Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Feb 4, 2008 • 9:45:18pm

I’m liking this Ferguson fella more and more. I hope he gets citizenship.

SFB=Sh*t For Brains

pat  Feb 4, 2008 • 9:55:54pm

SB, I am only rating this down because that is the trend. This is a good post and Maher is not funny and soooo stupid. I mean do you get laughs by laughing at others? The man is a bit off if you ask me. His audience, if there be one, is desperaately hanging on, I would suspect.

” Pull out Bill, Pull out!”

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Feb 4, 2008 • 10:05:46pm


kutabeach  Feb 5, 2008 • 9:46:54am

Maher: “That’s it? That’s it?”
Ferguson: “Yes, that’s it you clueless, evil little man. You don’t get it - it is a thousand million times better to get beat up by a bully than to get sexually assualted. How can you be that f’n clueless?”

Well, Ferguson should have said that, then pulled the plug.

bubbalouey  Feb 5, 2008 • 7:44:23pm

bm was savagely beaten as a child, what a surprise. I read that bm had been talking in a movie theater and disturbing other patrons enjoyment of the movie. A fellow asked him to be quite and bm smarted off to him.
As they all left after the film had ended, the fellow knocked bm out with one punch and left him lying on the sidewalk.

Now that could be a trend worth following! And a clip I might find enjoyable to watch.

I think the down votes reflect the disdain for bm, and the complete ass he makes of himself in the clip. It is a good link.

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