Some More News: Everything Bad Is Ronald Reagan’s Fault

Politics • Views: 15,795

Hi. Today we’re looking at America’s 40th president – Teflon Ron, ‘ol Dutchy, the Gipper himself – Ronald Reagan, and how nearly everything bad in the U.S. today can be traced back to something he did and/or said.

Hosted by Cody Johnston
Executive Producer - Katy Stoll
Directed by Will Gordh
Written by Tom Reimann
Edited by Gregg Meller
Produced by Jonathan Harris
Associate Producer - Quincy Tucker
Post-Production Supervisor - John Conway
Researcher - Marco Siler-Gonzales
Graphics by Clint DeNisco
Story Editor - David Christopher Bell
Head Writer - David Christopher Bell

Hey! Even More News is now on YouTube. Check it out here.


00:00 - Intro
03:32 - The Curse of Ronald Reagan
07:54 - Reaganomics Was A Failure!
27:10 - Reagan Created The Student Loan Crisis
33:20 - Reagan Gutted Social Programs!
36:15 - Reagan Created The “Welfare Queen”!
38:55 - Reagan Didn’t Care If Babies Drank Poison!
41:39 - Reagan Brought Back Union-Busting!
50:51 - Reagan Created The Modern (BAD) Health Care Industry!
52:47 - Reagan Ignored The AIDS Epidemic!
01:01:46 - Reagan Pushed Private Prisons And Mass Incarceration!
01:06:20 - Bonus Round: The Iran-Contra Affair: A Ronald Reagan Mystery

Jump to bottom

Dangerman  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:13:03am

Dangerman  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:14:33am

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:20:00am

Why? Why not. Especially since the song’s namesake loved it when her grand-kids asked her about it…

Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes

jaunte  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:24:19am
rhuarc  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:24:24am

Might actually have to watch this episode. Normally don’t watch because I think they’re too long. However, I’ve maintained for a long time that Reagan is and will always be our worst president because he ushered in everything bad that has happened in the last 40+ years.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:26:29am

re: #5 rhuarc

Might actually have to watch this episode. Normally don’t watch because I think they’re too long. However, I’ve maintained for a long time that Reagan is and will always be our worst president because he ushered in everything bad that has happened in the last 40+ years.

I believed that till the Mango Moron.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:36:31am

re: #6 William Lewis

I believed that till the Mango Moron.

He’s merely the final result of the gop’s cultish fascination with fascism that began with pruneface. Yes, he’s magnitudes worse than reagan but he didn’t start it.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:37:19am

Once you train Youtube a bit, it can be useful. I have a Pop Music Mix that it made for me. A bit of ABBA, Metric, Go-Gos, Blondie, Hole, The Clash, Rush… 😈

Pop music is what you make of it. And damn if it isn’t hella good when it is good.

Time stand still indeed.

Rush - Time Stand Still (Official Music Video)

allegro  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:40:55am

re: #7 sizzzzlerz

He’s merely the final result of the gop’s cultish fascination with fascism that began with pruneface. Yes, he’s magnitudes worse than reagan but he didn’t start it.

Gotta give W a few steps on that ladder as well. I will never give that asshole a pass.

Dr. Matt  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:41:54am

re: #2 Dangerman

[Embedded content]

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:45:16am

re: #9 allegro

Gotta give W a few steps on that ladder as well. I will never give that asshole a pass.

Still hasn’t said word one against the shitbird.

Dr. Matt  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:46:13am

allegro  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:46:32am

re: #11 William Lewis

Still hasn’t said word one against the shitbird.

Too busy painting pictures of his feet.

Dr. Matt  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:49:46am

‘Gone Full-Blown Neo-Nazi’: Candace Owens Widely Condemned Online For Holocaust Revisionism Clip

She is permanently damaged goods and is in desperate need of therapy.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:50:40am
This ’70s Sci-Fi Gem Was Eerily Ahead of Its Time

On December 2, 1970, President Richard Nixonformed the Environmental Protection Agency amidst growing concerns about the effects of pollution on the planet. These anxieties often found their way into films of the time, with science fiction acting as a useful genre through which to explore what the world could look like if industry continued to destroy the natural world. One of the best sci-fi movies of this kind was Silent Running, which imagines a future that feels more likely than it did when it was released in 1972… which is frightening to contemplate.

The directorial debut of special effects wizard Douglas Trumbull (2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Blade Runner), it stars Bruce Dern as Freeman Lowell, a botanist aboard a space station orbiting Saturn. Lowell spends his days tending to a greenhouse containing the last remnants of Earth’s vegetation, aided by his robot friends Huey, Dewey, and Louie, in the hopes of reforesting a world that has become ecologically barren. When orders come down to destroy the space station and return home, Lowell goes to extreme lengths to ensure the plants remain unharmed. The prospect of an Earth without any greenery, coupled with Lowell’s militancy to prevent that from happening, make Silent Running all the more prescient today.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:52:02am

re: #14 Dr. Matt

‘Gone Full-Blown Neo-Nazi’: Candace Owens Widely Condemned Online For Holocaust Revisionism Clip

She is permanently damaged goods and is in desperate need of therapy.

Sweet Christ, they’d laugh while they push her to her knees to kill her.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:52:41am

re: #14 Dr. Matt

‘Gone Full-Blown Neo-Nazi’: Candace Owens Widely Condemned Online For Holocaust Revisionism Clip

She is permanently damaged goods and is in desperate need of therapy.

[Embedded content]

I do not need to temporarily allow Xitter to display to know that.

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:53:41am

re: #15 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

I love that movie. It made me a big Bruce Dern fan.

rhuarc  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:54:46am

re: #7 sizzzzlerz

He’s merely the final result of the gop’s cultish fascination with fascism that began with pruneface. Yes, he’s magnitudes worse than reagan but he didn’t start it.

This. Yes, Trump is worse, but Trump doesn’t happen if Reagan doesn’t happen.

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:56:40am

re: #17 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

I do not need to temporarily allow Xitter to display to know that.

Does it benefit the twit if you play the first vid? (It plays here) I will not click on the second vid, it’s in a quoted tweet so it would open a twitter tab, giving them a click.

jaunte  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:56:51am

re: #15 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

Seeing the spacing-created word Nixonformed gave me a momentary The Thing twinge.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:57:33am

re: #15 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

That movie was very disturbing to me. I remember watching it in the theater at the university Student Union (dad was a Janitor there - we got in on his ID). I saw lots of cutting edge films. That one and Walkabout stuck with me the longest.

Huey, Dewy & Louie. And that last sequence…

Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 11:59:54am

re: #15 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

PDQ Bach wrote the soundtrack under his modern pseudonym, Peter Schickele.
Joan Baez sang his composition over the title credits.

Charles Johnson  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:00:10pm

This SMN video is great. I knew Reagan was horrible, but they point out so many more ways he was horrible than I realized.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:00:46pm

re: #23 Decatur Deb

PDQ Bach wrote the soundtrack under his modern pseudonym, Peter Schickele.
Joan Baez sang his composition over the title credits.

I did not know that. Thank you.

Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:03:01pm
BeachDem  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:04:06pm

re: #14 Dr. Matt

‘Gone Full-Blown Neo-Nazi’: Candace Owens Widely Condemned Online For Holocaust Revisionism Clip

She is permanently damaged goods and is in desperate need of therapy.

[Embedded content]

The most mind-boggling part of the story is—

her show lands in the top ten on the Spotify podcast charts in the U.S.

Who is stupid enough to actually listen to that moron? Never mind, I know the answer.

lawhawk  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:05:15pm

re: #14 Dr. Matt

Not ignorance.

Straight up whitewashing and rewriting history. She doesn’t care about facts and is trying to rewrite history to her liking.

Markm1960  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:07:12pm

re: #18 wrenchwench

I love that movie. It made me a big Bruce Dern fan.

Huey, Dewey and Louie

Hecuba's daughter  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:07:52pm

re: #7 sizzzzlerz

He’s merely the final result of the gop’s cultish fascination with fascism that began with pruneface. Yes, he’s magnitudes worse than reagan but he didn’t start it.

It was Nixon who started it; he is the one who claimed that “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” He also was the one who sabotaged the peace deal that Johnson was working on — one that, if successful, would have saved 10’s of thousands of Americans and countless Asian lives.

aatharuv  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:08:13pm

re: #19 rhuarc

This. Yes, Trump is worse, but Trump doesn’t happen if Reagan doesn’t happen.

I’m _still_ not sure whether Trump is the worst. (If Trump wins, if he does half of what he says he’ll do, he’ll rank as the worst).

James Buchanan is often considered the worst because he let the states secede during the tail end of his presidency, but it was Franklin Pierce who really fueled the fire.

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:08:17pm

re: #24 Charles Johnson

This SMN video is great. I knew Reagan was horrible, but they point out so many more ways he was horrible than I realized.

At the time, as a young reporter, I got to cover the effects of the rollback of “job-killing regulations.”

It was my first contact with what came to be known as “cancer blooms” in rural areas, as the good folks at Dupont and Archer-Daniels Midland were … experimenting … with new formulations.

Little bald children & crying mothers were the result.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:08:45pm

re: #14 Dr. Matt

‘Gone Full-Blown Neo-Nazi’: Candace Owens Widely Condemned Online For Holocaust Revisionism Clip

She is permanently damaged goods and is in desperate need of therapy.

[Embedded content]

How has it happened that our nation has reached such a low point in our history that somebody espousing such views is provided a medium from which she can vomit out such a statement? It’s good that she is receiving blowback but there are too many who believe she may have a point. In all likelihood, this will fade away but she’ll remain to spew equally disgusting statements.

jaunte  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:14:16pm

re: #32 Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)

re: #33 sizzzzlerz

I think the party encourages wackos like Candace Owens to hog the spotlight so less attention is paid to

the effects of the rollback of “job-killing regulations.”

jaunte  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:16:12pm

So now Federalist Society lawyers will be weighing ADM and DuPont and etc. profits against the health of a disposable population.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:17:54pm

Beautiful. Yeah, that’s Peter.

I spent a lot of time growing up at a university while growing up but I saw it from the inside. My mother was a librarian there, my father a janitor; once a bit older my girlfriend’s parents? Her mother was an English professor and her father worked in the Admissions office, reporting directly to the Chancellor. I saw a lot of that school and most of it was actually quite good. Still is, decades later. I wish my son was interested in that kind of education but the Vocational School is a better fit for him and it’s not a bad place either.

I find myself talking to the kids coming in with their parents to stay for the night before a day of orientation for the fall semester and feeling just a bit old of late.

Makes me wish I could finish that degree in Paleo-Anthropology… not that I’d ever publish in the field but just to do it 😎

jaunte  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:19:44pm

Corporations are people deliberately made unaccountable.

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:20:59pm

re: #37 jaunte

Corporations are people deliberately made unaccountable.

That’s the whole point of incorporating, so it seems from the outside.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:21:51pm

re: #30 Hecuba’s daughter

It was Nixon who started it; he is the one who claimed that “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” He also was the one who sabotaged the peace deal that Johnson was working on — one that, if successful, would have saved 10’s of thousands of Americans and countless Asian lives.

I have to disagree in part. Nixon, quite clearly, was a disaster as president. Between Vietnam and Watergate, you certainly can’t argue against how bad he was, but, my point was based on the formation of personality cult starting with reagan. I don’t believe anybody could claim Nixon was someone with a cult following. I think even the ‘pugs despised him but, holding their noses, voted for him anyway. You just need to study congress during the impeachment hearings when nearly all of them were supporters of it (god, how things have changed!)

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:22:42pm

It’s like the laws were written by rich people, for rich people, enforced or not at will by rich people.

Hecuba's daughter  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:22:57pm

re: #31 aatharuv

I’m _still_ not sure whether Trump is the worst. (If Trump wins, if he does half of what he says he’ll do, he’ll rank as the worst).

James Buchanan is often considered the worst because he let the states secede during the tail end of his presidency, but it was Franklin Pierce who really fueled the fire.

True about Buchanan but recently Trump was rated the worst. Am confident that his post-November 3, 2020 conduct is the primary reason for that revised evaluation.

Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:23:57pm

re: #38 wrenchwench

That’s the whole point of incorporating, so it seems from the outside.

Keeping the “L” in “LLC”.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:25:27pm

re: #40 wrenchwench

It’s like the laws were written by rich people, for rich people, enforced or not at will by rich people.

and adjudicated favorably in courts by judges paid for with bribes from rich people.

aatharuv  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:25:53pm

re: #33 sizzzzlerz

How has it happened that our nation has reached such a low point in our history that somebody espousing such views is provided a medium from which she can vomit out such a statement? It’s good that she is receiving blowback but there are too many who believe she may have a point. In all likelihood, this will fade away but she’ll remain to spew equally disgusting statements.

At some point, I’ll figure out the logic of anti-Semitic MAGAT’s (who are not all, but a very large fraction of them) reconciling support for anti-Semitism when Trump’s beloved widaughter and her family are Jewish. Or how Jews can support Trump when half his base is openly anti-Semitic.

(I know, the answer is no logic.)

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:26:28pm

re: #42 Decatur Deb

Keeping the “L” in “LLC”.

I thought it might help when they spell it out like that, Limited Liability but maybe it should be Irresponsible Capitalist.

sizzzzlerz  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:31:54pm

re: #44 aatharuv

At some point, I’ll figure out the logic of anti-Semitic MAGAT’s (who are not all, but a very large fraction of them) reconciling support for anti-Semitism when Trump’s beloved widaughter and her family are Jewish. Or how Jews can support Trump when half his base is openly anti-Semitic.

(I know, the answer is no logic.)

They aren’t just anti-semitic, they’re full-on fucking Nazis!

Hecuba's daughter  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:34:17pm

re: #44 aatharuv

At some point, I’ll figure out the logic of anti-Semitic MAGAT’s (who are not all, but a very large fraction of them) reconciling support for anti-Semitism when Trump’s beloved widaughter and her family are Jewish. Or how Jews can support Trump when half his base is openly anti-Semitic.

(I know, the answer is no logic.)

MAGAts continually point to the anti-Israel faction of the Democratic Party. The words posted in FB by such a woman:

VP Kamala Harris just publicly said that the pro Palestinian protests are the RIGHT emotion about the war in Gaza! The Jewish community has been abandoned by today’s Democratic Party!

steve_davis  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:34:17pm

the biden drumbeat has become so bad that I literally can’t listen to news in the car anymore. And I’m having a hard time not being saturated by it just being online. This kind of feeding frenzy almost defies belief. There is no actual way that Biden could be replaced, even if there were someone who could replace him. This is the clearest example of mob action I have ever witnessed.

7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:35:16pm

re: #36 William Lewis

Beautiful. Yeah, that’s Peter.

Makes me wish I could finish that degree in Paleo-Anthropology… not that I’d ever publish in the field but just to do it 😎

I never finished my Ph.D. but I did get published in some reviewed journals including the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 1976 and an article at about the same time in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. It took me five years of grad school to realized that such was not for me, career-wise.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:36:40pm

re: #48 steve_davis

The Pundit’s Putsch. Or at least, that’s what they’d love.

Seems many in the media are more concerned with creating the news rather than simply reporting on the news.

Off to bed. Have a good one, Lizards and stay healthy.

dat_said  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:37:04pm

Here’s a clinical trial whose results surprised me: SETPOINT MEDICAL ANNOUNCES POSITIVE TOPLINE RESULTS FROM LANDMARK RESET-RA STUDY EVALUATING NEUROIMMUNE MODULATION FOR THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Haven’t been able to find the paper yet - I assume the abstract hasn’t been published and all that is out there in the public domain is this press release.

Behind private because I tend to ramble on and it got a little lengthy.


aatharuv  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:39:44pm

re: #46 sizzzzlerz

They aren’t just anti-semitic, they’re full-on fucking Nazis!

You’re right. I stand corrected.

Florida Panhandler  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:39:55pm

re: #44 aatharuv

At some point, I’ll figure out the logic of anti-Semitic MAGAT’s (who are not all, but a very large fraction of them) reconciling support for anti-Semitism when Trump’s beloved widaughter and her family are Jewish. Or how Jews can support Trump when half his base is openly anti-Semitic.

(I know, the answer is no logic.)

It all boils down to an extremely cynical narcissism. Most know what they are doing is morally repugnant, hell, even many in their own families have disowned them for their toxicity, but the overwhelming narcissism and cynical belief that

‘The world is not salvageable, so why even try? Might as well grift and cheat your way to the very top as the world burns”

guides their every motivation.

Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:40:45pm

re: #48 steve_davis

the biden drumbeat has become so bad that I literally can’t listen to news in the car anymore. And I’m having a hard time not being saturated by it just being online. This kind of feeding frenzy almost defies belief. There is no actual way that Biden could be replaced, even if there were someone who could replace him. This is the clearest example of mob action I have ever witnessed.

Brooks Brothers Mob.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:42:56pm

re: #49 7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)

I never finished my Ph.D. but I did get published in some reviewed journals including the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 1976 and an article at about the same time in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. It took me five years of grad school to realized that such was not for me, career-wise.

It was realizing that I really didn’t want to deal with a pure academic life that kept me from chasing the original Philosophy/English Lit double major I wanted to do for the love of the topics. But the only way to make a living is as a journal paper producing prof. NOPE NOPE MOTHER OF CHRIST NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!! Er. Excuse me. Let me just say, I don’t think that’s for me.

If I had a topic I was working with, especially with others, I’d actually work my ass off on a paper in Paleo-Anthro; that may be the 30 years since as well as the difference in the topic but life has it’s way of teasing us that way 😈

Vicious Babushka  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:54:28pm

re: #14 Dr. Matt

‘Gone Full-Blown Neo-Nazi’: Candace Owens Widely Condemned Online For Holocaust Revisionism Clip

She is permanently damaged goods and is in desperate need of therapy.

[Embedded content]

For her next cunning stunt, when the grift from the nazis dries up, I AM DEH BLAH PERSON & I SAY TEH SLAVES WERE HAPPY ON TEH OLD PLANTATIONS!!1!!

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:54:30pm

re: #36 William Lewis

I find myself talking to the kids coming in with their parents to stay for the night before a day of orientation for the fall semester and feeling just a bit old of late.

Makes me wish I could finish that degree in Paleo-Anthropology… not that I’d ever publish in the field but just to do it 😎

I don’t know if you’ll have any transferable credits, but it’s never too late. Mr. w started when he was 60. He ‘didn’t care’ to finish, but he was close, and had a hell of a lot of fun. Served in student government. Attorney General.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:56:16pm

re: #57 wrenchwench

I don’t know if you’ll have any transferable credits, but it’s never too late. Mr. w started when he was 60. He ‘didn’t care’ to finish, but he was close, and had a hell of a lot of fun. Served in student government. Attorney General.

More a time issue than anything when I work full time nights but I hear you 👍😎

HRH Stanley Sea  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:56:47pm

re: #27 BeachDem

The most mind-boggling part of the story is—

her show lands in the top ten on the Spotify podcast charts in the U.S.

Who is stupid enough to actually listen to that moron? Never mind, I know the answer.

The lost boys. In their basements, with their guns.

piratedan  Jul 10, 2024 • 12:58:08pm

re: #14 Dr. Matt

I’m sure that she could find her place in one of Trump’s Joy Divisions….

Mike Lamb  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:06:42pm

re: #48 steve_davis

the biden drumbeat has become so bad that I literally can’t listen to news in the car anymore. And I’m having a hard time not being saturated by it just being online. This kind of feeding frenzy almost defies belief. There is no actual way that Biden could be replaced, even if there were someone who could replace him. This is the clearest example of mob action I have ever witnessed.

The media also has so much plausible deniability no matter the outcome.

Biden stays and Trump wins? Biden should have stepped aside like we said.

Biden steps aside, endorses Kamala, and Trump wins? They shouldn’t have nominated Kamala (after 3 steady months of stories about the Dem’s “Kamala Problem”).

Biden steps aside, Dems nominate Newsome, Whitmer, Pritzker, etc., and Trump wins? Biden should have stepped aside earlier.

They “win” no matter what.

William Lewis  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:07:23pm

re: #60 piratedan

I’m sure that she could find her place in one of Trump’s Joy Divisions….

Doubtful after the medical 😱

Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:08:08pm

re: #61 Mike Lamb

The media driving this issue also has so much plausible deniability no matter the outcome.

Biden stays and Trump wins? Biden should have stepped aside like we said.

Biden steps aside, endorses Kamala, and Trump wins? They shouldn’t have nominated Kamala (after 3 steady months of stories about the Dem’s “Kamala Problem”).

Biden steps aside, Dems nominate Newsome, Whitmer, Pritzker, etc., and Trump wins? Biden should have stepped aside earlier.

They “win” no matter what.

Unless Biden stays the course, and we win.

Interesting Times  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:10:32pm

re: #63 Decatur Deb

Unless Biden stays the course, and we win.

I’m just a hapless, helpless Canadian bystander :( If you’ve done any voter registration/outreach since the debate (or simply conversations with the fabled “low-info” voters), what have you heard?

steve_davis  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:12:10pm

the advantage of being a bachelor is I can say, “honey, how do you feel about french toast tonight?” and the voice comes back, “why honey, that sounds like a wonderful idea!”

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:13:15pm

re: #64 Interesting Times

I’m just a hapless, helpless Canadian bystander :( If you’ve done any voter registration/outreach since the debate (or simply conversations with the fabled “low-info” voters), what have you heard?

They have lots of info. It’s not the same info, but I think ‘low info’ is a misnomer, and slightly insulting, possibly.

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:14:06pm

re: #18 wrenchwench

I love that movie. It made me a big Bruce Dern fan.


Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:14:13pm

re: #64 Interesting Times

I’m just a hapless, helpless Canadian bystander :( If you’ve done any voter registration/outreach since the debate (or simply conversations with the fabled “low-info” voters), what have you heard?

Nothing from the customer side—no event since. The faithful are faithful—our League and Dem people are mostly women, half AA.

Interesting Times  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:15:53pm

re: #66 wrenchwench

They have lots of info. It’s not the same info, but I think ‘low info’ is a misnomer, and slightly insulting, possibly.

I’ve always taken it to mean someone who doesn’t pay attention to politics for various reasons (ranging from insulated/privileged to the exact opposite, too busy with basic survival issues like working 3 jobs to pay the rent).

I want to know if this hideous corporate media psyop is affecting them and if so, how much.

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:16:13pm

re: #65 steve_davis

the advantage of being a bachelor is I can say, “honey, how do you feel about french toast tonight?” and the voice comes back, “why honey, that sounds like a wonderful idea!”

You just gotta pick your spouse carefully.

Mr. w and I lived together for 30 years, then got married.

Decatur Deb  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:19:45pm

re: #70 wrenchwench

Avoided “regret at leisure”, eh?

wrenchwench  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:22:17pm

re: #69 Interesting Times

I’ve always taken it to mean someone who doesn’t pay attention to politics for various reasons (ranging from insulated/privileged to the exact opposite, too busy with basic survival issues like working 3 jobs to pay the rent).

I want to know how this hideous corporate media psyop is affecting them and if so, how much.

So, ‘low political info’. Voters tune in at various times. And tune out. Those who turned off the debate after 15 minutes worry me. I wonder whether any of them picked this debate as their moment to tune in. Those who were already tuned in and did that are scarier. Not strategic thinkers. They should have wanted to see what Trump did, as well as Biden.

aatharuv  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:30:40pm

re: #53 Florida Panhandler

It all boils down to an extremely cynical narcissism. Most know what they are doing is morally repugnant, hell, even many in their own families have disowned them for their toxicity, but the overwhelming narcissism and cynical belief that

‘The world is not salvageable, so why even try? Might as well grift and cheat your way to the very top as the world burns”

guides their every motivation.

“Or, I’m a good *insert ethnicity here* They won’t harm me as long as I support Dominionism, the KKK, Corporate greed against my own people”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:31:28pm

re: #32 Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)

At the time, as a young reporter, I got to cover the effects of the rollback of “job-killing regulations.”

It was my first contact with what came to be known as “cancer blooms” in rural areas, as the good folks at Dupont and Archer-Daniels Midland were … experimenting … with new formulations.

Little bald children & crying mothers were the result.

How on earth do you wind up a libertarian after that??

sagehen  Jul 10, 2024 • 1:38:23pm

re: #57 wrenchwench

I don’t know if you’ll have any transferable credits, but it’s never too late. Mr. w started when he was 60. He ‘didn’t care’ to finish, but he was close, and had a hell of a lot of fun. Served in student government. Attorney General.

Brian May took almost 50 years off before going back to finish his PhD (astrophysics)

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Jul 10, 2024 • 3:16:58pm

re: #39 sizzzzlerz

I have to disagree in part. Nixon, quite clearly, was a disaster as president. Between Vietnam and Watergate, you certainly can’t argue against how bad he was, but, my point was based on the formation of personality cult starting with reagan. I don’t believe anybody could claim Nixon was someone with a cult following. I think even the ‘pugs despised him but, holding their noses, voted for him anyway. You just need to study congress during the impeachment hearings when nearly all of them were supporters of it (god, how things have changed!)

“I’m not surprised, that goddamn Nixon has been lying all his life.”
Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) upon hearing that the White House tapes had proven that Nixon had lied about the Watergate cover-up.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Jul 10, 2024 • 3:21:08pm

re: #15 🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈

I loved that flick. Can’t remember the name of the last robot he sent in the last surviving dome that he jettisoned right before he blew the ship up.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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