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silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 7:50:10pm

CL’d. This is important regarding Patty Murray’s tepid support.

What I wrote to my Senator Patty Murray. Don’t expect it to do much but I am so disappointed. She is the 4th most important person in the government and this is such tepid support:

I was very disapointed in your response today. So weak. President Biden has been campaigning almost every day. He spent more than an hour at a Philadelphia church and gave a wonderful speech on Sunday. Donald Trump has been incommunicado for almost week. Who is more energetic?

But then, you know that. President Biden has been very busy campaigning in several states. Trump gets caught on an open mike while golfing. Who is more energetic?

But then you know that. Biden has appeared at several ordinary places, like the Waffle House, to talk with ordinary people and has given impromptu press conferences on the tarmac. Trump sits in Florida. Who s more energetic?

But then you know that. Biden raised more money in June than any other month. In fact 30% of it was raised in the three days AFTER the debate. The people still support him with their money. I know becase I was one of those. The political elites are not going to decide for me.

In fact, the only people wo seem to be stabbing our President in the back are moderates. Progressives like AOC and Sanders are supporting him. I wonder why? Your response is disappointing on so many levels.

So why such a tepid message? Sounds to me like you want some sort of shiny unicorn to run, instead of the best President we have had in my lifetime. Someone who has been campaigning hard on the very issues you mention.

But you know that.

I know what he has been doing because I have been following him every day, watching his speeches online, seeing him forcefully explain why he needs to win. If you have not seen that it must be because you are not looking. Which makes me wonder why?

Who can replace Biden? Only Harris can access the money. And she has her own attack points, as we are already seeing. I love the Vice President but she is not invulnerable to lying attacks.

I am really getting tired of Washington political elites trying to decide for us who gets to run. I had thought you were immune to that. The mom in tennis shoes now looks like any other Democratic centrist It seems you have been ignoring what he has been doing the last week, helping to support a false MSM narrative. Why? It makes the Democrats look weak and indecisive. Where is the fight we need, the fight you claim he is supposed to have? Where is your fight?

This is the first time since I originally voted for you that I have doubted you. I’ve loved that you were MY Senator. I was so happy when you became the 4th most important person in our government. Now, IMHO, you use that position to project weakness, not strength.

I just wonder why you are now acting like all the rest of the pearl-clutching Democrats ready to change things in ways I believe will hurt rather than help. Where is your fight?

So disappointed . So weak from someone I thought was strong. I expected better.

Dr. Richard Gayle

Dave In Austin  Jul 8, 2024 • 7:50:34pm

A grifting team like no other!

Belafon  Jul 8, 2024 • 7:56:33pm

re: #2 Dave In Austin

A grifting team like no other!

[Embedded content]

And Trump’s supporters will tell you those were the best sandwiches they ever had.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 8, 2024 • 7:58:04pm

So Billy McFarland is connecting Fartman with rappers.

Does that make them…CRAPPERS????

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 8, 2024 • 7:58:36pm

The Reactor (a science-fiction and fantasy ‘zine), July 8, 2024

The Avengers Cast Reassembles to Dub Film in Lakota Language

“Working with The Lakota Language Reclamation Project, the actors came together once more for a very important cause.”

Members of the Lakota nation and Marvel Entertainment have teamed up to provide a dub of 2012’s The Avengers in the Lakota language, with the core cast—Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, and Jeremy Renner—coming together to take part.

“Our ancestors, they were punished for speaking our language,” Executive Producer Eugene “Ray” Taken Alive said in a video Marvel put out about the collaboration. He added, “Our language, it went underground. It was spoken in bedrooms when the matrons weren’t there at boarding schools. It was spoken in dark rooms where nobody could hear them, but it was still spoken.”

The initiative is part of The Lakota Language Reclamation Project, and aims, as Project Executive Producer Cyril “Chuck” Archambault says in the video, “to put the language back in the homes of our people—to be able to have them bond in such a way where they’re having fun watching a movie, and be totally integrated with the language of our people.”


Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 7:58:54pm

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:02:40pm

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:16:05pm

In the category “Why do you still have a Twitter account?”

Every new Musk's innovation just drives people away from Twitter. True genius that dude is.

Comfortably Numb (@numb.comfortab.ly) 2024-07-09T02:28:29.682Z

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:17:07pm

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:19:04pm

Belafon  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:21:42pm

re: #9 Patricia Kayden

Is that one on Threads? found it, yes it is, and I don’t have an account so I can’t like it there.

Vicious Babushka  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:24:07pm

re: #8 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

In the category “Why do you still have a Twitter account?”

[Embedded content]

He’s just torturing the users for his personal enjoyment.

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:24:31pm

re: #11 Belafon

Is that one on Threads?

Yes. I saw it on Threads.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:29:13pm

I needed to smirk this evening

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:32:50pm

It’s not circumcised so I guess>>>it’s a gentile berg 🤣

Belafon  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:32:59pm


Even if you're well acclimatized to the wild climate of Texas there is always the possibility of a fresh hell. Today's? A home invasion of red fire ants. Yes, IN the home. Biting everyone + everything in their path. Kitchen, bedroom, and a river of them down the hall. Inside the house.

Katharine Hayhoe (@katharinehayhoe.com) 2024-07-09T03:08:04.699Z

Interesting Times  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:34:51pm

re: #16 Belafon


I would recommend releasing a large truckload of them in the governor’s mansion.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:36:16pm

re: #17 Interesting Times

I would recommend releasing a large truckload of them in the governor’s mansion.

If they bit him they would die en masse…

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:37:29pm

re: #18 Joe Bacon ✅

If they bit him they would die en masse…

So a win-win, then.

jaunte  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:38:01pm

re: #16 Belafon

Watch out for ants in flood waters!

Fire ants form floating rafts to escape Texas floods

No Malarkey!  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:40:02pm

People have gotten themselves way too wrapped up in stuff they have no control over, and it’s not good for their mental health. We have no control over who the nominee will be, or what stories the media will write, and we can make only small contributions to the election outcome by donating our money and time to candidates we support and voting. Remember to take time to enjoy the good things in life, because there is a lot to appreciate, and we only get one lifetime to do so.

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:40:24pm

re: #20 jaunte

Fascinating. Although I hope they’re not in Maryland.

jaunte  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:40:36pm

I ran into one of these wading home through high water one night many years ago.

Belafon  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:41:19pm

re: #21 No Malarkey!

Quibble, we HAD control over the nominee and the media and the rich are trying to undo that.

jaunte  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:42:14pm

re: #22 Patricia Kayden

Looks like they’re on the way.

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:44:46pm

re: #25 jaunte

“They are discovered sporadically in Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland”

Dang it!!!

Patricia Kayden  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:47:43pm

austin_blue  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:52:12pm

So, the remnants of Beryl are approaching Hot Springs, Arkysaw.

Lotsa rain, east side ‘naders, and big ass hail.

Still got over a million power outages in Houston alone and Galveston may not have power restored for two weeks.

There will be a shitpot of cooking meat outdoors for the next four days. Before the meat rots.

Also, a lot of people dragging their refrigerators outside to hose down the interiors over the next four days. Once that rotting food smell gets into the plastic, it never leaves.

sagehen  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:53:55pm

re: #7 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

He’s had 44 cabinet members (which in itself is ridiculous turnover, there’s only 15 at a time, and no other president has ever had more than 20 in one term) — of those 44, 4 are willing to endorse him. 40 are not.

Also, his chairman of the joint chiefs, and all the chiefs, none of them are willing to endorse him.

austin_blue  Jul 8, 2024 • 8:57:18pm

re: #29 sagehen

He’s had 44 cabinet members (which in itself is ridiculous turnover, there’s only 15 at a time, and no other president has ever had more than 20 in one term) — of those 44, 4 are willing to endorse him. 40 are not.

Also, his chairman of the joint chiefs, and all the chiefs, none of them are willing to endorse him.

Well, he *does* work for Putin.

So does The Heritage Foundation.

ckkatz  Jul 8, 2024 • 9:03:41pm

re: #26 Patricia Kayden

“They are discovered sporadically in Kentucky, Missouri, and Maryland”

Dang it!!!

The article’s map shows single instances dating to around 2015 in Fairfax County, Va; PG County, Baltimore County and Ann Arundel County Maryland.

silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 9:27:52pm

But he is sitting down!!

But he is supposed to be forcefully expounding the Democratic vision and energetically discussing its accomplishments. Not sitting down /s

jaunte  Jul 8, 2024 • 9:34:21pm

‪Costa Samaras‬ ‪@costasamaras.bsky.social

Slashing methane is a major climate win from Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. It’s $850 million (6% of EPA budget!) for “projects that help track — and stop — methane leaks tied to oil and gas production.” This would’ve a been career-defining win a decade ago. Now it’s Monday after holiday weekend.

Joshua Basseches‬ ‪@joshuabasseches.bsky.social

Biden Admin takes major action on methane leaks from oil and gas production:
DOE, EPA outline $850M plan to slash methane emissions

jaunte  Jul 8, 2024 • 9:36:33pm
Biden Admin takes major action on methane leaks from oil and gas production

Someone wake Patty Murray and let her know.

silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 9:38:56pm

re: #34 jaunte

Someone wake Patty Murray and let her know.

She knows. Apparently she wants a great orator to fire up crowds, rather than someone who actually gets things done. Must be jealous of Trump and his ability to articluate his vision /s

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:06:07pm

Wow. I never knew there is “Superman” Ice Cream until tonight!


wrenchwench  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:17:46pm
silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:22:07pm

re: #37 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Great explanation for his undying support from Blacks. Watching the responses to his presence at the Mt Airy church on Sunday was awesome.

Hecuba's daughter  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:30:17pm

re: #34 jaunte

Someone wake Patty Murray and let her know.

I had been concerned that the Democrats who were calling for his withdrawing his nomination were responding to a serious cognitive decline that either they personally had observed or that others they respected had reported. After all, when you are our age those problems can strike suddenly, without hope of real improvement. Now, I wonder if the demands for withdrawal were due to a single bad performance (and it was bad) followed by a malign and continuing onslaught launched by the NY Times in an effort to destroy his candidacy.

silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:34:33pm

re: #39 Hecuba’s daughter

I had been concerned that the Democrats who were calling for his withdrawing his nomination were responding to a serious cognitive decline that either they personally had observed or that others they respected had reported. After all, when you are our age those problems can strike suddenly, without hope of real improvement. Now, I wonder if the demands for withdrawal were due to a single bad performance (and it was bad) followed by a malign and continuing onslaught launched by the NY Times in an effort to destroy his candidacy.

Virtually all the calls and lack of obvious support come from moderate/centrist democrats. These are the ones that have historically clutched pearls and mongered doom. Now that principle is hurting the party big time.

Progressives like AOC and Sanders have supported Biden. I expect he will remember.

Semper Fi  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:42:22pm

re: #15 Joe Bacon ✅

It’s not circumcised so I guess>>>it’s a gentile berg 🤣


Hecuba's daughter  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:42:23pm

Did Marine Le Pen actually say that the policies she represents are the policies represented by Trump and Putin?

Linking to X because that’s where the clip was. Can someone independently translate her words?


Captain Ron  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:42:43pm

Electric boat not involved.

sagehen  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:51:47pm

re: #37 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I read once about the 1980 campaign, when Ted Kennedy was trying to primary Jimmy Carter. They were both called to… maybe the NAACP? or the King Center? Some black organization with lots go women on the committee to decide which of them would get their endorsement.

“Senator Kennedy, how many black people on your campaign staff?
Um… none.
What about your Senate staff? How many black people in that office?
Um… none.

President Carter, how many black people on your campaign staff?
Total? Or just senior staff at headquarters?
Senior, people at the table helping make decisions.
(counts on fingers). Um, six? No wait, seven, we just promoted somebody from one of the field offices.
And when you were governor, how many black people had ranking positions, senior officials?
Nine, I think? I’d have to look at the roster to be sure I’m remembering everyone.

Can you guess which of them got the endorsement? I knew that you could.

sagehen  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:58:30pm

re: #42 Hecuba’s daughter

Did Marine Le Pen actually say that the policies she represents are the policies represented by Trump and Putin?

Linking to X because that’s where the clip was. Can someone independently translate her words?



darthstar  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:59:50pm

Spent 6 hours at ER with the missus and her mom due to some serious dehydration and low blood pressure (needless to say she didn’t get her Endoscopy). Got home about 15 minutes ago and walked in to to freshly skunked dogs and one pissed off wife.

silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 10:59:59pm

AOC and 2 other ‘Squad’ members sticking with Biden as he faces pressure to drop reelection bid

Why am I using the noxious NY Post for the link? Because none of the MSM like the NYT or WaPo are reporting the Bloomberg story (behind a paywall so cannot get it all) which is over 5 hours old. In fact, the only ones reporting this now are right wing sites. Wonder why it is being ignored.

From the article:
AOC: “The matter is closed.”
Presley: “Joe Biden is the nominee.”
Omar: “I think everybody is supporting the president,”

Include Sanders and almost ALL the major Progressives have come down hard for Biden. Yet the moderate/Obama/Clinton wing is where the back stabbers are coming from. I wonder if there is a correlation?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:04:05pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:05:24pm

re: #46 darthstar

Endoscopy prep can be harsh.

I had to keep my gatorade and similar at the ready to drink constantly.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:11:06pm

My brother-in-law called my wife.

He says the edge of the eye of Hurricane Beryl passed over the Kroger store about three miles away, according to a neighbour who was at the store. That would have put the worst part of the eyewall over his house, explaining the damage.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:22:43pm

Reporting on Tropical Depression Beryl will transfer to the Weather Prediction Center. The last advisory from the National Hurricane Center.

Tropical Depression Beryl Advisory Number 42
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL022024
1000 PM CDT Mon Jul 08 2024


LOCATION…32.8N 94.3W


Preliminary maximum winds and rainfall are listed at the Storm Prediction Center.

Storm Summary Number 2 for Heavy Rainfall and Wind Associated with
NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
1000 PM CDT Mon Jul 08 2024

…Tropical Depression Beryl is bringing heavy rain and gusty
winds to portions of the lower and mid-Mississippi Valley…

A Flood Watch is in effect for portions of eastern Texas and the
lower and mid-Mississippi Valley.

A Coastal Flood Advisories is in effect for portions of the
Louisiana and Texas coast.

A Wind Advisory is in effect for portions of eastern Texas and the
lower and mid-Mississippi Valley. (more)


Rainfall Prediction Days 1-3 (Weather Prediction Center, rainfall from Texas to Michigan)

silverdolphin  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:28:48pm

Jon Stewart unleashes profanity-laced tirade against ‘get on board’ with Biden campaign

I really hate Jon since he has come back. He really seems to have a bug in his ass over Biden, worse than even for Trump. He spends many minutes harping on mis-speaking of Biden, editted to make it seem like Biden is demented.

Meanwhile he says Trump delivered at the debate. And that the cold excuse was bullshit. (He never shows Biden after the debate). Then he rips people who support Biden.

Jon Stewart, Doing Trump job for him.

retired cynic  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:31:15pm

re: #52 silverdolphin

I’m not looking, and I always used to enjoy Stewart. Pfaaugh.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:35:34pm

Greece is instituting a six day work week for some industries. People, I believe it's time for us to sack Athens one more time.

Mark Baxter (@aotearoabadger.bsky.social) 2024-07-08T18:26:30.700Z

William Lewis  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:40:27pm

So Anymouse, I have an appointment on Wednesday morning to look at that Smart car. Anything in particular you think I should look at to make sure it’s a good car to get? Any “gotcha’s” to be wary of?

The main thing I’m cautious about is financing due to my history. OTOH, paying off a car would be a very good thing for my credit history so there is a plus there and banks like the idea of loans with real collateral (ie the car itself).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 8, 2024 • 11:40:41pm

Enemy action continues.

Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it

Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau.bsky.social) 2024-07-09T01:12:35.821Z

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 9, 2024 • 12:05:05am

re: #52 silverdolphin

Everyone has to have a gimmick.

My rule for TV: don’t believe the gimmick.

Whether it is a TV preacher or a comedian, it’s always a gimmick.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jul 9, 2024 • 12:10:01am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 12:17:27am

re: #55 William Lewis

So Anymouse, I have an appointment on Wednesday morning to look at that Smart car. Anything in particular you think I should look at to make sure it’s a good car to get? Any “gotcha’s” to be wary of?

The main thing I’m cautious about is financing due to my history. OTOH, paying off a car would be a very good thing for my credit history so there is a plus there and banks like the idea of loans with real collateral (ie the car itself).

Smart cars are pretty basic. If you can, get a copy of the Carfax report (the used car dealer in Sidney provided one for me which I could check to see that it was genuine).

Like all cars, regular maintenance is a plus. Good tires are a plus, since Smarts use an odd size of tires and different sizes for the front and back (you cannot rotate tires on a Smart). The tires are normally canted inward top-to-bottom if they are properly aligned.

If you have a second person with you, turn the steering wheel whilst the second person observes the tires. There should be no delay before the tires move.

The tire repair kit (basically glorified fix-a-flat) should be under the passenger carpet.

The handbrake should keep the car from moving when it’s in first gear/drive. The car will move if you push the accelerator, but that should set off an alarm (brake light and audible alarm).

ICE Smart cars have what’s called an “air injection pump” which injects air for a few seconds when it is very cold outside. Listen for the sound of this motor; if it is very loud it means the motor is failing and they are very expensive to buy.

If the owner’s manual is not available with the car, it is available on-line.

The oil dipstick is in the back, at the top of the valve cover. It is a small yellow button. Look at the oil to insure consistency. Feel the oil; if it’s gritty you might consider a different car unless you can get it cheaply (possible valve or ring job). It should also smell normal.

It’s hard to get under a Smart because of the low chassis, but inspecting the exhaust for damage or corrosion is good (particularly the muffler, located right behind the bumper, because the catalytic converter is part of the muffler and they are very expensive).

A test drive will reveal a Smart rides very firmly, particularly on rough roads. At higher speeds (above 30mph), you should not feel any particular vibration from the engine. Poor wheel alignment will also be very apparent. Try a quick start (don’t try to burn rubber or other nonsense) to see if the transmission engages and the car responds properly.

If you have some time on a test drive, park the car for a couple minutes to see if anything unusual drips out of it.

If it has an air conditioner, test it.

silverdolphin  Jul 9, 2024 • 12:20:11am

re: #57 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Everyone has to have a gimmick.

My rule for TV: don’t believe the gimmick.

Whether it is a TV preacher or a comedian, it’s always a gimmick.

True. Bill Marer is a prime example. But usually a good comic does not punch down. Jon was alwas at his best going after the MSM which was not doing its job. That is punching up at those with power that misuse it.

Most of his political stuff used to stem from the press coverage. But his stuff with Biden is just mean. If Biden does have some acuity problems, making fun of it in a bullying fashion is punching down (ie editting film to make him look like he has a ton of huh? moments without adding context - Obama and his 57 states.). And if Biden does not have an acuity problem, then why act like he does? Tha only helps Trump.

He was pissed that not every one was jumping on his side of things, that anyone who argued against him was telling him to shut the fuck up.

Well, Jon, I won’t do tha. I simply will not watch your show.

William Lewis  Jul 9, 2024 • 12:23:56am

re: #59 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Thank you, that’s extremely helpful. I greatly appreciate it.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 12:35:55am

re: #61 William Lewis

Thank you, that’s extremely helpful. I greatly appreciate it.

You’re welcome.

There are fora on-line of Smart owners who ask questions about problems, or just stan for Smart cars. Ofttimes there are Mercedes mechanics who can answer questions as well.

Most of the things you would look for in any used car you’d also look for in a Smart.

The air injection motor if it’s going bad sounds like a loud belt. You can see the belts if you look in the engine compartment so you can tell if it’s the belt or no.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 9, 2024 • 1:01:25am

re: #39 Hecuba’s daughter

Now, I wonder if the demands for withdrawal were due to a single bad performance (and it was bad) followed by a malign and continuing onslaught launched by the NY Times in an effort to destroy his candidacy.

I suspect some ratfuckery behind all this and the NY Times either fell for it or went along with it because Sulzberger, Jr. has an axe to grind against President Biden.

And I’d bet a buck or two that if you really look closely enough, you’ll find Roger Stone hidden waaaay in the back.

JC1  Jul 9, 2024 • 1:05:18am

5/6 this could have gone better.

Wordle 1,116 5/6


William Lewis  Jul 9, 2024 • 1:12:08am

re: #62 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

You’re welcome.

There are fora on-line of Smart owners who ask questions about problems, or just stan for Smart cars. Ofttimes there are Mercedes mechanics who can answer questions as well.

Most of the things you would look for in any used car you’d also look for in a Smart.

The air injection motor if it’s going bad sounds like a loud belt. You can see the belts if you look in the engine compartment so you can tell if it’s the belt or no.

I found a good youtube video by a mechanic doing a walk through of things like that motor and the muffler and the rear springs too. Still it’s good to know what a real driver sees as in use.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 1:38:09am

The Moral High Ground, Evan Hurst’s blog (June 21, 2024)

If LibsOfTikTok And Charlie Kirk Are Going To ‘Outbreed The Left,’ They Should Close The Door First

“What do they want, more people who won’t call them on Thanksgiving?”

(Caution for weird conservative sexual fantasies prominently displayed at Apartheid Clyde’s bungalow for misanthropes)

William Lewis  Jul 9, 2024 • 2:13:49am

re: #65 William Lewis

I found a good youtube video by a mechanic doing a walk through of things like that motor and the muffler and the rear springs too. Still it’s good to know what a real driver sees as in use.

Same guy has a good video on basic maintenance - spark plugs, oil change, air filter, trans oil. For such a physically small vehicle, it looks easier to work on than some I’ve dealt with. That’s a big plus in it’s favor.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 2:42:19am

Cassidy S. Dale (“professional futurist” and advisor to the US Government on religious conflicts and trend), PDF, twenty-four pages including cover and acknowledgements, on why some religious adherents see the same holy book as others and turn it into hate, discrimination, and murder.

He calls this “Combat Theology” and offers why this happens, and how to leverage it against the conservative who engages in it.

Combat Theology: How to Weaponize and De-Weaponize a Religion

IngisKahn  Jul 9, 2024 • 2:44:22am

re: #68 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I mean, it’s full of hate, discrimination, and murder.

silverdolphin  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:02:50am

It’s Been A While

Click the Reveal button to see why this video made me cry. I’ve never met Sam Riegel but I feel he is a friend. Get a vaccination against HPV. You might be eligible up to the age of 45.

I’ve been using the example of Critical Role as an example of the new opportunities available today that were not possible even 10 years ago. Essentially, a bunch of friends who are voice actors got together to play D & D ever Thursday. Because of online platforms such as Twitch, they began creating a community that loved watching them do acting, improv, laugher, and seem like real people. Like friends.

They grew this over several years to the point where they started their own company, Critical Role, to produce the shows. (They are all such good improv actors that I wonder why they are not more visible. Until I realized they are doing quite well without the confinement of being a “star”.) They make it personal where we see the group having so much fun and are so happy they allow us to join in. It is all so personal. JUst a bunch of friends.

Their first campaign was very popular. So they had a Kickstarter to make an animated 22 minute episode of it (with each of them voicng their characters) wanting to raise $750,000. They had over $1 million in the first hour and eventually raised $11 million, allowing them to fund 10 episodes (you can see why I use them as an example of creative talent leveraging their talents, creating a community that supports them. And they then supported the creative people that made the animated series). Amazon picked the show up and they are now working on their 3rd season. The first 2 seasons each are 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Many jobs exist because of them.

This is the non-traditional way that is now open for creative talent to produce their own material under their own control. They pretty much fill all the major coporate positions themselves. And they do not need mass audiences. A million is more than enough. This allowed them to make over $9 million over a two year period on Twitch. They have a large number of side projects, podcasts and VOD. They now also have a subscription service that gets people access to the shows 4 days earlier as well as special events. They just had a live streaming show from the Greek Theater, which they sold out. They have a non-profit foundation that has gotten several awards for fundraising.

And they have created a slew of jobs to support their efforts. Millions of dollars in revenue, new jobs created and complete creative control that is moving now into books, music and other projects.

Plus they are simply a hoot and a pleasure to watch. These are people who mainly had worked in non-mainstream roles - voices for anime dubbing or for video games. Not the big Hollywood stars usually seen in movies. Yet the modern economy allowed them to create something special that they maintain control of, both creatively and monetarily.

I started watching this as I wrote up a white paper using them as an example of how to leverage talent or an idea into independent financial security. Real capitalism. And as I did, I became hooked, a fan myself. Sam Riegal is one of the hearts of the group - funny, smart, creating some of the best characters, usually with a well thoughtout arc mixed with wonderful improv.

A few months ago, during a very difficult battle that looked like it could be a TPK (Total Party Kill), Sam unexpected sacrificed his very popular character, a kind of cyborg, destroying the very powerful enemy while killing himself. Everyone was flabbergasted, upset and tearful. The Dungeon Master, who went from the fear of an TPK to now seeing a beloved character gone, tried to talk him out of it. To no avail. Sam gave an impromptu speech that had everyone in tears. Sam’s character died in the most unexpected but amazing way I could imagine. So many tears. from the actors to the audience.

So, with his character dead, Sam was no longer a part of the show. People kept hoping he would come back as another character but weeks went by and no Sam. Fans started wondering why.

Well now we know. Sam knew he had cancer and was going to have to bow out for a while. Without telling anyone beforehand, he sacrificed his character in an epic fashion to allow him the privacy to deal with his medical needs.

That is why thie video above is so amazing to his fans and the fans of Critical Role. Not only the bravery - a man who makes his living using his voice sees part of his tongue and soft palate removed, forcing him to learn how to speak all over again - comes right out and tells us about it. Watching him tire from talking then lose it emotionally, using this personal health crisis to raise awareness of the vaccine that could preventothers from getting the cancer.

I had been dumbfounded when he sacrificed himself so heroically. I was ecstatic to seem him return as a new character at the Greek Theater show last week. And in tears again over his health issues. I feel like a close firend of mine has gone though a tough time, come out on the other side and shown me a great example of a good man.

All from a group of friends playing a game once a week.

Patricia Kayden  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:19:53am

Talk about a lack of self awareness

Patricia Kayden  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:28:13am

re: #52 silverdolphin

All I can do is shake my head at all the leftists who have made it their mission to destroy President Biden and hand the US over to Trump and his Project 2025 cohorts.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:40:48am

re: #69 IngisKahn

I mean, it’s full of hate, discrimination, and murder.

Those are the parts a fundamentalist of any religious tradition uses to justify their position, ignoring the parts which eschew violence and hatred.

He is a Christian himself (as evidenced in the document). He argues what some theologians and sociologist have: Such ideologies (religious or no) do not come from rational- or evidence-based reasoning, but from fear. (See also all the anti-immigrant and anti-LGBT+ rhetoric by Republicans and fundamentalists, which he also breaks down).

He asserts then argumentation against it must also be emotional rather than intellectual. The purpose is to sew doubt. You probably wouldn’t convert anyone in one or two discussions, but over time when they think about what you said they might see a crack that they cannot paper over. (This is similar to the methods used by the reformed Nazi who runs the group “Hope not Hate” who seeks to bring people out of that ideology.)

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:42:19am

re: #72 Patricia Kayden

All I can do is shake my head at all the leftists who have made it their mission to destroy President Biden and hand the US over to Trump and his Project 2025 cohorts.

Go back up to Mouse’s #56. There is more cawing than crow in that chart. The repeated calls to step aside form a media non-event.

Dave In Austin  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:47:19am

Morning all.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:50:11am

The Satanic Temple goes after Ron DeSantis

Satanists in Florida offer to fill school counselor roles after DeSantis law (The Hill, yesterday)

Florida Satanists are volunteering to fill school counselor roles after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a law allowing religious chaplains into public schools amid staffing shortages.

“Nothing in the text of the bill serves to exclude us, and no credible interpretation of the First Amendment could. Should a school district now choose to have chaplains, they should expect Satanists to participate as well,” Lucien Greaves, cofounder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple, said in a statement to The Hill on Monday.

Back when DeSantis signed the bill in April, he described Satanism as “not a religion” and said its members would not be allowed to participate in the program.

But Greaves said the governor “openly lied to the public” regarding the situation.

“Either entirely ignorant of the most basic fundamentals of constitutional law, or too incompetent to care, DeSantis fails to recognize that it is not the place of the government to confer unique rights to one religious identity while denying them to another,” he said.

Reached for comment, the governor’s office pointed to his remarks from April.

“We’re not playing those games in Florida. That is not a religion. That is not qualifying to be able to participate in [the chaplain program.] We’re going to be using common sense … you don’t have to worry about that,” DeSantis said at the time.


Conservatism is expensive, as Florida is about to find out. DeSantis can claim to use “common sense” all he wants, but the First Amendment and the IRS disagree with him.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:53:44am

re: #76 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

How do you get to be a Florida-qualified chaplain? Is there a test? Do you have to wrestle an alligator? How big?

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:54:14am

Best two out of three ain’t bad.

Wordle 1,116 3/6*


Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jul 9, 2024 • 3:57:45am

re: #72 Patricia Kayden

All I can do is shake my head at all the leftists who have made it their mission to destroy President Biden and hand the US over to Trump and his Project 2025 cohorts.

I just hope the repugs shoot them first, so the rest of us can watch, jeer, and flip them off before our turn comes.

Patricia Kayden  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:00:22am

re: #79 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

I just hope that Democrats and other allies of democracy ignore the leftist haters and we get a blue tsunami in November.

ericblair  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:02:48am

re: #42 Hecuba’s daughter

Did Marine Le Pen actually say that the policies she represents are the policies represented by Trump and Putin?

Linking to X because that’s where the clip was. Can someone independently translate her words?


Yes, that’s what the translation of the audio is. Can’t vouch for the audio, though.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:04:30am

re: #80 Patricia Kayden

I just hope that Democrats and other allies of democracy ignore the leftist haters and we get a blue tsunami in November.

There’s a good chance. The fact that Fightin’ Joe was successfully able to put the kibosh on this “Biden should drop out” bulkshit - weak as it was - means that the base was incredibly vociferous in its response: We Want Joe. If the polling numbers had indicated that an overwhelming majority of the voting populace were in favor of him stepping aside, or if one or two of his close personal friends had stepped in to tell him he shouldn’t run (see electoral-vote from last week), his response probably would’ve been different.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:08:26am

re: #80 Patricia Kayden

I just hope that Democrats and other allies of democracy ignore the leftist haters and we get a blue tsunami in November.

It will happen if we make it so.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:08:47am

re: #77 Decatur Deb

How do you get to be a Florida-qualified chaplain? Is there a test? Do you have to wrestle an alligator? How big?

The final adopted law, House Bill 931 (PDF, two pages)

Essentially the bill, in claiming a shortage of certified counsellors, authorises each school district, charter school, private school, &c to adopt a chaplain to serve in the role.

Each school is free to reject the programme, but if they adopt it, they must come up with standards on how the programme is applied to their school. As such, every school which adopts the programme will probably come up with different standards (except lazy school boards which copypasta other school boards’ standards).

As such, various groups are poised to sue each school district if they disallow their chaplains, including TST, Muslims, and others. Additionally, civil liberties groups such as the Florida ACLU will also tee up cases to overturn district adoption of such plans if they discriminate against a religion in violation of the Constitution.

Many school districts will probably punt on this “opportunity,” but any one of them with a stubborn conservative-majority school board will probably try to adopt it.

That means each individual school district will be sued if they discriminate.

As such, it would behove anyone living in Florida to mind the school board agenda if they bring this up in your district, and make sure to attend and be put on the citizens’ agenda for a speaking slot to speak out against conservatives wasting your money in a lawsuit they are guaranteed to lose. If you wish to be more activist, you can approach the attorney for the district or board (if they have one) to note the unconstitutionality of such a doctrine if it’s adopted and also discriminates against any religion or none.

All politics is local, and this bill is predicated on the idea the vast majority of people don’t pay attention to local stuff like school board meetings (they just assume democracy rolls along without any input).

In theory every school district in Florida could choose to ignore DeSantis and his virtue-signalling bill.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:10:16am

re: #82 Nerdy Fish

There’s a good chance. The fact that Fightin’ Joe was successfully able to put the kibosh on this “Biden should drop out” bulkshit - weak as it was - means that the base was incredibly vociferous in its response: We Want Joe. If the polling numbers had indicated that an overwhelming majority of the voting populace were in favor of him stepping aside, or if one or two of his close personal friends had stepped in to tell him he shouldn’t run (see electoral-vote from last week), his response probably would’ve been different.

CNN already put Jake Tapper on picking apart Biden’s interview with Joe Scarborough clip-by-clip to show why Joe Biden should drop out.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:11:26am

re: #85 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

CNN already put Jake Tapper on picking apart Biden’s interview with Joe Scarborough clip-by-clip to show why Joe Biden should drop out.

And the NYT put up a pathetic counter showing how many representatives, senators, and governors called for Joe to drop out. It doesn’t change anything. From reading on Bluesky, it appears that the attempted coup within the elected Democrats to replace Joe at the top of the ticket has failed, and they are, however reluctantly, falling in line.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:12:34am

re: #84 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Son1 and Son2 live in Florida. During their Cynical Young Punk phase, both became mail-order ministers. (At least one of them has officiated at a friend’s gay wedding.) DeSantis did not have them in mind.

William Lewis  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:13:56am

re: #83 Decatur Deb

It will happen if we make it so.

Especially if the rest of us lefties shout the asshats down.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:24:28am

Hot Tuesday morning drive time music!

Nate Smith - Whiskey On You (Official Studio Video)

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:26:31am

Well, ugly, ugly.
Wordle 1,116 5/6


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:31:15am

re: #87 Decatur Deb

Son1 and Son2 live in Florida. During their Cynical Young Punk phase, both became mail-order ministers. (At least one of them has officiated at a friend’s gay wedding.) DeSantis did not have them in mind.

My wife is also a mail-order minister (Universal Life Church). She obtained the credentials when Obergefell v Hodges was handed down.

In Nebraska, judges do not have to perform marriage ceremonies (my county does not).

Nebraska Revised Statute §42-108 reads:

Every judge, retired judge, clerk magistrate, or retired clerk magistrate, and every preacher of the gospel authorized by the usages of the church to which he or she belongs to solemnize marriages, may perform the marriage ceremony in this state. Every such person performing the marriage ceremony shall make a return of his or her proceedings in the premises, showing the names and residences of at least two witnesses who were present at such marriage. The return shall be made to the county clerk who issued the license within fifteen days after such marriage has been performed. The county clerk shall record the return or cause it to be recorded in the same book where the marriage license is recorded.

The bolded part has been run through the state courts long in the past to mean “any religious organisation.” Thus Universal Life Church, the American Humanist Association, The Satanic Temple, or any other such body which ordains people to solemnise marriages may do so in Nebraska.

There is no state registry or other list requiring authorised officiants.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:33:19am

re: #91 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m kind of surprised that the Christofascists haven’t homed in on the phrase “preacher of the gospel” to restrict that to only Christian ministers, since “the gospel” is primarily used by Christians to describe their message.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:34:49am

re: #55 William Lewis

So Anymouse, I have an appointment on Wednesday morning to look at that Smart car. Anything in particular you think I should look at to make sure it’s a good car to get? Any “gotcha’s” to be wary of?

The main thing I’m cautious about is financing due to my history. OTOH, paying off a car would be a very good thing for my credit history so there is a plus there and banks like the idea of loans with real collateral (ie the car itself).

If you can borrow someone’s OBD2 scanner (or purchase one, Harbor Freight has basic scanners) just plug it in and scan for codes. There are many videos on where to find the plug in a Smart Car and how to use the scanner. In NY, if the check engine light is on, the car won’t pass inspection. No inspection, you can’t drive it legally. I am not sure what the rules are in your state though.

I wish you the best of luck, purchasing a used car can get stressful.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:35:38am

re: #85 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

CNN already put Jake Tapper on picking apart Biden’s interview with Joe Scarborough clip-by-clip to show why Joe Biden should drop out.

The response to that interview has been rather illuminating, in that it’s got the people who thought themselves the movers and shakers in the party lighting up redder than Rudolph’s nose and howling about how Joe’s “acting like Trump” or words to that effect. It seems they were expecting a conciliatory attitude or a defeatist one from him, so to be called “elitist” and told that he doesn’t give a damn about their opinion is driving them frothing mad.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:38:16am

re: #91 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

My wife is also a mail-order minister (Universal Life Church). She obtained the credentials when Obergefell v Hodges was handed down.

In Nebraska, judges do not have to perform marriage ceremonies (my county does not).

Nebraska Revised Statute §42-108 reads:

The bolded part has been run through the state courts long in the past to mean “any religious organisation.” Thus Universal Life Church, the American Humanist Association, The Satanic Temple, or any other such body which ordains people to solemnise marriages may do so in Nebraska.

There is no state registry or other list requiring authorised officiants.

Yeah—the kids are Universal Life Church. (The one admittedly founded as a tax scam, that grew into a generational joke.)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:40:20am

re: #92 Nerdy Fish

I’m kind of surprised that the Christofascists haven’t homed in on the phrase “preacher of the gospel” to restrict that to only Christian ministers, since “the gospel” is primarily used by Christians to describe their message.

They might get around to it.

We did have a wingnut woman over in Omaha who sued “Teh Geyhs,” but when she tried to launch a case it got laughed out of court.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals (NBC News, May 5, 2015)

“A Nebraska woman is suing all homosexuals on Earth for breaking “religious and moral laws,” according to court records filed Tuesday.”

Includes a photograph of the hand-written pro se filing on lined paper.

A Nebraska woman identifying herself as the “ambassador” for plaintiffs “God and His Son, Jesus Christ,” is suing all homosexuals on Earth for breaking “religious and moral laws,” according to court records filed Tuesday.

In the suit, entered into the docket as Driskell v. Homosexuals, Sylvia Ann Driskell, 66, of Auburn, Nebraska, asks in a seven-page, neatly handwritten petition (PDF) that U.S. District Judge John M. Gerrard decide once and for all whether homosexuality is or isn’t a sin.

The suit doesn’t cite any case law under which a judge could make such a determination. In fact, it cites no court cases at all, quoting Webster’s Dictionary and numerous Bible verses, instead, to bolster Driskell’s central contention, which is:

“That homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet.”

Driskell writes, “I’m sixty six years old, an [sic] I never thought that I would see the day in which our Great Nation or Our Great State of Nebraska would become so compliant to the complicity of some peoples [sic] lewd behavior.”


Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:41:14am
Belafon  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:42:27am

re: #47 silverdolphin

I’m starting to use the word coward in place of centrist.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:46:22am

See also a Daily Kos diary about the same case (May 5, 2015)

My husband and I are being sued for being homosexuals

We’ve had a good run. We’ve been together 21 years, 7 of them legally wed. But this is all about to crash and burn around our ears thanks to 66-year-old Sylvia Driskell of Auburn Nebraska. According to the Omaha World-Herald this outstanding legal scholar has just filed an extraordinarily powerful lawsuit titled Driskell v. Homosexuals with the district court in Omaha. She isn’t merely suing her local homosexuals, she is suing all homosexuals.

Driskell, calling herself an ambassador and acting as her own counsel will proxy for “God, And His, Son Jesus Christ” in the case. Even though she is suing in a district court, her arguments are so powerful you can fully expect attorneys will abandon all other strategies and adopt her unimpeachable reasoning all the way to the highest court in the land. By the end of the year, prepare yourselves for the Supreme Court to take up the matter.

Follow me below to behold her cogent arguments.

(More snark at the link)

Belafon  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:47:53am

re: #99 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I think the lawyers for the couple should demand God appear so that they can see their accuser.

William Lewis  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:50:54am

re: #93 Shropshire Slasher

If you can borrow someone’s OBD2 scanner (or purchase one, Harbor Freight has basic scanners) just plug it in and scan for codes. There are many videos on where to find the plug in a Smart Car and how to use the scanner. In NY, if the check engine light is on, the car won’t pass inspection. No inspection, you can’t drive it legally. I am not sure what the rules are in your state though.

I wish you the best of luck, purchasing a used car can get stressful.

No inspections like that here. OTOH, the dealership mostly sells sports cars (Porches, BMW, Audi, Maserati’s, that type of stuff) so I expect it to be reasonable condition though before signing anything I also intend to have my father’s favorite shop do a quick check too. I have been researching the problem areas and what to look for.

It really seems to be a car that if it was properly maintained doesn’t have too many issues but can bite the arse of those who don’t maintain it.

[deleted]  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:51:33am
Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:52:46am

re: #101 William Lewis

No inspections like that here. OTOH, the dealership mostly sells sports cars (Porches, BMW, Audi, Maserati’s, that type of stuff) so I expect it to be reasonable condition though before signing anything I also intend to have my father’s favorite shop do a quick check too. I have been researching the problem areas and what to look for.

It really seems to be a car that if it was properly maintained doesn’t have too many issues but can bite the arse of those who don’t maintain it.

I also like to look at the brake and gas pedal to see how much wear is on the rubber. If it is a reputable dealer, they don’t want to be bothered with screwing people (in my experience).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:54:26am

It’s time for bed.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 4:59:52am

re: #82 Nerdy Fish

There’s a good chance. The fact that Fightin’ Joe was successfully able to put the kibosh on this “Biden should drop out” bulkshit - weak as it was - means that the base was incredibly vociferous in its response: We Want Joe. If the polling numbers had indicated that an overwhelming majority of the voting populace were in favor of him stepping aside, or if one or two of his close personal friends had stepped in to tell him he shouldn’t run (see electoral-vote from last week), his response probably would’ve been different.

It’s driving the people who thought themselves the leaders of the party with their fingers on the pulse of the base absolutely bonkers that they seem to instead be howling into the wind. Over on Morning Joke, even Scarborough is being forced to acknowledge that the initial spasm of “Joe needs to go ‘for the good of the party’” is not being met with the nodding approval from the voters that he expected:

MSNBC 07 09 2024 06 15 06

We’ve seen repeated references to LBJ’s decision to bow out leading to chaos that doomed the party in ‘68. What doesn’t seem to get much mention is that Johnson did it because he was in danger of finishing third in a primary race, and he was certain that the incumbent being seen finishing third would be devastating to the party. So he bowed out and endorsed Humphrey on the belief that being disconnected from an “unpopular” president would give him the chance to build up support both within the party and without to win the election. Instead, it led to the perception that he was “chosen” by the party over otherwise popular alternatives, combining with the mini-revolution outside the convention to give the perception that the party was too divided to lead.

By contrast, Biden won the primaries without any serious competition, despite all sorts of talk about how there needed to be somebody else to step in and replace him. The time to come out, declare that Joe needed to go, and run against him for the vote of the party came and went. What we see now is a desperate attempt at a do-over, one that the voters are not throwing their support behind in the numbers they expected.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:00:38am

re: #96 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

They might get around to it.

We did have a wingnut woman over in Omaha who sued “Teh Geyhs,” but when she tried to launch a case it got laughed out of court.

Nebraska Woman Files Suit Against All Homosexuals (NBC News, May 5, 2015)

“A Nebraska woman is suing all homosexuals on Earth for breaking “religious and moral laws,” according to court records filed Tuesday.”

Includes a photograph of the hand-written pro se filing on lined paper.


United States ex rel. Gerald Mayo v. Satan and His Staff

United States ex rel. Gerald Mayo v. Satan and His Staff, 54 F.R.D. 282 (w.d.pa. 1971), was a federal court case in which a prisoner filed a lawsuit in United States District Court against Satan and his servants. The case’s class-action status was dismissed on procedural grounds.


Finally, the judge noted that Mayo had failed to provide directions to the United States Marshals Service as to service of process.

I remember a case in state court in Texas in which someone had sued Satan. A lawyer showed up in court claiming to represent Satan (presumably pro bono). He called for dismissal on the grounds that Satan could not be shown to either reside or do business in the state. Observers were skeptical about Satan not doing business in Texas, but the suit was in fact dismissed.

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:02:19am
William Lewis  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:06:31am

re: #107 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Much as I love them many times (and the local WPR classical music) shit like that is why they get no $$ from me.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:10:58am

Another hot one in Philly.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:12:09am

re: #107 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Over a week later and the snowball effect isn’t taking hold as they’d expected. There was supposed to be “inevitability,” that the party was eventually all going to gang up on Joe and he’d have to resign or be forced out. Instead, the talk still seems to be in secret and with little fanfare, with those like Warner decided they like being in office more than being viewed as the would-be “savior” of the party.

There’s no unified movement against Joe, just a disorganized rabble responding more to the pressure of the press than to any grassroots fervor among the voters to see a new messiah take over the race.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:15:03am

re: #110 Targetpractice

If we win, that handful of defectors and opportunists are screwed. If we lose, we’re all screwed.


Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:15:14am

re: #39 Hecuba’s daughter

I had been concerned that the Democrats who were calling for his withdrawing his nomination were responding to a serious cognitive decline that either they personally had observed or that others they respected had reported. After all, when you are our age those problems can strike suddenly, without hope of real improvement. Now, I wonder if the demands for withdrawal were due to a single bad performance (and it was bad) followed by a malign and continuing onslaught launched by the NY Times in an effort to destroy his candidacy.

due to the perception of a single bad performance when in fact the ‘bad’ part was maybe 20% of the debate

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:15:36am
Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:17:07am

re: #113 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

We’re two points behind. We are always two points behind.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:17:08am

re: #113 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Right, and Bernie was going to win in a landslide, the polls prove it!


Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:23:57am

re: #115 Targetpractice

Right, and Bernie was going to win in a landslide, the polls prove it!


I think the difference here is that Trump is so incredibly unpopular by now, there’s a realistic chance that Kamala could beat him straight up. However, I am 1000% sure the polls don’t account for the avalanche of negative media coverage that would flood the zone if Joe died and she became the nominee. We thought Hillary was bad publicity with Clinton Body Count, Butter Emails, and basket of deplorables; we thought Obama was bad with Nirtherism, arugula and waffles, and the tan suit. Neither of those hold a candle to what they would try to do to Kamala Harris, if she found herself in the driver’s seat.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:24:23am

re: #72 Patricia Kayden

All I can do is shake my head at all the leftists who have made it their mission to destroy President Biden and hand the US over to Trump and his Project 2025 cohorts.

wont work (imo)

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:25:57am

re: #113 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Oh, and the poll also does nothing for the Beltways’ fantasies about a Newsome/Whitmer ticket:

Other Democrats whose names have been floated as possible replacements for Biden in the 2024 race would fare worse against Trump. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would lose 36%-40%, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom would lose 37%-40%. In both hypothetical matchups, more voters were undecided. In Whitmer’s case, 17%, and in Newsom’s case, 15%.

But wait, there’s more…

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would beat Trump by 2 percentage points in the popular vote, as she did in 2016 when she lost the Electoral College to Trump.

Anybody really think the party’s gonna start up a “Recruit Hillary” drive?

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:28:24am

re: #118 Targetpractice

Joe has been fighting all his political life. He knows how to fight someone like DT. We have not had the conventions yet and I believe that the press is making all of this up so that they have something to “report.”

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:28:32am

re: #76 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The Satanic Temple goes after Ron DeSantis

Satanists in Florida offer to fill school counselor roles after DeSantis law (The Hill, yesterday)


Conservatism is expensive, as Florida is about to find out. DeSantis can claim to use “common sense” all he wants, but the First Amendment and the IRS disagree with him.

and likely too, then the Florida Department of Revenue

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:30:30am

re: #119 PhillyPretzel ✅

Joe has been fighting all his political life. He knows how to fight someone like DT. We have not had the conventions yet and I believe that the press is making all of this up so that they have something to “report.”

The funny thing is, it’s not like this is a slow news summer. The Supreme Court gift-wrapped a whole lot of outrage and handed it to the media to make money hand over fist, and they’re just not taking it. They’ve decided that they want to extend their influence over this presidential election more than they want to make bucketfuls of cash writing articles about how shitty SCOTUS is and how dangerous Trump is. That’s astounding, to me. That is a choice.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:31:12am

re: #86 Nerdy Fish

And the NYT put up a pathetic counter showing how many representatives, senators, and governors called for Joe to drop out. It doesn’t change anything. From reading on Bluesky, it appears that the attempted coup within the elected Democrats to replace Joe at the top of the ticket has failed, and they are, however reluctantly, falling in line.

i said two days ago when the first tv station does this we’d officially entered loonyland

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:34:49am

re: #122 Dangerman

i said two days ago when the first tv station does this we’d officially entered loonyland

We’ve been in Loonyland for 8 years now, you’re a bit behind the 8 ball there. /half

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:35:03am

re: #116 Nerdy Fish

I think the difference here is that Trump is so incredibly unpopular by now, there’s a realistic chance that Kamala could beat him straight up. However, I am 1000% sure the polls don’t account for the avalanche of negative media coverage that would flood the zone if Joe died and she became the nominee. We thought Hillary was bad publicity with Clinton Body Count and Butter Emails; we thought Obama was bad with Nirtherism, arugula and waffles, and the tan suit. Neither of those hold a candle to what they would try to do to Kamala Harris, if she found herself in the driver’s seat.

The narrative since last year has been that anybody could step into Joe’s shoes and win by a wider margin, that the party was foolish for not pushing him out after the midterms. It’s part of why they spent so much ink on Kennedy and Phillips, this idea that one or both would deal the Biden campaign a blow that would start talk publicly about forcing him out “for the good of the party.” Yet it never came, he trounced both and nobody with real name recognition would throw their hat in the ring or chose to endorse him instead.

Now, a week after a “disastrous” debate, they’re hanging their hat on a poll that says his own VP can barely do better than he (remember, she’s “wildly unpopular”) and the only other person who can do better than her is the woman the Beltway swears up and down is the Bride of Satan. IOW, it’s a name recognition poll, not a serious measure of people’s desire to vote for “anybody but Biden.”

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:35:33am

re: #105 Targetpractice

It’s driving the people who thought themselves the leaders of the party with their fingers on the pulse of the base absolutely bonkers that they seem to instead be howling into the wind. Over on Morning Joke, even Scarborough is being forced to acknowledge that the initial spasm of “Joe needs to go ‘for the good of the party’” is not being met with the nodding approval from the voters that he expected:

[Embedded content]

We’ve seen repeated references to LBJ’s decision to bow out leading to chaos that doomed the party in ‘68. What doesn’t seem to get much mention is that Johnson did it because he was in danger of finishing third in a primary race, and he was certain that the incumbent being seen finishing third would be devastating to the party. So he bowed out and endorsed Humphrey on the belief that being disconnected from an “unpopular” president would give him the chance to build up support both within the party and without to win the election. Instead, it led to the perception that he was “chosen” by the party over otherwise popular alternatives, combining with the mini-revolution outside the convention to give the perception that the party was too divided to lead.

By contrast, Biden won the primaries without any serious competition, despite all sorts of talk about how there needed to be somebody else to step in and replace him. The time to come out, declare that Joe needed to go, and run against him for the vote of the party came and went. What we see now is a desperate attempt at a do-over, one that the voters are not throwing their support behind in the numbers they expected.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:37:19am

re: #121 Nerdy Fish

… That’s astounding, to me. That is a choice.

Dumb choice is the innocent explanation. Directive is the other.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:37:41am

re: #126 Decatur Deb

Dumb choice is the innocent explanation. Directive is the other.

Succinctly put, my scaly friend.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:38:45am

re: #126 Decatur Deb

Dumb choice is the innocent explanation. Directive is the other.

Narrative above all.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:39:31am

re: #113 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

that’s today

before the absolute barrage that would be rained down upon her and her campaign

Randall Gross  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:39:35am

Digby on how sanity really won the elections over the Far right in France:

Randall Gross (@randallgross.bsky.social) 2024-07-09T12:22:41.769Z

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:40:42am

re: #113 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]USA Today - VP Kamala Harris could narrowly beat Donald Trump in November, according to a new national poll from a Democratic

you know who else could win?
biden / harris

if they both get and stay out there and absolutely decimate tfgs appalling and abysmal record, and project 2025 plans

eta: ie the louder and stronger she is for the team, the better the result

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:44:08am


The House of Representatives will consider six bills according to a rule (which requires a majority vote) and six bills under suspension of the rules (which requires a 2/3s vote for passage). Suspension of the rules is used both when bills are relatively noncontroversial but also when it may cause a split in the opposing party over a particular measure.

Among the bills subject to a rule is a bill to appropriate funding for the Legislative branch, a bill requiring citizens to show proof of citizenship in order to register to vote and that allows individuals to sue election officials, and a joint resolution that would nullify an agency rule relating to a prohibition on discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs or activities. There’s also a bill preventing the Department of Energy from enforcing energy conservation standards for refrigerators.

Among the bills under suspension is a bill to allow American Samoa to approve amendments to their territorial constitution, a bill to reauthorize the US Geological Survey’s authority to track water in streams and rivers, a bill to address royalties for oil and gas leaseholders, and a bill to relax requirements for the Department of the Interior in appraising and valuing real property for transactions over which Interior has jurisdiction.


Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:44:36am

re: #123 Nerdy Fish

We’ve been in Loonyland for 8 years now, you’re a bit behind the 8 ball there. /half

double secret loonyland?

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:46:35am

We have no more kitchen room for their spices, but I love Penzey’s new sale.

Next Week’s Milwaukee’s “Nothing Burger” Republican Convention!

Seems just like the four years of the Trump administration, the four days of the Republican Convention are leaving everyone in the restaurant industry here in Milwaukee unemployed and hurting for cash.

“Turn nothing into something.”


A Cranky One  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:49:43am

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:50:00am

re: #111 Decatur Deb

If we win, that handful of defectors and opportunists are screwed. If we lose, we’re all screwed.


we’re dems
we tend not to excommunicate or make p’sng
we dont ostracize or drum people out of the party
they’ll make their excuses. they’ll be contrite just enough
and we’ll all come together because we need all the votes and all the support

(a danger can dream)

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 5:52:55am

re: #136 Dangerman

You missed a memo, comrade. Now we’re the NKVD.


Belafon  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:00:14am

Jon Stewart might want to pay attention to JK Rowling and watch his old shows. Rowling taught her readers to question adults and stand up for themselves. Stewart taught his viewers to question the media. In both cases, they have turned into the very people they cautioned against.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:00:58am

re: #137 Decatur Deb

You missed a memo, comrade. Now we’re the NKVD.


I was on my phone. An attempt at “Personas non grata”. Pngs maybe?

Sherlock Hound  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:01:17am

re: #79 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

I just hope the repugs shoot them first, so the rest of us can watch, jeer, and flip them off before our turn comes.

There’ll be LOTS of snitches! That scene from “V” when the human trooper gets informed on was very satisfying!

Dr Lizardo  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:02:26am


The Paris prosecutors’ office opened an investigation into the campaign financing of far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid in 2022.

The probe, which follows a preliminary inquiry, was opened last week over suspicions of embezzlement, forgery, fraud and a candidate on an election campaign accepting a loan, the Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed to POLITICO.

In 2022, Le Pen — then making her third attempt to win the French presidency as National Rally leader — got 41 percent of the vote in the second round, losing to incumbent President Emmanuel Macron.

The National Rally’s press team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Belafon  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:03:03am

Imagine of Biden breaks the press’s control of news like he broke OPEC’s control of gas prices.

Randall Gross  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:03:16am

I am so going shopping….

Good morning #PortfolioDay! I'm Lauren, a biologist and scientific illustrator. I draw birds, mostly! With a dash of other natural subjects and whatever else tickles my fancy. 🎨🪶🐡🧪

Portfolio: tinylongwing.carbonmade.com
Shop: www.inprnt.com/gallery/tiny...
More: linktr.ee/tinylongwing

Lauren (@tinylongwing.bsky.social) 2024-07-09T12:53:40.450Z

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:04:20am

re: #138 Belafon

Jon Stewart might want to pay attention to JK Rowling and watch his old shows. Rowling taught her readers to question adults and stand up for themselves. Stewart taught his viewers to question the media. In both cases, they have turned into the very people they cautioned against.

And now can’t understand why theyre not getting automatic approval and deference to their every new thought

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:06:12am

re: #142 Belafon

Imagine of Biden breaks the press’s control of news like he broke OPEC’s control of gas prices.

Ive been thinking that quietly

Eventual Carrion  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:07:28am

re: #43 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Electric boat not involved.

Yep, and a land shark I would think

ericblair  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:08:13am

“That feeble incompetent old guy sure rolled us good.”

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:08:50am

re: #142 Belafon

Give him a chance; he will break them.

Axolotl  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:11:30am

re: #147 ericblair

Congressional Black Caucus. Still not sure how they used the CBC to out flank them.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:12:20am

re: #99 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

See also a Daily Kos diary about the same case (May 5, 2015)

My husband and I are being sued for being homosexuals

When is she going to sue atheists?

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:12:50am

re: #149 Axolotl

Congressional Black Caucus

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:13:26am

Michael Steele said: “If Trump suddenly announced he’s pro-choice, they [anti-abortion activists] would say: ‘I wish you wouldn’t say it so loudly, but OK, sir.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:13:47am

re: #116 Nerdy Fish

I think the difference here is that Trump is so incredibly unpopular by now, there’s a realistic chance that Kamala could beat him straight up. However, I am 1000% sure the polls don’t account for the avalanche of negative media coverage that would flood the zone if Joe died and she became the nominee.

Press reaction would = (Clinton + Obama)³

jeffreyw  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:14:41am

Good morning!

Belafon  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:15:52am

re: #149 Axolotl

See #37. The CBC, and African Americans nationally, didn’t waver in their support, and they are the core of the party. There’s a reason I recommended looking to them in my DailyKos diary.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:16:10am

As if you didn’t already have enough reason to despise and avoid this monopolistic conglomerate:

Ticketmaster warns customers to take action after hack

The personal details of 560 million Ticketmaster customers worldwide were stolen in the hack - with cyber criminals then attempting to sell that information online.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:17:10am

re: #147 ericblair

[Embedded content]

“That feeble incompetent old guy sure rolled us good.”

What sticks out to me is the wording: “us having no real say in the matter” and “the anticipated ‘intervention’ is crumbling.” They really do feel entitled to overturn the choice of the voters and install someone more to their liking.

Oblongatis  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:17:30am

re: #63 Dr Lizardo

Time for my weekly opinion here.

Funny thing that reality can be like. For all the efforts of the media and the nonstop hyperventilating of the NYTs Biden has only slipped 1.3 percent in the 538 aggregated polls.
What I’m seeing is his supporters are hanging tight despite two weeks of unrelenting attack by the “liberal media”.
Seems like a media issue more than a political one.
However, not that it will be covered correctly but I think Biden has to put himself into situations that require thinking on his feet during events. Until he performs the ritual competence dance the media requires this shit isn’t going away.

Belafon  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:21:54am

re: #158 Oblongatis

And since Biden is trying to break/fix the media’s overreliance on hearsay and “Democrats in disarray” that isn’t going to happen.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:24:20am

re: #158 Oblongatis

Seems like one of those instances where the media is trying to make the news instead of simply reporting on the news.

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:26:13am

re: #138 Belafon

Saw an old (shitter?) post from Rowling’s saying that Lolita was a tragic love story. The woman ain’t right.

Oblongatis  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:26:25am

re: #159 Belafon

Please. The media is going to chase the next squirrel that runs by regardless of base truth. This situation is not ending without the media getting a pound of something they can’t even define.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:28:03am

Also, why do they feel “outflanked” by Biden getting the CBC on his side? Was it because they thought that they could make a case for the CBC to break with him and instead push for Harris to take over the campaign? That the prospect of having a black woman on the top of the ticket would be tempting enough to abandon a man who not only agreed to be the biggest booster for the first black president but also a trusted friend of the black community?

Again and again, it becomes clearer that this was not an organized movement, it’s panicky reaction to a lot of sound and fury from the Beltway.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:31:55am

re: #163 Targetpractice

It sounds like some folks wanted get their names out there and wanted their 15 minutes of fame.

darthstar  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:32:42am
Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:36:29am

re: #164 PhillyPretzel ✅

It sounds like some folks wanted get their names out there and wanted their 15 minutes of fame.

It’s the snowball effect that I mentioned up above, there seemed to be this idea that a few voices speaking up would turn into a few more and a few more until eventually the party was in rebellion against Biden continuing the campaign. Instead, he and his allies moved quickly, they made their case to the right people to stave off that rebellion, and now those who spoke up are left looking like twats for giving into the hysteria rather than standing strong.

Axolotl  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:39:20am

I have to deal with my FIL who will vote for Biden but will go on and on and on about why he should drop out.

My inlaws fall for ever media narrative - he used to complain about Hillary’s emails.

He is always looking at other candidates and saying “Governor X would be a great candidate”.

I try to explain to him that they look good until they start running. For every Obama there are dozens of DeSantises.

That is what we face now. Anyone we put up will stand a 1 in 10 chance of holding it together.

One last thing - I always knew he was Joe was struggling. Wasn’t it obvious all along? Why is everyone acting so shocked? He is not perfect but he is ours.

We have been getting so frustrated with Trump supporters still backing their man with all his imperfections. It has been “triggering the libs”. Well now it is our turn.
Let’s support our candidate and what them lose their minds over how we can do that.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:40:25am

re: #163 Targetpractice

Also, why do they feel “outflanked” by Biden getting the CBC on his side? Was it because they thought that they could make a case for the CBC to break with him and instead push for Harris to take over the campaign? That the prospect of having a black woman on the top of the ticket would be tempting enough to abandon a man who not only agreed to be the biggest booster for the first black president but also a trusted friend of the black community?

Again and again, it becomes clearer that this was not an organized movement, it’s panicky reaction to a lot of sound and fury from the Beltway.

How dare we not be deferred to

Eventual Carrion  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:40:37am

re: #77 Decatur Deb

How do you get to be a Florida-qualified chaplain? Is there a test? Do you have to wrestle an alligator? How big?

The gator isn’t that big, it’s the feral anaconda you have to worry about.

BlueSpotinAL ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:41:46am

re: #106 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

United States ex rel. Gerald Mayo v. Satan and His Staff


I remember a case in state court in Texas in which someone had sued Satan. A lawyer showed up in court claiming to represent Satan (presumably pro bono). He called for dismissal on the grounds that Satan could not be shown to either reside or do business in the state. Observers were skeptical about Satan not doing business in Texas, but the suit was in fact dismissed.

If this was during an ice storm, maybe Satan took a flight to Cancun.

Vicious Babushka  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:42:09am

The Beagle has landed!

Wordle 1,116 2/6


Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:44:23am

re: #168 Dangerman

How dare we not be deferred to

The “we” part is the real problem, this is not so much a movement as generalized panic. There’s no leader to coalesce around, no alternative who can boast about how they’d lead the party to victory, just various factions in the party with disparate goals all united under a generalized “feeling” that Biden can’t win and the party needs “someone else.” Against that, an incumbent with a supportive VP and powerful supporters in the party was not in any real danger of being deposed unless he wanted to be.

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:47:25am
A Cranky One  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:48:55am

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 6:59:49am

re: #169 Eventual Carrion

The gator isn’t that big, it’s the feral anaconda you have to worry about.

I miss the simpler theology of Sand Mountain Church of Jesus with Signs Following, just had to sling rattlesnakes to attest.

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:00:08am

re: #173 Backwoods Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Harris, Newsome, Whitmer, and Buttigieg have voiced support for Biden in the last several days. None of the supposed front-runners to replace him has stepped up and put their names forward as a viable alternative.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:00:47am

re: #156 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

As if you didn’t already have enough reason to despise and avoid this monopolistic conglomerate:

Ticketmaster warns customers to take action after hack

The personal details of 560 million Ticketmaster customers worldwide were stolen in the hack - with cyber criminals then attempting to sell that information online.

I do, so am not impacted by this hack.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:09:23am

re: #176 Targetpractice

Harris, Newsome, Whitmer, and Buttigieg have voiced support for Biden in the last several days. None of the supposed front-runners to replace him has stepped up and put their names forward as a viable alternative.

I don’t know what Harris has been thinking.
You can’t be that high in politics without some a massive ego

I think the move should be her coming out loudly, unequivocally “WE are the team”!!

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:13:01am


Trump shows signs of dementia

The media: All claims of Trump’s mental fitness are unfounded!

Biden has 15 bad minutes in a debate

The media: Biden has every mental illness and neurological condition known to man, as clearly everyone can see!

Save it.

Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:13:21am

re: #176 Targetpractice

Harris, Newsome, Whitmer, and Buttigieg have voiced support for Biden in the last several days. None of the supposed front-runners to replace him has stepped up and put their names forward as a viable alternative.

Fetterman has been the loudest, most vernacular, voice.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:14:00am

re: #180 Decatur Deb

And PA is very proud of him. We love John.

Eventual Carrion  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:16:02am

re: #90 Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅

Well, ugly, ugly.
Wordle 1,116 5/6

[Embedded content]

Not as bad as my X/6

Wordle 1,116 X/6


Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:17:26am

re: #178 Dangerman

I don’t know what Harris has been thinking.
You can’t be that high in politics without some a massive ego

I think the move should be her coming out loudly, unequivocally “WE are the team”!!

If she has any sort of political instincts whatsoever, she’d have realized at some point that forcing Joe out would be political suicide. It wouldn’t matter how much support she had within the party ranks, the voters would never forgive her for it.

Eventual Carrion  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:18:34am

re: #92 Nerdy Fish

I’m kind of surprised that the Christofascists haven’t homed in on the phrase “preacher of the gospel” to restrict that to only Christian ministers, since “the gospel” is primarily used by Christians to describe their message.

While they like to reach back to the non-gospels to demonize people.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:19:29am

OK this is the weirdest item I’ve encountered this year…


Decatur Deb  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:24:48am

re: #185 Joe Bacon ✅


Dr. Matt  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:31:16am

re: #185 Joe Bacon ✅

OK this is the weirdest item I’ve encountered this year…

[Embedded content]

White hair wearing a red “Make America Great Again” ball cap

And no one is shocked.

sagehen  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:36:14am

re: #130 Randall Gross

[Embedded content]

she calls Project 2025 MAGA Kampf.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:42:49am

I am still awake. I did not have an urge to sleep.
I laid down around 4:30 or so, watched some TV on my phone. Finally turned everything off, but at around 6 my bladder, prostate and colon laughed at me. So I just gave up
Watching the Tour de France now.
Been trying to determine what my emotional state is, and I’ve concluded I’m generally annoyed. Guessing I’m going to be annoyed at him for a while.

Sorry, needed to just express myself somehow and I really have no one to talk to. Can’t rant at the beagle, he already seems out of sorts.

sagehen  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:46:39am

re: #136 Dangerman

we’re dems
we tend not to excommunicate or make p’sng
we dont ostracize or drum people out of the party
they’ll make their excuses. they’ll be contrite just enough
and we’ll all come together because we need all the votes and all the support

(a danger can dream)

Joe Lieberman.

He spoke at the RNC. He campaigned vigorously for McCain/Palin. And even so, the Dems let him keep his committee chair.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:50:34am

re: #190 jeffreyw

“You want a piece of me?”
“I swear, it was at least this big”

Vicious Babushka  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:53:50am

FUCK THE NY TIMES for using language about Biden that should be used about Trump.


Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 7:58:48am

somebody borked their email address so Nextdoor has been trying to get me to join the Swift Creek Neighborhood.

it’s about 600 miles from here.

for some reason this happens to me regularly cause ‘danger@…’

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:00:01am

re: #192 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

“You want a piece of me?”
“I swear, it was at least this big”

“I missed you this much”….

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:00:13am

re: #184 Eventual Carrion

While they like to reach back to the non-gospels to demonize people.

Well, yes, but “The Gospel according to Matthew” is a reference to a specific book, or “the gospels,” plural, to all of them. “The gospel” is a general reference to the overall Christian message and to the New Testament as a whole. That they have managed to completely contradict the branding by filling the “good news” with hatred and fear is an implementation problem.

lawhawk  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:02:48am

Fucking NYT can’t help itself.

It finally manages to backhandedly want Trump to back out of the GOP nomination/race.

However, it’s in an editorial fixated on demanding Biden withdraw because he’s old.

The Times called Trump “the worst president in modern American history” and wrote that he “is manifestly unfit to serve as president,” but none of that is in headline font. It is buried in another brutal broadside on Biden. Here’s what the Times wrote:

Mr. Trump was the worst president in modern American history. He is a felon convicted of breaking the law as part of his campaign to win the 2016 election. Four years later, after his multiple attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election failed, he incited an attack on Congress aimed to keep himself in power. During the current campaign, he has promised an even more unrestrained version of himself if re-elected, even refusing to disavow violence on his behalf.

If elected, he has promised to turn the federal bureaucracy and even the Justice Department into weapons of his will to hurt his perceived political enemies. (With the aid of the three justices he appointed, the Supreme Court just made it possible for him to break the law in doing so with no fear of criminal prosecution.) And he has made clear that he will surround himself with people who support his plans. He will work to further restrict the reproductive rights of women. He will roll back environmental rules, allowing companies to pollute the water and the air. His belligerent, erratic, go-it-alone approach to foreign policy will undermine the nation’s interests and its security, encouraging Vladimir Putin and other authoritarians around the globe.

By departing the race, Mr. Biden can focus public attention on Mr. Trump’s capacity to perform the job of president. Mr. Trump, of course, should also withdraw from this race, not least because of his own cognitive deficiencies and incessant lying. He, too, is not the man he was four years ago. He also makes fewer public appearances and refuses to answer questions about his health. His habitual mendacity now frequently wanders into nonsensical incoherence. He would be the oldest person ever to be inaugurated as president — older than Mr. Biden was in 2021.

All of that should have been a topline editorial on its own, not buried in an editorial demanding Biden step down.

It also straight up ignores that a POTUS has the bully pulpit that no one in the world has. He can focus attention on Trump’s fascist intentions, his racism, his bigotry, and unending crime spree while in the WH. There’s no place better than that.

But the Times wants everyone to ignore that because of a bad debate outing, which has precisely nothing to do with the job itself.

The Times can’t help but bend over backwards to help Trump at every turn.

Hecuba's daughter  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:03:53am

re: #64 JC1

5/6 this could have gone better.

[Embedded content]


Wordle 1,116 2/6


Group: 2,3,4,4

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:06:46am

re: #197 lawhawk

Fucking NYT can’t help itself.

By departing the race, Mr. Biden can focus public attention on Mr. Trump’s capacity to perform the job of president

We need Mr. Biden’s help because we don’t know how to do this ourselves.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:09:23am

re: #199 Dangerman

We need Mr. Biden’s help because we don’t know how to do this ourselves.

That phrase is completely nonsensical. Isn’t the entire point of having a Constitutionally protected journalist class to focus public attention on things that are of national importance? You know, like the fact that a candidate for President being put forward by a major political party in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Fucking-Four is a treasonweasel, a criminal, and has extensive plans written for him to take over the entirety of the government and turn it into an authoritarian fascist state that is loyal to him personally?

Unabogie  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:11:32am

re: #199 Dangerman

We need Mr. Biden’s help because we don’t know how to do this ourselves.

I think this does hit on a very salient point. Personally, I want Joe Biden to be able to make the case that Trump is unfit, since that’s patently true. But the New York Times seems to be saying that since Trump is unfit, it’s on Joe Biden and not them to say so.

By whose rules? If Trump is patently unfit, and there are facts to back that up, the New York Times should report those facts. That’s the at the core of their mission to educate the public. If people don’t know Trump is unfit, it’s because they are not reporting in a way that informs people of this basic fact about the world.

It’s a truly pathetic failure on their part. Far worse than anything Joe Biden could do in this situation.

EDIT: Nerdy Fish and I apparently share a brain.

BigPapa  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:12:52am

I tried to burn a Breitbart news article but they don’t burn: they’re soaked in urine.

BlueSpotinAL ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:14:20am

re: #197 lawhawk

Fucking NYT can’t help itself.

It finally manages to backhandedly want Trump to back out of the GOP nomination/race.

However, it’s in an editorial fixated on demanding Biden withdraw because he’s old.

All of that should have been a topline editorial on its own, not buried in an editorial demanding Biden step down.

It also straight up ignores that a POTUS has the bully pulpit that no one in the world has. He can focus attention on Trump’s fascist intentions, his racism, his bigotry, and unending crime spree while in the WH. There’s no place better than that.

But the Times wants everyone to ignore that because of a bad debate outing, which has precisely nothing to do with the job itself.

The Times can’t help but bend over backwards to help Trump at every turn.

LOL, that if Biden stepped down the focus would finally be how bad Trump was.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:14:57am

re: #200 Nerdy Fish

That phrase is completely nonsensical. Isn’t the entire point of having a Constitutionally protected journalist class to focus public attention on things that are of national importance? You know, like the fact that a candidate for President being put forward by a major political party in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Fucking-Four is a treasonweasel, a criminal, and has extensive plans written for him to take over the entirety of the government and turn it into an authoritarian fascist state that is loyal to him personally?

NYT lost the plot long ago

allegro  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:15:11am

We just got power back!! I am so relieved I’m almost in tears, I was so scared for my kids. It’s about to get brutally hot - it’s 87 now at 10am. Hurricane was easily survived, our power system not so much.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:16:16am

re: #71 Patricia Kayden

Talk about a lack of self awareness

[Embedded content]

Billy Baldwin looks drunk in that photo.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:17:11am

re: #205 allegro

I am happy for you. Have you considered a generator?

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:21:40am

re: #64 JC1

5/6 this could have gone better.

[Embedded content]

I made it through in four, but it was all luck.
Wordle 1,116 4/6


Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:21:52am

re: #201 Unabogie

I think this does hit on a very salient point. Personally, I want Joe Biden to be able to make the case that Trump is unfit, since that’s patently true. But the New York Times seems to be saying that since Trump is unfit, it’s on Joe Biden and not them to say so.

By whose rules? If Trump is patently unfit, and there are facts to back that up, the New York Times should report those facts. That’s the at the core of their mission to educate the public. If people don’t know Trump is unfit, it’s because they are not reporting in a way that informs people of this basic fact about the world.

It’s a truly pathetic failure on their part. Far worse than anything Joe Biden could do in this situation.

EDIT: Nerdy Fish and I apparently share a brain.

i read it differently as: if Biden wasnt in the race then somehow we could focus on trump.
but since biden is in the race we cant, or just wont.
it’s still absurd

if you think one, the other or both are ‘unfit’, then argue that.
argue their specific unfitness. that’s not bothsidering.

because it comes down to the same binary argument:
- both candidates are constitutionally qualified
- they are the choice

so which one is manifestly less miserable, dangerous, a threat, etc??

right now the NYT and much of the media is doing the equivalent of not voting for either of the only two candidates who will win the election

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:22:12am

re: #203 BlueSpotinAL ✅

LOL, that if Biden stepped down the focus would finally be how bad Trump was.

yeah that

eta: as if a 21st century ‘newspaper’ had a space limitation

Targetpractice  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:22:37am

re: #200 Nerdy Fish

That phrase is completely nonsensical. Isn’t the entire point of having a Constitutionally protected journalist class to focus public attention on things that are of national importance? You know, like the fact that a candidate for President being put forward by a major political party in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Fucking-Four is a treasonweasel, a criminal, and has extensive plans written for him to take over the entirety of the government and turn it into an authoritarian fascist state that is loyal to him personally?

It’s the same shit we hear every 4 years, that the Repub candidate is shit BUT the Dem candidate alone must make the case because the Beltway are impartial and cannot get involved…because they’re too busy telling everybody that the Dem candidate is shit and the Repub candidate is a political marvel.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:26:56am

There is no Republican ass the Corporate Controlled Conservative Press won’t kiss.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:27:46am
A teenage suspect was shot by US Marshals on Friday after allegedly attempting to carjack Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s federal bodyguards outside her home, dailymail.com can exclusively reveal.

Metropolitan Police Department confirmed it was investigating a shooting that took place in the Northwest Washington, DC. where two marshals were on-duty working ‘a protective detail’ in the early hours of July 5.

A Deputy US Marshal was sitting in his car outside the top judge’s condominium at 1:15am when 18-year-old Kentrell Flowers approached, pointed a handgun at him, and tried to steal his vehicle, according to a police report obtained by dailymail.com.


Hecuba's daughter  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:28:01am

re: #84 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The final adopted law, House Bill 931 (PDF, two pages)

Essentially the bill, in claiming a shortage of certified counsellors, authorises each school district, charter school, private school, &c to adopt a chaplain to serve in the role.

Each school is free to reject the programme, but if they adopt it, they must come up with standards on how the programme is applied to their school. As such, every school which adopts the programme will probably come up with different standards (except lazy school boards which copypasta other school boards’ standards).

As such, various groups are poised to sue each school district if they disallow their chaplains, including TST, Muslims, and others. Additionally, civil liberties groups such as the Florida ACLU will also tee up cases to overturn district adoption of such plans if they discriminate against a religion in violation of the Constitution.

Many school districts will probably punt on this “opportunity,” but any one of them with a stubborn conservative-majority school board will probably try to adopt it.

That means each individual school district will be sued if they discriminate.

As such, it would behove anyone living in Florida to mind the school board agenda if they bring this up in your district, and make sure to attend and be put on the citizens’ agenda for a speaking slot to speak out against conservatives wasting your money in a lawsuit they are guaranteed to lose. If you wish to be more activist, you can approach the attorney for the district or board (if they have one) to note the unconstitutionality of such a doctrine if it’s adopted and also discriminates against any religion or none.

All politics is local, and this bill is predicated on the idea the vast majority of people don’t pay attention to local stuff like school board meetings (they just assume democracy rolls along without any input).

In theory every school district in Florida could choose to ignore DeSantis and his virtue-signalling bill.

In the ‘90’s my husband and I were members of a synagogue that hired a rabbi who was a practicing psychologist. But there is no way he would have been suitable to perform as a school counsellor because his area of expertise did not involve working with children.

Backwoods Sleuth  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:28:58am

re: #189 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

I am still awake. I did not have an urge to sleep.
I laid down around 4:30 or so, watched some TV on my phone. Finally turned everything off, but at around 6 my bladder, prostate and colon laughed at me. So I just gave up
Watching the Tour de France now.
Been trying to determine what my emotional state is, and I’ve concluded I’m generally annoyed. Guessing I’m going to be annoyed at him for a while.

Sorry, needed to just express myself somehow and I really have no one to talk to. Can’t rant at the beagle, he already seems out of sorts.


🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:34:09am

re: #207 PhillyPretzel ✅

I am happy for you. Have you considered a generator?

Anyone who lives where there’s deadly heat for part of the year needs to have one if they don’t want to become a statistic.

allegro  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:35:20am

re: #207 PhillyPretzel ✅

Yeah, I have. But outside of the prohibitive cost few will provide the power needed to be of much use. For instance, this one could run a fan but with 110 heat indext that just turns my home into a convection oven. Plus I live in an oak forest with constant shade so a solar panel will be limited in effectiveness.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:36:54am

re: #217 allegro

Actually that one that I showed you could run a refrigerator for a few hours.

wrenchwench  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:37:48am

re: #189 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips


Take care of yourself.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:41:29am

re: #112 Dangerman

due to the perception of a single bad performance when in fact the ‘bad’ part was maybe 20% of the debate

This morning it was a series of poor performances on NPR (the on-the-hour intro, not a news story). I’m still waiting to hear about this series, and why they only discovered this important fact a week after the events they’re “reporting.”

(My money goes to my local public radio station. They pay for NPR news shows, but that’s not all they do, and they’d do well enough without those particular shows. Something I’m thinking of suggesting to them.)

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:43:08am

I just got a message from LifeLock. Ten Billion passwords have been leaked on a hackers forum. Check your accounts to see if anything unusual has popped up.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:43:18am

re: #115 Targetpractice

Right, and Bernie was going to win in a landslide, the polls prove it!


Someone should point out to the reporter and the people polled that a vote for Biden is also a vote for her.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:45:20am

re: #221 PhillyPretzel ✅

I just got a message from LifeLock. Ten Billion passwords have been leaked on a hackers forum. Check your accounts to see if anything unusual has popped up.

Is this related to the Ticketmaster hack?

Egregious Philbin  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:46:59am

re: #221 PhillyPretzel ✅

LifeLock the company founded by a criminal.


PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:49:41am

re: #224 Egregious Philbin

Last time I checked it was being run by Norton.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:50:24am

re: #223 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I do not know.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:50:25am

re: #221 PhillyPretzel ✅

I just got a message from LifeLock. Ten Billion passwords have been leaked on a hackers forum. Check your accounts to see if anything unusual has popped up.

Corporations be like: “you get a data breach and you get a data breach…”

At this point I’ve just kind of resigned myself to the fact most of my info is probably somewhere on the dark web.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:52:01am

From the AP: Senator Jim Inhofe of CA OK has died. He was a R.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:53:03am

re: #228 PhillyPretzel ✅

From the AP: Senator Jim Inhofe of CA has died. He was a R.

He had been brain dead for years.

Egregious Philbin  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:53:22am

re: #225 PhillyPretzel ✅

I said founded by, not currently run by. Its a good article. I would never trust Lifelock.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:53:26am

re: #229 Joe Bacon ✅

He had been brain dead for years.

One of the chief of the Republican climate science deniers. Even I know his name.

wrenchwench  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:56:20am

Partridge. Wordle 1,116 4/6*


The reset hit me yesterday, so I now have a streak of 2. Also have the same odd stats I had last time I was hit with a reset.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:57:22am

Lunch drive time music, and Chapell Roan is amazing!

Chappell Roan - Good Luck, Babe! (Official Lyric Video)

BlueSpotinAL ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:58:12am

re: #228 PhillyPretzel ✅

From the AP: Senator Jim Inhofe of CA has died. He was a R.

Oklahoma, not CA!

Profoundly ignorant, the dummy who brought a snowball into Congress in winter to argue against global warming.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:58:15am

re: #126 Decatur Deb

Dumb choice is the innocent explanation. Directive is the other.

Don’t feed my paranoia.


Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:58:48am

Radical Jesusbots deny their daughter the insulin she needed to live. Instead they and their fellow Xtians prayed over her for Dee-Vine Healin’.

The innocent child died.

Now these assholes are on trial for murder in Australia.

14 Christians go on trial in Australia after “faith-healing” death of 8-year-old girl


FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:59:04am

re: #228 PhillyPretzel ✅

From the AP: Senator Jim Inhofe of CA has died. He was a R.

Inhofe WAS a senator from OK. Been out of office for a year and a half

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:59:34am

I hate this timeline. Can we please have a new one?

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 8:59:49am

re: #234 BlueSpotinAL ✅

Okay. I read CA. I am very sorry I got that wrong.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:00:07am

re: #234 BlueSpotinAL ✅

Oklahoma, not CA!

Profoundly ignorant, the dummy who brought a snowball into Congress in winter to argue against global warming.

Oh, he was that guy! I always had a special spot of hatred for that stunt.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:01:14am

Frankly I’m glad I’m an Old Fart. I will have crossed the rainbow bridge before the #2 really hits the fan…

wrenchwench  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:02:35am

re: #235 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Don’t feed my paranoia.

[Embedded content]

It’s not paranoia when it’s based on observations. Some things are becoming more observable.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:02:45am

re: #147 ericblair

[Embedded content]

“That feeble incompetent old guy sure rolled us good.”

Shocking, the people prevailed.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:03:01am

In 2025 PA is getting new license plates.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:06:45am

re: #244 PhillyPretzel ✅

In 2025 PA is getting new license plates.

I like that better then NY’s current plates.

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:07:37am

I finally had enough, had to change the channel from MSNBC. Every show had one of the dipshits calling for biden to drop from the race while not having anyone who was in favor of him staying. It’s a shit show on a tv in a dumpster that is on fire and about to be hit by a train.

The only upside is this seems to have woken people up and gotten everyone a lot more active including Biden.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:08:47am

re: #221 PhillyPretzel ✅

I just got a message from LifeLock. Ten Billion passwords have been leaked on a hackers forum. Check your accounts to see if anything unusual has popped up.

I thought passwords you enter at login to a site would be hashed before being sent over the intertubes to the server and it would be the hash that would be stored and then used to authenticate subsequent logins. That way, the actual password remains on the user’s computer, never on the server. If that is so, accessing a hashed password is of limited value unless the baddies can reverse the hash by guessing. I suppose there are sites that store passwords in the clear but I’d assume they’d be rare by now.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:09:51am

Damn, NY Times doubling down.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:10:09am

re: #161 Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅

Saw an old (shitter?) post from Rowling’s saying that Lolita was a tragic love story. The woman ain’t right.

Gotta agree that it was just that — and I’m not even close to being the first to notice. (I’m not going to do an extended literary analysis, but consider HH’s last meeting with Lolita, no nymphet at the time.)

(In case someone now wants to accuse me — or all those other readers — of defending pedophilia, please note that one of the things that makes the book work is that at no time does HH suggest that what he’s doing is not wrong, and is not doing terrible damage to Lolita.)

sizzzzlerz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:10:30am

re: #239 PhillyPretzel ✅

Okay. I read CA. I am very sorry I got that wrong.

The day CA elects a creep like that would be the onset of the apocalypse.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:10:56am

re: #247 sizzzzlerz

That’s how it’s supposed to work, yes. Leaks aren’t necessarily all just database entries; they may include the private keys the hashes were based on, which makes the hashing worthless. That’s often the case if a social engineering attack gets an attacker administrative access to a server.

allegro  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:11:59am

re: #246 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

In my dream world, a whole lot of us have been changing the channel since the debate and their (both MSNBC and CNN) ratings are plummeting. We’re also rooting for the underdog that the media has made Biden. The more bullshit they toss the stronger he gets. Kinda like when Clinton got railroaded over the BJ - we saw and we did not like.

BeachDem  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:12:07am

Tiedrich is always good, but his closing note on today’s piece is perfection:

Donald Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone — and Maggie Haberman would explain that Donny couldn’t have done it, because he says he doesn’t know how guns work.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:12:19am

re: #250 sizzzzlerz

CNN just released its story and it mentioned the “Sooner State” I am assuming that is Oklahoma. OK

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:13:12am

Nowadays you need passwords like BD%plKG934§jtUzh POERIQWEB[)/&hihvpozv and you need to change them every three days

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:13:19am

re: #253 BeachDem

Does Maggie know that DT has a permit to carry?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:13:40am

re: #256 PhillyPretzel ✅

Does Maggie know that DT has a permit to carry?

I thought he was going to get that revoked as a felon

along with his liquor license

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:14:33am

re: #252 allegro

I agree. It has made Biden the underdog which I think is right where he wants to be.

Randall Gross  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:14:35am

Does anyone use weather underground with a weather station at their house?

If so I am interested in your opinions of how well that app and ability to use it goes, & how much trouble it is or isn’t to keep your weather station online.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:16:19am

re: #257 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Me too. I have not heard if he has turned it in or not.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:18:40am

re: #197 lawhawk

By departing the race, Mr. Biden can focus public attention on Mr. Trump’s capacity to perform the job of president.

That makes no sense. While continuing his campaign, Mr. Biden can focus public attention on Mr. Trump’s capacity to perform the job of president in his speeches, appearances, individual conversations,…

sizzzzlerz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:19:17am

re: #251 Nerdy Fish

That’s how it’s supposed to work, yes. Leaks aren’t necessarily all just database entries; they may include the private keys the hashes were based on, which makes the hashing worthless. That’s often the case if a social engineering attack gets an attacker administrative access to a server.

Cryptological hashes don’t require keys so there is nothing to store on either the front or back ends. Further, the password is usually combined with a salt before hashing to further obscure things and prevent a situation where the same password results in the same hash. The salt would ensure the hash would be different.

Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:21:17am

re: #262 sizzzzlerz

Cryptological hashes don’t require keys so there is nothing to store on either the front or back ends. Further, the password is usually combined with a salt before hashing to further obscure things and prevent a situation where the same password results in the same hash. The salt would ensure the hash would be different.

The salts are primarily what I was thinking of, but the hash algorithm also has to be known, and if they use a weak hash algorithm, that is also an easy way for unsalted passwords to be vulnerable.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:21:29am

re: #255 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Nowadays you need passwords like BD%plKG934§jtUzh POERIQWEB[)/&hihvpozv and you need to change them every three days

That’s what a good password manager is for.

Jay C  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:23:45am

re: #255 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Nowadays you need passwords like BD%plKG934§jtUzh POERIQWEB[)/&hihvpozv and you need to change them every three days

Damn! I thought that was unguessable! Gonna have to change, now….


sizzzzlerz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:24:45am

re: #263 Nerdy Fish

The salts are primarily what I was thinking of, but the hash algorithm also has to be known, and if they use a weak hash algorithm, that is also an easy way for unsalted passwords to be vulnerable.

Very true but most places rely on SHA-256 or similar which are still considered to be secure. As always, some sites may be behind the times and are still using a hash that is considered to be insecure or even compromised. That’s the danger. You don’t know what your getting or how strong the site’s defenses against hacking are.

HypnoToad  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:25:14am

I’m curious. Since the anti—abortion/conservative religious crowd has been promoting the idea that a baby with full rights as a person exists from the moment a sperm swims the moat and breaches the gates of Castle Ovum, and that the baby’s right to life and bodily autonomy supercedes that of the mother, does the gender of the blastocyst or embryo matter?

For a male? Under this policy, society would confer bodily autonomy on them from conception through birth, cede it to their parents until kicked out on their own, then gain it back for the remainder of their adult lives. (Excepting military service, incarceration, etc) For a female the same would apply—except until they get pregnant themselves. Their rights to self-autonomy could be lost, then regained several times both prior and during adulthood. Not so much a right as a revocable allowance.

Making women subserviant again is of course the main part of this push to weaken or strip their bodily autonomy. The return of conservative calls to return to the good old days where they couldn’t vote, have financial or social independance, or equal treatment under the law further illustrates this.

My question. (I haven’t read ‘Handmaid’s Tale’) If this comes to pass, and women are firmly in their male imposed place again, will the loss of their rights then extend back prenatal witout further religious objection? History shows that many cultures have devalued females as no more than a commodity. Would abortion restrictions be relaxed once male control is solidified, or would they be maintained to reinforce that control? (More succinctly; how many centuries back do conservatives want to go?)

ckkatz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:26:10am

A couple of songs in Guinea-Bissau Creole:

Mindjer dôce mel - Eneida Marta

Mindjer dôce mel

Manecas Costa - Antonia

Manecas Costa – Antonia

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:26:15am

re: #238 Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅

I hate this timeline. Can we please have a new one?

I have one available where nuclear war broke out in the 60’s.

jeffreyw  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:26:18am
TedStriker  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:26:46am

re: #264 sizzzzlerz

That’s what a good password manager is for.

And good password and passphrase (for sites that allow passphrases) generators:


Even though any modern password manager worth its salt has a password generator built-in, I prefer using a standalone one sometimes for more flexibility.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:26:47am

re: #267 HypnoToad

More succinctly; how many centuries back do conservatives want to go?

Quite clearly back to Old Testament Biblical Patriarchy

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:27:33am

re: #257 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I thought he was going to get that revoked as a felon

along with his liquor license

re: #260 PhillyPretzel ✅

Me too. I have heard if he has turned it in or not.

Trump surrendered two weapons to NY when his license was suspended in Mar 2023.
A third weapon was reported to be in Florida. He would not have to surrender that while suspended .’In his first meeting with his parole officer he reportedly stated the weapon was still “legally” in Florida. NYPD reportedly informed Florida and asked them to take whatever action is appropriate.
Palm Beach PD informed CNN last month that they were unaware that Trump had a gun and said it had not been surrendered to them

EstebanTornado1963  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:29:01am

re: #228 PhillyPretzel ✅

From the AP: Senator Jim Inhofe of CA has died. He was a R.

Is he the asshole who brought a snowball on to the senate floor?

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:30:09am

re: #274 EstebanTornado1963

From what others have said yes. And again I am sorry I got the state wrong. It is supposed to be OK.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:30:16am

re: #264 sizzzzlerz

That’s what a good password manager is for.

Yep. Each site gets its own unguessable password, so a hack compromises your account on one site. I was sloppy with my passwords until one hack forced me to update passwords at many sites years ago. I took that opportunity to fix my password situation for good.

TedStriker  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:30:18am

re: #274 EstebanTornado1963

Is he the asshole who brought a snowball on to the house floor?

The same (and he was repping OK, not CA).

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:30:39am

Morning glories are evil and invasive. But gorgeous.

TedStriker  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:31:05am

re: #275 PhillyPretzel ✅

From what others have said yes. And again I am sorry I got the state wrong. It is supposed to be OK.


EstebanTornado1963  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:31:15am
Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:32:17am

re: #275 PhillyPretzel ✅

From what others have said yes. And again I am sorry I got the state wrong. It is supposed to be OK.

It’s perfectly OK that you got the state wrong, but what state was it?///

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:32:31am

re: #278 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Morning glories are evil and invasive. But gorgeous.

[Embedded content]


Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:33:19am
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been hosted by President Biden at a state dinner and lavished with praise by White House officials, who describe ties with India as “one of the most consequential relationships” for the United States.

But this week, Modi reminded the world that he has another close relationship — with “my dear friend Vladimir Putin.”

As Modi makes his first visit to Russia since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the images emerging from Moscow of Modi wrapping the Russian president in a hug send a clear signal that the South Asian giant will maintain deep ties with Russia despite the Biden administration’s efforts to woo its prime minister. It also shows that Putin is not as isolated as the White House has hoped.


TedStriker  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:33:26am

re: #281 Nerdy Fish

It’s perfectly OK that you got the state wrong, but what state was it?///

EstebanTornado1963  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:35:39am

I guess you can say Snowball Inhofe is gonna witness his own climate change because he’ll be going to hell.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:35:52am

re: #276 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

Yep. Each site gets its own unguessable password, so a hack compromises your account on one site. I was sloppy with my passwords until one hack forced me to update passwords at many sites years ago. I took that opportunity to fix my password situation for good.

Back in the day, I did the same thing, using the same password on different sites. Although I never used on important sites like financial sites, it was still a very bad practice. My excuse was there weren’t password managers back then. Chrome tells me that they’ve detected my username and that password have been compromised but, I don”t use that password any longer nor do I visit those sites anymore. I’ve yet to be compromised with the manager-generated passwords.

Hecuba's daughter  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:37:37am

re: #164 PhillyPretzel ✅

It sounds like some folks wanted get their names out there and wanted their 15 minutes of fame.

What worries me — and it’s something we have no way of knowing — is whether there is a true cognitive problem that could impact the outcome of the 2024 election. I am 100% fine with Harris as President but remain terrified that there will be some truly “career-ending” pre-election failure that would lead to a Trump win.

Two white male friends of mine (one a diehard Bernie supporter who voted for Hillary but hates her and still believes Bernie would have won) both think Whitmer would have no problems winning. It’s not worth arguing further with them because they are confident that getting rid of Harris would not impact the vote of the African-American community and would lead to victory. No reasoning with some people.

PhillyPretzel ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:38:10am

Dang I got booted again. Anytime the thread goes near 300 I get the boot for posting. I got my mail and one of those Joe has dementia mailers.

Shropshire Slasher  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:38:11am
One of America’s biggest flooring suppliers is considering bankruptcy - the latest retailer to face financial problems.

LL Flooring, with 442 stores across 47 states, has seen its sales falling over the past year as Americans cut back on renovating their homes.

Tom Sullivan founded Lumber Liquidators in 1994 by buying excess wood from companies and reselling it at a discount.


Nerdy Fish  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:40:00am

re: #287 Hecuba’s daughter

What worries me — and it’s something we have no way of knowing — is whether there is a true cognitive problem that could impact the outcome of the 2024 election.

I’m going to stop you right there. We would know, because White House doctors would announce something, and his cabinet would 25th Amendment him immediately. If it was as dire as you say - if it meant that it would prevent him from performing adequately enough to at least run the race - someone would be actively doing something about it right now. Because that’s not the kind of thing you mess around with, when it comes to what is currently the most powerful executive office in the world.

Jay C  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:40:21am

re: #285 EstebanTornado1963

I guess you can say Snowball Inhofe is gonna witness his own climate change because he’ll be going to hell.

He was from Oklahoma: the change in climate might not be all that noticeable.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:46:12am

re: #287 Hecuba’s daughter

What worries me — and it’s something we have no way of knowing — is whether there is a true cognitive problem that could impact the outcome of the 2024 election. I am 100% fine with Harris as President but remain terrified that there will be some truly “career-ending” pre-election failure that would lead to a Trump win.

If Joe has to be hospitalized - even for a minor or routine matter and even if only for a few days - we will hear no end of how he is at Death’s Door and hence unelectable.

Remember the bullshipment over the Parkinson’s specialist.

TedStriker  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:46:58am

re: #290 Nerdy Fish

I’m going to stop you right there. We would know, because White House doctors would announce something, and his cabinet would 25th Amendment him immediately. If it was as dire as you say - if it meant that it would prevent him from performing adequately enough to at least run the race - someone would be actively doing something about it right now. Because that’s not the kind of thing you mess around with, when it comes to what is currently the most powerful executive office in the world.

Because, unlike Trump’s Cabinet, Biden’s Cabinet has scruples and morals.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:47:22am

re: #290 Nerdy Fish

I’m going to stop you right there. We would know, because White House doctors would announce something, and his cabinet would 25th Amendment him immediately. If it was as dire as you say - if it meant that it would prevent him from performing adequately enough to at least run the race - someone would be actively doing something about it right now. Because that’s not the kind of thing you mess around with, when it comes to what is currently the most powerful executive office in the world.

- there’s not gonna be any surprises w/r/t “age/cognitive function”
- the guy is in one of the most monitored positions there is
- these age related conditions tend to not progress too quickly
- and that’s if they are relevant to this discussion at all

- that doesnt mean Rs and the media arent going to try and gin one up out of a public appearance

ckkatz  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:50:40am

The concern that I have heard, is that some senior Dem’s, remembering 2016, were panicking about a “Campaign Death Spiral”, like back then.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have not seen any credible complaints on mental acuity.

Frankly, I’m most concerned about why NYT and WaPo are working so hard to throw him under a bus.

wrenchwench  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:58:24am


for obstructing the investigation.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:58:29am

re: #295 ckkatz

The concern that I have heard, is that some senior Dem’s, remembering 2016, were panicking about a “Campaign Death Spiral”, like back then.

Maybe it’s just me, but I have not seen any credible complaints on mental acuity.

Frankly, I’m most concerned about why NYT and WaPo are working so hard to throw him under a bus.

Criswell Bacon predicts that the New York Times and Washington Post don’t like the most pro-labor President in history.

Jay C  Jul 9, 2024 • 9:58:42am

re: #295 ckkatz

Frankly, I’m most concerned about why NYT and WaPo are working so hard to throw him under a bus.

Because Joe Biden and the majority of Democrats are committing the Cardinal Sin of politics: fighting against The Accepted Pundit Narrative (and worse, apparently winning).

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:02:34am

A Day In The Life Of Steve Bannon In Federal Prison


Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:06:19am
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) expressed support for President Biden continuing his 2024 run despite reports Nadler previously said in a private meeting he wanted Biden to withdraw, CNN reports.

Said Nadler: “Whether or not I have concerns is besides the point. He is going to be our nominee and we all have to support him.”

this is how the rest of the ‘concerned’ dems will do it
it’s simple

they had a moment
now it’s over
we unite and move on

because ‘anyone but trump’ especially means the current president

wrenchwench  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:06:54am
Romantic Heretic  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:08:25am
wrenchwench  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:21:16am
Dave In Austin  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:21:51am

re: #228 PhillyPretzel ✅

From the AP: Senator Jim Inhofe of CA OK has died. He was a R.

I bet ol’ Jim wishes he had that snowball now…..

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:28:03am

re: #301 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

There’s some actual English text there among the mess rather than weird symbols filling in wherever text should be present. That’s progress.

Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:31:49am


To these Democrats, I reiterate this: there are constitutional safeguards to ensure proper governance in cases of [an actual] presidential incapacitation or death.

Show me a constitutional safeguard that would protect the American public from SCOTUS approved MAGA authoritarianism headed by TFG

Colère Tueur de Lapin ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:31:51am

re: #255 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Image: password_strength.png

Vicious Babushka  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:34:17am

Anti vaxxers run wild!


Dangerman  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:34:51am

Haley release her delegates to tfg.

She wasn’t invited to the convention

Says she’s voting for him

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:37:11am

re: #309 Dangerman

Haley release her delegates to tfg.

She wasn’t invited to the convention

Says she’s voting for him

We already knew that she’s nuts. She doesn’t oppose fascism. She just wanted to be the leader of a fascist party and was upset that the nuts prefer a narcissistic sociopath who betrayed us all with a coup attempt.

aatharuv  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:43:24am

re: #309 Dangerman

Haley release her delegates to tfg.

She wasn’t invited to the convention

Says she’s voting for him

I think we all knew there was going to be no floor fight for the Republicans.

There was reportedly an attempt by the AZ GOP to change the rules to allow a contested nomination, possibly to support Michael Flynn, because Donnie was not extreme enough, but that apparently got resolved.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:44:05am

re: #309 Dangerman

Haley release her delegates to tfg.

She wasn’t invited to the convention

Says she’s voting for him

He should tell them not to bother, they are tainted by RINOism

mmmirele  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:45:06am

What I told a presstitute:

Pardon my grammar and spelling.

Folks, this is a slow motion attempted coup. We’re watching it happen right in front of our eyes.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:46:45am

re: #292 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

If Joe has to be hospitalized - even for a minor or routine matter and even if only for a few days - we will hear no end of how he is at Death’s Door and hence unelectable.

Remember the bullshipment over the Parkinson’s specialist.

Do you get paid for posting the same thing over and over and over? Because I do not have early stage dementia, and I’m sick of seeing it.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:47:03am

So perfectly self-defeating that it's a perverse work of art

Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau.bsky.social) 2024-07-09T17:29:30.635Z

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:47:17am

re: #293 TedStriker

Because, unlike Trump’s Cabinet, Biden’s Cabinet has scruples and morals.

And a competent white house physician.

A Three Hour Tour  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:47:26am

re: #309 Dangerman

Haley release her delegates to tfg.

She wasn’t invited to the convention

Says she’s voting for him

2024’s winner of the Dark Falcon Profile in GOP Courage Award.

Of course, we all knew she would. Trump owns them, body and soul.

Joe Bacon ✅  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:47:43am

Sailor caught trying to breach president’s medical reports: Navy

A low-level Navy sailor was punished for attempting to access the private medical records of President Joe Biden, the U.S. Navy confirmed on Tuesday.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:48:47am

re: #314 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Do you get paid for posting the same thing over and over and over? Because I do not have early stage dementia, and I’m sick of seeing it.

then keep scrolling

steve_davis  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:49:23am

re: #221 PhillyPretzel ✅

I just got a message from LifeLock. Ten Billion passwords have been leaked on a hackers forum. Check your accounts to see if anything unusual has popped up.

well, today the walmart gas pump declined my amex twice. drove over to ingles and had no problems, so I’m guessing that’s on them.

7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:50:53am

re: #101 William Lewis

It really seems to be a car that if it was properly maintained doesn’t have too many issues but can bite the arse of those who don’t maintain it.

Our former car was demolished by a Bobcat. Not the animal kind. We thought we had the perfect replacement a few days later and took it to our mechanic for a half-day check-over. He called us 30 minutes later and said, “This vehicle has been in a flood.”

So we bought a new car instead, last October. A month ago it spontaneously combusted in our driveway. And, no, it is an ICE not an EV.

What fun.

TedStriker  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:51:00am

re: #314 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Do you get paid for posting the same thing over and over and over? Because I do not have early stage dementia, and I’m sick of seeing it.

You do realize Wendell is taking the piss out of the media whores pushing the “Biden is too old!” crap, right?

Hey, all of us (with the exception of a notable longtime contrarian) are on the same side here.

steve_davis  Jul 9, 2024 • 10:52:06am

re: #244 PhillyPretzel ✅

In 2025 PA is getting new license plates.

about time. I go through photos and I’m like, “wow. pennsylvania plates have been basically the same thing for 50 years.”

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 9, 2024 • 11:05:38am

re: #322 TedStriker

You do realize Wendell is taking the piss out of the media whores pushing the “Biden is too old!” crap, right?

Hey, all of us (with the exception of a notable longtime contrarian) are on the same side here.

Yeah. Screw you guys and your beliefs. The sky is orange and grass is purple!
/Did you not mean me?

Eventual Carrion  Jul 9, 2024 • 11:08:39am

re: #244 PhillyPretzel ✅

In 2025 PA is getting new license plates.

I like those just fine. I also see in the article they are replacing some “Welcome to Pennsylvania’ signs. I bet they leave the one just past the west end of my dads property since it is just a 2 lane back road coming in from Ohio to PA.

A Three Hour Tour  Jul 9, 2024 • 11:24:52am

re: #314 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS


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