Mich-again  Feb 4, 2008 • 8:35:18pm

This information was in the links a few days ago, but this story explains it all much better. Did you see this part..

The Fischer-Tropsch equations were first developed by Nazi scientists who created methodologies for producing synthetic oil from coal.

Now that kind of jumps off the page at you. ick.

pat  Feb 4, 2008 • 8:49:00pm

This article is indeed a bit clearer than the one I posted last week. And again we confront the fact that methane is everywhere. And Methane and Ammonia contain pretty much all you need for a petrochemical. Surely one as plentiful as natural gas.

meMarc  Feb 4, 2008 • 9:24:11pm

This book, first published in 1999, The Deep Hot Biosphere : The Myth of Fossil Fuels, by Thomas Gold, foreword by Feeman Dyson goes into detail about it.

The theory was first floated by Russians in the middle of the 1800’s.

There is an isotope of carbon that is created by living matter. It’s presence in oil was seen as proof that oil came from decomposed biological matter. Tyson’s theory says that the isotope is present because oil seeps through a biosphere of living matter deep in the earth. He speculates that this “deep-hot-biosphere” may contain more living matter than there is on the surface of the planet.

Ask yourself this, where do the clouds of methane in space come from? Dead dinosaurs and tree ferns?

pat  Feb 4, 2008 • 9:43:18pm

re: #3 meMarc

This book, first published in 1999, The Deep Hot Biosphere : The Myth of Fossil Fuels, by Thomas Gold, foreword by Feeman Dyson goes into detail about it.

The theory was first floated by Russians in the middle of the 1800’s.

There is an isotope of carbon that is created by living matter. It’s presence in oil was seen as proof that oil came from decomposed biological matter. Tyson’s theory says that the isotope is present because oil seeps through a biosphere of living matter deep in the earth. He speculates that this “deep-hot-biosphere” may contain more living matter than there is on the surface of the planet.

Ask yourself this, where do the clouds of methane in space come from? Dead dinosaurs and tree ferns?

There is nothing to prevent an organic source for carbon based fuels, either. The fact that some petroleum and petroleum analogs come from an abiotic source, does not negate the fact that some are biotic in origin. Like peat moss turning into coal or something so similar that they appear identical in origin. We can think of coal as compressed petroleum, but we can also imagine it as compressed degenerated organic material. All very interesting.

Godwrestler  Feb 4, 2008 • 9:58:25pm
#4 pat There is nothing to prevent an organic source for carbon based fuels, either. The fact that some petroleum and petroleum analogs come from an abiotic source, does not negate the fact that some are biotic in origin. Like peat moss turning into coal or something so similar that they appear identical in origin. We can think of coal as compressed petroleum, but we can also imagine it as compressed degenerated organic material. All very interesting.

I agree, they can make oil in 2hrs now with biological waste. I simply find it fascinating that it doesn’t take millions of years

-Scientists Believe We Could Soon Create Instant Oil and Natural Gas
Strange gas pouch under New York could be only 18,000 years old, could we accelerate that process?

-Anything Into Oil
Technological savvy could turn 600 million tons of turkey guts and other waste into 4 billion barrels of light Texas crude each year

meMarc  Feb 4, 2008 • 10:27:39pm

re: #4 pat

re: #3 meMarc

This book, first published in 1999, The Deep Hot Biosphere : The Myth of Fossil Fuels, by Thomas Gold, foreword by Feeman Dyson goes into detail about it.

The theory was first floated by Russians in the middle of the 1800’s.

There is an isotope of carbon that is created by living matter. It’s presence in oil was seen as proof that oil came from decomposed biological matter. Tyson’s theory says that the isotope is present because oil seeps through a biosphere of living matter deep in the earth. He speculates that this “deep-hot-biosphere” may contain more living matter than there is on the surface of the planet.

Ask yourself this, where do the clouds of methane in space come from? Dead dinosaurs and tree ferns?

There is nothing to prevent an organic source for carbon based fuels, either. The fact that some petroleum and petroleum analogs come from an abiotic source, does not negate the fact that some are biotic in origin. Like peat moss turning into coal or something so similar that they appear identical in origin. We can think of coal as compressed petroleum, but we can also imagine it as compressed degenerated organic material. All very interesting.

According to Gold, peat, green coal (whatever that is) and I think something else are biogenic. Gold does give a reason why he thinks petroleum can’t be biogenic but I read the book a long time ago and can’t remember. Something about right- and left-handed isomers.

There’s also a chapter about it in Nine Crazy Ideas In Science by Robert Ehrlich. The idea got the rating of “zero cuckoos”. The highest probability.

Mardukhai  Feb 5, 2008 • 3:15:00am

This is moonbat science.

No matter where the oil comes from, it’s still getting harder and harder to find. Domestic production falls every year. Offshore production goes into deeper and deeper water.

Maybe in 50 million years, the clock will be reset and there will be plenty of oil on land again. Sorry, I can’t wait that long.

Crusader Rabbit  Feb 5, 2008 • 6:28:22am


Mr. Neutron  Feb 5, 2008 • 1:38:52pm

Don’t they keep revising the estimate of oil upwards? There is supposedly way more oil out there than they thought 30 years ago.

This would be the greatest news ever - being able to tell the ME dictators that their oil fields are worth slightly more than the sand covering them. That and the matching Hummers my wife and I will get.

XMariner  Feb 5, 2008 • 5:31:55pm

Thanks for this link! I heard about the theory years ago, but could never find anything else about it to understand the details.

I wonder why the press wasn’t all over it [/sarcasm]…

unproven innocence  Feb 5, 2008 • 6:45:55pm

re: #9 Mr. Neutron

Back in ‘73(?), I came across Hubbert’s article, Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis. Among other things, he reviewed the historical pattern of oil production/consumption up thru about 1970, which can be summarized as: about 7% more each year, or a doubling every decade, on average. A couple questions he posed (paraphrased):
a) Assuming no problems or constraints on production, and no pressure to curb consumption, how long could the oil possibly last?
b) How is the answer to a) affected by uncertainty about how much oil remains, or expressed differently, what the total amount ever to be producted/consumed turns out to be? Call this quantity Q.

By this (oversimplified) analysis, one is forced to conclude that if Q turns out to have been underestimated by a factor of 2 (or 4, or 8), that the out-of-oil date would then be pushed into the future by only 1 (or 2, or 3) decades.

I showed the article to a co-worker, who asked me, So what? I said I’d make a prediction: Experts’ estimates of Q would double about every ten years.

Now “experts” are telling us the supply is somehow “infinite.”

unproven innocence  Feb 5, 2008 • 7:02:24pm

Correction: Published in 1978.

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