1 Bob Dillon  Nov 6, 2008 8:18:33pm

“you eat my bread - you sing my song.”

2 lookingup  Nov 6, 2008 8:47:26pm

enjoy the work and sing your obama songs

3 nonic  Nov 6, 2008 9:06:40pm

100 hours each year in college, done like a part-time job, 20 hours a week, comes to 5 weeks each year, or half the summer. That’s HALF of the summer that a student could be working to PAY FOR college.

Done during the school year, 30 weeks of classes, that’s more than 3 hours a week, or half a day a week all school year long, not counting transportation and the COST of transportation and the pollution of it.

I’d love to be there to see the expression on their faces when college students find out that the candidate they voted for is telling them NOW that he’s going to REQUIRE them to work for free —- half a day of every week of the school year or half of their entire summer. LOL

4 Shr_Nfr  Nov 7, 2008 5:40:59am

This actually gets into some rather interesting areas of Constitutional law. The state has a “compelling interest” to protect itself and so the draft is legal. However, the re-education camps of which Mr. 0bama speaks are at best only a “rational interest”. As such they probably do not pass the muster of the involuntary servitude hurdle. For a guy who is supposedly somebody who knows constitutional law, 0bama is sure a dumb shit. If the program were voluntary, it would be quite legal. If compulsory, not on your life.

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