ParanoidPyro  Feb 19, 2008 • 9:35:09pm

All of this uproar over cigarettes, and yet alcohol, which does far more damage to people than ciagerettes (especially drunk driving vs. second hand smoke), isn’t touched (probably due to the prohibition episode in our history).

If you’re gonna ban tobacco, then ban alcohol; otherwise ban neither. (and even though I neither smoke nor drink, I don’t think either should be banned)

RickD  Feb 19, 2008 • 9:40:53pm

The author contends that this is the govt against the smokers. He is simply wrong. This is what the people want. The people want to be able to go to a restaurant or bar and not inhale smoke. The people who work in restaurants and bars want to be able to go to work and not inhale smoke. That’s it. The anti-smoking ordinances are favored by over 90% of people in the places that they come up for a vote. Nanny state has nothing to do with it.

Student of Objectivism  Feb 19, 2008 • 10:51:36pm

The author thinks that the gov. shouldn’t have the power to force private property owners to adopt certain policies such as things, I assume. If people want the laws is not the point.

Yackums  Feb 20, 2008 • 7:55:51am

S of O:

Are you saying that if the smoking ban passed a referendum, the author would accept it?

If so, why would he not accept a legislated ban? I concede that a ban by executive order would remain illegitimate, but the legislature is elected by the people and their legislation — theoretically at least — reflects the will of the people. How is that nannystatish?

(In short, what RickD said.)

I assume the author is also in favor of the wholesale legalization of drugs?
(Not sure whether or not I am, but if he’s being consistent…)


Superstitions Rejected  Feb 20, 2008 • 12:32:39pm

The author glosses over the habit-forming qualities of cigarettes, which of course, contain nicotine. The highly addictive properties of nicotine have been exhaustively documented. Further, modern cigarettes are a highly engineered product designed to deliver controlled doses of nicotine in quantities precisely tailored to sustain addiction in the majority of smokers. This has also been documented to great extent, both in the patent literature, scientific literature and in court testimony. Everyone knows smoking is physiologically addictive and how difficult it is for the majority of smokers to quit; it’s not quite right to say an addict is smoking “voluntarily” unless they are exceptionally strong-willed. I’m not saying personal choice doesn’t play a role here, but quitting smoking is not so easy as skipping fast food from now on.

Smoking is a public health issue and regulation of it is justified, at least in my opinion, by (1) the combination of harm + addictive properties to the smoker; (2) the harmful effects (stinging eyes, stink on clothes, health effects) on nearby non-smokers, especially in closed spaces and even more so in spaces where workers are captive.

As far as the idea that property rights should trump laws restricting the “right” to smoke, I don’t see smoking enumerated in the Constitution. Property rights, also, have never been absolute. Depending on the location and use they are subject to various zoning and permitting, noise ordinances, etc. It’s true that non-smokers could easily avoid bars, restaurants, etc where smoking was prevalent. But it’s equally true that smokers could easily step outside to smoke, or smoke before or after their meal. I don’t see one way or the other as infringing on someone’s “rights”, but restrictions on smoking seem to make more places inclusive to more people.

Student of Objectivism  Feb 20, 2008 • 7:59:19pm


Student of Objectivism  Feb 20, 2008 • 8:08:54pm


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