1 NY Nana  Feb 4, 2008 9:08:53pm

Jimmah Carter’s buddy?


2 rawmuse  Feb 4, 2008 10:12:53pm

It’s just sad to see Willie descend in to moonbattery.

3 BODYGUARDEAGLE  Feb 4, 2008 10:22:27pm

WELL,… It’s finally showing it’s damage…(Willie’s Brain)…after so many years of substance abuse. VERY SAD.

4 What, me worry?  Feb 5, 2008 8:51:27am

No! Not Willie! Come back to us! PLEASEEEEE!

5 David IV of Georgia  Feb 5, 2008 6:58:07pm

So the drugs he took did work….

6 Confuzed  Feb 5, 2008 8:03:39pm

Willie knows as much about explosives as Afghan women know about Country Music.

7 gman  Feb 5, 2008 8:32:42pm

Looks like something else imploded right inside Willie’s cranium.

8 gman  Feb 5, 2008 8:36:31pm

Willie obviously hasn’t heard of the all- encompassing “Loose Trains” version of events.

9 mikalm  Feb 5, 2008 8:50:43pm

Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be moonbats!

10 Edgesitter  Feb 10, 2008 2:12:15pm

I met Willie when he played a bar in 1969. There were only 4 of there that knew who he was. I bought a round of drinks for the band and remember very little else about the evening. Willie was fidgety, I guess it was because the establishment was well policed that night. I’m sure he would have rather fired up a doobie than drink Black Jack.

His opinions have always been WAY out of bounds. But he definitely proved that smoking cannabis all day for 60 years won’t kill you.

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