Biff  Feb 17, 2008 • 5:22:00pm

You need to refer to the author’s blogsite at
It seems that he does not feel that he is at liberty to disclose the complete geneological research on Obama because he does not feel that he possesses the property or contractual rights necessary to disclose the information verbatim. He infers that he was hired to conduct this study, possibly by News Corp., and he does not have their authorization to publish his complete findings. It also seems that the entity which hired him to conduct this study has thus far failed to disseminate the results. The author contends that he is making his best effort at revealing the result of the study (i.e. that Obama is only 6.25% African-negro by ethnicity, and is actually 43.5% arab and 50% caucasian), without distributing information or property to which his does not have license to distribute.

[deleted]  Feb 17, 2008 • 5:27:33pm
Biff  Feb 17, 2008 • 5:44:09pm


[deleted]  Feb 17, 2008 • 5:47:56pm
Biff  Feb 17, 2008 • 5:57:46pm

The point of the article is that the EEOC (?) requirement for designating someone as Afro-American is that they must be of at least 1/8 African-Negro (black) decent. African-Negro is apparently distinguished from Arab decent, regardless of the Arab being from Africa or Asia.

[deleted]  Feb 17, 2008 • 6:02:58pm
Biff  Feb 17, 2008 • 6:25:55pm

Agreed, though the fudging, in and of itself, should be a problem.

[deleted]  Feb 17, 2008 • 6:33:34pm
Joshua (not a hamster) Scholar  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:30:08pm

This race crap is 19th century pseudoscience anyway.

I wonder if mankind ever get an updated version where candidates, instead of talking about their “race”, get their DNA sequenced and upload that data for public inspection.

Anyway this is nonsense.

zombie  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:57:12pm

This story was debunked on the other thread.

He was appears the be 100% “black” — i.e. sub-Saharan African.

I disagree with Joshua’s assertion that “This race crap is 19th century pseudoscience anyway” — that’s a moonbat fallacy that everyone knows is a fallacy but feels to embarrassed to admit it. Races do exist (proven repeatedly with DNA) — but there is no “hierarchy of races.” That part is indeed 19th-century pseudoscience. It is simply anti-scientific to ascribe qualities like “better” or “smarter” to groups of people, since those terms have no measurable meaning, and more important because it is the fundamental point of evolutionary biology that terms like “progress”, “improvement,” “better” and so on violate the essential principles of how natural selection works. There is only “adapted to a new ecosystem.”

Anyway, that’s a side point. Check out the photo of Obama’s father and tell me what race he is. Arab? Forget about it.

This story needs to die a quick death.

zombie  Feb 17, 2008 • 9:20:59pm

He was appears the be = His father appears to be

That was the weirdest combo-typo ever!

Joshua (not a hamster) Scholar  Feb 17, 2008 • 10:07:18pm

I disagree with Joshua’s assertion that “This race crap is 19th century pseudoscience anyway” — that’s a moonbat fallacy that everyone knows is a fallacy but feels to embarrassed to admit it. Races do exist (proven repeatedly with DNA) — but there is no “hierarchy of races.”

I get your point, but I don’t think that moonbats are less racist that everyone else, otherwise what are “black studies”, what is “black history month” for, etc. etc.

Really I would like to see Americans focus much less on race.

For a couple of years my roomates were all from Kenya. I had no problems with them, but when we rented to an American black women, suddenly I had to deal with her racial hostility toward me. American race attitudes are an American problem not a racial problem.

Sometimes people look too hard for racial differences and hallucinate them. I remember one study on heart disease where there was a statistical difference between black people and caucasians. Someone tried sorting the data by income rather than by race and found a larger difference. correlation != causality etc. But in the United States, we keep track of medical statistics by race much more often than by income.

Karridine  Feb 18, 2008 • 12:36:45am

I (and Mr Lamb before me) did NOT POST THIS in order to examine Obama’s race.

The whole point of the post is that Obama is holding himself up as an African-American, when in truth he is something other than that. Obama, in his own autobiography, sets himself as something he is not, and creates other ‘autobiographical events’ out of broadcloth…

The crux of the matter is that Obama is consciously lying about himself, and dissembling and falsifying and obfuscating… in order to position himself to grab the levers of power we make available to the American president. THAT’s the point of Lamb’s article, Friends.

RedinCAf  Feb 18, 2008 • 10:48:55am

This is just one more reason why I’ve always disliked the term “African American” - everyone in America with dark skin did NOT come from Africa. This term seems to divide people of color instead of unite them. We call white people white, why not call black people black, and brown people brown? I wish we had no need to designate people by color, but we’re not there yet.

As far as this story is concerned, Obama cannot be held responsible for how people see him or refer to him, but when he speaks about his race he should be honest and forthright. If he’ll obfuscate that in order to get elected, what else is he willing to fudge about?


claire  Feb 20, 2008 • 9:35:09am

There are a ton of reasons not to vote for Obama. Being Black (or whatever) isn’t one of them.

Being a Marxist is.

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