Outrage of the Day

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Well, it’s still early, but I doubt there will be a more outrageous and disgusting story today than this: the British Political Cartoon Society has awarded first prize in their annual competition to Independent cartoonist Dave Brown’s appallingly antisemitic drawing, depicting a naked Ariel Sharon eating a Palestinian baby while Israeli helicopters fly over a burning city.

Dave Brown’s winning cartoon was published in the Independent a few months ago, when it was claimed that it was inspired by a Goya painting.

In the cartoon, Sharon says: “What’s wrong? Have you never seen a politician kissing a baby?” The background shows Apache attack helicopters sending missiles from the cockpit with the message “Vote Likud” - the prime minister’s party.

In his acceptance speech, Brown thanked the Israeli Embassy for its angry reaction to the cartoon, which he said had contributed greatly to its publicity.

The British leftist media has degenerated into something truly nasty, almost indistinguishable from Julius Streicher’s Nazi-era Der Stuermer, flaunting their Jew-hatred with sneering pride.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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