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1 Alone in NY  Sat, Jan 31, 2009 5:05:56pm

Boycott CBS

2 Frank N Stein  Sat, Jan 31, 2009 6:43:52pm

I'm losing hope. The media has turned into merely a propaganda machine. This kind of things always works, particularly when the population doesn't recognize their media as a propaganda tool (the Russians knew what Pravda was). Their agenda is gradually shifting from a two state solution to the dismantling of Israel. It will work - after a long enough period of brainwashing with demonization and libels the majority of Euors will buy that and half the Americans. It always works. When the West stops supporting us and will force us into this delusion of a one state "solution" or into a unilateral withdrawal to the 67 borders while delegitimizing any Israeli effort to defend itself when it turns into a big terror base, Israel will not be able to do anything about it. Israel is not going to lose to the Islamists, but to the West.

There's a danger here to you too - when the Palestinians get their hands on the Israeli weapons at best it will fall in the hands of Fatah, but far more likely in the hands of the likes of Hamas, al Qaida and Iran. Think what al Qaida and Iran can do with it. They won't be as good as the Israeli army, but Israel has pretty dangerous stuff.

Many Western leaders understand the situation better because they have more facts and not just delusions and propaganda, but the public is going to pressure them hard to dismantle the "apartheid state" of the "Nazi" "religiously fanatic" Jews and turn it into a "secular democracy" where Hamas, al Qaida, Iran and the Jews can all live side by side in peace, freedom and harmony. The public is also likely to vote for the media's chosen candidates.

3 NervyNews  Sat, Jan 31, 2009 11:14:42pm

We must show that CBS is an unreliable news source, let the world know they have no journalistic integrity!

4 Frank N Stein  Sun, Feb 1, 2009 5:13:36am

How can we show the world that CBS and others are unreliable? Or at least provide alternatives that are as powerful?

5 NervyNews  Sun, Feb 1, 2009 10:29:23am

Just keep writing critiques and letters to the editor, i.e. calling them out when they fail to adhere to their own professional journalistic principles like accuracy and objectivity. Eventually, other viewers/readers will notice and the news org. will be forced to review its policies and stories and then C-H-A-N-G-E (like Obama, our savior).

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