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1 Stanley Sea  Thu, May 20, 2010 12:08:03pm

He also questioned “liberal” outrage to the statements of Mark Williams of the Tea Party.

At some point you have to ask whether liberals are being played for suckers by reporting on every “outrage” from a low-profile figure who wants to outrage them.

I don’t know what he’s on today, but he’s losing any clout he had as a centrist.

2 Stanley Sea  Thu, May 20, 2010 12:25:36pm

He’s pissing me off today, big time. Just tweeted questioning why James Clyburn was considered a civil rights icon. Tweeted later, “I stand corrected on Clyburn, thanks all!”


3 wrenchwench  Thu, May 20, 2010 12:46:48pm

I suspect that Weigel is sure that Rand is not a racist because Weigel agrees with him (in a principled Libertarian way) about private business, and Weigel is sure that he himself is not a racist, so why would Rand be one. [Don’t forget, Weigel hoisted a few with RS McCain around Christmas. He’s probably not a racist either….]

4 Gus  Thu, May 20, 2010 12:58:10pm

This is most unfortunate for Weigel since he showed some promise. Right now I would classify this as unprofessional on his part.

It should be noted that Weigel had previously supported Ron Paul. He’s also been at a party (America’s Future Foundation) with Robert Stacy McCain who recently Tweeted the following to Weigel:

@CalebHowe @daveweigel GOOD NEWS: Charles Johnson at LGF now slamming Rand Paul as “anti-abortion fanatic” = #ProLife street cred #tcot

Not the kind of thing one would expect from someone under the employment of the Washington Post.

5 wrenchwench  Thu, May 20, 2010 12:58:13pm

re: #2 Stanley Sea

He’s pissing me off today, big time. Just tweeted questioning why James Clyburn was considered a civil rights icon. Tweeted later, “I stand corrected on Clyburn, thanks all!”


Did you see this tweet?


Nice: John Stossel goes to bat for Paul. [Link:…]

I guess all the libertarians need to stick together.

6 Why I Never!  Sat, May 22, 2010 5:41:28am

re: #5 wrenchwench

I guess all the libertarians need to stick together.

That’s exactly what I think is happening. Even Matt Yglesias had some sort of mealy mouthed defense of Weigel’s take on Paul. Which isn’t so much because Matt’s a libertarian (he isn’t AFAIK) but because there’s that little group of up and comers in DC blogging that stick together— Yglesias, McArdle, Klein, Weigel. But the libertarans definitely have a blind spot when it comes to defending ‘one of their own’ and it’s been popping up in unusual ways over this Paul flap.

But as we’ve discussed before, you’re dead wrong about that RSM take.

re: #2 Stanley Sea

He’s pissing me off today, big time. Just tweeted questioning why James Clyburn was considered a civil rights icon. Tweeted later, “I stand corrected on Clyburn, thanks all!”


yeah. exactly. Weigel is only 29 I think— every once in a while, it becomes pretty clear.

7 Why I Never!  Sat, May 22, 2010 5:43:52am

re: #4 Gus 802

This is most unfortunate for Weigel since he showed some promise. Right now I would classify this as unprofessional on his part.

It should be noted that Weigel had previously supported Ron Paul. He’s also been at a party (America’s Future Foundation) with Robert Stacy McCain who recently Tweeted the following to Weigel:

Not the kind of thing one would expect from someone under the employment of the Washington Post.

You can’t control who tweets what at you.
Weigel is some sort of libertarian. I still think he’s a good reporter on the excesses of the right wing— his beat at WaPo.

8 Renaissance_Man  Sat, May 22, 2010 8:09:26am
At some point you have to ask whether liberals are being played for suckers by reporting on every “outrage” from a low-profile figure who wants to outrage them.

What? Seriously, what?

The entire Rightwingosphere, blogs and radio and TV alike, lives solely on outrages made up by low-profile figures trying to outrage them. It is the be-all and end-all of their existence.

Celebrate small victories in Afghanistan? Not when we can be outraged at the President’s Christmas ornaments!

Consider the relationship between government and corporations in the wake of Wall Street disasters, mine collapses and catastrophic oil spills? Not when we can be outraged at the President going to his daughter’s soccer game!

Have a substantive conversation about health care, and by extension the role of entitlements? Heck no! We have made-up death panels to be outraged about! And a census too!

The Rightwingosphere has gone beyond ‘asking the question’ as to whether they’re being played for suckers. They’ve embraced it wholeheartedly, ready to froth on command at the simple mention of any Pavlovian keywords.

There’s a point where pointing fingers at others while ignoring the log in your own eye is just tiresome. And then you can leap past that point, to the point where you’re just projecting flaws that are all your own.

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