UN Springs Into Action

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The United Nations demonstrated its power this morning, flexing its mighty muscles of rhetoric by strongly deploring Iran’s hidden nuclear weapons program: U.N. ‘Strongly Deplores’ Iran Nuclear Cover-Up. That’ll show ’em. And of course it wouldn’t be the UN if it didn’t immediately follow with a compliment for Iran’s “active cooperation.”

The IAEA governing board adopted a resolution that “strongly deplores” Iran’s cover-up over the past 18 years of a program that involves uranium enrichment and plutonium reprocessing — both of which could be pointers to a nuclear arms program.

But the resolution, which was put to the board after a week of haggling between France, Germany and Britain, the resolution’s sponsors, and Washington, also “welcomes Iran’s offer of active cooperation and openness.”

These stupid, toothless UN resolutions accomplish only one thing; they give Iran more time to see their Islamic Manhattan Project come to fruition.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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