Extreme - “Beautiful Girls” (Official Video)

Music • Views: 6,417

Every band has to have their song about beautiful girls where they go from city to city all around the world, awestruck by the sheer gorgeousness of the girls in every city, and they name all the cities. Naming cities is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser at live shows, gets raucous applause every time.

I hope any right wing readers are irritated as hell by how marvelously inclusive this video is, though. DEI this, motherfuckers.

Extreme - “Beautiful Girls” (Official Video)
Extreme ‘Six’ is out now extreme-band.com


Directed By: Nuno Bettencourt & Rene Rigal // ‘A Simplexity Creation’
Edited By: Nuno Bettencourt
Executive Producer: Atlantis Entertainment
Director of Photography: Thor Wixom

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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