom (a several hour drive). Note that Mrs Cranky’s younger brother died a couple of months ago, so this is a difficult time.

Positive thoughts appreciated.

jeffreyw  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:04:44am

Here’s that rogue wave:


Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:05:06am

re: #2 A Cranky One

Sorry to hear this. I’m hoping for the best possible outcome. Hang in there.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:08:29am

re: #2 A Cranky One

Positive thoughts sent your way.

Hecuba's daughter  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:11:45am

re: #2 A Cranky One

My sympathy. Here’s hoping for the best.

CleverToad  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:20:40am

re: #2 A Cranky One


Mrs Cranky’s mom was admitted to the hospital; it appears she had a heart attack (she’ll be 89 next week). They did an emergency stint implantation, but it was questionable if she’d survive.

She’s now in ICU but is non-responsive and the ICU has agreed to let her great grandson visit although he’s less than 12 years old (the normal cutoff for ICU visitors). This is basically a DNR scenario.

Scary times. Mrs Cranky is on her way to see her mom (a several hour drive). Note that Mrs Cranky’s younger brother died a couple of months ago, so this is a difficult time.

Positive thoughts appreciated.

{{{Sending a cyber hug, we’re holding you folks in our hearts. Wishing for dry roads and a safe trip for MrsC.}}}

goddamnedfrank  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:23:51am

RAFAH, Gaza Strip — An Israeli airstrike killed 76 members of an extended family, rescue officials said Saturday, a day after the U.N. chief warned again that nowhere is safe in Gaza and that Israel’s ongoing offensive is creating “massive obstacles” to the distribution of humanitarian aid.

Friday’s strike on a building in Gaza City was among the deadliest of the Israel-Hamas war, now in its 12th week, said Mahmoud Bassal, a spokesperson for Gaza’s Civil Defense department. He provided a partial list of the names of those killed — 16 heads of households from the al-Mughrabi family — and said the dead included women and children.

Among the dead were Issam al-Mughrabi, a veteran employee of U.N. Development Program, his wife, and their five children.

“The loss of Issam and his family has deeply affected us all. The U.N. and civilians in Gaza are not a target,” said Achim Steiner, the head of the agency. “This war must end.”

sizzzzlerz  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:27:48am

re: #2 A Cranky One

Best wishes, Brother!

retired cynic  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:28:49am

re: #8 goddamnedfrank

That is terrible! They tell them to go south, and then bomb them once they have a million people squashed into the size of Rafah. I’m sorry, but that, IMO, is a war crime.

sizzzzlerz  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:30:52am

re: #3 jeffreyw

Here’s that rogue wave:

[Embedded content]


Got to be an awful feeling when you see that wave building and know that there is absolutely nothing you can do but take it and hope for the best.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:35:01am

re: #2 A Cranky One


Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:43:01am

And the end result of my efforts:

Tested it and everything is sturdy and working perfectly.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:45:02am

re: #13 Eclectic Cyborg

I hope your niece appreciates everything her uncle did for her.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:47:07am

Joe Bacon ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:47:20am

re: #2 A Cranky One

So sorry to hear. Positive thoughts on the way!!!!!

Teukka  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:47:28am

re: #2 A Cranky One

Damn. Good thoughts your way.

jeffreyw  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:48:06am

Belafon  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:48:40am

re: #15 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

I used to hear that because Joseph was a carpenter that he was more like middle class. Anything to run from what they were actually like.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 23, 2023 • 11:52:04am

This is absolutely perverse, the IDF is letting a deliberately inscrutable black box decide where to bomb precisely because it has no scruples or accountability and just automates the process at scale. And they named it the Gospel because when your leadership is openly invoking Amalek there just is no fucking bottom.

Militaries all over the world are working quickly to enhance their AI capabilities, and the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) arsenal is making visible the destruction that can result from weaponizing artificial intelligence. The IDF’s tool, first used in Israel’s 11-day war against Hamas in 2021, is an AI-based system that greatly increases Israel’s targeting capacity by rapidly generating airstrike suggestions in Gaza.

Habsora (Hebrew for “the Gospel”) produces unprecedented quantities of potential bombing targets, according to a joint investigation by +972 Magazine—an Israeli- and Palestinian-run online magazine—and the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call, as well as a new investigation from The Guardian. The reports draw on public statements from IDF spokespeople, data and documentation from Gaza, and interviews with current and former Israeli intelligence and military officials.

The Gospel’s impact

Since Israel started using this new technology less than three years ago, the IDF’s targeting capabilities have dramatically increased:

It used to take Israel up to a year to find 50 potential targets in Gaza, former IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi told Ynet in June. The Gospel was first used in the May 2021 war between Israel and Hamas known as Operation Guardian of the Walls. In that conflict, the number of potential targets generated shot up to 100 per day, half of which would be bombed, Kochavi said.

Prior to Habsora’s implementation, Israel used to run out of potential targets, intelligence sources told +972 and the Local Call, but the colonel in charge of the IDF’s target division told the Jerusalem Post that the AI-driven system compiles strike recommendations faster than the military can act on them.

When asked about the Gospel’s standards for determining targets and its human checks, the IDF told Business Insider that it is “currently focused on eliminating the threat from the terrorist organization Hamas. Questions of this kind will be looked into in a later stage.”

Belafon  Dec 23, 2023 • 12:01:17pm

re: #20 goddamnedfrank

What is morningbrew?

Belafon  Dec 23, 2023 • 12:02:47pm

Why would an Israeli group name anything “The Gospel”?

goddamnedfrank  Dec 23, 2023 • 12:04:47pm

re: #22 Belafon

Why would an Israeli group name anything “The Gospel”?

It’s a translation.

The ancient Hebrew noun בְּשׂוֹרָה (besorah) appears to carry the same double meaning as the equivalent Greek word for gospel, used for both a messenger delivering good news and a thanks-offering to a god upon receiving good news. The noun and verb forms are used several times in the Hebrew Bible.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 23, 2023 • 12:10:40pm

re: #21 Belafon

What is morningbrew?

The story has been covered in many other outlets and the sourcing is listed for you to backtrack. That was just the most complete synthesis I could find. Here’s an NPR article and a Guardian piece:

The pace is astonishing: In the wake of the brutal attacks by Hamas-led militants on October 7, Israeli forces have struck more than 22,000 targets inside Gaza, a small strip of land along the Mediterranean coast. Just since the temporary truce broke down on December 1, Israel’s Air Force has hit more than 3,500 sites.

The Israeli military says it’s using artificial intelligence to select many of these targets in real-time. The military claims that the AI system, named “the Gospel,” has helped it to rapidly identify enemy combatants and equipment, while reducing civilian casualties.

Israel’s military has made no secret of the intensity of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. In the early days of the offensive, the head of its air force spoke of relentless, “around the clock” airstrikes. His forces, he said, were only striking military targets, but he added: “We are not being surgical.”

There has, however, been relatively little attention paid to the methods used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to select targets in Gaza, and to the role artificial intelligence has played in their bombing campaign.

HRH Stanley Sea  Dec 23, 2023 • 12:27:59pm

re: #2 A Cranky One

Prayers for the Cranky family.

Jay C  Dec 23, 2023 • 12:50:56pm

re: #19 Belafon

I used to hear that because Joseph was a carpenter that he was more like middle class. Anything to run from what they were actually like.

AFAIUI, in Greek (the original language of the NT), Joseph was described as a “tekton” (“τηκτον”); which was the term used not only for “carpenter/woodworker”, but also for “craftsman” in general. And yes, in societies in Antiquity, independent craft-workers who (as far as the Gospels record) owned and ran their own businesses were considered a step up from the run of the population. It may not have been a BIG step (in the Olden Days, like today, or forever, it depended on how much money one made), but JC wouldn’t necessarily have been considered, despite his apparent sympathies, “the poor”. Unless, of course, old St. Joe was a lousy businessman, and they were, actually, poor….

goddamnedfrank  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:12:08pm

Turning a big dial that says “Collateral damage” on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on The Price is Right

According to the sources, the increasing use of AI-based systems like Habsora allows the army to carry out strikes on residential homes where a single Hamas member lives on a massive scale, even those who are junior Hamas operatives. Yet testimonies of Palestinians in Gaza suggest that since October 7, the army has also attacked many private residences where there was no known or apparent member of Hamas or any other militant group residing. Such strikes, sources confirmed to +972 and Local Call, can knowingly kill entire families in the process.

According to the sources who spoke to +972 and Local Call, the targets in Gaza that have been struck by Israeli aircraft can be divided roughly into four categories. The first is “tactical targets,” which include standard military targets such as armed militant cells, weapon warehouses, rocket launchers, anti-tank missile launchers, launch pits, mortar bombs, military headquarters, observation posts, and so on.

The second is “underground targets” — mainly tunnels that Hamas has dug under Gaza’s neighborhoods, including under civilian homes. Aerial strikes on these targets could lead to the collapse of the homes above or near the tunnels.

The third is “power targets,” which includes high-rises and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices. The idea behind hitting such targets, say three intelligence sources who were involved in planning or conducting strikes on power targets in the past, is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will exert “civil pressure” on Hamas.

Compared to previous Israeli assaults on Gaza, the current war — which Israel has named “Operation Iron Swords,” and which began in the wake of the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel on October 7 — has seen the army significantly expand its bombing of targets that are not distinctly military in nature. These include private residences as well as public buildings, infrastructure, and high-rise blocks, which sources say the army defines as “power targets” (“matarot otzem”).

The bombing of power targets, according to intelligence sources who had first-hand experience with its application in Gaza in the past, is mainly intended to harm Palestinian civil society: to “create a shock” that, among other things, will reverberate powerfully and “lead civilians to put pressure on Hamas,” as one source put it.

Several of the sources, who spoke to +972 and Local Call on the condition of anonymity, confirmed that the Israeli army has files on the vast majority of potential targets in Gaza — including homes — which stipulate the number of civilians who are likely to be killed in an attack on a particular target. This number is calculated and known in advance to the army’s intelligence units, who also know shortly before carrying out an attack roughly how many civilians are certain to be killed.

In one case discussed by the sources, the Israeli military command knowingly approved the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an attempt to assassinate a single top Hamas military commander. “The numbers increased from dozens of civilian deaths [permitted] as collateral damage as part of an attack on a senior official in previous operations, to hundreds of civilian deaths as collateral damage,” said one source.

The entire point of using an AI system to mass select targets is to crush a populace through the deliberate maximization of “collateral damage,” which is in quotes because it’s no longer collateral when its maximization is an actual goal to put pressure on the enemy. Again, the entire current use case for all AI systems is to launder theft at an absolutely staggering scale by removing human culpability for the AI’s owners by painting the machine’s output as a new, non-biased product arrived at via rules you aren’t allowed to examine or understand. In this case the crime is the theft of human lives at a scale so large that each individual atrocity is drowned in the onrushing tide because the initial targeting decision can be offloaded to an unthinking machine that has no idea what a human being even is.

darthstar  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:19:30pm

I am a gift wrapping genius.

darthstar  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:21:36pm
Captain Ron  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:46:39pm
Belafon  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:47:43pm

re: #24 goddamnedfrank

The story has been covered in many other outlets and the sourcing is listed for you to backtrack. That was just the most complete synthesis I could find. Here’s an NPR article and a Guardian piece:

Strangely, the algorithm says that every house contains a Gazan.

My son was telling me that when they went to Phoenix for fencing, they road in a driverless taxi. It made me think that, if AI is so great right now, why haven’t the rich adopted it.

I think there have been some pretty good uses so far for it, but there are things that it will not be able to do in it’s current iteration.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:54:15pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:55:34pm

re: #28 goddamnedfrank

The Gaza Strip is only 141 sq mi, so with 22,000 hits that is 156 hits per square mile.

At 640 acres per square mile, that’s about one hit for every 4 acres. That’s about one square block in most cities.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:56:43pm

re: #33 Charles Johnson

It’s news that will never grab the headlines equal to its importance.

William Lewis  Dec 23, 2023 • 1:57:21pm

From downstairs where I was CL’d, blessed be her memory:

re: #159 BeenHereAwhile

The Army Said Tank Blasts Don’t Harm Troops. His Case Raises Doubts.
Researchers say troops’ brains may be injured by blasts from firing M1 Abrams tank guns and other weapons, even if they measure below the Pentagon’s ceiling for safe exposure.

… Mr. Beyer joined the Army right after high school and had an unusually long career spent entirely around tanks, including six overseas deployments, three of them to Iraq. His final assignment was as a tank instructor at one of the Army’s busiest training posts, Fort Irwin in California.

A typical tank crewman fires about 120 rounds a year, and works around tanks only for a few years before leaving the military or moving on to other assignments. Mr. Beyer never moved on.

A spokesman for Fort Irwin said that while most training was done with lasers instead of live rounds, a typical tank instructor would be exposed to the firing of 120 to 240 rounds a year. Other tank soldiers estimated that in Mr. Beyer’s career, he could easily have experienced more than 3,000 blasts.

He also was hit by a roadside bomb in 2008 that left him temporarily dazed.

(no paywall)


As a former tanker, I’d bet that the IED was 90% of the problem if he followed training and protocols. Now, I will admit that his total numbers are high but I’ve know Master Gunners (the guys who set up every tank in the divisions and had to test fire them all and train all the gunners) who had similarly high round counts back during the 80s ~ 90s during the time of the M-60A3 to M1 transition and none of them had issues leading me to believe an undiagnosed TBI from the IED explosion is far more likely a cause in this case.

steve_davis  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:18:17pm

re: #2 A Cranky One


Mrs Cranky’s mom was admitted to the hospital; it appears she had a heart attack (she’ll be 89 next week). They did an emergency stint implantation, but it was questionable if she’d survive.

She’s now in ICU but is non-responsive and the ICU has agreed to let her great grandson visit although he’s less than 12 years old (the normal cutoff for ICU visitors). This is basically a DNR scenario.

Scary times. Mrs Cranky is on her way to see her mom (a several hour drive). Note that Mrs Cranky’s younger brother died a couple of months ago, so this is a difficult time.

Positive thoughts appreciated.

be sure that kid knows what he’s walking into. I’d never actually seen anyone on a ventilator before with the vent doing all the work until my dad had a massive heart attack in the CCU. It ain’t like the movies, that’s for goddamned sure. How people see that shit and then say “Oh, you say she’s permanently brain dead, but I refuse to let you pull the plug” is an absolute mystery to me.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:32:35pm

re: #37 steve_davis

When I was 15, I chose not to see my grandmother at the hospital before she passed.

I wanted to remember her as I knew her and not as a sickly old lady with a bunch of tubes coming out of her.

I do not regret my decision.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:38:18pm
Romantic Heretic  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:39:37pm

re: #2 A Cranky One

*HUGS* Sending strength.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:45:05pm

re: #20 goddamnedfrank

It is a basic of human nature; wanting power without any of the responsibility that comes with it.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:45:35pm
PhillyPretzel ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:48:01pm

re: #42 Charles Johnson

That is a good one. Thanks.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:49:16pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:49:45pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:50:51pm

Here’s a You Tube clip where Norm Langer answers the burning question—What is the difference between Corned Beef and Pastrami!

What’s the difference between Pastrami and Corned Beef?

Hungry yet?????

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:52:29pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:52:56pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:53:01pm


Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:53:17pm
Romantic Heretic  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:53:28pm

re: #32 Belafon

Since the really important things, like the value of human lives, is a matter of perspective until an actually sentient machine capable of creating its own ethics comes into existence there will always be problems with AI.

Then we’ll have the problem of actually sentient machines capable of creating their own ethics. That’s when the real fun begins.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 2:56:12pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:00:45pm


Founding Member of the Dixie Chicks Killed in Car Crash

Laura Lynch’s car was hit head on in Texas and she reportedly died at the scene.

Laura Lynch, one of the founding members of the Dixie Chicks, who later were renamed The Chicks, has died at 65.

TMZ was first to report Lynch’s cousin, Mick Lynch, as saying she had been killed in a car crash outside of El Paso, Texas as she traveled to Dell City, which is about 96 miles east.

The Texas Department of Public Safety later confirmed Lynch’s death.

A car reportedly crossed over to pass a slower vehicle and then hit Lynch’s car head-on as she traveled in the opposite direction. She died at the scene.

The other driver reportedly suffered non-life threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital.

Lynch played upright bass and founded what was then called the Dixie Chicks in 1989 alongside Robin Lynn Macy on guitar, and sisters Martie and Emily Erwin.

Macy first exited the group and then in 1995 Lynch also left after recording three albums with the group. She was replaced by Natalie Maines.

Despite leaving the group right before their breakthrough hit “Wide Open Spaces” catapulted the group to fame in 1998, Lynch said in later interviews she had no regrets about her decision and went on to live a relatively private life.

The Chicks released a statement saying Lynch had helped the group find the success they later enjoyed without her.


Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:03:25pm

I seem to have broken Mastodon embedding. Working on it.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:09:11pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:09:45pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:10:35pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:12:49pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:13:03pm
jeffreyw  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:14:38pm

re: #29 darthstar

I am a gift wrapping genius.

[Embedded content]

The brown tote, all by itself, is perfect as a gift wrap.

teleskiguy  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:18:59pm
Backwoods Sleuth  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:21:12pm

Just finished reading Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

Yowser, what a hard book to read.
I laughed, I cried, I cringed.
But unlike that wretched fake Hillbilly Elegy author, Kingsolver actually lived here and properly researched the difficulties and joys of Appalachian life.
Everyone in the book, I knew/know a real-life counterpart.
And too many of them died the same way as in the book.
And some of them managed to unentangle themselves and went on to survive and sometimes thrive and help those still struggling.

jeffreyw  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:24:27pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:26:20pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:29:12pm

This just played on Sirius—and I realize I last heard it played on the radio—45 years ago?! damn where has the time gone?????


Belafon  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:29:18pm

My wife has the bowl game on that Air Force played in (they won). Because the players are employees of the DOD, they cannot participate in the program set up to earn money for their likeness.

Dangerman  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:37:35pm

Unabogie  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:38:13pm

re: #2 A Cranky One


Mrs Cranky’s mom was admitted to the hospital; it appears she had a heart attack (she’ll be 89 next week). They did an emergency stint implantation, but it was questionable if she’d survive.

She’s now in ICU but is non-responsive and the ICU has agreed to let her great grandson visit although he’s less than 12 years old (the normal cutoff for ICU visitors). This is basically a DNR scenario.

Scary times. Mrs Cranky is on her way to see her mom (a several hour drive). Note that Mrs Cranky’s younger brother died a couple of months ago, so this is a difficult time.

Positive thoughts appreciated.

Sorry, Cranky. That sounds really rough. Here’s to hoping there’s a turnaround.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:40:20pm

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:41:34pm

Just about done with the decorating. I’ll let my sister finish the tree ornaments.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:41:35pm

re: #69 Patricia Kayden

Much safer.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:44:35pm

Vicious Babushka  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:44:40pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:48:38pm

re: #73 Vicious Babushka

Pretty soon the libraries will be just rooms full of empty shelves.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:48:55pm

re: #73 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

As you know, if you understand harmless people, it’s a lot harder to hate them enough to go along with fascism. The books always go first.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:51:49pm

re: #74 Eclectic Cyborg

re: #74 Eclectic Cyborg

Dangerman  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:54:13pm

re: #73 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Now do “mein Kampf”

Dangerman  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:56:28pm

Dangerman  Dec 23, 2023 • 3:59:25pm

What’s worse as a campaign advisor

Addressing you never heard of mein Kampf and you’re just a home grown bigot


Addressing that other people report that you smell from …well nothing’s confirmed

BeenHereAwhile  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:02:33pm

re: #36 William Lewis

From downstairs where I was CL’d, blessed be her memory:

As a former tanker, I’d bet that the IED was 90% of the problem if he followed training and protocols. Now, I will admit that his total numbers are high but I’ve know Master Gunners (the guys who set up every tank in the divisions and had to test fire them all and train all the gunners) who had similarly high round counts back during the 80s ~ 90s during the time of the M-60A3 to M1 transition and none of them had issues leading me to believe an undiagnosed TBI from the IED explosion is far more likely a cause in this case.


I was hoping you’d see this & give some feedback as one who had been in the field.

And as an armchair expert - I agree the IED was a probably a major factor in what appears to be CTE. Nevertheless, the soldier did not receive proper mental health evaluation and treatment.

Dangerman  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:03:12pm

From below somewhere

They’re getting fat.
our solution isn’t to feed them better.
We’ll starve them.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:06:15pm

re: #34 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

The Gaza Strip is only 141 sq mi, so with 22,000 hits that is 156 hits per square mile.

At 640 acres per square mile, that’s about one hit for every 4 acres. That’s about one square block in most cities.

And that doesn’t even properly describe the situation because hundred of those bombs are 2000 lb mk 84s and a 2000 lb mk 84 bomb is described as generally having a lethal radius of up to 360 meters, which equals 407150.4 square meters or 100.61 acres.

Dropping that shit in the most densely inhabited region on Earth is one hell of a choice.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:12:48pm

re: #81 Dangerman

From below somewhere

[Embedded content]

They’re getting fat.
our solution isn’t to feed them better.
We’ll starve them.

Got slim em down a bit so they’re in good shape for factory work.

jeffreyw  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:15:19pm

re: #62 Backwoods Sleuth

Just finished reading Demon Copperhead/em> by Barbara Kingsolver.

Yowser, what a hard book to read.
I laughed, I cried, I cringed.
But unlike that wretched fake Hillbilly Elegy author, Kingsolver actually lived here and properly researched the difficulties and joys of Appalachian life.
Everyone in the book, I knew/know a real-life counterpart.
And so many of them died the same way as in the book.
And some of them managed to unentangle themselves and went on to survive and sometimes thrive and help those still struggling.

I have the audiobook. I listened to that while falling asleep at night and heard various pieces of it when waking. I ran it end to end over several nights but it wasn’t until I listened straight through that I got it all, of course. Same treatment for The Passenger, Cormac MaCarthy’s last book, and The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. I can recommend both of these books.

Backwoods Sleuth  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:22:23pm

re: #84 jeffreyw

I have the audiobook. I listened to that while falling asleep at night and heard various pieces of it when waking. I ran it end to end over several nights but it wasn’t until I listened straight through that I got it all, of course. Same treatment for The Passenger, Cormac MaCarthy’s last book, and The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. I can recommend both of these books.

Kingsolver gave a huge mention to Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist in the acknowledgements and I can clearly see the comparison.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:23:23pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:29:07pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:46:20pm

re: #81 Dangerman

From below somewhere

They’re getting fat.
our solution isn’t to feed them better.
We’ll starve them.

anyone who knows the slightest bit about nutrition knows that obesity among the poor is the result of poor nutrition.

And that is a by-product of our industrial agrecultrue system with its highly processed sugars, starches and fats in abundance.

But these people base their views on Rich Men North of Richmond on permanent loop on their Spotify playlist.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:47:43pm


Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:53:16pm

I’m putting together a new way to display Mastodon posts and the first step is finally working correctly!

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 4:58:12pm

Because of federation, Mastodon post URLs can be very tricksy, and if they’re not from the site you grab the URL from, they need an extra step to get the “real” URL. My code is now using the Mastodon search API with Webfinger, to resolve all URLs to their actual values. Much cleaner and sturdier.

Next step is to render them completely with my own code, so we won’t have those embedded post fails that are too common.

Charles Johnson  Dec 23, 2023 • 5:01:43pm

A screenshot of the Chrome extension I’ve been spending a lot of time on. Getting close to releasing it.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Dec 23, 2023 • 5:10:35pm

I really like this guy.

silverdolphin  Dec 23, 2023 • 5:27:06pm

re: #82 goddamnedfrank

And that doesn’t properly describe the situation because hundred of those bombs are 2000 lb mk 84s and a 2000 lb mk 84 bomb is described as generally having a lethal radius of up to 360 meters, which equal 407150.4 square meters or 100.61 acres.

Dropping that shit in the most densely inhabited region on Earth is one hell of a choice.

“No Safe Ground…” - How Israel Used 2,000-Pound Bombs In Gaza: Reports

This includes info from the NYT and CNN reports. Also mentions how shrapnel from a 2000 lb bomb spread the destruction even further. Lethal area has a radius of 400 yards.

And it had some information I had not connected with before. Which led me to horrifying calculations.

The article says we have shipped over 5000 (actually over 5400 according to other sources) of the Mk 84 since the war started. With a lethal radius of 400 yards (0.16 square miles destroyed with 1 bomb) , this means (if I have calculated correctly) that only about 870 of thse bombs would destroy every inch of Gaza (141 sq. miles)!

And we have sold over 5400 since the war started. Since Israel likely had some of these before the war started, I have to wonder about consequences? They easily have enough to render Gaza a moonscape, without using any other type of munition. (We have also sent over 5000 Mk-82 - 500 lb - with a lethal blast radius of about 90 yards. ALong with a lot of smart bombs.)

Israel’s apparent response to questions about civilian deaths caused by these bombs, is that they will look into this “later”, that the “priority” now is “destroying Hamas”. The only US response I saw, an unofficial one, was:

“It certainly appears that (Israel’s) tolerance for civilian harm compared to expected operational benefits is significantly different than what we would accept as the US,” Larry Lewis, a former senior advisor to the US State Department on the subject of civilian casualties.

Pretty passive framing. Most of the official response is that we are asking Israel to be careful. I am very afraid that such doomsday munitions under the control of a right-wing authoritarian government headed by an alleged criminal will be used in horrifying fashion. If they have not already. What are the real checks on this?

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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