Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:04:01pm

Donald Trump recently shared a post to social media that he tried to activate the Insurrection Act as the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was unfolding — a move that may signal a new direction for his legal strategy, Newsweek reported.

The post says Trump was prevented from announcing his use of the act — which is only activated in extreme situations — on X because the platform, then known as Twitter, was removing his posts.

“If Trump’s reposting is an endorsement of this theory, it is a big departure from his current defense in his election interference case. The former president’s claim until now has been that he didn’t know how serious the situation was at the Capitol building,” Newsweek’s Sean O’Driscoll writes.

Among the four criminal cases facing Trump is his alleged attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the riot.

As Newsweek points out, the Insurrection Act allows the president to call in the military to put down a rebellion or extreme violence. It is very rarely used, with the last time being during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992.

The law has been invoked a small number of times in the past century, most recently by then President George H.W. Bush to put down the Los Angeles riots in 1992 after the police beating of Rodney King.

Politico’s Kyle Cheney wrote on X that Trump’s “promoting the nonsense idea that he wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act amid the violence on Jan. 6. If it were true (which it clearly is not), it would blow up his legal defenses and also would likely have triggered waves of violence.”


HRH Stanley Sea  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:09:03pm
Belafon  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:09:04pm

The Addison, TX airport is closing its aviation museum so that it can build more private hangars, because that will “enhance the value of the airport.”

A Three Hour Tour  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:11:43pm

re: #1 Joe Bacon ✅

Donald Trump recently shared a post to social media that he tried to activate the Insurrection Act as the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was unfolding — a move that may signal a new direction for his legal strategy, Newsweek reported.

The post says Trump was prevented from announcing his use of the act — which is only activated in extreme situations — on X because the platform, then known as Twitter, was removing his posts.

“If Trump’s reposting is an endorsement of this theory, it is a big departure from his current defense in his election interference case. The former president’s claim until now has been that he didn’t know how serious the situation was at the Capitol building,” Newsweek’s Sean O’Driscoll writes.

Among the four criminal cases facing Trump is his alleged attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the riot.

As Newsweek points out, the Insurrection Act allows the president to call in the military to put down a rebellion or extreme violence. It is very rarely used, with the last time being during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992.

The law has been invoked a small number of times in the past century, most recently by then President George H.W. Bush to put down the Los Angeles riots in 1992 after the police beating of Rodney King.

Politico’s Kyle Cheney wrote on X that Trump’s “promoting the nonsense idea that he wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act amid the violence on Jan. 6. If it were true (which it clearly is not), it would blow up his legal defenses and also would likely have triggered waves of violence.”


Trump is, of course, lying.

Trump didn’t need Twitter to invoke the Insurrection Act or to announce its invocation. He could have activated EAS and gone on the air at any time during the riot to announce it.

Also, he had no intention of doing so because the insurrectionists were storming the Capitol in accordance with his wishes and on his behalf.

nines09  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:13:09pm

re: #1 Joe Bacon ✅

Yeah. Sure. Uh huh. Youbetcha.
jfc it will never end until he is 6 feet deep.

jeffreyw  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:13:46pm

re: #53 nines09

OK. It’s officially New Year.
Quaint Irish tradition here.
Grab something from some other tradition, because, uh……
Wonder who was the first to eat certain foods in certain lands.
Pork and Sauerkraut. Ahhh….

[Embedded content]

Baby Butter Beans

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:14:24pm

re: #5 nines09

Yeah. Sure. Uh huh. Youbetcha.
jfc it will never end until he is 6 feet deep.

I don’t want him 6 feet deep.

Cremate him, load his ashes onto a rocket and send it out of the solar system.

Amory Blaine  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:17:48pm

Happy New Year lizards! I hope the bulwark holds!

nines09  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:18:35pm

re: #6 jeffreyw

Love Butter Beans. Long time favorite.
Dash of heat, and oh boy.

sizzzzlerz  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:18:46pm

re: #7 Joe Bacon ✅

I don’t want him 6 feet deep.

Cremate him, load his ashes onto a rocket and send it out of the solar system.

And then use those jewish space lasers to blast it into its constituent atoms.

darthstar  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:19:37pm

re: #4 A Three Hour Tour

He’s trying to sell a new narrative to the media so they’ll help polish his image with a jury.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:20:10pm

re: #6 jeffreyw

Western PA it was pork and kraut

Except for Mom and Dad who served Chef Boyardee’s Spaghetti Dinner in a box with mushroom or meat sauce.

The boxed version tasted better than the canned version.

Well I continued the tradition today at Maria’s Italian Kitchen in West LA

Vicious Babushka  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:20:11pm

re: #7 Joe Bacon ✅

I don’t want him 6 feet deep.

Cremate him, load his ashes onto a rocket and send it out of the solar system.

Why pollute the rest of the galaxy?

Amory Blaine  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:20:39pm

Going to watch the MASH reunion tonight.

nines09  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:21:16pm

re: #6 jeffreyw

Put pintos and some of the liquid on that corn bread.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:21:47pm

re: #13 Vicious Babushka

Why pollute the rest of the galaxy?

hmmm maybe have the missile head straight for the sun to make sure those ashes are obliterated…

Dangerman  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:24:45pm

re: #4 A Three Hour Tour

Trump is, of course, lying.

Trump didn’t need Twitter to invoke the Insurrection Act or to announce its invocation. He could have activated EAS and gone on the air at any time during the riot to announce it.

Also, he had no intention of doing so because the insurrectionists were storming the Capitol in accordance with his wishes and on his behalf.

Offs you announce it last.

After you’ve met with the pros and done the prep and planning

Who did he meet with ? Where was this meeting (at least, even one meeting). When.

Amory Blaine  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:25:25pm

The fusion of MAGA particles will turn the sun orange and swell up to 4x216 kg .

sizzzzlerz  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:25:47pm

re: #1 Joe Bacon ✅

The former president’s claim until now has been that he didn’t know how serious the situation was at the Capitol building,” Newsweek’s Sean O’Driscoll writes.

I can only imagine how hard it was to tell when he only had multiple live TV feeds to look at with reports streaming in from the DC cops, capitol police, and secret service, not to mention from congressional leaders.

Ace Rothstein  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:26:58pm

re: #5 nines09

Yeah. Sure. Uh huh. Youbetcha.
jfc it will never end until he is 6 feet deep.

The sooner the better.

Dangerman  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:27:06pm

re: #11 darthstar

He’s trying to sell a new narrative to the media so they’ll help polish his image with a jury.

*If* this were true they’d have been screaming it since day one

Vicious Babushka  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:27:31pm

re: #19 sizzzzlerz

I can only imagine how hard it was to tell when he only had multiple live TV feeds to look at with reports streaming in from the DC cops, capitol police, and secret service, not to mention from congressional leaders.

And he didn’t answer any of those calls because his phone was set on Twitter.

Ace Rothstein  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:30:40pm

I shot the last Texans home game yesterday, came home, uncorked a bottle of wine and watched “Oppenheimer.” A superbly acted and photographed film. I would cut out about half of the final 50-60 minutes though. I would also give an Oscar to Robert Downey Jr.

jeffreyw  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:31:29pm

re: #9 nines09

Love Butter Beans. Long time favorite.
Dash of heat, and oh boy.

I favor Cholula over the more vinegary sauces. I’ve been known to squeeze in some catsup. That red sprinkle is Aleppo pepper. That was a before picture, there will not be an after photo, seeing that the bowl was emptied ere I remembered the camera

Ace Rothstein  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:31:36pm

In this new year, I resolve to do everything I can to help President Biden get re-elected.

Charles Johnson  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:33:16pm

re: #11 darthstar

He’s trying to sell a new narrative to the media so they’ll help polish his image with a jury.

Well, my granny used to say, “You can polish a turd but you cain’t make it smell no better.”

Ace Rothstein  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:35:49pm

Taylor Swift is going to be Biden’s ace in the hole.

jeffreyw  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:36:26pm

re: #12 Joe Bacon ✅

Western PA it was pork and kraut

Except for Mom and Dad who served Chef Boyardee’s Spaghetti Dinner in a box with mushroom or meat sauce.

[Embedded content]

My folks would always have ham and navy beans. I don’t know if his service in the navy during WWII had any bearing on this menu choice.

Belafon  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:37:57pm

A docking station so you can add a high end video card to your laptop for handling dema ding processing like video, and some machine learning:


nines09  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:38:08pm

re: #25 jeffreyw

That is the one sauce that does not agree with me. Why, I do not know. Melindas is my choice, but something is happening with them. They changed ownership I think, and moved to Panama. Also, I cannot find it here and it was easy to get.
Not vinegary, carrot base.
Now I see this crap. Big jump from $3.75 a bottle, hoo boy….

Later lizards, Happy Happy, Joy Joy.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:40:27pm

re: #9 nines09

Love Butter Beans. Long time favorite.
Dash of heat, and oh boy.

Mom would boil up the Butter Beans, drain them, put them in a dish and then add a couple teaspoons of Good Seasons Italian Dressing, mix the beans and then sprinkle some oregano or dill on them.

That’s the way we liked Butter Beans.

Mow with Lima beans Mom would do the same but add a little fresh grated Romano cheese just before serving.

And then when we got fresh Kentucky Wonder beans from mom’s church pal those were sautéed in butter and dusted with just a bit of dill. Fresh Kentucky Wonder beans…mmmmmmmmm

sizzzzlerz  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:40:35pm

re: #24 Ace Rothstein

I shot the last Texans home game yesterday, came home, uncorked a bottle of wine and watched “Oppenheimer.” A superbly acted and photographed film. I would cut out about half of the final 50-60 minutes though. I would also give an Oscar to Robert Downey Jr.

I enjoyed the whole thing. I could see it sweeping the Oscars for best picture, director, screenplay, best actor and best supporting actor. It definitely is a film that should be seen in the IMAX format to get the best impact from the photography.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:41:42pm

Oppenheimer is one of those rare movies that become an experience when seen in IMAX.

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:41:57pm

re: #6 jeffreyw

We’re having Hoppin’ John and Pepper Pot. Both Guyanese.

Florida Panhandler  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:42:45pm

re: #28 Ace Rothstein

Taylor Swift is going to be Biden’s ace in the hole.

This upcoming election is in its purest distillation will be those who wish to have a right wing dictatorship, plus those who are just peachy fine with this as long as they feel it benefits their own situation vs. everyone else.

That’s about it.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:43:35pm

re: #35 Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅

We’re having Hoppin’ John and Pepper Pot. Both Guyanese.

Ah real Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup with the beef tripe. Mom loved that soup!

jeffreyw  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:46:52pm

re: #15 nines09

Put pintos and some of the liquid on that corn bread.

I went to the pantry and looked at the beans I had put back and I had the choice of navy beans, pintos or those lima beans and I went with the lima beans; cooked ‘em down with a pig foot for the gelatin, diced ham, a medium white onion, and a couple of chopped scallions.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:51:39pm

Fox News panelist slammed for saying Trump could be ‘president from jail’

“He can be president from jail if he has to,” said Dr. Janette Nesheiwat on the Fox News show “Outnumbered.”

“Republicans are still rallying around Donald Trump.”

Whether Trump can indeed take office again if convicted remains to be seen considering he’s setting a historic precedent in this nation’s campaign history.

Nesheiwat’s response was made more baffling by the question that prompted it: “What happens if he’s indicted at some point?”

As X users were quick to point out, Trump has already been indicted multiple times.

“Um…he’s already been indicted,” wrote Fan of Walt. “Four times. For a grand total of 91 counts. So far!”

Former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan shared the video with the message, “It. Is. A. Cult.”

X user Jeff Hudson skipped the legal complications and questioned the message.

“President from jail?” he wrote, “What kind of adult thinks a president can lead a country from within a jail cell?”

Answer—Republicans who watch FAUX!


Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:52:31pm

re: #37 Joe Bacon ✅

Ah real Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup with the beef tripe. Mom loved that soup!

Guessing very different versions. This one is made with cassareep, cassava juice that has been boiled and reduced to a syrup. And I missplet, it’s one word, pepperpot.

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:57:44pm

re: #4 A Three Hour Tour

Trump is, of course, lying.

Trump didn’t need Twitter to invoke the Insurrection Act or to announce its invocation. He could have activated EAS and gone on the air at any time during the riot to announce it.

Also, he had no intention of doing so because the insurrectionists were storming the Capitol in accordance with his wishes and on his behalf.

Twitter is the fourth branch of government. Ask Elon.

Belafon  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:59:38pm

Playing with my new Galaxy S23. I used to couldn’t even get a good shot of the moon with my S9, but now I can get this:

Standing between my house and the neighbor’s, I got these of Orion:

I think the light collection on the first image makes it seems that it’s almost daylight.

teleskiguy  Jan 1, 2024 • 4:59:42pm

re: #24 Ace Rothstein

I shot the last Texans home game yesterday, came home, uncorked a bottle of wine and watched “Oppenheimer.” A superbly acted and photographed film. I would cut out about half of the final 50-60 minutes though. I would also give an Oscar to Robert Downey Jr.

It did kind of drag out after the Trinity Test, no argument from me there.

teleskiguy  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:02:27pm

re: #34 Joe Bacon ✅

Oppenheimer is one of those rare movies that become an experience when seen in IMAX.

Incredible experience! The way the film was meant to be viewed. The Trinity Test was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve ever had in a cinema. You could hear a pin drop.

piratedan  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:02:32pm

re: #28 Ace Rothstein

I believe she can reach women better than most normal media messages considering where advertising dollars get spent. Plus she’s a trusted voice who they identify with with shared experiences. The way that the GOP reacted to her new advocacy reinforces even her simplest message, get registered and vote.

No Malarkey!  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:05:22pm
sagehen  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:05:26pm

re: #1 Joe Bacon ✅

As Newsweek points out, the Insurrection Act allows the president to call in the military to put down a rebellion or extreme violence. It is very rarely used, with the last time being during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992.

The law has been invoked a small number of times in the past century, most recently by then President George H.W. Bush to put down the Los Angeles riots in 1992 after the police beating of Rodney King.

Politico’s Kyle Cheney wrote on X that Trump’s “promoting the nonsense idea that he wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act amid the violence on Jan. 6. If it were true (which it clearly is not), it would blow up his legal defenses and also would likely have triggered waves of violence.”


When HW invoked the Insurrection Act, it wasn’t in the first 3 hours. It wasn’t until the third day, dozens were dead, whole city blocks were on fire, the LAPD had all but given up, and Chief Gates resisted calling in the National Guard because he hated Mayor Bradley so much he didn’t want people to see he needed help.

Patricia Kayden  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:07:27pm

re: #4 A Three Hour Tour

Trump’s lies are so ridiculous that you wonder who they are aimed at. The average American isn’t that stupid. Why would a President need Twitter to enact policy? Smh

Dangerman  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:07:43pm


This is really a gut-wrenching situation:

Do we vote for the old guy who wants to improve the lives of Americans or the just-about-as-old guy who only wants to improve his own life (by staying out of prison) and doesn’t give two shits about anyone else.

Let me think on this …

TedStriker  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:07:58pm

re: #12 Joe Bacon ✅

Western PA it was pork and kraut

Except for Mom and Dad who served Chef Boyardee’s Spaghetti Dinner in a box with mushroom or meat sauce.

[Embedded content]

TBH, I like the Kraft boxed spaghetti dinner a lot more than making spaghetti from most other store-bought dry spaghetti and sauces; add a small can of tomato paste (with a can of hot water), a pound of cooked hamburger, and Robert’s your mother’s brother.

Nojay UK  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:10:32pm

re: #44 teleskiguy

Incredible experience! The way the film was meant to be viewed. The Trinity Test was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve ever had in a cinema. You could hear a pin drop.

Almost all movie and TV representations of nuclear tests and explosions (and most other conventional explosions too, in war movies and the like) have the sound matched up to the flash and that’s that’s what people have come to expect. Sound travels at three seconds a kilometre and they did this right in the movie, for once.

What we didn’t see was the ground-shock, the P-wave which propagates a lot faster, ca. 5km/sec. Enrico Fermi famously used the P-wave to estimate the yield of the Trinity bomb by dropping pieces of paper into a puddle and measuring how much they moved although the movie makers didn’t show that part.

No Malarkey!  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:10:50pm

re: #39 Joe Bacon ✅

Fox News panelist slammed for saying Trump could be ‘president from jail’

“He can be president from jail if he has to,” said Dr. Janette Nesheiwat on the Fox News show “Outnumbered.”

“Republicans are still rallying around Donald Trump.”

Whether Trump can indeed take office again if convicted remains to be seen considering he’s setting a historic precedent in this nation’s campaign history.

Nesheiwat’s response was made more baffling by the question that prompted it: “What happens if he’s indicted at some point?”

As X users were quick to point out, Trump has already been indicted multiple times.

“Um…he’s already been indicted,” wrote Fan of Walt. “Four times. For a grand total of 91 counts. So far!”

Former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan shared the video with the message, “It. Is. A. Cult.”

X user Jeff Hudson skipped the legal complications and questioned the message.

“President from jail?” he wrote, “What kind of adult thinks a president can lead a country from within a jail cell?”

Answer—Republicans who watch FAUX!


Trump won’t be incarcerated before the election, and if he wins, he never will be.

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:11:27pm

re: #49 Dangerman


This is really a gut-wrenching situation:

Do we vote for the old guy who wants to improve the lives of Americans or the just-about-as-old guy who only wants to improve his own life (by staying out of prison) and doesn’t give two shits about anyone else.

Let me think on this …

It’s nice to be in the year when we will finally put an end to Trump’s bullshit.

Charles Johnson  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:11:52pm

If Trump really wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act on January 6th, it was probably because he expected the military to help him take over the government.

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:13:34pm

re: #54 Charles Johnson

If Trump really wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act on January 6th, it was probably because he expected the military to help him take over the government.

After they swept away the MAGA mob. ‘Cause that’s what they do.

Charles Johnson  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:13:57pm

In a way I wish Bluesky could replace Twitter for breaking news.

But in another way, I dread it.

steve_davis  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:17:19pm

No Malarkey!  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:17:39pm

re: #54 Charles Johnson

If Trump really wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act on January 6th, it was probably because he expected the military to help him take over the government.

The Oathkeepers thought Trump was going to call upon the “militia”, the Oathkeepers, when he invoked the Insurrection Act. They had their weapons cached in Alexandria, Virginia, which they were going to retrieve when Trump made the call.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:17:55pm

re: #48 Patricia Kayden

Trump’s lies are so ridiculous that you wonder who they are aimed at. The average American isn’t that stupid. Why would a President need Twitter to enact policy? Smh

Fox and related conservative media are willing to inaccurately report, lie, and editorialize to cover for him. They need the horse race and to convince their viewers that Trump is a legitimate candidate that the liberal media and Democrats are unfairly picking on.

Romantic Heretic  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:18:07pm

re: #7 Joe Bacon ✅

What did the aliens ever do to us!? //

Belafon  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:19:21pm

re: #60 Romantic Heretic

What did the aliens ever do to us!? //

If any aliens are watching, they’ll know to vaporize it when it gets far enough out.

sagehen  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:20:57pm

re: #60 Romantic Heretic

What did the aliens ever do to us!? //

anal probes and cow mutilations.

jeffreyw  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:21:29pm

re: #35 Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅

We’re having Hoppin’ John and Pepper Pot. Both Guyanese.

I’ve seen a couple bowls of hoppin john here and there today. Not a huge fan of black eyed peas.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:22:14pm

re: #57 steve_davis

Beautiful set Steve. I have a set that belonged to ex-Soviet Grandmaster Eduard Gufeld that he used for home analysis. I was friends with Eddie when he moved to West Hollywood.

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:23:16pm

re: #62 sagehen

anal probes and cow mutilations.

And really bad Prog Rock.

John Williams - The Mountain | Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Romantic Heretic  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:23:29pm

re: #36 Florida Panhandler

The ‘peachy fine’ people will quickly discover that the authoritarians regard them as enemies as well.

Of course then it will be too late.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:23:46pm

It’s an intentional shitpost making fun of AI bros so this isn’t a dunk on the poster, the interesting thing to me is that we can see the AI tool used to create it has no fucking idea what it’s doing. How, beyond a very surface level “what comes next” plausible fill of the existing pattern it completely misses the importance of stylistic elements within the pattern and why they’re there. What it clearly doesn’t perceive, and incapable of understanding, is that the anthropomorphic themes within the original work are intentional, important, and characteristic elements within Haring’s oeuvre.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:24:15pm

re: #5 nines09

Yeah. Sure. Uh huh. Youbetcha.
jfc it will never end until he is 6 feet deep.

As well as most of his devout supporters. Hawley, Johnson, Jordan, etc will continue to foster revolution and treason as long as they have any say in government. Though none of the other tools have really caught on with the base — including Ivana’s kids and their spouses.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:24:58pm

re: #64 Joe Bacon ✅

Beautiful set Steve. I have a set that belonged to ex-Soviet Grandmaster Eduard Gufeld that he used for home analysis. I was friends with Eddie when he moved to West Hollywood.

This was Eddie’s Immortal Game—The “Mona Lisa” Game

The Chess Game Known As “Mona Lisa” - Best Of The 70s - Bagirov vs. Gufeld, 1973

teleskiguy  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:27:28pm


steve_davis  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:34:04pm

re: #64 Joe Bacon ✅

Beautiful set Steve. I have a set that belonged to ex-Soviet Grandmaster Eduard Gufeld that he used for home analysis. I was friends with Eddie when he moved to West Hollywood.

I have looked for a decent “soviet” set, but I’m always a little nervous about ordering stuff from Ukraine on Ebay. I know it’s unfair, but I always picture the scene from Road Warrior where Mel Gibson passes the geiger counter over the canister of highly-radioactive water.

Vicious Babushka  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:36:50pm

re: #44 teleskiguy

Incredible experience! The way the film was meant to be viewed. The Trinity Test was one of the most memorable experiences I’ve ever had in a cinema. You could hear a pin drop.

Oh hey teleskiguy did you see the Buddy Hackett routine about his first (& I assume last) time skiing?

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:37:55pm

I hope the working girls got out OK.

Ace Rothstein  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:45:55pm

Michigan wins in OT. A banger of a game.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:47:37pm

Not a football fan here.


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:52:59pm
Dave In Austin  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:54:21pm
William Lewis  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:54:44pm

I see the first of the Joke Bowls is over and the lesser of the two evils won.

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:56:33pm

Some moron is firing off fireworks NOW. Obviously not a ‘Bama fan.

Vicious Babushka  Jan 1, 2024 • 5:57:33pm

re: #75 Hecuba’s daughter

Not a football fan here.

[Embedded content]


jeffreyw  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:02:04pm

re: #60 Romantic Heretic

What did the aliens ever do to us!? //

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:02:47pm

re: #80 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]


Nerdy Fish  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:04:42pm

re: #73 Decatur Deb

I hope the working girls got out OK.

[Embedded content]

They probably called it in. Danger close…

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:05:44pm

re: #83 Nerdy Fish

They probably called it in. Danger close…

“Excuse me, I have to go to the powder room in the basement.”

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:14:19pm

re: #75 Hecuba’s daughter

Not a football fan here.

[Embedded content]

But LOLOLOL comment…


EstebanTornado1963  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:16:07pm

New year, same stupid people.

Vicious Babushka  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:16:42pm

re: #82 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

[Embedded content]


KingKenrod  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:19:49pm

I have no allegiance to either Michigan or Washington in college football, but I do have a weird random memory of watching the 1978 Rose Bowl when I was 9, and since then I’ve always wanted both teams to do well. I think it’s because I liked the uniforms. Hoping for a rematch!

1978 Rose Bowl Michigan vs Washington High Quality Warren Moon

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:23:50pm

re: #88 KingKenrod

I have no allegiance to either Michigan or Washington in college football, but I do have a weird random memory of watching the 1978 Rose Bowl when I was 9, and since then I’ve always wanted both teams to do well. I think it’s because I liked the uniforms. Hoping for a rematch!

[Embedded content]

I don’t care about the game but am automatically biased against Red State teams. So obviously supported Michigan against Alabama, especially a state with such a terrible senator.

Decatur Deb  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:25:42pm

re: #89 Hecuba’s daughter

If we had to make a coach our senator, we would have been a whole lot better off with Saban. In my dreams he runs for Governor as a Dem.

mmmirele  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:25:56pm

re: #1 Joe Bacon ✅

Donald Trump recently shared a post to social media that he tried to activate the Insurrection Act as the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was unfolding — a move that may signal a new direction for his legal strategy, Newsweek reported.

The post says Trump was prevented from announcing his use of the act — which is only activated in extreme situations — on X because the platform, then known as Twitter, was removing his posts.

“If Trump’s reposting is an endorsement of this theory, it is a big departure from his current defense in his election interference case. The former president’s claim until now has been that he didn’t know how serious the situation was at the Capitol building,” Newsweek’s Sean O’Driscoll writes.

Among the four criminal cases facing Trump is his alleged attempt to overthrow the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the riot.

As Newsweek points out, the Insurrection Act allows the president to call in the military to put down a rebellion or extreme violence. It is very rarely used, with the last time being during the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles in 1992.

The law has been invoked a small number of times in the past century, most recently by then President George H.W. Bush to put down the Los Angeles riots in 1992 after the police beating of Rodney King.

Politico’s Kyle Cheney wrote on X that Trump’s “promoting the nonsense idea that he wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act amid the violence on Jan. 6. If it were true (which it clearly is not), it would blow up his legal defenses and also would likely have triggered waves of violence.”


Trump didn’t need to announce it on Twitter. He could have called a snap press conference and invoked the Insurrection Act. He did not. Also, I strongly suspect that all the evidence Jack Smith has indicates that even if the Insurrection Act was discussed, it wasn’t discussed for long, because Trump didn’t WANT to invoke the Insurrection Act. He wanted his foot soldiers to screw everything up royally.

I’m also thinking that a civil war may have broken out had Trump tried to invoke the Insurrection Act.

teleskiguy  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:27:35pm

re: #72 Vicious Babushka

Oh hey teleskiguy did you see the Buddy Hackett routine about his first (& I assume last) time skiing?

Listening now!

Jews Don’t Ski

Nerdy Fish  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:32:14pm

re: #91 mmmirele

Trump didn’t need to announce it on Twitter. He could have called a snap press conference and invoked the Insurrection Act. He did not. Also, I strongly suspect that all the evidence Jack Smith has indicates that even if the Insurrection Act was discussed, it wasn’t discussed for long, because Trump didn’t WANT to invoke the Insurrection Act. He wanted his foot soldiers to screw everything up royally.

I’m also thinking that a civil war may have broken out had Trump tried to invoke the Insurrection Act.

Trump is bloviating again. Jeffrey Clark is the one who suggested use of the Insurrection Act - and that was in response to the idea that there would be riots in the streets if the coup plotters succeeded. He’s only bringing it up now because he’s aware that his legal defenses are crumbling under the weight of evidence the special counsel is bringing to bear, and he is desperate to get away with it all so he can try again.

teleskiguy  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:32:49pm

re: #92 teleskiguy

OMG!!! That’s some funny shit!

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:37:28pm

re: #87 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]


Vicious Babushka  Jan 1, 2024 • 6:51:12pm

re: #95 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

[Embedded content]


m0nkeyb0y  Jan 1, 2024 • 9:06:26pm

re: #54 Charles Johnson

If Trump really wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act on January 6th, it was probably because he expected the military to help him take over the government.

I remember my terror at seeing live coverage of Zip Tie Guy and his Mommy maneuvering at will inside We the People’s Senate Chamber.
No doubt all Threepers expected that their fantasy was coming true as well, so I assume that there must have been at least some handfull of mutinous Active Duty military personnel.
Perhaps President Dunning-Krueger was monitoring for a critical mass of mutineers before invoking the Act.

m0nkeyb0y  Jan 1, 2024 • 9:21:44pm

re: #48 Patricia Kayden

Trump’s lies are so ridiculous that you wonder who they are aimed at. The average American isn’t that stupid. Why would a President need Twitter to enact policy? Smh

The stupidity is a feature, think Nigerian Prince scams. For our infamous Conman in Chief, he also gets the joy of playing his favorite role as he’s picking the marks’ pockets!

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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