Iraqi Police Sympathize with Guerillas

• Views: 1,209

The Associated Press has been on a mission to make the coalition’s efforts in Iraq look as bad as possible, so it’s hard to know how representative the Iraqi police quoted in this article are of the wider population; but it does ring true as an illustration of Islamic hatred of outsiders and loyalty to their own, even in a situation where their own are killing them: Iraqi Police Sympathize With Resistance.

Outside the bombed-out police station in Khan Bani Saad, a group of police said they would not notify the Americans if they knew of an imminent attack against the coalition or identify an attacker — a sentiment also expressed by police in Baqouba and Samarra.

“We would stop it if we know it will be carried out in the city, because we don’t want the Iraqi people to get hurt,” said Salman, an officer who refused to give his last name. But he would not report or stop an attack elsewhere, he said.

“We are not spies,” said his colleague.

“I wouldn’t tell,” said another policemen.

“I wouldn’t tell on a Muslim,” Salman added.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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