ISM Joins Hands with Terrorists

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The International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian-backed group of cynical socialists and their young deluded Western dupes, is staging a protest of the security wall being built in the West Bank: ISM: July 3 Action to Stop the Wall. Look who’s planning to join them:

Join the ISM, the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces and the Apartheid Wall Defense Committee on Thursday July 3 to block construction of the Apartheid Wall…

So who belongs to the rather mysterious Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, this group that the ISM is openly aligning themselves with? According to numerous documents at the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, the so-called “non-violent” ISM is joining hands with every Arab murder gang in the Palestinian Authority, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, and the PFLP.

Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fateh); Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas); Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP); Palestinian People’s Party (PPP); Palestinian Democratic Union (FIDA); Palestinian Popular Struggle Front; Palestinian Liberation Front; Islamic Jihad Movement; Arab Liberation Front; Palestinian Arab Front; Popular Front—General Command; Islamic National Salvation Party; and Popular Liberation War Pioneers (Sa’iqa)

(Hat tip: Zachary Cohen.)

This protest has probably happened already, but I couldn’t find a report at Ha’aretz or the Jerusalem Post.

In other ISM-related news, Alex at the_12th_man has a report on the counter-protest of the ISM meeting in Cambridge Massachusetts, with photos of the ISM organizers as they fled the counter-protesters. Apparently, these ISM honchos were very unhappy with the idea that someone would listen in on their meeting, and ended up cancelling it. Why the secrecy?

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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