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FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:36:59pm
Charles Johnson  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:39:54pm
Charles Johnson  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:40:34pm

re: #1 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

We have another Cooper! COOP! COOP!

sagehen  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:45:23pm

re: #1 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

[Embedded content]

that’s NOT Cooper.

We’re all well familiar with Cooper, and this isn’t him.

Charles Johnson  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:50:51pm

Almost ready to test the new Now Playing code that switches from using Amazon (since they killed my associate account, and I don’t want to send any more traffic to them) to Apple Music, which doesn’t have an open affiliate program but at least they haven’t fucked me over for no reason.

Charles Johnson  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:55:52pm

Looks like I’ve reached the age where it’s impossible to sleep through an entire night without waking up every 2 or 3 hours. Sucks.

Charles Johnson (@charles.littlegreenfootballs.com) 2024-06-02T00:55:15.000Z

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:58:08pm

Donald Trump’s own attorneys know that his biggest argument against his criminal hush money cover-up guilty verdicts is a “ridiculous” lie, according to a lawyer who represented the former president in the civil defamation case that resulted in Trump owing tens of millions of dollars to writer E. Jean Carroll.

Joe Tacopina represented Trump in the Carroll case, where the former president was found liable for sexually assaulting and defaming the magazine writer. Tacopina would later leave the legal team, saying he needs to “follow his compass.”

Recently, Trump lashed out at Carroll again, and her lawyer left the door open to another complaint.

On Saturday, Tacopina appeared on MSNBC, where he was asked about Trump’s claim that President Joe Biden is orchestrating the local N.Y. case.

The host specifically asked his thoughts on Trump’s claim that Biden or any one else in the federal government is “trying to lean in on” Trump with the case.

“To say that Joe Biden brought this case is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard. We know that’s not the case,” he said. “Even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

“The federal government has no input on the Manhattan district state prosecution. The federal government and Joe Biden cannot direct, command, request a state prosecutor to bring charges,” Tacopina added “They have no jurisdiction. The same way the president would not be able to pardon anyone who is convicted of a state crime. It is only left to the governor of that state.”

He continued, saying that “people who say that make it scary that they really don’t know the law or what they are talking about.”

Trump’s E. Jean Carroll lawyer says ex-president’s attorneys know his big defense is wrong

darthstar  Jun 1, 2024 • 5:59:20pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

Resist using a screen. Get up, take a squirt, drink a glass of water, go back to bed. No phone, no tablet…the internet will be there in the morning (or not if we’re all lucky).

darthstar  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:01:26pm

re: #7 Joe Bacon ✅

Shorter Tacopina: My now former client is a lying sack of shit…and he doesn’t pay his bills, so fuck him sideways with a rake, too.

goddamnedfrank  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:01:42pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

If you haven’t had one yet I recommend talking to your primary about prescribing a sleep study.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:03:21pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I’m there at 57. I get up several times a night to pee. Sometimes I get back to sleep. Sometimes I don’t.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:04:25pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

The bladder now controls my sleep. Every 3 hours maximum it becomes an alarm clock and wakes me up…

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:09:27pm

I’m generally careful to go to the bathroom before going to sleep. And if I have trouble dropping off to sleep or wake up and stay awake after 2-3 hours I will go into the other room to read for 20-30 minutes to allow the bed to air out and bit and cool off. (To me it seems that I’m too warm in the bed to sleep after initially being too cold.)

darthstar  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:12:08pm

re: #12 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

I’m there at 57. I get up several times a night to pee. Sometimes I get back to sleep. Sometimes I don’t.

I get up around 2am to take a squirt - if it’s a starry night I go with the dogs out to the back yard and pee under the stars - up at the groove pit on the Russian River I always join them for a starry stream - then I give them a Buddy Biscuit (When your buddy pees with you, you must biscuit! - we have songs for all occasions) and go back to bed. Blessed by proper neighborly set backs and such, I can almost always do this butt-nekkid (weather permitting) which makes it even more special…so long as I don’t lock the door behind me when I go out.

Charles Johnson  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:19:08pm

My theory about this, and it is my theory, which is mine, is that our brains get so full of bullshit that they just won’t shut the fuck up and let us get some shuteye.

Charles Johnson (@charles.littlegreenfootballs.com) 2024-06-02T01:14:48.000Z

Axolotl  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:19:16pm

I recommend Melatonin

Dangerman  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:23:40pm

Dangerman  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:27:04pm

re: #16 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

GlutenFreeJesus  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:35:17pm

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

Ya. Could be sleep apnea. My SIL noticed my brother waking up through the night. She caught him a few times not breathing. Sleep study revealed the sleep apnea and now he has a CPAP, but he’s sleeping through the night now.

Dangerman  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:37:14pm
wrenchwench  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:39:32pm

re: #21 Dangerman

[Embedded content]

Lock him up.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:43:03pm

re: #21 Dangerman

He wants to be locked up so he can play the martyr for all its worth to his MAGATS. Note how his Pulpit Pimp Posse already is comparing him to biblical figures being persecuted for their faith. It’s gonna get real nasty…

Charles Johnson  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:45:31pm

Unless I’m mistaken, when Trump reports for probation he’s required to undergo a drug test, amirite?

Asking for a friend who is me.

Charles Johnson (@charles.littlegreenfootballs.com) 2024-06-02T01:42:55.000Z

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:46:12pm

re: #23 Joe Bacon ✅

He wants to be locked up so he can play the martyr for all its worth to his MAGATS. Note how his Pulpit Pimp Posse already is comparing him to biblical figures being persecuted for their faith. It’s gonna get real nasty…

I think it’s half that he doesn’t think a judge has the guts to jail him. No a single one has seriously held him to task yet. So his ego has convinced him that he can continue to blow these things off, handle them when he wants to, and/or send a lackey to take care of it.

And to date the standards requirements for defendants, etc. have been bent for him. Fulton Co. allowed him to submit a photo rather than bringing him in for a mug shot for example.

Decatur Deb  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:50:08pm

re: #23 Joe Bacon ✅

He wants to be locked up so he can play the martyr for all its worth to his MAGATS. Note how his Pulpit Pimp Posse already is comparing him to biblical figures being persecuted for their faith. It’s gonna get real nasty…

Let’s give martyrdom a try.

No Malarkey!  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:52:51pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]


steve_davis  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:54:48pm

re: #12 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

I’m there at 57. I get up several times a night to pee. Sometimes I get back to sleep. Sometimes I don’t.

Yep. 58. If I had a job at 3 in the morning, at least I wouldn’t be lying there thinking, “well this is a waste!”

steve_davis  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:58:02pm

re: #20 GlutenFreeJesus

Ya. Could be sleep apnea. My SIL noticed my brother waking up through the night. She caught him a few times not breathing. Sleep study revealed the sleep apnea and now he has a CPAP, but he’s sleeping through the night now.

Nah, it’s just getting old as fuck. Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to just getting old as fuck all.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jun 1, 2024 • 6:59:45pm

re: #29 steve_davis


Patricia Kayden  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:02:35pm

BigPapa  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:02:59pm

Flubs and Flaws is a decent band name.

Patricia Kayden  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:05:41pm
Jay C  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:16:07pm

re: #25 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

And to date the standards requirements for defendants, etc. have been bent for him. Fulton Co. allowed him to submit a photo rather than bringing him in for a mug shot for example.

So that ugly glowering mugshot of instant Internet fame was one that Trump provided? On purpose?

goddamnedfrank  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:16:07pm

re: #29 steve_davis

Nah, it’s just getting old as fuck. Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to just getting old as fuck all.

Wrong answer. Regular sleep disruption is a serious symptom that places the entire body under additional stress and should not be ignored. Furthermore obstructive sleep apnea, one of the most common causes of sleep disruption, is vastly under diagnosed.

Although OSA is a relatively common medical condition, it is believed that more than 85% of patients with clinically significant OSA have never been diagnosed.

And even if it’s not OSA the study will help rule out other issues. As long as you can get insurance to cover it’s absolutely worth the cost. The only drawback is that the study itself is kind of an awkward goat rodeo, and you need to budget some extra time the next morning for a long hot shower to get electrode paste out of your hair.

BeenHereAwhile  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:17:08pm

re: #9 darthstar

Resist using a screen. Get up, take a squirt, drink a glass of water, go back to bed. No phone, no tablet…the internet will be there in the morning (or not if we’re all lucky).

Remain in a somnolent state.
Don’t turn off the CPAP.
Urinate - if need moisten mouth
Replace CPAP mask
Go back to bed.
Hydrate after awaking in the morning.

IngisKahn  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:22:34pm

re: #37 BeenHereAwhile

Remain in a somnolent state.
Don’t turn off the CPAP.
Urinate - if need moisten mouth
Replace CPAP mas
Go back to bed.
Hydrate after awaking in the morning.

Wait, what are you moistening the mouth with?

coin operated  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:29:53pm

re: #16 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

OK…I know I’ve been seen….

jaunte  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:31:27pm

Pictures of the Floating World @floatingworlds.bsky.social

In Japanese folklore kitsunebi is a yokai phenomenon occurring at night when magical foxes breathe out colored balls of fire which float in the air and are used as lanterns to light their way. Seeing this fox fire is often a sign that a fox wedding or demon parade is occurring. 🎨Utagawa Hiroshige

Demon parades will keep you up at night.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:34:33pm

re: #33 BigPapa

Flubs and Flaws is a decent band name.

With their debut album “Imperfect”

CleverToad  Jun 1, 2024 • 7:48:26pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Welcome to the club you didn’t want to be in! I hit that point a couple of years ago, can’t say I’m enjoying it.

retired cynic  Jun 1, 2024 • 8:26:03pm

re: #36 goddamnedfrank

Wrong answer. Regular sleep disruption is a serious symptom that places the entire body under additional stress and should not be ignored. Furthermore obstructive sleep apnea, one of the most common causes of sleep disruption, is vastly under diagnosed.

And even if it’s not OSA the study will help rule out other issues. As long as you can get insurance to cover it’s absolutely worth the cost. The only drawback is that the study itself is kind of an awkward goat rodeo, and you need to budget some extra time the next morning for a long hot shower to get electrode paste out of your hair.

Good advice. And uncorrected sleep disruption can be a cause of stroke. Ask me how I know.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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