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1 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sep 4, 2010 12:23:20pm

Funny, then, that it was Christians who persecuted Jews far more than Muslims over the ages.

2 Buck  Sep 4, 2010 12:41:46pm

Perhaps due to Christians being around for a lot longer. However that is irrelevant.

The post is talking about medieval texts dictating and inspiring the lives of people today.

The Christian Bible vs the Koran….. which is inspiring more hate for Jews today?

3 Samson  Sep 4, 2010 1:08:05pm

re: #1 Obdicut

Yes, that is correct. Christians have had far longer to do it too.

However, that does not mean that what is written in this essay is not fundamentally also correct. Jews have historically been tolerated, albeit as second- or third-class citizens, in Muslim lands for many reasons. Not least among these has been the view of Islam that Judaism (and Christianity, for that matter) are monotheistic religions and people of the book. That said, the status of Jews in Muslim lands varied considerably over the ages, never as bad as the worst things got in Christian lands, but never as good as the best either.

In any case, there is a reason that the Arabic and Muslim middle east has been swept nearly clean of Jews, and it isn’t just because of political disagreements about the nature of Israel. Jews had lived in Iraq, Egypt, Yemen and everywhere in the middle east long before Islam. The Jewish communities in Iran and Iraq, soon to be non-existent, survived for more than 2500 years through good times and bad. Jew-hatred has, however, sadly, become endemic to the entire middle east. Jews have either been forbidden to enter or live in Muslim countries (yes, Jordan) or would find life too dangerous to stay (latest example of many, Yemen).

Am I exaggerating? Just read any Arabic or Muslim newspaper from around the middle east (or anywhere in the world, for that matter), preferably not in a watered-down English-language version. What you will find is an endless stream of demonization, blood libels, phony conspiracy theories, gross fabrications and distortions and death threats directed toward Jews, Israel and the west. Cartoons that depict Jews as blood-thristy monsters, television shows aimed at children that explicitly call for death to the Jews, it’s all there to read just a few mouse clicks away right this very moment if you wish. Need any help? And no, that argument that it’s just Israel that they have a problem with, not Jews, won’t work.

In any case, plausible deniability will not work here either. The evidence is so widespread and so compelling that no argument could just explain it away. The Israeli press is just as bad you say? No, I don’t think so - most of the Israeli press is so liberal (think Ha’aretz) that even the Israel-hating crowd at The Guardian enjoy reading it.

Let’s be honest, there is a problem here, largely religiously based, and it goes something like this. The Arab and Muslim worlds will never accept a Jewish state in the middle east, not in any form, not with any borders. Jews have been conditionally accepted as second- (or third-)class citizens in Arab lands in the past, but this would no longer be the case even, and especially if, Israel ceased to exist. Yes, Jews have suffered historically suffered worse abuse at the hands of Christians than Muslims, but the west has evolved in this respect while the middle east has actually become worse.

4 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sep 4, 2010 1:15:05pm

re: #3 Samson

You’re conflating politics and religion— in the exact same way the Muslim leaders in the Middle East do.

Way to go.

5 Samson  Sep 4, 2010 1:17:13pm

Ire: #4 Obdicut

I’m not “conflating” anything. I’ll stand by my comments.

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