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Dave In Austin  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:19:51pm

Rightwingconspirator  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:20:07pm

Same 34% that were all up for the insurrection. And “grab a pussy”. And every lie this guy told about people they don’t like.

Screw ‘em all. It’s the worst of us.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:21:38pm


re: #60 Vicious Babushka

The “Pro Palestine” demonstrators on Pitt campus want Hillel removed from the University. That’s like demanding the removal of Newman House.

[Embedded content]

I would have no problem with removing both Hillel and Newman House.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:22:08pm

Ok, what the HELL is going on here? Some kind of one man dirigible with 2 little props, a fuel tank, a bunch of levers and dials, and what looks like a radar scope; surrounded by a fleet of barrage balloons with Me-109s and P-47s blazing away every which way, AND a mass of V-2 looking rockets lined up below.
Looks like a barn burner of an alternate world story. Perhaps Harry Turtledove should see it.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:26:20pm

re: #3 austin_blue


re: #60 Vicious Babushka

The “Pro Palestine” demonstrators on Pitt campus want Hillel removed from the University. That’s like demanding the removal of Newman House.

[Embedded content]

I would have no problem with removing both Hillel and Newman House.


Charles Johnson  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:28:35pm

This is my open letter to ask OpenAI to stop fucking around and pay for your shit.

Charles Johnson (@charles.littlegreenfootballs.com) 2024-06-05T02:25:31.000Z

jaunte  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:29:42pm

re: #4 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

I don’t know if those props have enough clearance!

BlueSpotinAL ✅  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:34:01pm

From the previous thread: Can anybody think of a case where a juror was bribed to convict, and by who? Wouldn’t you need to bribe All OF THEM?

Defense, lots of examples. Only need to bribe one, and defendants are frequently criminals with a financial incentive to stay out of prison.

sizzzzlerz  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:37:02pm

re: #4 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Ok, what the HELL is going on here? Some kind of one man dirigible with 2 little props, a fuel tank, a bunch of levers and dials, and what looks like a radar scope; surrounded by a fleet of barrage balloons with Me-109s and P-47s blazing away every which way, AND a mass of V-2 looking rockets lined up below.
Looks like a barn burner of an alternate world story. Perhaps Harry Turtledove should see it.

[Embedded content]

Love the rudder between the two props. I think there are some fundamental aeronautical issues that might preclude it’s ability to maneuver the craft through the skies.

Sherlock Hound  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:37:33pm

re: #7 jaunte

I don’t know if those props have enough clearance!

It looks like that guy and his balloon are going to get scored upon by that nearby plane on fire. It’ll cut the lines and he’ll have just enough time to prepare for his maker.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:37:42pm

Have to say — though she’s been very inconsistent over time — Maureen Dowd is 100% right about SCOTUS: The verdict is in on the Supreme Court

After Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts in a Manhattan court, conservatives — from Marjorie Taylor Greene to George Santos to the Heritage Foundation — began posting upside-down American flags on X in solidarity with the “political prisoner,” as Trump absurdly styles himself.

It was the same upside-down symbol that insurrectionists carried to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to proclaim that they thought the election was stolen and that was seen flying over Justice Samuel Alito’s house in suburban Virginia even as the Supreme Court was considering whether to hear a case about the 2020 presidential election.

Now that it’s being used to show support for a felonious ex-president, Alito will have an even harder time trying to pretend he’s oblivious about its meaning.

I don’t need a black robe to hand down a judgment on the Supreme Court.

It’s corrupt, rotten and hurting America.


“The Fall of Roe,” an insightful new book by the New York Times reporters Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer, laid out the events and the strategy — and the failure of the Democrats to recognize the threat — that led to the fall of Roe. There was a determined group of religious zealots with a long-term master plan to pack the court with religious zealots.

“These conservative Catholic and evangelical Christian operators believed they were fighting the biggest moral battle of the modern age, and forced America to debate on their terms,” they wrote. “But despite their public appeals, they did not convince broad swaths of Americans of the righteousness of their cause. Instead, they remained a minority, and leveraged the structures of American democracy in their favor, building a framework strong enough to withstand not only the political system but also a society moving rapidly against them. They took power to remake the nation in their image. And they were far more organized than their opponents or the public ever knew.”

Now it’s up to Democrats to turn the tables and see if they can use this issue in the November election to save the country and women’s rights.

Belafon  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:39:12pm

re: #1 Dave In Austin

I want to see FireFox’s alt text for that.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:39:58pm

re: #5 Vicious Babushka


Because it’s a public school and if Catholics and Jews want to practice their religions, they should do it in Churches and Synagogues off-campus without the tacit support of the State of Pennsylvania. Unless, of course, you want to see a Wahabi funded equivalent on campus with the support of the State.

I’d prefer they were all off-campus.

That’s just me. I like to see clean walls between church and state.

BlueSpotinAL ✅  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:40:28pm

re: #9 sizzzzlerz

Love the rudder between the two props. I think there are some fundamental aeronautical issues that might preclude it’s ability to maneuver the craft through the skies.

The props are perpendicular to the balloon. Also a bad idea even if the rudder never hits the piddly propellers.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:42:56pm

re: #13 austin_blue

Because it’s a public school and if Catholics and Jews want to practice their religions, they should do it in Churches and Synagogues off-campus without the tacit support of the State of Pennsylvania. Unless, of course, you want to see a Wahabi funded equivalent on campus with the support of the State.

I’d prefer they were all off-campus.

That’s just me. I like to see clean walls between church and state.

So you’re saying Jews should have no access to kosher food on campus and they have to go elsewhere. Seems exclusionary to me.

Dangerman  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:43:10pm

Joe Biden or anyone from his Justice Department has absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan District Attorney office, they have no jurisdiction over him, they have no contact with him, they have no control certainly over him. So to say that Joe Biden brought this case is one of the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. We know that’s not the case and even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

Former Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina, quoted by NBC News.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:45:33pm

re: #13 austin_blue

Because it’s a public school and if Catholics and Jews want to practice their religions, they should do it in Churches and Synagogues off-campus without the tacit support of the State of Pennsylvania. Unless, of course, you want to see a Wahabi funded equivalent on campus with the support of the State.

I’d prefer they were all off-campus.

That’s just me. I like to see clean walls between church and state.

Memories of being on the Pitt campus in the 70s when Campus Crusade For Christ was given carte blanche to have events every day all over the campus.

The YMHA was a refuge for me.

Pitt had classes in the YMHA because there wasn’t enough room for them in the University’s buildings. I took multiple Pitt courses in the YMHA.

And it was a critical refuge from the constant Xtian bullshit.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:48:04pm

re: #17 Joe Bacon ✅

Memories of being on the Pitt campus in the 70s when Campus Crusade For Christ was given carte blanche to have events every day all over the campus.

The YMHA was a refuge for me.

Pitt had classes in the YMHA because there wasn’t enough room for them in the University’s buildings. I took multiple Pitt courses in the YMHA.

And it was a critical refuge from the constant Xtian bullshit.

We live in a Christocentric society and it’s becoming more and more hostile every day.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:48:06pm

re: #13 austin_blue

Because it’s a public school and if Catholics and Jews want to practice their religions, they should do it in Churches and Synagogues off-campus without the tacit support of the State of Pennsylvania. Unless, of course, you want to see a Wahabi funded equivalent on campus with the support of the State.

I’d prefer they were all off-campus.

That’s just me. I like to see clean walls between church and state.

As long as the organizations aren’t proselytizing or affecting school curriculum, I don’t see what the problem is. They provide support to students who seek them out. Most of the funding comes from donations to the organization itself and not from the schools.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:54:16pm
darthstar  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:54:32pm

All these Skyrizi and Sotyktu commercials make me wonder if there’s a whole nation of people with barnacles on their dicks that need medical stimulation.

Psoriasis sucks…I have a little bit in my head and use coal tar shampoo to control the dandruff it causes…but I have to say evening MSNBC is tailored for hypochondriacs who might be feeling like they have run out of symptoms to call their doctor about.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:56:35pm

re: #15 Vicious Babushka

So you’re saying Jews should have no access to kosher food on campus and they have to go elsewhere. Seems exclusionary to me.

Now you are being a noodge. I said I believe in a clear separation of Church and State, as does the Constitution.

If you want kids to have access to Kosher food you should absolutely have Hillel open a deli just off campus without State recognition. That is then sorted.

I do feel for the Catholic kids who could no longer have access to that absolutely delectable Newman House Tuna Casserole on Friday nights, which no other restaurant in Pittsburgh would ever serve because it’s just a disgusting example of “food”.

Jay C  Jun 4, 2024 • 7:57:43pm

re: #10 Sherlock Hound

It looks like that guy and his balloon are going to get scored upon by that nearby plane on fire. It’ll cut the lines and he’ll have just enough time to prepare for his maker.

Well, Pilot Pete IS wearing some sort of parachute, one supposes (can’t think of what else all that white strapping might be for)….

jeffreyw  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:00:49pm
Charles Johnson  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:01:11pm
austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:02:23pm

re: #18 Vicious Babushka

We live in a Christocentric society and it’s becoming more and more hostile every day.

I agree, and it’s awful, and the easy answer is to remove it all from public institutions.

Now, how you can do that while the majority of the SCOTUS is paid Agnus Dei agents is one hissing bitch kitty.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:04:29pm

re: #22 austin_blue

Now you are being a noodge. I said I believe in a clear separation of Church and State, as does the Constitution.

If you want kids to have access to Kosher food you should absolutely have Hillel open a deli just off campus without State recognition. That is then sorted.

I do feel for the Catholic kids who could no longer have access to that absolutely delectable Newman House Tuna Casserole on Friday nights, which no other restaurant in Pittsburgh would ever serve because it’s just a disgusting example of “food”.

Insisting on “pure” secularism across the entire campus (and many campii are VERY HUGE and it’s a shlep to go back and forth & students don’t always have cars & the Jewish neighborhoods might be very far away) always affects the Jews more. All because you must keep a “pure” secularism. How does this even affect your life negatively, to have Jews living their lives on campus.

Jews need to bring their environment with them while non-Jews have their environment around them at all times.

Patricia Kayden  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:06:11pm

darthstar  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:08:00pm

re: #25 Charles Johnson

Sigourney’s 74…she was in her late 20s early 30s when the first Alien movie came out…so I’m guessing she took a pass on this one, except do do a cameo.

But this illustrates the lack of creativity in Hollywood anymore. Let’s remake Alien, except we’ll add some new special effects and still have people get snarfed in wet darkness and save on set design because industrial chic never goes out of style. Oh, and we’ll use some AI so viewers can spot the inconsistencies in the set.

Patricia Kayden  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:08:53pm
gwangung  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:10:37pm

re: #29 darthstar

Sigourney’s 74…she was in her late 20s early 30s when the first Alien movie came out…so I’m guessing she took a pass on this one, except do do a cameo.

But this illustrates the lack of creativity in Hollywood anymore. Let’s remake Alien, except we’ll add some new special effects and still have people get snarfed in wet darkness and save on set design because industrial chic never goes out of style. Oh, and we’ll use some AI so viewers can spot the inconsistencies in the set.

Yeah, the bean counters always “hedge” their bets by giving the green light to known properties and known actors/directors. (Or ask to change POC characters to white characters).

William Lewis  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:10:56pm

re: #25 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]


I saw the original in the theaters a lifetime ago. I doubt I’ll bother with this one.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:14:25pm

re: #25 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]


Can guarantee I won’t be seeing this. Saw the original on TV years after it was released and have no interest in repeating the experience on any platform.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:14:38pm

re: #19 Hecuba’s daughter

As long as the organizations aren’t proselytizing or affecting school curriculum, I don’t see what the problem is. They provide support to students who seek them out. Most of the funding comes from donations to the organization itself and not from the schools.

Not the point. If they are accepted by the Public University, they are tacitly supported by the Public University. They can always be immediately adjacent to the Public University and still give the students all the support they need, be it food, a safe place, or a place to worship.

Again, a hard wall between religion and the State is hard-wired into the constitution.

That’s a full stop.

And if you believe there should be exceptions, then you are letting the Christian Right back into Public Schools, where Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics will be banned.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:21:11pm

re: #34 austin_blue

Not the point. If they are accepted by the Public University, they are tacitly supported by the Public University. They can always be immediately adjacent to the Public University and still give the students all the support they need, be it food, a safe place, or a place to worship.

Again, a hard wall between religion and the State is hard-wired into the constitution.

That’s a full stop.

And if you believe there should be exceptions, then you are letting the Christian Right back into Public Schools, where Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics will be banned.

So, fuck the minorities because the majority will leapfrog over them, is that your logic? How about protecting the minorities. See what I mean about Christocentric? Which stringent secularism is a part of.

Captain Ron  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:24:19pm
Patricia Kayden  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:24:26pm

re: #11 Hecuba’s daughter

I’m not very fond of Maureen Dowd but she hit the ball out of the park with that article. Christian rightwingers are very powerful and very determined. Democrats need to recognize this and act accordingly.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:29:09pm

re: #13 austin_blue

Because it’s a public school and if Catholics and Jews want to practice their religions, they should do it in Churches and Synagogues off-campus without the tacit support of the State of Pennsylvania. Unless, of course, you want to see a Wahabi funded equivalent on campus with the support of the State.

I’d prefer they were all off-campus.

That’s just me. I like to see clean walls between church and state.

In my neck of the woods, they are off campus, or at least their buildings are, along with the frat houses and sororities. I wasn’t aware that there was any other way to do it.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:35:25pm

re: #27 Vicious Babushka

Insisting on “pure” secularism across the entire campus (and many campii are VERY HUGE and it’s a shlep to go back and forth & students don’t always have cars & the Jewish neighborhoods might be very far away) always affects the Jews more. All because you must keep a “pure” secularism. How does this even affect your life negatively, to have Jews living their lives on campus.

Jews need to bring their environment with them while non-Jews have their environment around them at all times.

Because the Separation of Church and State is a fundamental tenet of the Constitution.

If one sect of Judaism doesn’t believe in driving to Temple on Shabbos but the other two do, why is that a problem of a Public University? You can’t have it both ways within your own religion. You are asking special favors for one of three sects, aren’t you?

Again, a hard wall is needed between Church and State and any arguments between Judaic sects need to be worked out within the faith. It certainly does not need to be addressed on this multi/non-faith community discussion

And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

Targetpractice  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:41:36pm

re: #25 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Alien is like The Terminator, it should have never been a franchise. Both films were great, their sequels broke the mold, and Hollywood’s been chasing that high ever since.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:42:13pm

TIL that UC Berkeley has one branch of their dining facilities (which are extensive, as there are thousands of students in the dorms) that serves glatt kosher meals to students for lunch and dinner (cold meals on Fridays and Saturdays, hot meals the other days).

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:45:06pm

re: #35 Vicious Babushka

So, fuck the minorities because the majority will leapfrog over them, is that your logic? How about protecting the minorities. See what I mean about Christocentric? Which stringent secularism is a part of.

Of course not! You are one of the smartest people on this Board, your insights are always appreciated and I adore how spunky you are.

But you are completely wrong on this. The only way Christocentrism will take over our public education system is if we let the Motherfuckers back in. And the only way to prevent that is to maintain a clean and clear wall between State and Religion.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:53:10pm

re: #34 austin_blue

Not the point. If they are accepted by the Public University, they are tacitly supported by the Public University. They can always be immediately adjacent to the Public University and still give the students all the support they need, be it food, a safe place, or a place to worship.

Again, a hard wall between religion and the State is hard-wired into the constitution.

That’s a full stop.

And if you believe there should be exceptions, then you are letting the Christian Right back into Public Schools, where Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics will be banned.

Interestingly enough what you want wouldn’t fly in Pittsburgh around the university. The university has rules against student organizations owning their own property.* And the zoning laws in the neighborhoods around the university are all single-family residence for the most part. Or the property has to be adjacent to facilities that directly host classes - which is a pretty limited area.

So a group trying to set something up would be acting completely as a private enterprise and couldn’t have any sort of university affiliation. And commercial real estate around the University of Pittsburgh is something of a premium in competition with a lot of businesses, the university itself, and the sort of affiliated Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

* - Most of this stuff put in place a few decades back in an effort to uproot all the mens’ social fraternities and push them into university-owned properties. A few might still be holding on in properties grandfathered into having waivers.

mmmirele  Jun 4, 2024 • 8:54:17pm

re: #21 darthstar

All these Skyrizi and Sotyktu commercials make me wonder if there’s a whole nation of people with barnacles on their dicks that need medical stimulation.

Psoriasis sucks…I have a little bit in my head and use coal tar shampoo to control the dandruff it causes…but I have to say evening MSNBC is tailored for hypochondriacs who might be feeling like they have run out of symptoms to call their doctor about.

No, but plaque psoriasis in the elderly can be a real problem and insurance for the elderly used to/may still cheap out on what was then available. My brother grouses every time he sees one of those commercials. “Humira was available but it wasn’t available for Dad” type of thing. Back in the early ’10s, Humira cost $84K a year. Of course, only the rich and insurance could pay for that stuff.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:02:18pm

re: #43 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Interestingly enough what you want wouldn’t fly in Pittsburgh around the university. The university has rules against student organizations owning their own property.* And the zoning laws in the neighborhoods around the university are all single-family residence for the most part. Or the property has to be adjacent to facilities that directly host classes - which is a pretty limited area.

So a group trying to set something up would be acting completely as a private enterprise and couldn’t have any sort of university affiliation. And commercial real estate around the University of Pittsburgh is something of a premium in competition with a lot of businesses, the university itself, and the sort of affiliated Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

Hillel and Newman are not student organizations. They are Jewish and Catholic propaganda organizations.

//Only half.

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:05:49pm

And it’s late, off to bed to read Consider Phlebas.

Night all, be kind to each other.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:06:51pm

re: #45 austin_blue

I use “student organization” in the sense that the University of Pittsburgh does. It’s a pretty broad one since it covers everything from fraternities, sororities, small scale social groups, and the College Young Republicans (or whatever they call themselves).

They are supposedly all subject to the same rules, but there are also some specific carve-outs and exceptions. I’m mainly familiar with how it affected the fraternities and sororities 20-30 years ago however since I was a fraternity volunteer officer in those days.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:08:46pm

re: #45 austin_blue

Hillel and Newman are not student organizations. They are Jewish and Catholic propaganda organizations.

Hillel doesn’t proselytize, although the Catholic church, of course, does. The people who would go to Hillel have already absorbed the doctrine.

Dangerman  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:13:31pm
austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:17:59pm

re: #48 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Hillel doesn’t proselytize, although the Catholic church, of course, does. The people who would go to Hillel have already absorbed the doctrine.

You don’t understand the difference between proselytizing and propaganda, do you? Have you read Hillel posts lately?

austin_blue  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:18:53pm

Dammit, I’m out.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:18:54pm


re: #84 Joe Bacon ✅

When I was a kid in Western PA there used to be a hamburger chain called House o’ Hi-Boy back in the early 70s that was a front for bookmakers. Remember the State Police raid in 1973 that shut the whole chain down.

It was a shame because they made better triple deckers than Eat N Park or McDonald’s…

When my wife lived in Cicero she once walked into a “tobacco” shop, expecting to be able to buy cigarettes. Nothing around except a couple guys, a counter, a telephone, and a poster “Lucky Strike Green Goes to War” from WW2.

They suddenly got desperate when she said she wanted to buy a package of cigarettes. The called a woman from the back room who opened her purse up and came up with one unopened pack.

My wife couldn’t get out of that place fast enough, and I imagine the proprietors were happy she left as well.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:19:09pm

heh. I thank the Lizards for updings over the years. Just realized I’m at 95,999 by the current accounting.

William Lewis  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:25:36pm

re: #52 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


When my wife lived in Cicero she once walked into a “tobacco” shop, expecting to be able to buy cigarettes. Nothing around except a couple guys, a counter, a telephone, and a poster “Lucky Strike Green Goes to War” from WW2.

They suddenly got desperate when she said she wanted to buy a package of cigarettes. The called a woman from the back room who opened her purse up and came up with one unopened pack.

My wife couldn’t get out of that place fast enough, and I imagine the proprietors were happy she left as well.

Went to the wrong bar in an “interesting” district in Tokyo once. The heavily tattooed gentleman was very polite in explaining to me that I really didn’t want to stay there and I was equally polite in apologizing for intruding upon their privacy. No one was offended in the end but I was quite happy to find a rather more gaijin accommodating establishment where I promptly polished off a fair bit of sake… 😱

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:29:32pm

re: #103 Charles Johnson

Wow. If you went to prison in Texas in 1890 that shit was serious.

That looks like the jail cell in our old village hall now.

The marshal hasn’t jailed anyone since the Seventies though (mostly for cowboys coming into the village, getting drunk, acting up, then sleeping it off there).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:38:17pm

Regarding GPS directions being faulty:

re: #59 Vicious Babushka

We had a couple women just walk in our back door this afternoon. They were from out-of-state, and were apparently expecting to surprise a relative with their trip.

They were using some sort of Web app (which went dead when it came into our cell phone dead zone here).

They were also surprised to see me sitting in pyjamas in the afternoon (they woke me up when they walked into my house uninvited—they’re lucky they walked into my house: any other they’d probably have been shot).

I asked her to show me her Web app map. It had a little pin on my address, but the address was in Sidney, in the next county south. My street name is unique in the USA.

(I wanted to tell them “this is why you don’t rely in Web apps for directions.”)

I drew them a map on a piece of paper to get them where they wanted to go, and informed them they’d driven at least fifty miles out of the way.

JC1  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:39:52pm

re: #35 Vicious Babushka

See what I mean about Christocentric? Which stringent secularism is a part of.

Say what now?

A Three Hour Tour  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:41:55pm

re: #53 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

heh. I thank the Lizards for updings over the years. Just realized I’m at 95,999 by the current accounting.

Now you’re at 96,003.

Dangerman  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:44:29pm

re: #58 A Three Hour Tour

Now you’re at 96,003.

Not any more

Captain Ron  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:56:31pm
A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 4, 2024 • 9:57:09pm

re: #57 JC1

Say what now?

I’m going to sign off after this, but I think she’s saying that “strict secularism” as it’s practiced these days will reflect the majority — in this case, Christians (even if the people buying the trees and eggs and all that are enjoying secular holidays). Members of whatever minorities need to carve out a space for themselves to avoid being swamped by the great consensus. (I note that both Newman and Hillel were set up by groups that were discriminated against when they first arrived).

Targetpractice  Jun 4, 2024 • 10:06:36pm

re: #60 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

I’ve found myself thinking more and more of Elmo as the modern day Howard Hughes, and this is one of those things that Hughes made a habit of: Using the one company in his portfolio that was still generating a profit to bankroll all his passion projects. In Hughes’ case, he’d inherited Hughes Tools when his dad passed away and simply created various “subsidiaries” to excuse raiding the company’s coffers for his latest hare-brained scheme. Some ended up being spun off as genuine companies, while others died on the vine as soon as he moved on to his next fiasco.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 4, 2024 • 10:33:04pm

re: #53 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

heh. I thank the Lizards for updings over the years. Just realized I’m at 95,999 by the current accounting.

Congradumalashuns on reaching 96,005 karma points.

Regrettably, the limited time offer of a trip San José, Costa Rica has expired.

Check the catalogue, there might still be a zero-expenses paid trip to Carhenge in there.

Targetpractice  Jun 4, 2024 • 10:38:00pm

Remember the Tucker/Vlad “interview” where Putin recounted the history of Russia since the last ice age to justify his personal belief that Ukraine wasn’t a legit country and Poland was responsible for WWII, all while Carlson sat there with his standard constipated look? And when he tried to interject and get his host back on the “the war is all about Western woke” only to get verbally slapped around and humiliated?

That’s what watching clips of this interview reminded me of: a babbling dictator who was brought on to spout talking points who is instead using the platform given to belch out his wildest fantasies.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 4, 2024 • 10:49:00pm

Writer John Scalzi won Japan’s Seuin Award for Best Translated Novel, for his book “Kaiju Preservation Society.” (Roughly Japan’s equivalent to a Hugo Award.)


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 4, 2024 • 10:58:39pm

So I’m trying to figure out how they’re doing this.

We get a call yesterday. The caller ID says the caller is our plumber in Gering. So I answer the call, and it’s an automated message from some group supporting the Gering Police Department asking for donations. I stayed on the line long enough to get to a real person, then cuss them out for spoofing the plumber’s number.

Today I got another call. This time it was from my wife’s dentist in Scottsbluff according to the caller ID. I answer the phone and it’s the same robocall. Click.

This afternoon another call, this time the optometrist in Bridgeport. Again the same automated call. Click.

So did they just get lucky on all three calls, or did they somehow get a list of places we do business with and spoofed their numbers?

Targetpractice  Jun 4, 2024 • 11:08:55pm

re: #66 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

So I’m trying to figure out how they’re doing this.

We get a call yesterday. The caller ID says the caller is our plumber in Gering. So I answer the call, and it’s an automated message from some group supporting the Gering Police Department asking for donations. I stayed on the line long enough to get to a real person, then cuss them out for spoofing the plumber’s number.

Today I got another call. This time it was from my wife’s dentist in Scottsbluff according to the caller ID. I answer the phone and it’s the same robocall. Click.

This afternoon another call, this time the optometrist in Bridgeport. Again the same automated call. Click.

So did they just get lucky on all three calls, or did they somehow get a list of places we do business with and spoofed their numbers?

Would it really surprise anybody these days to hear that police departments can call local phone providers, ask for lists of all their customers most-dialed numbers, and get such without so much as a legitimate reason besides “We want it”?

William Lewis  Jun 4, 2024 • 11:19:14pm

re: #65 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Writer John Scalzi won Japan’s Seuin Award for Best Translated Novel, for his book “Kaiju Preservation Society.” (Roughly Japan’s equivalent to a Hugo Award.)


Fun book 😎

aatharuv  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:01:01am

re: #34 austin_blue

Not the point. If they are accepted by the Public University, they are tacitly supported by the Public University. They can always be immediately adjacent to the Public University and still give the students all the support they need, be it food, a safe place, or a place to worship.

Again, a hard wall between religion and the State is hard-wired into the constitution.

That’s a full stop.

And if you believe there should be exceptions, then you are letting the Christian Right back into Public Schools, where Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Catholics will be banned.

re: #35 Vicious Babushka

So, fuck the minorities because the majority will leapfrog over them, is that your logic? How about protecting the minorities. See what I mean about Christocentric? Which stringent secularism is a part of.

Austin blue what you’re describing is French style laïcité, not American style secularism, where enforced secularism effectively favors the cultural religion of the majority —e.g. the French ban on wearing of conspicuous religious symbols in public schools — which French Christians don’t do anyways — so it primarily affects the minorities— the Muslims mostly but also the kippah wearing Jews and turban wearing Sikhs.

Which effectively screws the minority as Vicious Babushka makes clear. American Christians and post-Christians for the most part have no dietary laws so a “neutral” dining facility screws over every group who does have dietary restrictions, like Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and others. Do you want to ban other groups from operating on public campuses to help their own members practice their own religion so that the Christian right can be banned.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:22:07am
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:28:32am

51 years ago, the world was still a simple place …

1973: RABAT To CASABLANCA - A Rally Adventure | Wheelbase | Classic Motorsport | BBC Archive


… or at least the BBC pretending it was.

wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:43:28am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:45:25am

re: #17 Joe Bacon ✅

Memories of being on the Pitt campus in the 70s when Campus Crusade For Christ was given carte blanche to have events every day all over the campus.

Between my Catholic upbringing and the CC4C idjits going door to door in the rome (even our floor Resident Assistant at Arizona State was one) I developed a very negative and even hostile attitude towards Christianity.

It took years before I met people who simply and quietly practiced their faith without preaching it until I learned to see some positive aspects to it.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:49:45am

re: #40 Targetpractice

Alien is like The Terminator, it should have never been a franchise. Both films were great, their sequels broke the mold, and Hollywood’s been chasing that high ever since.

I still think that the original Star Wars is one of the greatest Science Fiction films ever made, but to me the all the subsequent were increasing degrees of “meh” to the point of “gag” in many instances.

And don’t even get me started on The Hobbit and Rings of Power

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:52:08am

re: #46 austin_blue

And it’s late, off to bed to read Consider Phlebas

I heard he died playing Fortnight

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:55:28am

It’s a par kind of day.

Wordle 1,082 4/6


And another 4 am meeting. Yay me. 🙄

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:58:13am

re: #52 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


When my wife lived in Cicero she once walked into a “tobacco” shop, expecting to be able to buy cigarettes. Nothing around except a couple guys, a counter, a telephone, and a poster “Lucky Strike Green Goes to War” from WW2.

As I understand, Cicero was known as the place where workers from the nearby Chicago railyards could buy beer during Prohibition.

And it is the home of the fictional Jimmy McGill, aka Saul Goodman.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 5, 2024 • 1:05:36am

re: #54 William Lewis

Went to the wrong bar in an “interesting” district in Tokyo once. The heavily tattooed gentleman was very polite in explaining to me that I really didn’t want to stay there and I was equally polite in apologizing for intruding upon their privacy. No one was offended in the end but I was quite happy to find a rather more gaijin accommodating establishment where I promptly polished off a fair bit of sake… 😱

Similar experience as a very American-looking tourist in Maastricht, Netherlands just after the start of the First Gulf War, I entered a Palestinian shawarma place and got a very cold reception. It was clear that they did not want to serve us, so we left.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jun 5, 2024 • 1:25:41am

re: #65 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

[Embedded content]

Writer John Scalzi won Japan’s Seuin Award for Best Translated Novel, for his book “Kaiju Preservation Society.” (Roughly Japan’s equivalent to a Hugo Award.)


Speaking of which I just started watching Godzilla Minus One on the Netflix. I can recommend it, unlike any other Godzilla movie I have ever seen, but in a good sense.

Amory Blaine  Jun 5, 2024 • 1:33:03am

I don’t mind student religious groups on campus. As long as the satanists are there to keep everyone honest.

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 1:43:25am

Treat them like fraternities and sororities, though even that might open them to discrimination issues.

Targetpractice  Jun 5, 2024 • 1:49:00am

re: #74 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I still think that the original Star Wars is one of the greatest Science Fiction films ever made, but to me the all the subsequent were increasing degrees of “meh” to the point of “gag” in many instances.

And don’t even get me started on The Hobbit and Rings of Power

Star Wars, Alien, and The Terminator had one major theme in common: They were written as stand-alone films by relatively unknown directors who had to work with limited budgets and tight restrictions.

One of my favorite bits of trivia about The Terminator is that Cameron and his crew had no permits to film on-location in LA, so it was a true guerilla shoot (as in “Cut, Print, now RUN BEFORE THE COPS GET HERE!”). The one time they did get caught, Cameron lied his ass off that they were film students from one of the local colleges and had no idea they needed permits to shoot out in the streets. And they got away with it.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:24:12am

Name that country! (2/6)

#Worldle #866 (05.06.2024) 2/6 (100%)


Guess it’s neighbours!

5 of 5!

Guess the capital!

First guess correct!

Guess its size!

1st guess. 1M km²

Guess the flag!

On two guesses. I fail flags. ::(

Guess the top two spoken languages of all ninety in the country!

Three guesses to arrive at the top two: Spanish, English

Guess the population and currency!

Population: <60 million (I failed)
Currency: Peso (correct)

Arrange the four largest cities in order!

Correct on first guess: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:24:16am

re: #81 Decatur Deb

It’s the general problem of sectarian groups embedded in a larger non-sectarian society.

Always an uneasy alliance exists, the old fashioned term comity to describe that we all agree to live side-by-side even if we don’t believe the same things.

In fantasies like Star Trek we humans sort of meld into a non-sectarian melange of beige (see the colors of Enterprise interior in TNG.)

In reality we are more like sedimentary conglomerates, composed of many different rocks of many different minerals, cemented together out of chance and time.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:26:58am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:31:14am

NBC News, June 5, 2024

Texas prosecutor seeks to overturn governor’s pardon of man convicted of murdering BLM protester

“Travis County District Attorney José Garza said Gov. Greg Abbott’s pardon of Daniel Perry last month was done outside legal norms and upended justice.”

A Texas prosecutor wants the state’s highest criminal court to review the governor’s pardon of a man convicted of murdering a Black Lives Matter protester.

Travis County District Attorney José Garza said Tuesday his office will file a request to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for a writ of mandamus, a decision that would overturn the pardon.

As of mid-afternoon Tuesday, the request had not been filed, but would be shortly, Garza’s office said.

Last year, Daniel Perry, then 35, was convicted of fatally shooting Garrett Foster, 28, at a Black Lives Matter protest in Austin in 2020. Perry was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

The day Perry was found guilty, Gov. Greg Abbott said he would pardon him as fast as legally possible. Last month, Abbott’s office announced the pardon, suggesting that Perry should have been exonerated under the state’s “Stand Your Ground” laws.

Perry was released from prison shortly afterward.


Patricia Kayden  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:36:50am

re: #35 Vicious Babushka

I’m with you, VB, on this issue. Religious students having access to specialized food doesn’t hurt anyone. The fact that pro-Palestinian students want to close down dining halls which serve Jewish students is disturbing. It feels as if there is a conflation of American Jews with Netanyahu’s extremism which is the definition of antisemitic.

Targetpractice  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:50:03am

re: #86 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

NBC News, June 5, 2024

Texas prosecutor seeks to overturn governor’s pardon of man convicted of murdering BLM protester

“Travis County District Attorney José Garza said Gov. Greg Abbott’s pardon of Daniel Perry last month was done outside legal norms and upended justice.”


It’s Texas, so he’ll not only be told to fuck off by the court, but Gov. Ironsides will then vow to see him run out of office for daring to question “the will of the people.”

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:50:36am

My recent thinking can be put into an equation:

History = approved lies about the past

Much which occupies our public discourse, all the social media, the legacy media, sermons, classes (in both sectarian and secular schools), your local knitting circle - all of our conversations are us negotiating how we want to look at the present with what we know about the past.

That past could be an hour ago, a year ago, 500 years ago. Does not matter to the general problem.

Everything about the past is negotiated in the present.

Our brains are very faulty. We know this from anecdotes we can all share, and it has been shown over and over in scientific discoveries.

We often do not register even what our senses actually detect.

And what we do register often gets quickly distorted or mis-interpreted.

And then we forget much of whatever we register and our memories become more and more imaginary…

This is the kind of self-awareness that as we get older we can try to tackle, but mostly people ignore any deep thinking on, well, thinking, and just spend their days whole-hog filling their desires.

I have a fairly high confidence that a great many religions would crumble if all the adherents were to openly question claims made by that religion.

And problematic for everyone: all our cohesive beliefs about whatever polity in which we partake also can come crumbling down.

Culture really is a creative process of Homo sapiens. We are artists and we made this thing we call society, or civilization, or culture (in the practicing sense.)

All of our daily discourses are negotiations.

With each other, and the physical world.

As the video by John Green I posted earlier yesterday pointed out, our future is certain: we’re going to end up as scattered atoms on the surface of a white dwarf (our sun in the future) or scattered in a dust cloud around said star.

What does that mean for me today?

I can’t say for certain. My own proclivity is to lead a quiet life, a life with a few pleasures and minimum trauma (or drama.)

Others may want to lead a different kind of life, a violent life, a life of strife, or of claiming some sort of victory (whatever that means.)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 2:59:21am

Trump-endorsed US Senate candidate beaten by twenty-five points in New Jersey.

His ability to pick ‘em remains stellar.

William Lewis  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:07:30am

re: #86 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

NBC News, June 5, 2024

Texas prosecutor seeks to overturn governor’s pardon of man convicted of murdering BLM protester

“Travis County District Attorney José Garza said Gov. Greg Abbott’s pardon of Daniel Perry last month was done outside legal norms and upended justice.”


Hope he can make it work, though I have my doubts. I know that those writs are unconstitutional at the Federal level (Marbury vs Madison).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:08:50am

Someone over at BlueSky posted an image from ChatGPT. It apparently can figure out CAPTCHAs.

Guys; it's breached our last line of defence

badly-drawn bee 🐝 (@soapachu.bsky.social) 2024-06-05T05:22:30.332Z

Targetpractice  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:15:50am

re: #90 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Trump-endorsed US Senate candidate beaten by twenty-five points in New Jersey.

His ability to pick ‘em remains stellar.

[Embedded content]

MAGAtism remains every bit as toxic outside of the Trump campaign as ever.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:19:11am

Don’t know if this is true for everybody, but my freebie chatGPT interface changed in the past week, to add more capability.

It is astounding on the one hand.

The other hand is the sound of one hand clapping.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:28:18am

So one of the specialized GPTs is by Adobe.

They say they will generate a flyer for you.

I asked for a flyer.

Here is what they told me:

It looks like the prompt violates Adobe’s user guidelines. To proceed, we need to adjust the wording. Let’s modify the text to a more neutral tone.

So what was the offending ask by me, you maybe wondering?

make a flyer about Trump going to jail
include text about 34 counts of felonies, and use color orange.

Imagine that, reporting on a verifiable jury decision in a US court is against Adobe’s policies.

Patricia Kayden  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:30:00am

re: #86 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

It’s scary how Texans and Floridians appear to be silent in the face of fascist governors. I have family and friends in both states who have nothing to say about what’s going on in their respective states. They’ve become comfortable with living under extreme right wing regimes. I couldn’t live in a red state. Kudos to those of you who do.

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:38:40am

Happy Hump Day! Get your ass outta bed with some of today’s drive time music!!!!

The Hives - Bogus Operandi (Official Music Video)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:39:59am

re: #96 Patricia Kayden

It’s scary how Texans and Floridians appear to be silent in the face of fascist governors. I have family and friends in both states who have nothing to say about what’s going on in their respective states. They’ve become comfortable with living under extreme right wing regimes. I couldn’t live in a red state. Kudos to those of you who do.

I’m not sure they’re comfortable per se but more like their either outnumbered or gerrymandered into irrelevance. Keeping your head down becomes a matter of survival rather than complicity.

Millions are not in a position to simply uproot and move out.

As for opposing oppressive laws, that takes a bunch of money. I’ve frequently seen when someone appears to have been wronged “why don’t you sue?” or “why don’t you move?”

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:44:56am

Some words have choices. This one didn’t.

Wordle 1,082 3/6*


Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:50:04am

re: #98 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

As for opposing oppressive laws, that takes a bunch of money. I’ve frequently seen when someone appears to have been wronged “why don’t you sue?” or “why don’t you move?”

To expand on this (which I’m sure we’re all aware of, but it bears restating), that’s the whole point. Are these laws blatantly unconstitutional? Yes, in most cases. But in Texas, especially, that lawsuit is going to have to go all the way up to SCOTUS because of Matty K. and the clownshoes Fifth Circuit, and that is extremely expensive for a plaintiff. And the federal court system does not pay attorney’s fees for getting a law ruled unconstitutional. When these unjust laws specifically target the poor and disadvantaged - the people who, by their very definition, do not have the means to fight back - it literally doesn’t matter how unconstitutional they are; they accomplish their intended effect even without being enforced, simply by forcing people not to violate them because they can’t afford the lawsuit to get it overturned.

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:54:32am

re: #76 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

It’s a par kind of day

Birb here
Wordle 1,082 3/6


Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 3:56:09am

Doing my morning scroll through the Drudge report, big headlines:


and then scroll down to this:

Chicago police tweak mass arrests policy ahead of Dem Convention…

Definitely going to be an interesting election year!

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 4:07:33am
A gunman was captured after opening fire at the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, on Wednesday — an attack that took place as U.S. ally Israel signaled it could soon launch an offensive in the country against Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned early Wednesday that Israel was “prepared for very intense action in the north,” as he visited a border city hit by wildfires sparked by Hezbollah rockets.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 4:21:55am

Regarding Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green’s assertion in her unhinged screed that the American people feel Dr. Anthony Fauci belongs in prison:

YouGov Poll of Popular Figures, Q1 2024

16th Neil DeGrasse Tyson
17th Dr. Anthony Fauci
18th Pope Francis I

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 4:36:04am

The sun is up. Time to skeedaddle.

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 4:41:03am
FBI Director Christopher Wray told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Tuesday that there is an increasing concern of a potential coordinated attack in the US, similar to the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) attack in March at a concert hall in Russia.

Wray met with the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies to make his case on the department’s request of $11.3 billion for FY25, or $661 million more than last year.

He told members of the subcommittee that when he met with them last year, he walked them through how the US was already in a heightened threat environment, and since then, threats from foreign terrorists have risen to another level.

“Just in the time that I’ve been FBI director, we’ve disrupted multiple terrorist attacks and cities and communities around the country. We need funding to continue protecting America from terrorism,” he said.


Rightwingconspirator  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:00:33am

re: #102 Shropshire Slasher

WSJ= Trumper light

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:04:03am
A reclusive tribe in the Amazon finally got hooked up to the internet, thanks to Elon Musk — only to be torn apart by social media and pornography addiction, elders complain.

Brazil’s 2,000-member Marubo tribe has been left bitterly divided by the arrival of the Tesla founder’s Starlink service nine months ago, which connected the remote rainforest community along the Ituí River to the web for the first time.

“When it arrived, everyone was happy,” Tsainama Marubo, 73, told The New York Times.

“But now, things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet, they’re learning the ways of the white people.”


lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:05:58am

re: #16 Dangerman

That’s why he’s a former Trump lawyer.

He can’t spew the firehose of lies, gaslighting, and perjurious statements to the courts or the public that Trump wants.

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:20:52am

chorizo and eggs with tomatoes and peppers

Good morning!

Florida Panhandler  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:24:58am

re: #98 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m not sure they’re comfortable per se but more like their either outnumbered or gerrymandered into irrelevance. Keeping your head down becomes a matter of survival rather than complicity.

Millions are not in a position to simply uproot and move out.

As for opposing oppressive laws, that takes a bunch of money. I’ve frequently seen when someone appears to have been wronged “why don’t you sue?” or “why don’t you move?”

This is exactly correct. Where we live we are heavily outnumbered by Republican voting automatons who would rather pull the lever for Cthulhu than a Dem. Gerrymandering is the rule. And our children are heavily involved with public school activities and academics not to mention the 5 year business lease we signed and are only 1 year into. Once these issues are resolved in 5 years we will be actively assessing the situation.

This same sort of calculus is shared by many many others in Red states. Of course we have moving to California in mind, but depending on the situation of the country between now and then we are also considering just calling it quits on the US entirely. since the 70’s, I’ve lived through this evolving right wing off the rails train wreck long enough.

Patricia Kayden  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:25:17am

re: #110 jeffreyw

Those eggs look delicious. I’m allergic to eggs but sometimes make scrambled tofu. Enjoy!!

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:44:23am

re: #108 Shropshire Slasher

“But now, things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet, they’re learning the ways of the white people.”

Does the tribal chief have a lawn he can chase the Young People from?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:46:56am

re: #81 Decatur Deb

Treat them like fraternities and sororities, though even that might open them to discrimination issues.

There are facets of fraternities and sororities that Pitt did not like. And some of the exceptions and special rules aimed at them there compared to other student groups could be considered giving them special consideration that could be viewed either positively or negatively.

Depending on the mid-level administrators currently there responsible for fraternity relations aka “Greek Life”, or what part of the university administration you were dealing with things could be really different trying to work with the university as a fraternity. Often the university wanted to act as if the local fraternity chapter was a totally independent little entity and was not itself part of a larger organization*.

* - Until, of course, the university wanted help to coerce the chapter’s membership about something.

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:55:51am

Student life at Pitt sounds dull. Need to aspire to the intramural murder rate of the University of Paris, 1450 or so.

lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:59:20am

GOP explicitly vows to conduct politically motivated investigations and prosecutions of Democrats, all to “balance” what happened with Trump.

Trump is a convicted felon after a jury of his peers in NY unanimously decided he was guilty of 34 felony counts to falsify business records. He’s indicted in multiple jurisdictions on still more felonies.

He conspired with others to engage in felonies in multiple states, and among those who worked with and for Trump, the following are in jail, indicted, took plea deals, or looking at additional indictments/trials:

Rudy Giuliani
Mark Meadows
Sidney Powell (who took a deal)
Kenny Chesebro (who took a deal in GA, but is facing additional indictments in other states).
Jeff Clark
Jenna Ellis

The indictments were from a grand jury of residents in those states.

These fuckers want to politicize DOJ and the justice system in states they control to prosecute Democrats on bogus claims and charges. Heck, they’re cheering on the DOJ (under Biden and AG Garland) who is prosecuting Hunter Biden on an obscure charge relating to filing a false claim on a gun registration form (namely that he wasn’t doing controlled substances).

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:01:10am

re: #111 Florida Panhandler

This is exactly correct. Where we live we are heavily outnumbered by Republican voting automatons who would rather pull the lever for Cthulhu than a Dem. Gerrymandering is the rule. And our children are heavily involved with public school activities and academics not to mention the 5 year business lease we signed and are only 1 year into. Once these issues are resolved in 5 years we will be actively assessing the situation.

This same sort of calculus is shared by many many others in Red states. Of course we have moving to California in mind, but depending on the situation of the country between now and then we are also considering just calling it quits on the US entirely. since the 70’s, I’ve lived through this evolving right wing off the rails train wreck long enough.

I never thought I’d live in a red state either.
When I moved to sofla in the 90s it was different. While red now, i’s still a “close enough” state if the Ds got better organized and a few things fell the right way.

Mrsdm and I could move. dangermom cant.
So we’re here. Fortunately for us Broward is different enough from north of I-4. Our congresscritter is a D.

Dangermom induced my brother’s family to move back to fla from Philly.

Vicious just moved to fla for the same reason. It’s where she finds the family support she needs.

Like a presidential vote is full of many issues, in the end it’s binary.

Decision making can be complicated

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:02:21am

Something I did for a bit last night was look at how Hillel is organized/situated at Pitt. They are located off-campus, and from the location and their web-site their facilities there probably serve CMU (Carnegie Mellon Univ) as well as Pitt and probably the community in general given to how students live around the universities. Plus the proximity to Squirrel Hill (the major Jewish neighborhood in Pittsburgh.) And the building itself supports more than just Hillel.

Secondary thing I noticed is that the recent demonstrator encampment cleared out yesterday after discussions with the city and university. Along with a claim that many of the people encamped for the two days of demonstrations had not been Pitt students. (Taking with grain of salt since I have not found confirmation of this and claims like this have been made about a lot of the university demonstrations.)

I have not gone further into this to see what the demonstrators were actually “demanding” since in this issue I am skeptical of the media reporting in general. Too many agendas are being served in advance of collecting and reporting of facts.

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:10:42am

re: #112 Patricia Kayden

Those eggs look delicious. I’m allergic to eggs but sometimes make scrambled tofu. Enjoy!!

Allergic to eggs! Bummer! I made these in a wok, another time I went with a griddle because it was already out from making smash burgers.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:17:52am

re: #107 Rightwingconspirator

WSJ= Trumper light

Which is why I have concerns about the new WaPo editor and staff. Many came from the Murdoch Strreet Journo.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:18:04am

Who among us hasn’t done a little light tax or bank fraud? Because surely there can’t be fine upstanding American citizens who actually report accurately on their taxes and on loan applications.

I do taxes for a living professionally, all of my emails are discoverable, and I have absolutely no fear of a single criminal or fraudulent issue of a false business record charge in the whole fucking email archive

Lord Businessman II (@lordbusinessman.bsky.social) 2024-06-05T12:01:32.287Z

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:25:39am

re: #62 Targetpractice

I’ve found myself thinking more and more of Elmo as the modern day Howard Hughes, and this is one of those things that Hughes made a habit of: Using the one company in his portfolio that was still generating a profit to bankroll all his passion projects. In Hughes’ case, he’d inherited Hughes Tools when his dad passed away and simply created various “subsidiaries” to excuse raiding the company’s coffers for his latest hare-brained scheme. Some ended up being spun off as genuine companies, while others died on the vine as soon as he moved on to his next fiasco.

I was watching a video about the movie the Founder. Anna Ray croc took over a business from two founders and turned it into…. well McDonalds. He was a. Megalomaniacal ruthless a-hole that we are asked to admire.

I couldn’t help but think it reminded me of Elon Musk and Tesla.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:27:32am

re: #121 Nerdy Fish

Who among us hasn’t done a little light tax or bank fraud? Because surely there can’t be fine upstanding American citizens who actually report accurately on their taxes and on loan applications.

[Embedded content]

The “everybody cheats” defense is from the same playbook as the “criminal or incompetent” decision.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:28:07am

re: #76 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

It’s a par kind of day.

[Embedded content]

And another 4 am meeting. Yay me. 🙄

Took me one more.
Wordle 1,082 5/6


Dave In Austin  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:28:57am

Overcast here in Central Texas this morning. I’m having coffee on the deck and it starts to get dark. Weird yellow dark, like the eclipse.

Anyway here’s a birb from a few minutes ago.


Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:30:39am

re: #123 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The “everybody cheats” defense is from the same playbook as the “criminal or incompetent” decision.

State Troopers are always impressed when you tell them the car in front was speeding, too.

(((Archangel1)))  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:31:16am
Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:33:34am

re: #121 Nerdy Fish

Who among us hasn’t done a little light tax or bank fraud? Because surely there can’t be fine upstanding American citizens who actually report accurately on their taxes and on loan applications.

[Embedded content]

None of those things are those crimes as described.

And i say ditto to lord businessman. Take my stuff. I’ll give you the passwords.
Have at it.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:34:13am

re: #90 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Trump-endorsed US Senate candidate beaten by twenty-five points in New Jersey.

His ability to pick ‘em remains stellar.

[Embedded content]

This is one of the reasons I really think he is in trouble.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:36:33am

re: #129 Axolotl

This is one of the reasons I really think he is in trouble.

Though the removal of Trump will not excise the cancer from the GQP. It is rooted quite deep in their body politic. A lot of support for the fascist and racist policies without particularly liking Trump himself.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:36:53am

re: #123 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The “everybody cheats” defense is from the same playbook as the “criminal or incompetent” decision.

Everybody doesn’t speed.
A lot do.
Most going less than 5 over on a highway never get stopped. That’s for lots of reasons.
However if *you* get caught speeding, then “what about everyone else” will be tough shit. “I caught you”.

Dave In Austin  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:37:58am

re: #127 (((Archangel1)))

I bet the Sloth told Rose never to bring his kid to the office again.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:38:16am

re: #131 Dangerman

Everybody doesn’t speed.
A lot do.
Most going less than 5 over on a highway never get stopped. That’s for lots of reasons.
However if *you* get caught speeding, then “what about everyone else” will be tough shit. “I caught you”.

If someone proves I weigh the same as a duck I will be willing to say “It’s a fair cop.”

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:41:15am

𝗙𝗼𝘅 𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝗼 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗔𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗵𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹


Amoral torturer say 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵? Few concepts as thoroughly repugnant to the law, across many, many fields, as 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. Whatever the offense, when the term comes up legally, it’s because someone is being charged with it.

Law professor, officer of the court, all around law-n-order fucko is advocating for a judicial coup.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:44:14am

re: #134 Joe Bacon ✅

𝗙𝗼𝘅 𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝗼 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗔𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗵𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹


Amoral torturer say 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵? Few concepts as thoroughly repugnant to the law, across many, many fields, as 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. Whatever the offense, when the term comes up legally, it’s because someone is being charged with it.

Law professor, officer of the court, all around law-n-order fucko is advocating for a judicial coup.

Seeing it referred to as “hush money trial” is a giveaway now of the slant the article is taking. Hush money is not what the charges were about. Hiding the payments as campaign expenses is the gist of it, but I guess corruption and political cheating of that sort isn’t as exciting as “hush money”.

lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:44:34am

re: #134 Joe Bacon ✅

Still… he’s still doing this. He’s been pushing these extreme and tortured readings of the law to further right wing extremist goals to put GOPers in power permanently.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:45:06am

re: #128 Dangerman

None of those things are those crimes as described.

And i say ditto to lord businessman. Take my stuff. I’ll give you the passwords.
Have at it.

I have no idea where the guy got the source quote from, but it is a stupid quote. I hate this tu quoque / “if it can happen to me, it can happen to you” defense of Trump; it’s what I like to call “fractally wrong.”

1) Most people don’t commit felonies on the regular, contrary to whats-his-name’s assertion from the other day. Most of the crimes they point out as felonies we might commit require intent.
2) EVEN IF we did commit felonies on the regular, very few of us commit business-related felonies. The majority of Americans are not business owners, in the sense of having big business empires in which fraud and corruption regularly occur. Those of us who are business owners mostly either own a small virtual or brick-and-mortar store, or are incorporated for tax purposes when working as an independent contractor.
3) EVEN IF we did business crimes, that still doesn’t exonerate Trump. Because guess what: HE STILL DID THE CRIMES. If we all did those same crimes on a daily basis, it might sound a little hypocritical for us to judge him for them, but public opinion doesn’t matter one whit. All that matters is that 12 members of a jury thought what he did was against the law.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:45:28am

re: #133 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

If someone proves I weigh the same as a duck I will be willing to say “It’s a fair cop.”

..but society’s to blame…

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:46:06am

Happy Wednesday!

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:51:46am

Women hating meteorologists measure temperature incelsius.

dat_said  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:55:55am

re: #126 Decatur Deb

State Troopers are always impressed when you tell them the car in front was speeding, too.

One of my experiences with Oklahoma State Troopers: Coming back from Dallas to Minneapolis - just crossed the TX/OK border and I’m in a group of twenty or so cars all doing well over the speed limit. There’s a trooper in the median and I see in the rearview mirror that he’s pulled out behind us. Pretty sure I’m caught but I’m by an exit for Marietta OK and there’s a McDonalds’s there, so I pull out and park at McDonald’s. As I’m getting out of the car, the trooper pulls up behind me blocking my car in. He gets out with wide brimmed trooper hat and sunglasses on and asks me why I think he stopped. I said something like “I was over the speed limit. I’m sorry. I’ve been in Dallas the last three months and I must have been too excited to leave Texas.” He slowly takes off his sunglasses, smiles and says “son, you’re no longer in Texas. Slow down and enjoy the scenery”. And then he gets back in his car and leaves.

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:57:20am

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:58:11am

re: #96 Patricia Kayden

It’s scary how Texans and Floridians appear to be silent in the face of fascist governors. I have family and friends in both states who have nothing to say about what’s going on in their respective states. They’ve become comfortable with living under extreme right wing regimes. I couldn’t live in a red state. Kudos to those of you who do.

It’s important to remember that there are a lot of left-leaning folks living in states where they have “conservative” dominated governments.

We should all consider that as a country we elected. Donald Trump. Does that mean we all support Donald Trump? Hell no, but there’s not much you can do about it until the next election.

Consider this, if Trump gets elected and cancels the next election the world will still hold us all accountable for any horrendous acts that occur under his regime.

dat_said  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:00:16am

re: #138 Dangerman

..but society’s to blame…

“I blame society” | Repo Man (1984)

“That’s bullshit. You’re a white suburban punk just like me.”

What? It’s not “quote a movie day”?

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:00:21am
Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:00:52am

re: #98 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m not sure they’re comfortable per se but more like their either outnumbered or gerrymandered into irrelevance. Keeping your head down becomes a matter of survival rather than complicity.

Millions are not in a position to simply uproot and move out.

As for opposing oppressive laws, that takes a bunch of money. I’ve frequently seen when someone appears to have been wronged “why don’t you sue?” or “why don’t you move?”

I agree, moving out is not an option. Not because I can’t move out but why would I? What we need are more liberals not fewer.

We’re not planning to move out of the United States if Trump wins. I have news for you guys we are all Florida if that happens.

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:03:11am
A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:05:37am

(((Archangel1)))  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:06:17am

How Trump’s unauthorized star hasn’t yet been vandalized to hell - again - is beyond me…

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:07:42am

re: #76 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

It’s a par kind of day.

[Embedded content]

And another 4 am meeting. Yay me. 🙄

4 for me too — did same as you for 3.

Wordle 1,082 4/6


group: 3,3,3,4

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:07:47am
It’s raining … giant spiders?!

Spiders that can float on the air and grow to the size of a human hand have been invading the US for more than a decade.

And now they could be touching down in New York — just in time for summer.

Trichonephila clavata — more commonly known as Joro spiders — are native to East Asia and are known for spinning massive sticky webs.


Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:09:47am

re: #144 dat_said

[Embedded content]

“That’s bullshit. You’re a white suburban punk just like me.”

What? It’s not “quote a movie day”?

“This boy don’t need a doctor, just a good honest job.
Society’s played him a terrible trick,
And sociologically he’s sick! “

Semper Fi  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:11:11am

re: #131 Dangerman

Everybody doesn’t speed.
A lot do.
Most going less than 5 over on a highway never get stopped. That’s for lots of reasons.
However if *you* get caught speeding, then “what about everyone else” will be tough shit. “I caught you”.

Gee, Officer, Everyone passed me up. Am I the only one you could catch?

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:14:35am

re: #146 Axolotl

I agree, moving out is not an option. Not because I can’t move out but why would I? What we need are more liberals not fewer.

We’re not planning to move out of the United States if Trump wins. I have news for you guys we are all Florida if that happens.

(Alabama sits snickering in the corner.)

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:16:36am

re: #121 Nerdy Fish

Who among us hasn’t done a little light tax or bank fraud? Because surely there can’t be fine upstanding American citizens who actually report accurately on their taxes and on loan applications.

[Embedded content]

This is a shockingly bag take. If I cheated on my taxes and got caught so be it. I wouldn’t scream that the system is rigged. I would accept the consequences.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:23:40am

The MAGAt idiots still believe Dear Leader in Diapers is a winner:

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:24:14am

re: #152 Decatur Deb

“This boy don’t need a doctor, just a good honest job.
Society’s played him a terrible trick,
And sociologically he’s sick! “

West Side Story - Gee Officer Krupke! (1961) HD

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:24:24am

re: #96 Patricia Kayden

It’s scary how Texans and Floridians appear to be silent in the face of fascist governors. I have family and friends in both states who have nothing to say about what’s going on in their respective states. They’ve become comfortable with living under extreme right wing regimes. I couldn’t live in a red state. Kudos to those of you who do.

They’re silent because they agree with the fascism and racism.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:25:27am

re: #146 Axolotl

I agree, moving out is not an option. Not because I can’t move out but why would I? What we need are more liberals not fewer.

We’re not planning to move out of the United States if Trump wins. I have news for you guys we are all Florida if that happens.

But the food here is really good here. Taco trucks on every corner!

(((Archangel1)))  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:28:23am

Meanwhile in Israel (not seeing it picked up anywhere in international media), senior Netanyahu coalition fanatic stooge incompetent dumbass cabinet member and minister Bezalel Smotrich insisted today that the failures leading to the events of October 7, which happened on his watch, had absolutely nothing to do with him.
Somehow I doubt I need to get into the specifics of the metric sh*tton of nation-wide fury he’s currently receiving as a result.

The latest polls show that the Israeli political map is drastically shifting in various different ways and with multiple potential new and returning players ahead of the likely-imminent elections (such as the return of former PM Bennett). While other factors remain almost impossible to predict, one thing remains constant - even the absolute best-case scenario for the present-day Netanyahu bloc shows that none of the current coalition parties have anywhere near enough for a majority.
And that’s without taking the Arab parties or the left-wing parties into account.

lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:30:28am

NJ primaries were yesterday. Trump won uncontested. Biden won 88% of the vote, with 8.7% uncommitted and 2.8% going to Terrisa Bukovinac.

What I find interesting is that Biden won by a higher percentage than Andy Kim did on the 3-way primary race for the US Senate.

Kim will be facing off against Bashaw in November. Bashaw beat Trump-MAGA extremist-certified Glassner. Bashaw is MAGA lite. Make no mistake, he’d still be awful for the nation and NJ.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:32:28am

re: #104 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Regarding Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green’s assertion in her unhinged screed that the American people feel Dr. Anthony Fauci belongs in prison:

YouGov Poll of Popular Figures, Q1 2024

16th Neil DeGrasse Tyson
17th Dr. Anthony Fauci
18th Pope Francis I

The braindead Trumpster friend claimed she listened to the Fauci testimony and that the following statement was true:

The truth is out… Fauci lied, lied Lied. Came out in congressional hearing yesterday. Lots of emails about covering up truth about Covid. Fauci said he never told us to stand 6 feet apart or wear masks.
Live audio about his forcing Americans to take the unproven vaccines.
He said on an audio tape that if he made proples lives miserable enough that people would take the jab just to be able to live outside their homes or keep their jobs.
This man is a mad man. An American Dr Mengeles.
The lives he ruined and the deaths occurred because he funded this gain of research in China.

Other than the 6 feet recommendation being inadequate, does anyone know what she is talking about?

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:35:37am

Ah my usual morning routine! After cup of coffee #1 I went to the apartment mailbox an lo & behold another stack of Epoch Times is outside the apartment building door.

And it’s off to the Dumpster with that stack of ssshhhaaavvviiinnnggg cream!

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:36:19am

re: #158 Hecuba’s daughter

They’re silent because they agree with the fascism and racism.

I’m going to assume you left of the sarcasm tags for this comment.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:38:00am

re: #164 Axolotl

I’m going to assume you left of the sarcasm tags for this comment.

Really. Resignation isn’t agreement.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:39:14am

re: #165 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Really. Resignation isn’t agreement.

Unfortunately I know of a few acquaintances in Florida where the silence *is* apparently agreement due to some of their reactions to statements by others in Facebook.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:39:59am

re: #162 Hecuba’s daughter

The braindead Trumpster claimed she listened to the Fauci testimony and that the following statement was true:

Other than the 6 feet recommendation being inadequate, does anyone know what she is talking about?

Dr. Fauci never directly recommended anything as far as COVID prevention measures; those were recommendations made by the CDC, perhaps made with his voice, but his point is that *he* didn’t make those decisions *personally*. I have no idea what audio tape the Trump-humper is talking about, so I can’t comment on that bit.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:40:23am

re: #166 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Unfortunately I know of a few acquaintances in Florida where the silence *is* apparently agreement due to some of their reactions to statements by others in Facebook.

That’s hardly silence, then, is it?

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:42:30am

re: #166 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Unfortunately I know of a few acquaintances in Florida where the silence *is* apparently agreement due to some of their reactions to statements by others in Facebook.

Ha! Are you guys that stupid? I hate to be rude but plenty of my blues state friends agree to s***** things on Facebook.

The town I grew up in New Jersey is far far more Trump territory than where I live in Florida. It’s not even close.

wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:42:46am

re: #124 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Took me one more.
Wordle 1,082 5/6

[Embedded content]

I did mine last night before I went to sleep. It looks similar to yours. Wordle 1,082 5/6*

Fat rabbit.


lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:43:12am

And the worms ate into their brains….

It is a cult. And the dumbfuckery among Trumpists is astounding in its brazen misreading of history and basic facts.

For instance, a contender for Trump (convicted felon) VP slot - Byron Donalds - claims that blacks had it better under Jim Crow.

At another point, Donalds said he is starting to see the “reinvigoration of Black family,” which he described as younger people forming nuclear family units and “helping to breathe the revival of a Black middle class in America.” He went on to say that those family values had previously been eroded by Democratic policies that Black voters embraced after becoming loyal to the party due to the Civil Rights Movement.

“You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively,” he said. “And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are,” he added, referring to the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

The so-called Great Society programs, spearheaded by former President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, included civil rights legislation, the creation of Medicaid for low-income Americans, and the expansion of federal food stamp, welfare, and housing programs.

Mind you, Trump wants to bring back more discrimination and bias against POC, adding to the decades of discrimination and racism that Trump himself partook in (see his DOJ consent decree from early 1970s for violating housing discrimination law when he refused to rent to blacks and POC). He is a virulent racist, and thinks blacks will vote for him.

Blacks see him for what and who Trump truly is. There’s a reason that Trump garners so few votes from blacks. He’s an existential threat to them.

Vicious Babushka  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:43:17am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:44:27am

re: #168 Nerdy Fish

That’s hardly silence, then, is it?

A “like” to someone else’s statement is fairly silent. And has been the only politically-oriented remark or reaction I have seen from them in a few years.

I also have not been looking deeply for them commenting in other forums so perhaps I have not looked in the proper locations.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:47:20am

re: #173 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

A “like” to someone else’s statement is fairly silent. And has been the only politically-oriented remark or reaction I have seen from them in a few years.

I also have not been looking deeply for them commenting in other forums so perhaps I have not looked in the proper locations.

I guess that answers my question about the stupidity. A “like” is not silence and you apparently make asinine assumptions based off your few idiot Facebook friends.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:47:57am

re: #173 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I mean, you noticed it. I’m sure others did too. And in the eyes of the First Amendment, speech is a lot of things, not just actual verbal talking or physical writing. Maybe I’m being pedantic here, but reacting to someone’s shitty takes on Facebook or other social media takes an explicit action.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:49:29am

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:54:03am

re: #168 Nerdy Fish

re: #169 Axolotl

re: #173 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The revolution will not be updinged.

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:55:58am

Broad With Sass  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:56:17am

Starliner UP! No Boom

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:56:31am

re: #177 Decatur Deb

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:57:44am

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:59:12am

Lizard Report:

A Blue-Tailed Skink slipped into the house a week or so ago, and evaded capture. A few minutes ago Wife screamed from the kitchen, where she saw a long tail swishing in the double sink. Skink has been relocated to the garden, though we considered letting him move in.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:59:36am

re: #179 Broad With Sass

Starliner UP! No Boom

Everything looks super good on this flight. It was as smooth a launch as you could ask for.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 7:59:59am

He lost VT and DC to Haley

BeachDem  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:03:35am

re: #134 Joe Bacon ✅

𝗙𝗼𝘅 𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗝𝗼𝗵𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝗼 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗗𝗔𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽 𝗵𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹


Amoral torturer say 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵? Few concepts as thoroughly repugnant to the law, across many, many fields, as 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. Whatever the offense, when the term comes up legally, it’s because someone is being charged with it.

Law professor, officer of the court, all around law-n-order fucko is advocating for a judicial coup.

I never asked and now will always wonder if my cousin Andrea ever crossed paths with Yoo at Berkeley. They certainly traveled different paths, that’s for sure.

Andrea graduated with honors from Bryn Mawr College in 1967. She promptly moved to Berkeley where she entered the University of California first as a graduate student in Sociology and then entered law school, graduating with honors in 1972. After clerking for the Supreme Court of California, she spent several years as a public defender in Monterey County where she often had to clear migrating butterflies from her green car before heading into work. She later worked for Legal Services in the Bay Area, taught at the University of Illinois, University of Michigan, and UC Berkeley. She was President of the Champaign County ACLU and was elected to the Illinois Citizens’ Utility Board for her congressional district. In 1989, Andrea began a long career in municipal law, earning Appellate Specialist Status the first time it was offered by the Bar. During this time, she produced three editions of her book “Law in Social Work Practice” and numerous articles in scholarly journals.


Broad With Sass  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:04:22am

re: #183 Nerdy Fish

I went out to watch the launch, as was so afraid of the boom overhead since we’d most likely be in the debris path

Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:05:16am

re: #121 Nerdy Fish

Admittedly, I have on occasion borrowed a prescription medication from someone else in desperate times.

But that is the only thing on that list I’ve ever been guilty of.

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:05:32am

re: #186 Broad With Sass

I went out to watch the launch, as was so afraid of the boom overhead since we’d most likely be in the debris path

I am honestly jealous. I love spaceflight and would love to just casually go watch a launch. They’re on their way back down now.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:05:54am

re: #164 Axolotl

I’m going to assume you left of the sarcasm tags for this comment.

A majority of voters of Texas and Florida are fully on board. Yes — in Florida especially, people are denied the right to vote, but too many residents of these states are on board with these views.

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:06:22am

Radley Balko
Sitting U.S. senators issue vague threats to a state judge to influence his sentencing decision. We’re barreling through new democratic norms by the day, now.

GOP senators warn judge against sentencing Trump to prison

“…Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it would be a “further abuse of power” to incarcerate Trump or sentence him to home confinement.”

“…Sen. Ted Budd (R-N.C.) said it would be “foolish” for the judge to sentence Trump to jail or House arrest.”

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:07:57am

Local News in NE Philly. My street which has been dug up for a few weeks is now finally being paved today.

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:08:06am

Nine months of community service EVERY DAY in a New York City food bank.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:09:59am

re: #169 Axolotl

Ha! Are you guys that stupid? I hate to be rude but plenty of my blues state friends agree to s***** things on Facebook.

The town I grew up in New Jersey is far far more Trump territory than where I live in Florida. It’s not even close.

Individual towns in blue states may be Trump territory — after all more people voted for Trump in California than in any other state — but the state-wide elections show a majority of voters of those states do not share those views. OTOH, Florida and Texas show a majority of their voters are fine with the fascism and racism.

Eventual Carrion  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:10:43am

re: #76 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

It’s a par kind of day.

[Embedded content]

And another 4 am meeting. Yay me. 🙄

4/6 for me this morning also

Wordle 1,082 4/6


A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:12:10am

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:12:35am

re: #184 Dangerman

Trump claims he won all 50 states in the 2020 election.

When will the Wall Street Hacks write the hit piece about Diaper Don losing his mind?

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:12:53am

re: #189 Hecuba’s daughter

A majority of voters of Texas and Florida are fully on board. Yes — in Florida especially, people are denied the right to vote, but too many residents of these states are on board with these views.

No, you claimed that we’re all silent because we agree with fascism. If we live in Florida.

It’s so easy to live in a blue state where everyone agrees with you. No fascists there right?

I have a question for you blue staters. Do you think you’re the reason why your state is blue? Do you think you’ve influenced people around you and turned them into liberals? No, you just happen to live around a lot of liberals and they vote for Democrats. You had nothing to do with it. You are not better then someone living in Florida or Texas . In fact, I’d say you’re worse, it’s easy to be in New York City or some other liberal bastion and say Trump sucks out loud in a crowded room. You get to act all smug and think you’re better than a liberal in Jackson, Mississippi who is outnumbered and has to choose their words carefully or they lose their job.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:14:05am

re: #166 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Unfortunately I know of a few acquaintances in Florida where the silence *is* apparently agreement due to some of their reactions to statements by others in Facebook.

I’m sure that’s the case. But I don’t think everyone is in agreement. I also think many people have no clue because the changes haven’t affected them…tangible things that they can see.

sagehen  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:14:31am

re: #193 Hecuba’s daughter

Individual towns in blue states may be Trump territory — after all more people voted for Trump in California than in any other state — but the state-wide elections show a majority of voters of those states do not share those views. OTOH, Florida and Texas show a majority of their voters are fine with the fascism and racism.

40% of Floridians and Texans can’t possibly win any elections, but that’s still a fuckload of people.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:17:02am

Bannon says Don Jr. top of the list to be attorney general when Daddy steals the election…


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:17:04am

re: #169 Axolotl

Not sure that was called for but whatever.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:17:23am

re: #193 Hecuba’s daughter

Individual towns in blue states may be Trump territory — after all more people voted for Trump in California than in any other state — but the state-wide elections show a majority of voters of those states do not share those views. OTOH, Florida and Texas show a majority of their voters are fine with the fascism and racism.

So you’re going to paint an entire state’s population with who their majority voted for? You know you can go to hell with that. That’s pretty pathetic. Am I not mistaken that you just moved to Florida? I guess you’re a fascist now.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:18:25am

re: #158 Hecuba’s daughter

They’re silent because they agree with the fascism and racism.

I live in Florida and I am not a fascist, I am not a racist, and I 100% disagree with the barbaric policies of the governor. You shouldn’t make such generalizations as there were 5.3 million Floridians who voted for Biden and you do not speak for us.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:18:59am

Jared Kushner’s Firm Pledged to Build Memorial to ‘Victims of NATO…

It’s part of a $500 million real estate deal with the Serbian government.

Jared Kushner’s investment fund’s deal with the Serbian government includes a commitment to build a “memorial dedicated to all the victims of NATOaggression,” according to a report. The firm, Affinity Partners, announced last month it had signed a $500 million agreement to develop a real estate project in Belgrade on the site of an army building destroyed in the 1999 KosovoWar. The memorial, which SpyTalk reported as being included in the fine print of the deal, alludes to the NATO bombing campaign launched amid massacres of ethnic Albanians. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who served as NATO Supreme Allied Commander during the conflict, slammed the memorial portraying the U.S.’ adversary in the war as a victim of aggression. He called it “a betrayal of the United States, its policies and the brave diplomats and airmen who did what they could to stop Serb ethnic cleansing.” He also claimed the memorial project was “part of a broader Russian intelligence movement to split, discredit and weaken NATO.”


Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:19:01am

re: #201 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Not sure that was called for but whatever.

Yes, I’m going to call out stupidity when I see it. They are offending large swaths of the population based off of ignorance and faulty logic.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:19:29am

re: #187 Eclectic Cyborg

Admittedly, I have on occasion borrowed a prescription medication from someone else in desperate times.

But that is the only thing on that list I’ve ever been guilty of.

Me too! Once took an Ambien from a friend — was exhausted and desperate. But that was before I realized that Ambien caused bizarre nightmares and I never took it again.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:20:00am

re: #174 Axolotl

I guess that answers my question about the stupidity. A “like” is not silence and you apparently make asinine assumptions based off your few idiot Facebook friends.

Dude. CHILLAX FFS. Take it down a notch. Please.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:20:38am

re: #200 Joe Bacon ✅

Bannon says Don Jr. top of the list to be attorney general when Daddy steals the election…


Bannon’s alcohol-associated liver disease is resulting in delusions now.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:21:09am

re: #207 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Dude. CHILLAX FFS. Take it down a notch. Please.

Sure, I’ll relax as soon as someone apologizes for calling me a fascist for living somewhere

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:22:32am

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:22:36am

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:23:14am

re: #189 Hecuba’s daughter

A majority of voters of Texas and Florida are fully on board. Yes — in Florida especially, people are denied the right to vote, but too many residents of these states are on board with these views.

Obama carried Florida twice—with the help of us border-jumpers from Alabama.
(Still have my AlObama For Florida bumper sticker.)

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:24:50am

re: #212 Decatur Deb

Obama carried Florida twice—with the help of us border-jumpers from Alabama.
(Still have my Al Obama For Florida bumper sticker.)

And Gilliam was ahead by 5 points on Desantis leading up to the election. Trump claims he help “fix that”.

I knocked on doors for Hillary in this state. What did you people do?

Dave In Austin  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:25:12am

It’s everywhere.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:28:10am

re: #209 Axolotl

Sure, I’ll relax as soon as someone apologizes for calling me a fascist for living somewhere

I was wrong to imply that all residents of those states are fascist — but a majority of voters definitely are — both fascist and racist.

b.d.  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:28:17am

re: #210 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

[Embedded content]

7/11 gives away free Slurpees on 7/11.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:28:34am

Mark Robinson-what an ass


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:29:01am

re: #214 Dave In Austin

It’s everywhere.

[Embedded content]

Well that makes it soooooo much better, silly librul. 👀

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:29:52am

Dave In Austin  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:30:07am

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:31:38am

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:33:07am

re: #221 Dr. Matt

I thought that was 57 states (Heinz 57). /////

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:33:15am

re: #214 Dave In Austin

Dave In Austin  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:38:31am

re: #223 jaunte

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:41:10am

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:43:12am

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:45:45am

re: #213 Axolotl

And Gilliam was ahead by 5 points on Desantis leading up to the election. Trump claims he help “fix that”.

I knocked on doors for Hillary in this state. What did you people do?

Same (for other blue candidates, Hillary didn’t need our help here). Also phone banking.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:48:22am

re: #215 Hecuba’s daughter

I was wrong to imply that all residents of those states are fascist — but a majority of voters definitely are — both fascist and racist.

You’re just profoundly ignorant and your ideas are offensive. I’ll be sure to pass along to the trump supporting Cubans who fled a fascist dictator that they’re now fascist + racists.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:53:19am

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:55:18am

re: #229 Dr. Matt

Yes we are. And that is a very nice pic of a kitten.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:55:21am

re: #190 jaunte

Seems to me that multiple criminals begging a judge to not send someone to prison is a pretty good way to convince said judge that person should be sent to prison.

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:57:01am

Dr Lizardo  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:58:26am

re: #231 Eclectic Cyborg

Seems to me that multiple criminals begging a judge to not send someone to prison is a pretty good way to convince said judge that person should be sent to prison.

Anyone wanna bet that when Judge Merchan asks Trump if he has anything to say prior to sentence being passed on July 11th, Trump says, “GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU COMMUNIST DEVIL!”

darthstar  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:58:28am

re: #190 jaunte

What about White House arrest? I’m guessing they’d be okay with that.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:59:53am

re: #229 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

We’re not on the same side if someone can openly say that the majority of people living in a state are fascist and racist.

That is wrong and dehumanizing and that is a huge problem.

wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 8:59:56am

re: #232 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:01:18am
KGxvi  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:01:51am

in re: religion in schools/public places… if it’s not required, I don’t really care. If people want to get together for bible study or whatever on campus, that’s fine, as long as it’s not required of everyone. Wear what you want or don’t wear what you don’t want, I really don’t care. As far as food stuff, there’s nothing wrong with kosher or halal offerings in public spaces, it’s no different than gluten-free or keto offerings - again, if it’s available to everyone, it really isn’t an issue.

The issue is one of enforced vs allowed activity. If the power of the state is being used to enforce participation in religious activity, that’s a problem. If the power of the state is being used to allow participation in religious activity, that isn’t a problem.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:03:04am

re: #233 Dr Lizardo

Anyone wanna bet that when Judge Merchan asks Trump if he has anything to say prior to sentence being passed on July 11th, Trump says, “GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU COMMUNIST DEVIL!”

No he won’t. His lawyers will have crafted a suitable statement for him to make in court. Not contrite, but polite. After all, he knew better than to testify in Court when his freedom was on the line.

KGxvi  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:03:35am

re: #228 Axolotl

You’re just profoundly ignorant and your ideas are offensive. I’ll be sure to pass along to the trump supporting Cubans who fled a fascist dictator that they’re now fascist + racists.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:04:19am

re: #233 Dr Lizardo

Anyone wanna bet that when Judge Merchan asks Trump if he has anything to say prior to sentence being passed on July 11th, Trump says, “GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU COMMUNIST DEVIL!”

He won’t but I’d pay to see that!

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:05:26am

re: #237 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Even back then people couldn’t put down their Iphones.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:05:54am

re: #239 Hecuba’s daughter

No he won’t. His lawyers will have crafted a suitable statement for him to make in court. Not contrite, but polite.

But if he should happen to go off script…

Dr Lizardo  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:06:31am

re: #239 Hecuba’s daughter

No he won’t. His lawyers will have crafted a suitable statement for him to make in court. Not contrite, but polite. After all, he knew better than to testify in Court when his freedom was on the line.

Oh, I know. But given Trump’s propensity for lacking a filter, some outrageous outburst wouldn’t come as a total surprise.

KGxvi  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:07:06am

re: #233 Dr Lizardo

Anyone wanna bet that when Judge Merchan asks Trump if he has anything to say prior to sentence being passed on July 11th, Trump says, “GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU COMMUNIST DEVIL!”

you forget that deep down (by which I mean, immediately under his very thin skin), he’s a coward. he would never actually say that to the judge’s face.

Shropshire Slasher  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:09:40am

Good news.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is ditching the MTA congestion pricing plan indefinitely — with insiders saying she’s worried that it’s “not the right time” as New Yorkers face a cost-of-living crisis.

Hochul announced plans to delay the $15 toll’s June 30 start date on Wednesday, citing the increased cost on working people, including teachers and firefighters.

“Let’s be real a $15 charge .. puts the squeeze on the very people who make this city go,” Hochul said in a taped announcement.

“I cannot add another burden to working middle class New Yorkers or create another obstacle to our continued economic recovery” from the COVID pandemic, she added.


Jay C  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:11:19am

re: #228 Axolotl

You’re just profoundly ignorant and your ideas are offensive. I’ll be sure to pass along to the trump supporting Cubans who fled a fascist dictator that they’re now fascist + racists.

I’m not going to make the mistake of opining too deeply on a complex subject like a population’s political affinities (that I don’t have a proper handle on); but I will point out that those “Trump-supporting Cubans” in Florida are there because they fled a Communist dictator, not a *fascist* one. The difference is considerable.

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:12:40am

re: #247 Jay C

I’m not going to make the mistake of opining too deeply on a complex subject like a population’s political affinities (that I don’t have a proper handle on); but I will point out that those “Trump-supporting Cubans” in Florida are there because they fled a Communist dictator, not a *fascist* one. The difference is considerable.

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:16:09am

Mrs Cranky is up in her sewing room and is cussing up a storm.

That usually means she’s working on a complex quilt. But I’m afraid to ask. ;-)

Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:16:21am

He was not democratically elected and was a dictator we rode in on the back of communism. You can ask Cubans if they thought he was a fascist or not. What do you think THEY would say?

The right accuses the left and the left accuses the right of fascism all the time.

Decatur Deb  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:17:05am

re: #249 A Cranky One

Mrs Cranky is up in her sewing room and is cussing up a storm.

That usually means she’s working on a complex quilt. But I’m afraid to ask. ;-)

Check for Skinks.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:17:21am

re: #249 A Cranky One

Ms. Cyborg tells me to ignore her frustrated cussing when I hear it.
If she needs my help, she will ask.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:17:43am
Jay C  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:21:13am

re: #250 Axolotl

Ax, if you are responding to my #247, note that the comments (#248 and #250) don’t jibe: looks like something got left off.

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:22:35am

re: #251 Decatur Deb

Check for Skinks.

that got an actual LOL from me.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:24:00am
Axolotl  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:30:45am

re: #256 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

[Embedded content]


Let me be the first NOT to assume that the majority of people in Baraboo WI are fascist and racists.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:32:24am

lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:33:12am

NYT Pitchbot:

Twitter is owned by a fascist, the publisher of the New York Times is openly anti-Biden, CNN is doing Trump town halls, and the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal are run by Murdoch cronies. Here’s why liberal media bias is a problem.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:38:05am

Fwiw, my “it’s a fair cop but societys to blame” is Monty Python

Mrsdms last invasive procedure is done

She is very happy

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:38:13am

Of course, they aren’t all perverts. This one is just a common thief:

Lancaster Pastor Found Guilty Of Multi-Church Property Theft

Whitney Foster, a 56-year-old pastor from Lancaster, has been found guilty of theft of property exceeding $300,000 in value.

Details: Foster, who led a small congregation without a physical gathering place, orchestrated the theft of real estate from three churches. He accomplished this by filing fraudulent deeds that falsely listed himself as the grantee and fabricated leaders of the victim churches as the grantors. The combined value of the stolen properties exceeds $800,000.

lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:38:34am

re: #258 Dangerman

Along the same lines is the doublespeak/cognitive dissonance surrounding the GOP response to the Hunter Biden trial.

They have been insisting for years that the Bidens must be imprisoned, but the actual Biden DOJ and prosecutor is trying Hunter on a rather obscure charge that gets rarely used to prosecute persons. It’s a gun charge, which makes the GOP squirm too.

danarchy  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:45:56am

re: #262 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Of course, they aren’t all perverts. This one is just a common thief:

Lancaster Pastor Found Guilty Of Multi-Church Property Theft




It’s almost like there are bad people everywhere.

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:46:14am

re: #263 lawhawk

Along the same lines is the doublespeak/cognitive dissonance surrounding the GOP response to the Hunter Biden trial.

They have been insisting for years that the Bidens must be imprisoned, but the actual Biden DOJ and prosecutor is trying Hunter on a rather obscure charge that gets rarely used to prosecute persons. It’s a gun charge, which makes the GOP squirm too.

David Weiss, the special prosecutor organizing this, is a Trump appointment. So no surprise there.

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 9:53:02am

A lot of family drama these days.

Mrs Cranky’s kids were named as executors for their grandmothers estate (Mrs Cranky’s mom). The older son has refused to cooperate or fulfill any of his fiduciary duties. Her other son has shouldered all the burdens trying to deal with/resolve the estate.

Flashbacks to having to sue my older brother (with the support of my other brother and my sister) for his failure to perform his duties (he’s incredibly lazy). We sued after 3 years of his failures (for example, he threw checks from insurance companies, etc. into a box and let them expire rather than simply depositing them).

Sigh. When Mrs Cranky and I created our trust, we designated our attorney as the executor specifically to avoid issues with family members. Not to mention that the trust has all the information about our accounts, etc. and so we don’t have to chase assets.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:09:59am

re: #244 Dr Lizardo

Oh, I know. But given Trump’s propensity for lacking a filter, some outrageous outburst wouldn’t come as a total surprise

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:13:06am

re: #264 danarchy




It’s almost like there are bad people everywhere.

Not sure I understand your point. I’m not singling out the DFW Metroplex, that just happens to be where I live. Beyond that, evil doers are indeed ubiquitous, but most of them do not insist on providing moral leadership, subverting public education, dictating intimate choices, or benefiting from tax exempt status.

darthstar  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:13:52am
Mike Lamb  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:15:45am

re: #190 jaunte

Radley Balko
Sitting U.S. senators issue vague threats to a state judge to influence his sentencing decision. We’re barreling through new democratic norms by the day, now.

[Embedded content]

GOP senators warn judge against sentencing Trump to prison

“…Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it would be a “further abuse of power” to incarcerate Trump or sentence him to home confinement.”

“…Sen. Ted Budd (R-N.C.) said it would be “foolish” for the judge to sentence Trump to jail or House arrest.”

I’m sure Shropshire Slasher will be along any minute to thoroughly tut-tut both Budd and Cornyn.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:16:53am

re: #269 darthstar

[Embedded content]

I wouldn’t doubt he’s conflating a recent conversation with one of his MAGAts Nazis where they proposed locking up Dr. Biden and Hillary.

darthstar  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:17:00am

re: #269 darthstar

“Can you believe it? They want me to pee in a cup. And it’s this little tiny cup…and I have to do this by touch… but I filled it up like nobody has ever seen. I’m like, ‘Bring me a pitcher!’”

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:17:26am

re: #262 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Of course, they aren’t all perverts. This one is just a common thief:

Lancaster Pastor Found Guilty Of Multi-Church Property Theft

Why Not Both GIF

goddamnedfrank  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:17:40am

re: #266 A Cranky One

A lot of family drama these days.

Mrs Cranky’s kids were named as executors for their grandmothers estate (Mrs Cranky’s mom). The older son has refused to cooperate or fulfill any of his fiduciary duties. Her other son has shouldered all the burdens trying to deal with/resolve the estate.

Flashbacks to having to sue my older brother (with the support of my other brother and my sister) for his failure to perform his duties (he’s incredibly lazy). We sued after 3 years of his failures (for example, he threw checks from insurance companies, etc. into a box and let them expire rather than simply depositing them).

Sigh. When Mrs Cranky and I created our trust, we designated our attorney as the executor specifically to avoid issues with family members. Not to mention that the trust has all the information about our accounts, etc. and so we don’t have to chase assets.

I’ll mention again that everyone should make sure that specific things like IRA accounts do NOT go into your living trust. This is because the SECURE ACT 1.0 makes it so if an inherited IRA points to a revocable trust then the beneficiaries of that trust will only have five years to drain the account entirely, instead of having a normal ten years. Even if you think your IRA is tiny your heirs will appreciate having an extra five years to work tax arbitrage, especially if they have other income.

The fix is to just name the beneficiaries directly in the PoD / ToD form on your account website or to go in and fill out the form directly. The info on these PoD / ToD forms also bypass and overrule everything in your trust and will, so you really want to make sure they’re correct.

darthstar  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:19:27am

re: #273 jeffreyw

Why Not Both GIF

Guilty? The “I already asked Jesus for forgiveness” defense didn’t work?

Hecuba's daughter  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:26:06am

re: #271 Dr. Matt

I wouldn’t doubt he’s conflating a recent conversation with one of his MAGAts Nazis where they proposed locking up Dr. Biden and Hillary.

??? What crime do they claim Dr. Biden did??? I could understand if someone referred to Hillary as both SOS and the wife of a former president; manufacturing criminal charges against her is a long standing GOP tradition; but did they actually refer to Dr. Biden?

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:28:00am

re: #277 Hecuba’s daughter

??? What crime do they claim Dr. Biden did??? I could understand if someone referred to Hillary as both SOS and the wife of a former president; manufacturing criminal charges against her is a long standing GOP tradition; but did they actually refer to Dr. Biden?

It sounds like he’s referring to retaliation against people who want to throw Melania in jail, but has anyone actually said that? As far as I know, she hasn’t committed any crime (other than marrying that rat bastard, but I think she’s paying the penance for that right now).

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:30:31am

re: #278 Nerdy Fish

It sounds like he’s referring to retaliation against people who want to throw Melania in jail, but has anyone actually said that? As far as I know, she hasn’t committed any crime (other than marrying that rat bastard, but I think she’s paying the penance for that right now).

Melanoma’s only crime is marrying the worst human on the planet.

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:30:40am
Vicious Babushka  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:35:05am

Gee what could have happened to make Biden’s numbers shoot up? Newsweak is baffled.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:35:51am

re: #268 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Not sure I understand your point. I’m not singling out the DFW Metroplex, that just happens to be where I live. Beyond that, evil doers are indeed ubiquitous, but most of them do not insist on providing moral leadership, subverting public education, dictating intimate choices, or benefiting from tax exempt status.

That. Plus the observation people normally can’t walk away from the state they live in, but can easily walk away from such a church. (Instead, church parishioners will too-often circle the wagons, accuse the victim and outsiders of lying, cite the Bible about forgiveness, refuse to co-operate with police, declare bankruptcy to hide assets from victims, &c).

If you’re new here, you might not know I’m not a big fan of Christianity (/s), in the same way I’m not a big fan of conservatism (they both scare me and have a depressingly large number of members who want me dead).

I don’t think all Christians are fine with child rape any more than I think all Texans or Floridians are fine with fascism.

When I make the comparison of a woman walking down the street with a bunch of strange men coming the opposite way knowing that one might attack her even though the odds are very small, others might harass her or catcall with the odds much higher, that’s what I mean.

And as far as conservatives, my wife and I have already been physically attacked in public places for wearing masks (me in Wyoming, my wife in our county seat). Fuquewitte tried to kill my wife. The sheriff’s department couldn’t find him after she beat him down with a metal cane and he fled. (I wonder how hard they searched, since there are very few hospitals in the Nebraska Panhandle.)

At least many Christians can be spotted in advance since many wear execution devices around their neck or wear branded merch. Women can usually identify men from a long way away.

The overwhelming majority of Christians would never attack anyone and never even think to do so. But enough do (everything from bombings and shootings to assault and battery, plus trying impose their version of it on everyone including other Christians) that it is a concern.

jeffreyw  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:36:48am
Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:37:04am

re: #276 Joe Bacon ✅

[Embedded content]


Fucking disgusting White trash scum.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:37:23am

A most wonderful thing just happened

Mrsdm just took my hand. We’re holding hands and walking through the halls of national Jewish hospital in Denver.

We pass an elderly lady who says ” what a nice looking couple”

We say thanks

We round a corner
Coming off an elevator another woman with a child says “what a nice looking couple you are”

Thanks again and a bit of a blush

It was…nice. I guess we are

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:39:58am

re: #269 darthstar

[Embedded content]

This is sorta good.
As the “campaign” progresses it’ll be Biden talking about accomplishment and second term goals for all americans. And this yutz will be talking about personal revenge, not “what I’ll do for you as prez”

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:42:33am

View from the patio at the OTB Cafe

A pleasant lunch at a cafe located in the Boathouse on the lake in North Park just north of Pittsburgh. (It did not start raining until just after lunch.)

While sitting and eating a salad there was a bit of bird watching done. Canada Goose, Mallard Duck, Osprey, Red-tailed Hawk, Turkey Vulture, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Red-winged Blackbird, Grackle, Field Sparrow, and House Finch.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:44:09am

re: #287 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Beautiful and peaceful pic.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:45:36am

re: #263 lawhawk

Along the same lines is the doublespeak/cognitive dissonance surrounding the GOP response to the Hunter Biden trial.

They have been insisting for years that the Bidens must be imprisoned, but the actual Biden DOJ and prosecutor is trying Hunter on a rather obscure charge that gets rarely used to prosecute persons. It’s a gun charge, which makes the GOP squirm too.

It doesn’t make the GOP squirm at all. “Conservatism consists of one proposition, et cetera”

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:45:53am

Paul Waldman @paulwaldman.bsky.social

Kind of incredible that ProPublica documented that a raft of key witnesses in Trump’s trials have gotten huge payoffs from his company and his campaign, and the rest of the news media was like “Eh, doesn’t seem like a big deal, we won’t bother looking at that”


“…Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement that “the 2024 Trump campaign is the most well-run and professional operation in political history. Any false assertion that we’re engaging in any type of behavior that may be regarded as tampering is absurd and completely fake.”

Trump’s attorney, David Warrington, sent ProPublica a cease-and-desist letter demanding this article not be published. The letter warned that if the outlet and its reporters “continue their reckless campaign of defamation, President Trump will evaluate all legal remedies.”

Their reaction is the typical proof that yes, there is indeed fire under all that smoke.

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:50:11am


Smart stuff as always from John Ganz. “This is the key difference between Trumpism & traditional conservatism, which still paid lip service to minimal, formal universal mediums like the rule of law, citizenship, & the market. To Trump those words are just bullshit.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:54:38am

re: #278 Nerdy Fish

It sounds like he’s referring to retaliation against people who want to throw Melania in jail, but has anyone actually said that? As far as I know, she hasn’t committed any crime (other than marrying that rat bastard, but I think she’s paying the penance for that right now).

Fuck her. She’s as fucking evil as he is. I have zero, none, NO compassion at all for Ms, I don’t really care, do u?

Fuck them both. Evict that lying c*nt from the US for lying on her immigration application. It sickens me that she was ever a first lady…truly makes me want to vomit.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:55:05am

re: #279 Dr. Matt

Melanoma’s only crime is marrying the worst human on the planet.

And lying on her immigration application.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:57:49am

re: #285 Dangerman

A most wonderful thing just happened

Mrsdm just took my hand. We’re holding hands and walking through the halls of national Jewish hospital in Denver.

We pass an elderly lady who says ” what a nice looking couple”

We say thanks

We round a corner
Coming off an elevator another woman with a child says “what a nice looking couple you are”

Thanks again and a bit of a blush

It was…nice. I guess we are

Awwwwwwww!!!! 😭

Patricia Kayden  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:59:17am

re: #276 Joe Bacon ✅

I don’t understand why he wasn’t arrested right away. According to what I can find, the incident is still under “investigation”. Ridiculous. That was assault.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:59:19am

re: #290 jaunte

Paul Waldman @paulwaldman.bsky.social


Their reaction is the typical proof that yes, there is indeed fire under all that smoke.

Golly gosh, trump’s gonna sue. Color me shocked.

Dr. Matt  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:59:35am

re: #293 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

And lying on her immigration application.

It’s only a crime if you’re a non-White immigrant.

/half sarc

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 10:59:38am

re: #274 goddamnedfrank

I’ll mention again that everyone should make sure that specific things like IRA accounts do NOT go into your living trust. This is because the SECURE ACT 1.0 makes it so if an inherited IRA points to a revocable trust then the beneficiaries of that trust will only have five years to drain the account entirely, instead of having a normal ten years. If your heirs work even a small IRA can benefit from having an extra five years to work tax arbitrage.

The fix is to just name the beneficiaries directly in the PoD / ToD form on your account website or to go in and fill out the form directly. The info on these PoD / ToD forms also bypass and overrule everything in your trust and will, so you really want to make sure they’re correct.

I believe we’ve dealt with this correctly; our attorney specializes in elder law and has a great reputation.

Having said that, I’ll listen to your advice and we plan to check with the attorney.

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:00:02am

re: #296 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Insiders get the poisoned carrot, outsiders get the stick!

Nerdy Fish  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:00:33am

re: #295 Patricia Kayden

I don’t understand why he wasn’t arrested right away. According to what I can find, the incident is still under “investigation”. Ridiculous. That was assault.

The instigator was white and the victim was Black. I believe we’re done here.

Patricia Kayden  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:00:34am

re: #279 Dr. Matt

And plagiarizing Mrs. Obama’s convention speech.

lawhawk  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:06:16am

re: #290 jaunte

The other media outlets can’t get their rectal cranial inversions resolved. They don’t realize that there’s a real criminal conspiracy involved here, that Trump and his goons are busy trying to buy the silence and cooperation of those engaging in ongoing criminal conspiracies (or old ones).

The campaign is absolutely trying to pay off witnesses and those who might be sought to cooperate with prosecutors in identifying criminal conduct by Trump and his inner circle.

Trump, as we’ve seen, will use intermediaries to further his goals. That includes Cohen functioning as the middleman in the fraudulent business document conviction case.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:07:03am

re: #301 Patricia Kayden

And plagiarizing Mrs. Obama’s convention speech.


Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:07:54am

But don’t call it a cult. Dr. Donald May is Lubbock’s self styled “Mr. Conservative.” He once challenged Congressman Randy Neugebauer (of “you lie!” fame) in the GOP primary because Neugebauer was “not conservative enough.”

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:10:19am

re: #302 lawhawk

Every day it’s a fresh shock to realize how many people missed the very obvious fact that this guy has been a criminal fraud his whole life. If I knew it living in Houston, Texas all the way back in the mid-70s, what have 40% of the the voting public been thinking.

Dangerman  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:14:24am

re: #290 jaunte

Paul Waldman @paulwaldman.bsky.social


Their reaction is the typical proof that yes, there is indeed fire under all that smoke.

How dare you unearth more crimes we committed

A Cranky One  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:14:48am

jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:14:53am

FOX NEWS: Where are we with the impeachment investigation? It started 11 months ago.
REP. MOSKOWITZ: Is that still going on? It’s going great for Comer. I mean, everything I read, it’s just going so well for him. James, just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s going great.

wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:19:01am

re: #290 jaunte

Paul Waldman @paulwaldman.bsky.social


Their reaction is the typical proof that yes, there is indeed fire under all that smoke.

The Hush Money needs to get out of the wallet. I picture it sneaking out like bats, or swarming out like bats, but I like bats.

Leftt of the Left  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:46:28am

re: #158 Hecuba’s daughter

Wow. Longtime lurker. Was considering starting as a paid member. Now, I don’t need to bother.

Honestly, the last two days have shown me how quickly downhill these communities can go, and why the left has trouble winning.

First, that poorly thought out and inaccurate inter-generational salvo yesterday, and now this.

We are NOT fucking silent in Florida, and we do NOT agree with what is occurring. Everyday good people put everything they have at risk to combat the DeSantis regime, but because you two chuckleheads haven’t heard about it, it isn’t happening.

The fact that THIS is coming from one of the biggest mewling cowards on here, is absolutely rich.

Normally, I’d have just left the site, but your comment disgusted me enough, I absolutely wasn’t going to let it go.

You disgust me.

wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:52:04am

re: #310 Leftt of the Left

Greetings, hatchling.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:53:40am

re: #311 wrenchwench


wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:55:37am

re: #312 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

[Embedded content]


wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:56:27am

re: #313 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]


A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:57:08am

re: #313 wrenchwench


wrenchwench  Jun 5, 2024 • 11:58:45am

re: #315 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

[Embedded content]


jaunte  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:00:46pm

Being a paid member here is actually a pretty cheap way to improve your argumentation and persuasion skills. Politics.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:04:08pm

re: #302 lawhawk

The other media outlets can’t get their rectal cranial inversions resolved. They don’t realize that there’s a real criminal conspiracy involved here, that Trump and his goons are busy trying to buy the silence and cooperation of those engaging in ongoing criminal conspiracies (or old ones).

The campaign is absolutely trying to pay off witnesses and those who might be sought to cooperate with prosecutors in identifying criminal conduct by Trump and his inner circle.

Trump, as we’ve seen, will use intermediaries to further his goals. That includes Cohen functioning as the middleman in the fraudulent business document conviction case.

The CCCP is All In For Trump. Nothing will dissuade them.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:08:03pm

… moved by me …

Dave In Austin  Jun 5, 2024 • 12:35:12pm

re: #310 Leftt of the Left

Greetings Hatchling.
It’s not too bad once you weed thru the purity ponies.
Being in Texas, I feel your pain.

Belafon  Jun 5, 2024 • 5:58:28pm

re: #283 jeffreyw

If you haven’t read

Last God Standing

, you should.

Charmingly Persistent  Jun 5, 2024 • 6:42:24pm

re: #151 Shropshire Slasher

These Spiders are harmless

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