1 WriterMom  Fri, Mar 20, 2009 11:45:39am

Whoops. Typo. Make that Galloway.

2 Last Mohican  Fri, Mar 20, 2009 5:52:27pm

From Galloway’s response:

“This may be a rather desperate election ploy by a conservative government reaching the end of line, or by a minister who has not cottoned on to the fact that the George Bush era is over.

I find this truly amazing. The guy is finding a way to blame everything on Bush, even though Bush isn’t the president anymore, and even though he’s talking about Canada. BDS truly knows no limits.

3 Heartland_Patriot  Sat, Mar 21, 2009 7:16:55am

I’m surprised that the fascistic suppression of opinion in Canada seems to gather momentum despite recent Mark Steyn case. Cheering the suppression of those with which you disagree seems all well and good, until you are the one with an unpopular belief or value. If you don’t believe in the freedom of speech of others, don’t be surprised to find you no longer have it yourself only after you realize how much it matters.

4 Mike P  Sat, Mar 21, 2009 10:40:43am

Galloway’s opinions aren’t being suppressed, he’s just not being allowed into the country whose soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan by Islamists which he supports. Steyn was interrogated in an attempt to squelch his opinions, which were published voluntarily and did not advocate killing Canadian troops. There’s a big difference.

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